
Andrew Okosun (coachandy) Quotes & Sayings:

Andrew Okosun

Location:Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria, Nigeria
Occupation:Social Worker, Fitness Coach
Experience on Earth:65 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 3 Years 11 Months
Short Bio: Chartered fundraiser for nonprofit, capacity builder, program / project monitor & evaluator. certified fitness & karate coach

Andrew Okosun Quotes

1-11 of total 11 Quotes
If you can lie down instead of fainting, lie down. If you can sit down instead of lying down, sit down. If you can stand up instead of sitting, stand
-Andrew Okosun

Inspirational Truth

Pains from physical exercises are the sacrifices you make now to prevent future pains from Pains from physical exercises are the sacrifices you make now to prevent future pains from..

We all can decarbonize and improve waste management by eating less, exercising more and sharing We all can decarbonize and improve waste management by eating less, exercising more and sharing..


Knowing and understanding yourself is intelligence. Mastering yourself is real wisdom. But knowing, Knowing and understanding yourself is intelligence. Mastering yourself is real wisdom. But knowing,..

Inspirational Philosophy Success Truth

Knowing and understanding yourself in personal intelligence. Mastering yourself is personal wisdom. But knowing, understanding and mastering others
-Andrew Okosun

Inspirational Success Truth

To dare to be in shape, fit and strong is to be healthy, young and beautiful. To dare to be in shape, fit and strong is to be healthy, young and beautiful...

Beauty Life

Eating daily and not exercising daily is simply disobedience to God as a Christian. For Gen 3:19 Eating daily and not exercising daily is simply disobedience to God as a Christian. For Gen 3:19..


As many people that believe and practice minimum physical activity as exercise, will surely receive minimum: fitness, health, strength, endurance,
-Andrew Okosun

Physical exercise is definitely not a waste of your time, but physical inactivity is obviously a Physical exercise is definitely not a waste of your time, but physical inactivity is obviously a..

If you practice walking, home or office chores as exercise, you are either a patient, a If you practice walking, home or office chores as exercise, you are either a patient, a..

Whatever reason for your not exercising now,  your future self will ever regret and blame you for it Whatever reason for your not exercising now, your future self will ever regret and blame you for it..
