
Beauty Quotes, Beauty Picture Quotes & Quotations

Beauty Quotes Pictures

Pay attention to What fascinates me It Pay attention to What fascinates me It's not your beauty It's your habits..

Life Love Relationship Short Wisdom

The beauty of book can never determine it content.. The beauty of book can never determine it content....

Education Life Philosophy Wisdom

If the Destination Of life is death, why not take the scenic route? If the Destination Of life is death, why not take the scenic route?..

Death Life Short

Life Death
Age does not question beauty. Only man. Age does not question beauty. Only man...

Age Inspirational Life Love Philosophy

Life Death
Being dead inside means no amount of help can ever cure you again. Being dead inside means no amount of help can ever cure you again...

Death Life Sad Short

Being Help Dead
beautiful people are not always good but good people are always beautiful.. Beautiful people are not always good but good people are always beautiful....

Short One liners

People Beautiful
If my flight were to crash, I wouldn If my flight were to crash, I wouldn't want to miss the take off. It could be the last beautiful..

Imagination Philosophy Positive Attitude

Want Beautiful Miss
In a world this beautiful and teeming with opportunities, it In a world this beautiful and teeming with opportunities, it's extremely insecure to be hostile to..

Anger Change Optimism Wisdom

World Beautiful
It's like standing on a ledge wanting to fall.. then realizing the beauty of the view, so you step back. Further away from the edge. Then when night..
-Hilary Mayes

Change Failure Life Fear

Beautiful Beauty Walk Night
The most chilling realization is becoming aware that nothing is forever, there by appreciating and The most chilling realization is becoming aware that nothing is forever, there by appreciating and..

Philosophy Wisdom

Day Beautiful Forever
we should not judge ourselves according to society's definition of beauty or what they regard as beautiful because at the end we all have different..
-Melissa mhluzi

Confidence Life Youth

Beautiful Beauty Different Judge
I wake up early to appreciate the beauty of the world before all the A**holes wake up and spoil it. I wake up early to appreciate the beauty of the world before all the A**holes wake up and spoil it...

Funny Optimism Witty

World Beauty Wake
beauty originates from our inner-most self-confidence Beauty originates from our inner-most self-confidence..

Short One liners

Self Beauty Confidence
It It's totally like dating a mermaid ; they need to be dry to have legs, then you can't make them WET..

Funny Happiness

The meaning of beauty is abolished when your appearance is based on the eyes of others The meaning of beauty is abolished when your appearance is based on the eyes of others..

Life Wisdom

Everyday is a beautiful day, the clouds are just hidden art work in the sky sent by the Universe. Everyday is a beautiful day, the clouds are just hidden art work in the sky sent by the Universe...

Dreams Happiness Imagination Inspirational Life

Day Work Beautiful Universe Everyday
 I have no desire to be loved by anyone. My only desire is to love myself enough I have no desire to be loved by anyone. My only desire is to love myself enough ..

Confidence Desire Heart Love Witty

Love Desire
If you won If you won't embrace your curves.. can I?..

Computers Funny Short Witty

Love Desire
I am strong because I know my weakness, I am beautiful because I am aware of my flaws, I am fearless because I learn to recognize illusion from real,..
-Rebecca Ann Totten

Confidence Courage Dreams Happiness Heart

Know Beautiful Hate Learn Strong
Most people cannot see beauty because they look at it from their eyes instead of their heart. Most people cannot see beauty because they look at it from their eyes instead of their heart...


People Heart Look Beauty
I move ahead to get some gain, some stay at one place to get the pain I move ahead to get some gain, some stay at one place to get the pain ..

Change Sad Short Time Truth

Pain Place Stay Gain
Calling me FAKE won Calling me FAKE won't make you REAL, Calling me DUMB won't make you SMART, Calling me WEAK won't..


Beautiful Strong Fake Weak
why is it that, a person Why is it that, a person's imperfections tend to disappear when they have money?..

Funny money

I sometimes don I sometimes don't get when girls say they are not pretty when they clearly are. To be HONEST, there..

Heart Life Love perspective

People Being Difference

Top 10 Beauty Quotes

The beauty of a warm heart shines brighter than even the prettiest face.- Derek L Purser The diamond with so much blood shed upon itself shows that imperfection is still valuable - Rafael GomezReal beauty is through thought and deed- Dr N Sai Bhaskar ReddyWe all can only love beautiful things, but time has the charm to make anything look beautiful.- Lokesh giriPeople know beautiful things without studying the theory of aesthetics.- mohdmustafa99As beautiful as she was, she never knew what beauty was.- Mr. EnglishInstead of posting beauty through our pics.. we should take the time to post beauty through our words- SLESHEIA NEAL Beauty is a flamboyant spectacle, it never goes unnoticed - Wayne ChirisaBeauty, style and luxurious life can now be bought but respect is still priceless.- Hasnat ChChildren Have The Potential To Change Even The Most Irredeemable Of People- SunofYah913

Life + Beauty Quotes

Life Quotes When we start understanding things as they are, life seems easy but also pale, then comes the urge to make life beautiful. - Lokesh giriIsn't it beautiful to hope wonderful things are awaiting us in the future? - Lokesh giriThe ultimate respect you earn from a woman is through her heart, not her body - Farhad DastoorWomen are like onions, you have to pull us back one layer at time to find the beauty underneath all of uneven things in our lives. Also to find out who we are for what we truly are and what we wanna be known for. - Susan JohnsonEverything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. - Rebecca Ann TottenConsumerism is psychological and emotional abuse disguised as a gate-way to happiness. - Iris PhilipWe are plants. We need water, food, sun, and we grow - Eric Scott Tolman JrSkin makes the difference, otherwise everything underneath is just flesh and bones.. - Dr N Sai Bhaskar ReddyThe meaning of beauty is abolished when your appearance is based on the eyes of others - awesomejj101Regardless of what you want & desire; what's for you will find you. Anywhere. Anytime. - Vardz77The beauty of life is- you will always know where you're not meant to be.. - Vardz77Beauty comes from within, it shines bright inwardly with outer radiance - Carmen Lesley SpeakAlmost no animal sees a mirror in its life, but they all look beautiful.. at least there is no relative comparison among themselves.. as much as we humans do.. - Dr N Sai Bhaskar ReddyWhat Person Has Time To Hate When There are So Many Beautiful Things In The World To Explore - SunofYah913Pay attention to What fascinates me It's not your beauty It's your habits - ashutosh kumar upadhyayNothing is special, yet there is specialness in nothingness. - Tejas chemateIf you can not see the beauty of life, then you can not see the beauty in you. - Marcquiese BurrellInner beauty glows day by day..! - Jenifer Y"If people surrounding you are constantly reminding you how beautiful life is then you're missing out a lot" - chaima belhediIn fact what you say and what you do shouldn’t be contradictory , The beauty of life is to have both corresponding to each other - Irfan Mamoun MDCarrying ourselves with a feeling of elegance and nobility releases the energy of our inner beauty! - Adrian McGinnWhen he says he talks to the Moon about my beauty everyday alone,I say that I talk about him to the living demons in my head to make a way to the moon with him :) - KRUTHIKA CHIDAMBARANATHAN"In the tapestry of life, every individual thread weaves a unique story, reminding us of the beauty found in our diversity." - Ramon Riveraalmena"In the tapestry of life, every individual thread weaves a unique story, and together, they create the beauty of humanity." - Ramon Riveraalmena"In the tapestry of life, every individual thread weaves a unique story, and together, they create the beauty of humanity." - Ramon RiveraalmenaNever feel that your mother is looking ugly at her old age .If you feel so,go infront of a mirror there you can feel her beauty - Jeevan GeorgeDistractions come from hips and heels. - Anthony T HincksThere is no price tag on nature's splendid beauty, as it fills and thrills everyone in any given territory! - Howard HannifordEven turmoil has its beauty. - Anthony T HincksYou only see half the beauty in the world. - Anthony T HincksBeauty welcomes the day as an old friend and so should we. - Anthony T Hincks“Outer beauty fades with time, but the inner beauty is forever.” - Syed Badiuzzaman"Don’t show off your beauty; show off your talent." - Syed Badiuzzaman

Inspirational + Beauty Quotes

Inspirational Quotes Every country has beauty.. but it's the people that make it beautiful! - Michael LynchBeauty is more than skin deep. Beauty radiates from deep within. The innocence of a child. The love in someone's heart. A willingness to help others. The desire to make the world a better place. Someone painfully knocked down in life, who gets up, smiles, and continues to blossom. - HOWARD MANNInstead of posting beauty through our pics.. we should take the time to post beauty through our words - SLESHEIA NEALSunday is the day of the sun, a day for us to shine, letting our internal beacons of beauty and love light up our way forward! - Adrian McGinnThere can be beauty in the midst of chaos, and whole beauty can come out of chaos! - Adrian McGinnA natural smile is the face of inner beauty and exchanging smiles we become one even if just fleetingly! - Adrian McGinnBe joyful, Be thankful, Be purposeful, Be beautiful. - Aisha S KinguWhy will beauty ever lie in the beholder's eye? It's lies in yours! - HarmonyEmbracing the journey allows us to find beauty in the ordinary and purpose in the unexpected - Wisdom Quotes ZoneEvery living thing in the world has its own talent and beauty. When you blame your own talent and beauty and try to be like others, The result will be disappointment. - Jervice CJThe world deserves its share of beauty. - Anthony T HincksYou didn't need to ask to be given beauty because it was given without anyone ever asking for it. - Anthony T HincksTrue beauty lays in the actions of who you are. - Anthony T HincksNo matter how many times I watch the birth of a new day, I still want to get up early tomorrow and see it all over again. - Anthony T HincksIn the oceans, beauty swims free. - Anthony T HincksThe beauty of reading lies in its ability to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. - Aloo Denish ObieroPhysical beauty in a woman is the very last thing that attracts a blind man to her. He simply doesn’t see it. - Nkwachukwu OgbuaguNature doesn't choose its beauty. - Anthony T HincksPhysical beauty in a woman is the very last thing that attracts a blind man to her. He simply doesn’t see it. - Nkwachukwu OgbuaguLet the quiet beauty that lies deep within us illuminate our path as we navigate our life’s journey! - Adrian McGinnThe eye of kindness sees beauty and the potential of beauty in high definition! - Adrian McGinnWe can see our inner beauty and goodness only through our own lenses! Through the lenses of others it may become blurred! - Adrian McGinnLuck has nothing to do with true beauty. - Anthony T HincksWe all have beauty inside us, the world awaits this beauty to come forth! - Adrian McGinnLuminosity from nature, from the sky, from beauty inspires our own light to shine forth! - Adrian McGinnBeauty is everywhere, inside us, in people, in nature, in art, in truth, in kindness etc.! - Adrian McGinnThe three greatest gifts bestowed are the feeling of love, the sensing of beauty, and the giving of kindness! - Adrian McGinnThe universe needs to experience the beauty that is to be found in your heart. - Anthony T HincksBeauty resides not just in perfection, but in the authenticity of the imperfect. - Aloo Denish ObieroThe pinnacle of beauty is kindness. - Aloo Denish ObieroIn simplicity lies the elegance of true beauty. - Aloo Denish ObieroIn simplicity lies the elegance of true beauty. - Aloo Denish Obiero

Confidence + Beauty Quotes

Confidence Quotes Beauty isn't just from the looks.. it is also from the heart. - miah garciaI eat like a monster but I look like a model. - Jaime omar perez BerganzaI point out my flaws not because I hate them, but because I accept them. - Baely Gabrielle AskinsBeauty and Confidence are similar things. First can be bought in Beauty Parlors, but later one should be earned. - Sunil Kumar S BYou are stronger than you think, wiser than you know, prettier than you see. Believe in yourself! - Noelle MeghanI may not be that pretty, not smart, not even very good at sports or the most popular or skinny kid, but this is me and I am very proud to have my kind of life. - Haley BachelorI am strong because I know my weakness, I am beautiful because I am aware of my flaws, I am fearless because I learn to recognize illusion from real, I am wise because I learn from my mistakes, I am a lover because I have felt hate AND I can laugh because I have known sadness - Rebecca Ann TottenSome roses flourish faster than the others, but after time the seemingly sweet petals will reflect their thorns and the time will come for the other flowers to be admired - Emma NoelRemember that competition breeds animosity - Iris PhilipBeing Beautiful is not about someone's appearance, it's about the purity of their soul. - Sam CencerAs a confident Woman you feel that nothing will look better on you 
Than your own skin - Nancy Almeida I have no desire to be loved by anyone. My only desire is to love myself enough - Alanah M FreedmanDress well because you can; not because its a choice imposed on you - Wayne ChirisaWe should not judge ourselves according to society's definition of beauty or what they regard as beautiful because at the end we all have different perspectives and what matters the most is how you perceive yourself. - Melissa mhluziMy skin might be dark, but my soul and heart is even brighter and whiter than the white cloud up in the sky! - Patricia PaulThere's nothing to change about you. God made you in his image. You are tall? good. You are short? good. You are fat? good. You are skinny? good. You are white/ Black/ Hispanic? good! you and only you, because nobody gonna love you like you love yourself - miracle mikeal greenIf there were no valleys in life what would the view look like when you're in the mountain? The beauty of life is the Mountains and the Valleys. - Nazzim HypoliteBehind a beautiful face and pretty things are dark pasts and grave secrets. Underneath pretty clothes are deep scars of the past. Behind the curtains of these long lashes were eyes that have shed tears, that almost made my breath to halt. I'm a masterpiece painted by pain, heartbreak, grief, lies, abuse and betrayal. So who are you to decide my worth? I am my own priceless possession. - Jasmin Adviento Beauty is a flamboyant spectacle, it never goes unnoticed - Wayne ChirisaLife is like fashion its a mix of high and low end, its like everyday is a winding world. Own the aisle walk with comfort and confidence, wear your accessories of support in projecting the uniqueness self. Deal all inequities with contour, beauty and elegance - joan san juanConfidence is a God-made tiny chip planted in those that have it. If you’ve never had it in the past, don’t hope to have it in the future. Money, beauty and power do not ensure it. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Short + Beauty Quotes

Short Quotes Never test people if they truly love you by trying to be less beautiful. - Tra LalalicOuter beauty is as common as the stars in the heavens; but inner beauty radiates like the sun. - Eddie HarrisThere does not exist a word 'Impossible' for those who believe in the beauty of their Dreams - Farhad DastoorAppearance is easy to achieve than real qualification and qualities. - Dr N Sai Bhaskar ReddyIf we focus only on outer beauty, we refuse to see the great things wrapped in small packages. - Kunmilade AdedokunA stylish woman uses her assets, she never exhausts them. - Wanja KnightonBeauty originates from our inner-most self-confidence - Hanifa Fatima LiwandaEveryone is beautiful in their own way, if people tell you different, then they are the ugly ones - Skully MacTavishUgly people don't get pretty by torturing pretty people - Clary FrayBeautiful people are not always good but good people are always beautiful.. - suhana husainEvery girl's beauty is like a rose that is fully bloomed - zurielaWomen are of three categories: the beautiful look, the beautiful conduct, and the neither. - mohdmustafa99Nostalgia is but beauty of the pastime and past time. - mohdmustafa99Nothing like a privacy, stress about the standard of Beauty - Inspiro - Neo i39

Heart + Beauty Quotes

Heart Quotes You can not create perfect love if you were called by somebody's beauty rather than by the force of attraction between the two hearts - bransby moloko Beauty doesn't come in the form of a person, it comes in the form of a heart - Michelle KingThe beauty of a warm heart shines brighter than even the prettiest face. - Derek L PurserI sometimes don't get when girls say they are not pretty when they clearly are. To be HONEST, there is a difference between being pretty and being attractive to certin people. - Obed CeballosBeauty is one percent appearance, and ninety-nine percent love. - Jamie RussellMost people cannot see beauty because they look at it from their eyes instead of their heart. - shiza shahid a good HEAD and a good HEART are more important than a good FACE or a good FIGURE, but of course all FOUR would be nice to have - Andi Imelda Syamsuddin RiveraTrue beauty is found within the heart and is not with looks. The heart is what makes someone beautiful. - Caelob BodanLove. The only natural drug that can alter perspective without adding anything external. - Robin ThillyA great character will always make you more attractive than someone who has a great face, but no character. which people will be willing to build a space for you in their heart. Thus, beauty catches the attention, but character catches the heart! - JuniblazeThe beauty, grace, and glory of her heart Reveals the heavenly treasures of God, Of life, nature, the universal art, And to show the world all is true, not fraud! - Joshua Aaron GuilloryBeauty is the sensing eye of the heart! - Adrian McGinn

Funny + Beauty Quotes

Funny Quotes Why is it that, a person's imperfections tend to disappear when they have money? - Lesibana MakgaiBeauty lies in the questionable eyesight of the beholder - bornagainA girl will never carry the same look for the second time, the one which made you fall in love with her - Farhad DastoorOn why I believe in manscaping: It is always important to prune the shrubs, it makes the house look bigger. - jerry biernWomen are like flowers, each with different color, design and beauty. The problem arises when men act like gardeners. - Naqibullah PaimanYou are beautiful and don't thank me thank god he created you! - Noble Da GeniusIt's totally like dating a mermaid ; they need to be dry to have legs, then you can't make them WET or they will have the fish tail back on.. No point! - Toufic Z. HamzehThe peacock is not colored by Darwin. - mohdmustafa99These THREE FEMALES saw me.. and they NECK BROKE from going into a 360.. the ambulance had to come, I'm DANGEROUS.. - Babi ShakesI wake up early to appreciate the beauty of the world before all the A**holes wake up and spoil it. - Karl McLean Some ladies are very beautiful to the extent that makes you look at them twice. - mohdmustafa99Everyone can't be beautiful. We wouldn't be able to tell each other apart. - The Quoted Iris

All Beauty Quotes

Elegance is in simplicity.- Ayush gulatiThe human body is simply the most beautiful complexity.- Daniela IsmerioI've always had my eyes open and had only seen DEATH , it wasn't until I opened my heart I saw LIFE- Cory Michael Adkins wear clothes to cover yourself not to color yourself- AijazLife is more beautiful when beautiful friends are around you.- Bizz LamichhanePeople may recognize your face but they get to know your heart.- Dana Jo GraslieThat girl may be prettier than you, more popular than you, richer than you, can have everything she want but you still can be more beautiful if you had a beautiful heart and soul.- Amarysti KardiWho cares what people say, You are beautiful and we should live life to the fullest. No matter how long you're here for. Life is wonderful. Remember that everyone's beautiful on the inside and out. Including you.- Rachel AshleyWhen all seems lost, it isn't. That is the beauty of the mind and soul.- Elysia B Beauty alone, will only satisfy so little - ABDULAZIZ Al DABAANColor and beauty are only appreciated with eyes, but characters attract the hearts.- Adnan AliWhat I see in others is a reflection of myself- Benjamin MoellerYou are not what others want, you are what you are.- Brandon McCullochYou may be young, you may be old, Your hair may be, the color gold. Everyone is special, in their own special way, You may be a boy, you may be a girl, You may like to wear, a shiny pearl. Everyone is special, in their own special way, This is my quote, the one that I say.- Bethany Hope SkinnerBeauty comes from the inside not the outside, everyone is unique and pretty in their own way.- bryce diasYou know you have accomplished something in life, when you leave memories for someone else.- Loretta Avery'Beautiful life' is a pack of irrational beliefs- Lokesh giriThe flames of love burns bright when I look in your eyes. I miss seeing those eyes.The beauty you hold combust my flames of love for you Ochie.- Reward ZingwinaA man who does not know the meaning of true beauty, will forever be surrounded by ugliness.- Anthony T HincksReal beauty cannot be hidden beneath a veil.- Anthony T HincksIf you need to hide, why would you do it within such beauty?- Anthony T HincksNight is full of beauty that the day wishes to keep silent.- Anthony T HincksThe future blooms for those who see the beauty in their dreams and take action.- Srinivas MishraPollution was a manmade solution to combat beauty.- Anthony T HincksBeauty exists on so many different levels, that we forget which floor we're on.- Anthony T HincksIntelligence plus beauty is the true quality of a good education- Mavis BikaweiWe all have to define the key to our some it is good school grades, maximum creativity, excessive energy , outstanding beauty of attraction , command of language ...,quick mind and to some everything is about our background to be born connected..!! Different approaches ..!!!- William SebunjeYou may create the perfect setting, but nature creates the perfect beauty.- Anthony T HincksGod, didn't just leave you in the wilderness, he left you in beauty.- Anthony T HincksSociety only sees beauty within its own mirror.- Anthony T HincksReal beauty doesn't remain lonely for long.- Anthony T HincksBeauty can be found in everything and everyone.- Anthony T HincksNever forsake the beautiful for the brutal, keeping beauty always in our life keeps our heart free of hate!- Adrian McGinnBeauty is an asset, no doubt. A youthful asset only, for old age and beauty have no diplomatic ties.- Nkwachukwu OgbuaguDiscovering the true key to happiness involves finding joy within yourself, for yourself. Embrace the beauty of your journey of happiness.- Marcquiese BurrellAround the world, men and women who are blessed with beauty are like tower clocks: they are few, and therefore, hardly escape people’s notice.- Nkwachukwu OgbuaguBeauty can be appreciated on any given day.- Anthony T HincksEven an electrified fence can't keep out the beauty of a new morning.- Anthony T HincksSometimes you just have to stop and admire the beauty.- Anthony T HincksA window carries the beauty in on rays of sunshine.- Anthony T HincksMan's beauty lies in an ocean of hope.- Anthony T HincksBeauty in art does not get old.- Alexander R PovolotskyTastelessness destroys the beauty.- Alexander R PovolotskyWhen beauty ends, the beauty of deeds remains.- Tamerlan KuzgovThe essence of creativity transcends the ephemeral nature of existence, for it possesses the power to weave together the scattered fragments of our being into a cohesive tapestry, akin to a cinematic masterpiece, allowing us to behold the raw beauty of our lived experience. Manmohan Mishra- Manmohan MishraShe's either like Butterflies that she gives me, she can't catch sight of her wonderful Wings.. or like Flies, she fails to remember her Beauty after a short period, as she makes me do with my problems...- Afriad kamalEven in the dourest moments, the ability of our imagination to make beauty come alive for us, to talk to us and to inspire us is immeasurable!- Adrian McGinnImagination is our magic! It is where dreams, beauty, creativity, and inspiration start!- Adrian McGinnYour beauty is the exact image of God radiantly displayed from the pyramid of His Glory in You.- Dr Ikoghene S AashikpelokhaiIf your beauty can be measured by a measuring tape, that measuring tape will not be found.- Dr Ikoghene S AashikpelokhaiYour beauty is what attracted me to your heart.- Anthony T HincksPlaying a guitar is like embracing a beauty , singing a melody !- Vivek SahneyFlowers & Animals add beauty to the nature but humans are the only creatures who withdraw the beauties for the sake of enjoyment..- Sourav MishraHuman nature is not designed to be perpetual - Malik Ahsan AliI love everything that makes me more human.- Nischal Lal ShresthaIf you want to put on clothes that people like, you need to neutralize your likeness.- mohdmustafa99When I look at the ocean all I see is beauty, when I look at the moon I see perfection, when I look at the stars in the sky I see love. When I look into your eyes I see greatness.- Dianna MartinezThe beautiful tree grows where trees do not grow.- mohdmustafa99 Rivalry does not make someone better nor does it make them worse, it keeps them the same, but with respect for others, they grow as a person - Om jayArchitects have no social life, we sacrifice to create it for YOU- Fadi A TohmehBeauty is not in your face but in your heart- Lakshita negiAll of us are moving in the speed of light from the perspective of another galaxy.- Norbertus Krisnu PrabowoI've made it to the alarm clock And I've made art- Jasen cordiero'looks' will only tell some of her story - but her personality will tell you everything about her- G SwissOuter beauty can be changed, but no one can change the inner beauty.- Hajra AnsarSeeing is believing and believing is beautiful- Sheryl MooreHope lets me recognize true beauty even in its darkest form.- Ulises RodriguezShe dreams awake. Sleep-walking through hate and awakened by love.. She is, I am, a Designer's Original- L ParkerWhen you are a wood-worker and life hits you with a fallen tree, you don't just leave it there. You make a beautiful piece of art- kyle and sarah s quotesYou attract me like a flower but flower has its limits unlike you.. !- lakshmiSometimes you just need time to gain the courage and bravery to open up and love again..- Vardz77Keep your heart clean with love for all.- Habibullah KhanAnd nothing can be more captivating than the waves hitting the shore- shivangi lavaniyaBeauty pertains with everyone. It's just the perception that defines the differences.- shivangi lavaniyaForgetting to put your brows on in the morning is like forgetting to wear a bra.. not happening!- g marieYour beauty and love arises over me.- Joe CervantesNever think you're different, never think you're normal, normal is a word in my dictionary- Genevieve Elizabeth Johnson I saw your eyes twinkle, when you were in love.- KRUTHIKA CHIDAMBARANATHANWhen I hold camera, I find this world more beautiful.- Bizz LamichhaneYou really never know how things will work out, so never wait, never anticipate, follow your heart and trust all will work out for the best.- Vardz77Music is a stronger and better intoxication than Alcohol.- Suyog PotdarMan-made is beautiful, God made is wonderful.- Kowsalapathy SaravananWhen beauty is all you see, how can life NOT be good?- Melia GullottiOnward and ever forward we go.- Logan StarBeauty is an advantage. But do not use it to take the advantage of others.- bishwo_basnetPeople will walk around not liking you simply because you're weird, you're most likely to learn more from someone who is weird than ordinary- Ashley FrancisI won't channel my mind to what society has taught me instead I'm going to teach society something.- Ashley FrancisA lipstick decorates teeth.- mohdmustafa99Live the impossible and unfold the beauty of life- Leticia Garcia AlcalaWe demean prostitutes in the day, undress them at night. It's the hollowness of us blessed ones, our justice and our might!- Ayush DhingraYou are beautiful in every single way, never ever ever let anyone, I mean no one tell you different- blueprincessswaggBeauty is when the soul remembers what the mind has forgot, and without such beauty my mind cannot rest.- Ralph HarlowI believe it's a Beautiful Struggle, not an Ugly Life- Alanah M FreedmanThe only beauty in life is what you have to search for.- Eric Scott Tolman JrActual beauty if we seek , is internal and it leads to a exciting journey called life..- mahendrasinh zalaBeauty is a feeling, not a vision. you may dress it up to make a design But a design without a feeling is unfinished.- Patrick CarterLooks aren't everything in a relationship, its your inner beauty that counts.- becky plantRemember that wherever you are or whatever you are feeling, GOD knows.- Mojtaba SaraiThe gentle touch of a cool breeze on your face. A slight howl from the wind. A refreshing smell in the air. It relaxes & calms the soul. It can make your sense of sound, smell & touch orgasm! If you can just get your sight and taste senses going, you will have experienced one big pleasurable orgasmic orgy of the senses- Jaxy GruberBecause the beauty of your soul beats up the beauty of this world..- Daleen IrshaidOriginality is one of the most valuable things that you posses.- Sarah BridgesUgly is so beautiful when it happens to someone that deserves it.- Miranda Louise MeredithWho says that you can't be yourself? Trust me.. It's much more satisfying.- MuzeI rather be appreciated for my mind than lusted for my body.- NyrvaBeing beautiful is the unwritten rule in the world we live.- Tra LalalicLet's be real, beauty does matter.- Tra LalalicAnimals have rarely seen their own faces, but they understand their beauty through community response.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar ReddyYou don't need makeup to look beautiful.. you'll look artificial- Viviana GonzalezWhen the sun shines, I see nothing. When the sun sets, I see beauty. When it hits dark, I feel comfort.- Magaly ToledoIt's not about the amount. It's about the condition of the heart.- Meagan Lynn GervaisMost people search for miracles, leaving no stone un-turned, but never find them. Therefore, losing faith in God. But miracles are defined all around us whether it's through chance or a deep desire of hindrance. Like the miracle of new life; the innocence of a baby in a world full of madness.- Meagan Lynn GervaisNothing is more beautiful than the concept of beauty and belief in its existence.- Lokesh giriWithout imagination we all would have missed a beautiful life - Lokesh giri

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