
Destiny Marie Lastname (czarpenguins) Quotes & Sayings:
Destiny Marie Lastname

Destiny Marie Lastname

Location:Montreal, Canada
Experience on Earth:29 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 9 Years 8 Months
Short Bio: Hey.. I'm CzarPenguins, but call me Czar or Des. I came because I wanted to share my quotes with the world. I also enjoy the band 5 Seconds of Summer. I'm 19 years old. That's it pretty much. Oh yeah, I'm Canadian

Destiny Marie Lastname Quotes

1-16 of total 16 Quotes
It It's okay to be a glowstick; sometimes we need to break before we shine...

Find something that makes you happy and don Find something that makes you happy and don't let anyone take it away from you. - Luke Hemmings..


I would rather look at a clock and wish a day would never end, than look at a clock and wish the I would rather look at a clock and wish a day would never end, than look at a clock and wish the..


Believe in yourself, and you Believe in yourself, and you're already halfway there...

Dreams Faith Hope

Music is my escape from reality Music is my escape from reality..


Rain or shine, people always want food. Rain or shine, people always want food...


If it is to be, then it is up to me. (say to yourself) If it is to be, then it is up to me. (say to yourself)..

Goal Success

You don You don't know what you have until it's gone...

Sad Wisdom

Prayer is the key to heaven, but faith opens the door . Prayer is the key to heaven, but faith opens the door ...

Inspirational Religion

I I'd want to date a boy who's had his heart broken. That way, he'll know how it feels and won't..

Heart Love Truth

The door to your heart is locked until you find that someone. The door to your heart is locked until you find that someone...

Heart Love

Love is like a rose; it almost always dies. Love is like a rose; it almost always dies...

Life Love

Dear haters: I'm sorry if I'm ugly, I'm sorry if I'm fat, I'm sorry that I'm not tall enough for you, I'm sorry that I don't like what you like. I'm
-Destiny Marie Lastname

Anger Hate Sad

I I'm a good girl with bad habits...

Funny Love

Friends are like earbuds: when one falls out,you always have the other Friends are like earbuds: when one falls out,you always have the other..


Happiness is a gift, you just need to have enough hope to receive it. Happiness is a gift, you just need to have enough hope to receive it...

Happiness Hope Inspirational
