Anger Quotes Pictures

If you become angry with someone, take pause & look at your inner self...
Business Computers Confidence Courage Death
Look Self
We always want to give people a piece of our mind rather than have peace of mind..People Want Mind Peace Give

Let the blade that's lodged in your heart, tainted with hate and despair .. Be banished and wiped..
Forgiveness Hate Heart Love Poems
Love Heart Hate
Master your LIFE & your PAIN or become a victim of it....
Forgiveness Inspirational Life Sad
Life Pain
Fighting fire with fire only makes the flame grow...
Life Philosophy Short Wisdom One liners
Grow Fire
When a fight break out, learn to choose your words carefully because naturally humans will obey the..
Friendship Life Philosophy War Wisdom
Grow Fire
In a world this beautiful and teeming with opportunities, it's extremely insecure to be hostile to..World Beautiful

If the only thing you have to throw away your problems with is a boomerang, just make sure when..
Failure Funny Inspirational Peace
Need Bad Wait
Bite the hand of any government that it feeds you propaganda...
Funny Inspirational Politics Witty
Thoughts are like knives. They can be used to trim flowers, to keep them healthier, or cut them..Keep

I don't know, where do I find the courage, to be such a coward!..
Courage Failure Funny Life Sad
Know Find Courage
Sorry means nothing if you've done nothing to change your actions...
Change Forgiveness Friendship Life Wisdom
Some fail because of their fear, some improve by turning fear into anger, and some conquer by..Fear Fail Anger Determination

To keep anger and fear outside the mind one should learn to be at peace with oneself..
Peace Philosophy Short Wisdom Fear
Mind Peace Keep Learn Fear
Let's not tear one another down but build each other up.. determine to make someone's life better..
Forgiveness Friendship Hate Love Marriage
Life Build
Hypocrites are more creative in devising ways to criticize others but are equally deficient in..Character

When you get impatient with someone, slow down and do something kind, that makes you feel better..
Happiness Inspirational Optimism Patience Peace
Feel Anger
Only those who can not channel their anger hate system for what it is, one should only try to..Love Change Try Hate Anger
Top 10 Anger Quotes
Anger is desirable only when it's intentional.- Lokesh giri
Gentle talk has life, it heals.- Akpan Okpongette Essienimo
Life is two tragedies : not to revenge, and to revenge.- mohdmustafa99
Your Age is not the only qualification for others' (my) respect.- Selva Kumar
No matter how the matter goes runs it until you master the race base on the truth and reality of nature- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Hunger is God made, Anger is man made.- Kowsalapathy Saravanan
Ice melts when heated; Eyes melt when cheated- Dharaneesh sonu
Anger to anger is fuel to fire, Love to anger is water to fire.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
In the event where we can't be lovers, we can't be friends.- Howard Hanniford
Turning and staying bitter makes you lose more than what or whoever caused you to..- Vardz77
Hate + Anger Quotes ⇑
Hate Quotes
I wanna forget you while you are still fresh In my head. - Rick Daune Gibson
I'll hate you today for what you'll do tomorrow - Rick Daune Gibson
Anger and hate aren't the same when you have anger you want to yell at people and fight a lot, when you have hate you just want to stay away from every one - kyle rahmer
In order for you to insult me, I would first have to value your opinion. - Rebecca Ann Totten
A non-violent man is usually the most violent. Why? because he contains his rage within him till he can no longer take and frees the beast within. - Albert James Rara Arthur
Once the beast is released from my soul, I don't know what to do, I hide from the judgment and whither where I stand. - Danielle Rose Yates
Love, joy, peace, and happiness are just illusions. Don't make the mistake of believing in the trick - Danielle Rose Yates
The Dove or the raven.. the dove who taunts.. the raven that haunts.. which one will willingly show.. the dove or the raven.. which one is my foe? - Danielle Rose Yates
I'm tired of putting a smile on my face so I can please other people.. why can't I frown and show my true emotion and be accepted? - Danielle Rose Yates
You couldn't speak the truth, if it climbed up your throat and crawled out of your mouth. - Cory Powell
You can turn almost anything around and be angry with someone for it, but really, who wants to be that bitter?? - Dana Jo Graslie
We are well skilled to exchange hate because our Arab nomadic culture refutes the perception of love. - mohdmustafa99
Being hypocritical: some people never get tired of it - Dirk Johannes Botha
I'm so sick of lying, because when you do I'm slowly dying. - Sarah Grace Shackett
Misery loves company because misery is always the loneliest - G Swiss
Religion is an angry pool of bitterness - Joshua Aaron Guillory
We always want to give people a piece of our mind rather than have peace of mind - KISHORE WIZZY RAMDATH
What I have gone through and going through because of you,you could never compensate that.I just hate your existence. - kristin borgohain
Life + Anger Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
Live with anger all your life and you will have dagger in your heart in no time. - ajith CHEMPARATHY
In this cruel world, I prefer to be an a**hole than have my ass kicked by a**holes - Hafiz Ahmed
Thoughts are like knives. They can be used to trim flowers, to keep them healthier, or cut them from the roots - Edmond H Sweidy
Balance is how much you can handle before you go nuts! - Edmond H Sweidy
Before you become angry at someone, think of something good the person did for you in the past. - Nana akwasi
Turning and staying bitter makes you lose more than what or whoever caused you to.. - Vardz77
Fighting fire with fire only makes the flame grow. - Lockeheart
Ice melts when heated; Eyes melt when cheated - Dharaneesh sonu
We will all experience pain, hurt & disappointment - it's just that certain ones are strong enough to still maintain complete control in the mist of it all - G Swiss
Never make an ANGRY man more ANGRY - uday kumar
It's much better to be nice than mean because being nice gets you more than being mean to people. It also forms connections. Being mean to people only sours you as a person. Being nice makes your life better and the life of others better and you don't end up regretting anything. - David Figueroa
Life is beautiful, nice moments won’t recur, so avoid anger, debate and talk kindly with all people - Irfan Mamoun MD
Pain isn't an excuse for anger, it is a cry for understanding. - Anthony T Hincks
Being positive about actively acknowledging our difficult emotions like sadness, anxiety, or anger allows us to continue to grow! - Adrian McGinn
Being positive about actively acknowledging our difficult emotions like sadness, anxiety, or anger allows us to continue to grow! - Adrian McGinn
Inspirational + Anger Quotes ⇑
Inspirational Quotes
Ignorance can sink a soul, arrogance will drown it. - Spirit Roc
Some fail because of their fear, some improve by turning fear into anger, and some conquer by turning anger into determination. - Hunter James
Being respectful can defuse nearly any volatile interaction. - Bret Todd
Anger to anger is fuel to fire, Love to anger is water to fire. - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Anger can take from you what you use a thousand years to build in one second of anger. - ojingiri hannah
It is best not to eat the food made from anger. - Anthony T Hincks
Be not still in a raging torrent. - Anthony T Hincks
Not all water flows under a bridge. Some settles in pools waiting to be emptied. - Anthony T Hincks
No tears are ever wet with anger. - Anthony T Hincks
Anger always leaves a frosty wilderness in its wake. - Anthony T Hincks
What you take out of man when you put anger in him is animal. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Harness your anger, lest it harness you. - Aloo Denish Obiero
A moment of anger can undo years of wisdom. - Aloo Denish Obiero
Bitterness, unchecked, is a wildfire that consumes the soul. - Aloo Denish Obiero
A moment of anger can shatter a lifetime of peace. - Aloo Denish Obiero
Anger is a fire that burns the holder more than the target. - Aloo Denish Obiero
Failure + Anger Quotes ⇑
Failure Quotes
I can always tell when people are lying. That's why I don't lie. Because I'm afraid people can tell when I'm lying. - Lorreda C Smith
Two damages caused at once is not as bitter as one damage caused twice - DRS
We all feel sadness and fear, but some of us live sadness and fear. - Danielle Rose Yates
I opened my chest, exposing my heart to you. You turned away, for in your eyes, it was a gross atrocity. - Kelley Chaplin
Damn you who tells me that sleep will heal my mind as you are telling the legless that running will heal his - Joel Johnson
Pain and misery are two different words, which both hurt. - Oscar Auliq Ice
Deep down a broken heart, all the sadness one can bear is misery. - Oscar Auliq Ice
If the only thing you have to throw away your problems with is a boomerang, just make sure when they come around again, you duck. - Jessalyn Roussin
Sometimes you just need to be silent, and wait for the bad phase to get over.. - Ankit Kedia
The anger increases, as my self-worth decreases - harley
Madame! I don't have a common name for what you have cooked. - mohdmustafa99
All Anger Quotes ⇑
Every brick I've used to build my wall is not yours to break.- Imraan Van Kesteren
Instead of trying to see the change in the numbers, try seeing the change in yourself.- Raygan Tinea Woodward
Work on your attitude and change yourself into a better person before destiny does.- Dalal Yousif
Don't hold onto anger, bitterness and resentment, it has the power to hinder your well-being and happiness for the rest of you life if you let it. Acceptance and forgiveness is difficult but it is a lot easier than a lifetime of self-punishment and misery.- Iris Philip
Funny thing is, when I get pissed off I make sense.- David Figueroa
It's not so bad when you have nothing to fight for.. than you have nothing to lose.. it's worse when you realize you are not worth fighting for..- Slavko Strangar
Arrogance is no substitute for Competence!- John M. Smith
Society changes the weak - ABDULAZIZ Al DABAAN
Those who are quick to draw up conclusions are also quick to blunder into their destruction.- Thai Thach
People who smoke bring death in breath.- ajith CHEMPARATHY
Hate is stronger than love! When you hate someone you give them your soul- Gabby Ramos
When someone is trying to help you; don't push them away because you'r afraid or mad.- josh ryan woods
The nastiness of the world, is carried by mouth.- Anthony T Hincks
Some animals were meant to stay as animals.- Anthony T Hincks
No flame exists without its heated temper.- Anthony T Hincks
Don't throw your compassion out the window and let your stubbornness run over it.- Anthony T Hincks
Raised voices will never raise hopes.- Anthony T Hincks
Anger is for one. Stubbornness is for one. But love? That takes two- Karina Holosko
Anger should never cloud your judgment or affect the decisions you make at work.- Luke Shen Tien Chi
Hatred grows exponentially when it is fed with anger.- Anthony T Hincks
Words will always assault the ear drums.- Anthony T Hincks
Be Careful When God Grant Your HEART Desires In ANGER. What HE gives in ANGER HE takes away in WRATH- Jeremiah Nartey
Pandora's Box should never be opened in anger.- Anthony T Hincks
Tempers can flare hotter than the sun given the right temperatures.- Anthony T Hincks
It is natural for a person to say a word that makes people very “scared”, but we call that anger, and with time it will pass- Ibrahim Al Hassan
And he said... crazy in love and not in anger.- Anthony T Hincks
And he said... ...while you are sharpening your words, your enemy will be sharpening his sword.- Anthony T Hincks
And he said... not carry a piece of straw unless you are expecting to meet an angry camel.- Anthony T Hincks
An individual lacking productivity often finds themselves in a state of unhappiness, anger, and disillusionment. In some instances, their behavior can even become potentially hazardous. They may resort to tactics aimed at diminishing others as a result of harbored resentment and insecurities.- Marcquiese Burrell
The day turns to night when darkness descends.- Anthony T Hincks
No one is angry with you; but they always expect a reason to be...- Sanji Paul Arvind
Words covered in chocolate won't always leave sweet thoughts of happiness in your mind. Some may leave a bitter taste on your tongue.- Anthony T Hincks
Do not set anger on a journey of no return.- Anthony T Hincks
We all have that 'point of no return. ' The one deep in our souls that makes us crazy with ANGER. That point, when the slightest push would be adequate enough to send us over the edge. We ALL have that point of no return.- The Quoted Iris
Angry at someone? Consider the following plan: 1) Bite your tongue & shut up. NOW! 2) Determine what they did to piss you off. 3) Come to your senses, idiot! 4) STFU, apologize & MOVE ON!- The Quoted Iris
Logic is the biggest enemy of anger.- ameya agrawal
Fools can freely make us laugh, and can make us confused, but they must be trained not to make us irritated.- mohdmustafa99
The main cause of rage is losing temperance.- mohdmustafa99
Sarcasm is a caricature illustrated by words.- mohdmustafa99
Anger comes with loads of expenses, only the wise can minimize the cost- Uwagbae Nosa Lucky
A pen can be well used or misused. In whatever case , the political system judges.- mohdmustafa99
There's no need to throw away knife that wounded you rather than to caution how to handle it..- Aye Aye
I hurt myself on the outside, to kill the pain on the inside.- The Quoted Iris
Why do we focus on society's concept of learning just to get through a set year? We should be expanding into the endless realms of reality delving into the deepest pits of unrelenting knowledge, yet we're stuck in the endlessly looping paradox that is modern schooling, robbing everyone equally of the astronomical potential realms in which one could succeed and make immense breakthroughs.- topestKeking
You're such a doll - pretty, fake and soulless- Irene Parker
Please go away. You may see my shell of a human; but deep inside, there is a growing corruption; and it can't be remedied.- DonsaHedgecoth
I'm tired of trying, i'm tired of hoping, i'm tired of waiting, but i'm still here, smiling- Jamie Isobel Pelagio
Not all people are able to hide their anger in their smile, but some are able to hide their anger in their words- Ephlahim Mdemu
Justice Prevails is a bigger myth than a happy wife & a good neighbor- Ritesh Ranjan
I look to my right, I see there is nothing left, I turn to my left to find out there is nothing right.- projectwahtnext
It is easier to be attached in uninteresting matters than to be detached in interesting ones. - mohdmustafa99
Tomorrow is now Yesterday and all of the worries are now gone because yesterday was not changed when it was tomorrow.- Rev Ernie Urban
Negativity uses a lot of energy.. use it on something positive.- Norman O\'Regan
I am a bad man, I am a bad person, my whole life my mother asked that I never become like my father, nonetheless I failed her, I failed everyone in the worst way, for no matter how I've tried I've become all that I've strived not to be, I am my father, I've become my father and so much more, I will no longer bother with trying to beat it, for fighting it is like fighting quicksand, the more I struggle the deeper I am swallowed by the shadow of him, I will no longer try to love or live life, because I know I am my father, I have become what I hate most through some sick twist of fate, a card i've been dealt of which I cannot discard, like a sickness tied to my very soul, I am toxic poisoning everything in my path, like King Midas if his touch had been like the fangs of a viper rather than that of the golden touch. I now truly believe that the proverbial Apple does not fall far from the tree, almost all men are destined to grow into their father's shadows and sometimes even grow darker- chad daniel thome
When angry, her vocabulary power increases remarkably.- mohdmustafa99
Play up anger , but don't be a good actor.- mohdmustafa99
The furrowing of one's brow begins the plummet to mindlessness in veiled thoughts- Adam Silverfstrand
Pride is a lie for I would want to talk about. Pride is a power for I am eager to possess. Pride is a death for I would love to die again- Phuc Phan
Ego is the fundamental pillar of end of relationship.- zainab
He who favors his fragile dignity over his body is bound to break both.- Diton Elbaliava
My heart wants you.. But my mind denies you!- Apeksha Christian
Frustrated mind can be dangerous but I have always been a peace lover so I always win my fight against me.- bhushan madhukar meshram
You can't control how people treat you but you can definitely control how you choose to react- bhushan madhukar meshram
Love, a necessity that I could never afford- Simbarashe Masamba
Be not fearful of your anger but fear it becoming uncontrollable.- Victor Courage
Don't follow those people who laughs at you every time for each mistake you did.. follow those people who help you even though you did mistakes and tries to help you when everyone is against you- turairao rakesh
Absence of anxiety brings happiness more than absence of sadness does.- mohdmustafa99
Everybody is right depending on the level of Knowledge, experience and thinking.- Stanley Kelechi Onwuemene
Dreams are so nice but only few come true and that's just reality- Jose Cruz Gomez Jr
Release it (the bad) and receive it (the good).- Jean Renee Porter
One night's cough can bring you curses from your neighbors more than cancer did in thousand nights.- mohdmustafa99
Calm waters sooth souls, rough waters attract angry spirits . walk softly or fall hard. its your choice- drew sheehan
Don't cry like a baby, over what you haven't defended as a man.- Kaue saides
Vengeance is something you expect from me, but I will not do as you wish, because you broke my expectations and made my eyes bleed. Instead, I will leave you just as you are, because living with yourself will be the biggest punishment and the rest, destiny will see..- Purva
When you are doing things to better your race you are called a racist When you are doing things to better your gender you are called a sexist When you are doing things to better yourself you are called an egoist When you are doing things to better your community you are accused of being clannish When you are doing things to better your soul you are called weird Pulling yourself and others together on any level for any reason is one of the most threatening things one can do. There will always be someone to criticize or even lie to try and rob you of your efforts and reputation. Always expect resistance, push back and blockages, but NEVER stop doing things better.- Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S
Love is your perception, it is just your point of view. Just because you see it, doesn't mean it's true.- Cory Powell
Don't even bother being mean, one day it will all come back to you, you just wait!- Ellie duck
I'm not here to convince you. Your ignorance is your own problem.- Inna Shirokova
Only the people who know true pain.. can hear the screams and whimpers.. and take the blame for the lost weepers.- Danielle Rose Yates
Be different, Be the smile in the room, Confidence is mostly found in being yourself - Nancy Almeida
The best synonym for beautiful.. is you- Liliana Ruiz
Don't teach your father 'HOW TO F**K???'- Nitesh Rawat
Whenever you feel envy, remember someone out there is envying you.- Iris Philip
Don't Step Where You Can't Walk.- John K
Don't just chase the outer beauty, chase the inner beauty.- Hafsah
Depression, anxiety and panic attacks are not a sign of weakness. they are signs of having tried to remain strong for too long. did you know that 1 in 3 of us go through this at some point in our lives?- Rebecca Ann Totten
When you are not accepting the truth.. that state is called anger- palash sarkar
Chaos is the force of revenge- Josh Darosa
I hate you because you make me miserable. you hate me because i make you miserable. maybe there would be less hate if we just left each other alone.- Ella
Carrying bitterness and anger in our hearts immobilizes and stagnates our lives. Refuse to allow those seeds of unforgiveness to sprout spreading the spirit of malice and retaliation. Nothing is more powerful than just determining in your own heart to let it go and set them free, for in doing so you set yourself free.- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
Sometimes I just want to scream.- Rena Eepling
I am not short tempered. my temper infact lasts slightly longer each time I flip my lid.- bornagain
When your heart is overloaded with regrets, anger and sadness, you cry out all the pain, When your heart is overloaded with joy, freedom and love, you cry all out with tears of joy. But when your heart feel both emotions at the same time, what kind of tears do you cry out then?.. Neither of them. I feel nothing. All thoughts and feelings disappear and my mind goes blank.- Karolina
You are like a rose. Beautiful inside and out but over time deteriorate, you and your fine qualities fall slowly and gently- Karolina
There must be some weakness in my friendship, which let her pass one day without me.- Digbijaya Mohanty
Don't repeat the bad things, when you try to stretch something more than its strength , it spoils it.- Adnan Ali
Don't let your mind and your anger ruin your heart..- jannitzy martinez
Most famous people who have life easier than most are destroying their lives, while bums on the street are trying to survive even when their lives aren't so great- Paskemin
If your fist is the size of your Heart and two fists together be the size of your Brain, Violence is definitely not the answer- Klavin John Barry JR
Anger acts like instant power booster- palash sarkar
Falling is just the beginning, getting yourself back up is the hard part- nina brophy
Never take revenge on someone; for it will never solve warfare.- Basil Tong
When I look at her my heart stops beating- Isaiah Roemello Solano
The greatest gift you can give someone is to understand them.- Regan Howard
Don't bother painting the world prettier for its true color is painted by evil and all you can do is watch the display of man painting its own world.- adsfsad safdsafsad
You're an animal, and that dog is a human. What's the difference between us?- May
If I couldn't do anything in the world for him, I'd do anything in the world to forget him.- Meagan Lynn Gervais
I'm already on edge. Don't push me.- Meagan Lynn Gervais
I'm not gonna be walked all over. Step on my toes and I'm done.- Meagan Lynn Gervais
When things get tough remember that the one you thought you loved left you for this reason.- Alex Craige
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