
Jacob Mason (fuzzylogic) Quotes & Sayings:

Jacob Mason

Experience on OwnQuotes: 12 Years 3 Months

Jacob Mason Quotes

1-8 of total 8 Quotes
Bullshit questions deserve bullshit answers. Bullshit questions deserve bullshit answers...

Optimism Truth Witty Wisdom

You can You can't determine the integrity of the entire pasta by tasting only one noodle...

Life Truth Wisdom

As long as the majority of the populous is lacking in intellect, false belief systems will be As long as the majority of the populous is lacking in intellect, false belief systems will be..


"Most people don't believe god can be real, for one can not touch, see, or feel him... Those people are oblivious to the fact that even the solidity
-Jacob Mason

Faith God Religion Science

"If you forget to set your alarm clock, you "If you forget to set your alarm clock, you're running the risk of a rude awakening..." ~ Jacob M..

Life Time Truth Wisdom

"You guys will probably listen to me say anything, wont you. :p Like puppies eating out of my hand "You guys will probably listen to me say anything, wont you. :p Like puppies eating out of my hand..


"If you ever find yourself wondering whether or not you came up with a quote first... Don "If you ever find yourself wondering whether or not you came up with a quote first... Don't :3" ~ J..

Freedom Funny Wisdom

"we don "we don't live in the universe, the universe lives in us." ~ Jacob Mason..

Faith Imagination Philosophy
