Time Quotes Pictures
Sometimes people choose not to believe something because it is not what they want to be true...
Anger Business Computers Confidence Courage
MatterAs you age, your voice becomes quieter. The more you live, the more humble you become. Realizing..Matter
Working within the confines of time, is the magic maker. -DrTJ/Thomas John, MD..
Inspirational Life Philosophy Short Success
MatterSuccess comes when you realize you are the driver of the train for which you are waiting for...Success Realize Waiting
Time is precious, Time is cruel. Time makes new memories, Time makes us crazy with thoughts. Time gives us love and laughter, Time gives heart ache..
-Candace Easton Love People Know Time Heart
-Candace Easton Love People Know Time Heart
I know that I do not know, and uncertainty, certainly, is the cruelest of words...
Change Death Faith Failure Life
KnowThe new currency of the 21st century is not money, it is time..
Business Goal Leadership Life Short
Time MoneyDon't waste time. Don't let a minute pass doing nothing or doing something that is not as per your..Time Want Wish Hold Waste
I have no image of how graveyard is, only fool to be fool watering democracy and their thought only..
Education Faith History Patience Philosophy
TimeThe reason we cannot go back in time is because the only direction for time is the future...Time Future Reason
How can we possibly ENJOY LIFE.. when we spend most of OUR TIME giving it away.. Work SMARTER Not H..Life Time Work Enjoy Giving
You know you have lived life to the fullest when you have no regrets about anything you have done..Life Know Past
Life is like a puzzle. Only if you fit the pieces to the right places, you will see the beauty of..Life Beauty
No matter how much tough the situation is, our 'intent' must be positive...Matter Positive Situation
Top 10 Time Quotes
Time doesn't change even if you change your watch- maulik
We live our mortal lives for small immortal moments- Daniel Madden
Don't do things because you have time but do it because its worth your time- Joseph
Don't do things because you have time but do it because it is worth your time- Joseph
Don't wait for an auspicious day to do something. Instead do it now and make today's day auspicious- Shreyas
Marriage is a hunting permit that entitles you to only one dear at a time.- vikrant
Everyday is a beautiful day, the clouds are just hidden art work in the sky sent by the Universe.- Gabby Ramos
The human greed has made some parts of this planet like a paradise & other parts just a hell. One world, one time, but not the same chances. Ebrahim Hemmatnia- Ebrahim Hemmatnia
When yesterday falls and gets a scar on her face, tomorrow learns, stands tall and remains beautiful..- kgabo Sarah phildine Mothotsi
Time is insensitive, it bears no malice or favor; you cannot sneak up behind it, or ambush it. Your only choice is to reach far to your end of it.- Ed Wachtel
Life + Time Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
I never had time to understand what life is, I was busy living. - Lokesh giri
When I look back, I feel I was stupid yesterday, would I feel the same tomorrow about today? - Lokesh giri
If we spend too much time focussing on tommorrow then we might well miss out on today. - christine sharland
There is a great relation between Proximity.. Money.. Satisfaction.. & Promotion. We want all, but in practical all are inversely proportional with reference to time. Need for one, may lead to devastation of others. - Pramod PJ
Memories last longer than moments. - Kassandra Elizabeth Correia
The greatest value is what you are having at this moment, this time, this life - Kazeronnie Mak
Burning lovely memories is always too tough! you need to burn your soul before the act. - Farhad Dastoor
The power is not in the words of a man, but in its meaning - Farhad Dastoor
Don't spend Your Time on something You don't care, better spend on something you care - Marija
When I needed the world and my peers to answer a question, I was answered with complete silence. - Jordan Scalice
We are not equal, life is a pyramid. - Kyle Bannister
Don't let the past beat you up, because you won't be able to handle the strength of the future. - Dalal Yousif
The human greed has made some parts of this planet like a paradise & other parts just a hell. One world, one time, but not the same chances. Ebrahim Hemmatnia - Ebrahim Hemmatnia
Reading my diary of teenage years made me laugh at myself for I cared too much about the things that didn't matter and cared less for the things that did. - shiza shahid
Marriage is a hunting permit that entitles you to only one dear at a time. - vikrant
How you use today determines how tomorrow will use you. - vikrant
As much as you might not like it, the clock you look at everyday at home or at school or at work it is counting down your life every second of every hour of every day. - Jabari Turner
We live our mortal lives for small immortal moments - Daniel Madden
It is only the 'past' that can bring smile on the face, future is uncertain so it seldom has that power ! - Sarad S Dhungel
This life is like a sea, it's either you swim or drown - Brayne Matshotshi
Time is usually all we need. It's underrated.. - Vardz77
How can we possibly ENJOY LIFE.. when we spend most of OUR TIME giving it away.. Work SMARTER Not Harder.. - Babi Shakes
Life is full of mysteries, only time will solve and they become history. - Howard Hanniford
Sometimes the hardest Thing Can't be the right thing at the same time - Jessy Gulbertson
Life is always in a shape of 'Y'. At times you arrive at the crossroad and there you need to make the tough decision. - Piet Ntema
Moments In time are not ours to own, they are meant to be shared. - Ana White
Life begins at the end of nothing and end at the begin of everything.. - Kayode Seyi Tayo
You fear two days: Yesterday when you gave a promise, and tomorrow when you have to fulfill it. - mohdmustafa99
Get your work done on time, later your life will have a soothing chime - Manu Shukla
Today is yesterday's tomorrow. - Get Essay
You'll know a man by his personality, who they hang around, and their overall lifestyle. - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Fate moves mountains - Vivian DAlmeida
If space is everything and everything is space, and space is everywhere, how can anything be new? What's new is only a manifestation, appearance, or discovery of the old! Empty space is in every thought and idea, every feeling and emotion, and heart and mind, etc. ! Everything contains empty space and everything is empty space, even rocks - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Work is great , therefore you must not consume it all today. Spare a part of it for tomorrow. - mohdmustafa99
Keep in mind the path to love is ALWAYS a straight line.. ALWAYS, then we choose to step off the road. It is not the road we are on it is the time we spend off, we find our self alone - Randal Lewis
Eat however and whatever , but bear in mind that we won't have a famine tomorrow. - mohdmustafa99
Live life at its fullest so that there won't be lesser joy in older ages - Malik Ahsan Ali
Let the past generation be proud of their past since we did not create them good present. - mohdmustafa99
An eraser shrinks every time it erases. This may happen with you every time you try to correct others when they make errors. - mohdmustafa99
The past is well secure but the future remains in limbo. - Joe Cervantes
Renewal is good but it doesn't mean restarting. - mohdmustafa99
Life is the structure of time, time is the structure of life - oluwagbenga segun
No one can manage his/her life serenely because today's dealings are not yesterday's. - mohdmustafa99
I'm not who i'm by accident, I'm incident of now, not coincidence.. - Aye Aye
Grief lives as long as a bubble lives - mohdmustafa99
Calendar date is meaningless, at all time you can do it. - ease berry
Don't waste time on anyone who has no time for you. Don't waste time waiting for miracles from the universe. We brought nothing when we were born and we take nothing when we die. Enjoy time here and now making the most of what you have in life. - Chitra Withane
If you have time, it is the best solution to every problem.. - Rajiv Jain
As you age, your voice becomes quieter. The more you live, the more humble you become. Realizing how much time was wasted on useless activities. - Marcquiese Burrell
Do not tempt the gods to upset the sand in your life. - Anthony T Hincks
Time changes for those who take off their watches. - Mark A Gardner
Time passes before my eyes. Life without you becomes empty, and sorrow deepens. - Luke Shen Tien Chi
“Time” measures the movement of your thoughts. - Mark A Gardner
As I Travel Time, I See The Mist of Another Pathway. - Mark A Gardner
Life is too short & we have a very long time to recognize & come to terms with this fact before it becomes an inevitability… - LYGAS
Legacy is not the echo of your name but the light of your deeds that outlives the shadow of time. - Aloo Denish Obiero
Enjoy Your Current Timeline, It’s the One You are CHOOSING to Travel. - Mark A Gardner
The Tunnels of Time, a Cosmic Ride in the Quantum Potential - Mark A Gardner
Funny + Time Quotes ⇑
Funny Quotes
'Now' is the good time to do almost anything. - Lokesh giri
Our lives are messages to the world waiting to be read. - Monica
A meeting is an event where minutes are taken and hours are wasted - Timothy Michael Long
Take your bed; it's time to lie not to lie. - mohdmustafa99
Why be in a hurry ? scientists took thousands years to discover that there was life on Mars few billion years ago. - mohdmustafa99
Years ago, by carrying too much money with you, you could be assaulted. But today, by carrying too much money with you, you could get arrested. - Samuel E. Villegas
I have to drink a lot of water before bed because I don't have an alarm clock. - mohdmustafa99
Two chances must not be missed for having tranquility: a party to be absent , and a meeting to reject participating. - mohdmustafa99
A mad person is that who has become insane preceding you in arriving at this condition. - mohdmustafa99
Ignorance is darkness of both night and daytime. - mohdmustafa99
Do not 'Aprilify' my foolishness, nor 'Augustinize' my temper. - mohdmustafa99
Money can buy love. Every time I go shopping I buy things I love. - mohdmustafa99
A bald doesn't get rid of his old combs because he hopes that 'history repeats itself'. - mohdmustafa99
A corrupt is a magician who can steal money without seeing it at the time of theft. - mohdmustafa99
I want my family members and others I call that use horrible telephone rings to answer quickly. - mohdmustafa99
Many times , I speak to some people for the first time , I wish it will be both, the first and the last. - mohdmustafa99
Having time or not having it, people dislike being asked about things they don't know although it takes no time to say. 'I don't know'. - mohdmustafa99
We Don't Spend Time, Time Spends Us! - Zeeshan Ali
Time babbles in a freaky way on Sundays ! - Vivek Sahney
When we set our goals and accept God is around our everything...., we never live to doubt the time it takes....after all time is defined by the Lord..!! - William Sebunje
Every time i find myself alone.... I count it as blessing given to me to cross the weak bridge i can not cross with the many...!! - William Sebunje
All the forces of time can only be interpreted by the one at lose....!! - William Sebunje
All the forces of time can only be interpreted by the one at lose....!! - William Sebunje
We be sooo knowledgeable about the project ....,however many times everything is about managing people than we can focus on a project at hand...!! - William Sebunje
Many times everything is about managing people than we can focus on a project at hand...!! - William Sebunje
Think about it like this. Now is not stationary. Therefore it cannot be determined. If we can’t place now, we can only anticipate when..Of course by the time we’ve determined when now had occurred last of will always have already gone past - LYGAS
"If you ever find yourself in love with two individuals at the same time, go for the second one, because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second one." - James Ng\'uni
Is it for a private diary or is it for public distribution? Take the time and apply your patience, discernment and wisdom before posting anything. What might seem right in the moment, could end up be very wrong in the long run. Pause before you post. - Loren Weisman
If your aim is to continue....., set a speed you can best arrive with to the finishing line on time .....Than aiming to outcompete everybody ...then get completely tired before the arrival ...!! - William Sebunje
If everything for us is soooooo hard...for whom shall it be easy..!?? " I think this is the normality of time we only need to learn , reflect and re-innovate ..!! - William Sebunje
Do not forget to search for real time Relics ...and to define where those true relics reside...!! - William Sebunje
Those who eat must not exhibit rush judgement on those who don't eat.......,and Vise vasa !!! There is value in giving everything time to ensure there is valid evidence..!! - William Sebunje
When we're still excited for every offer......, it becomes the time we must become careful critical , As it is the time we make mistakes.., Similar to being loved by everyone...!! - William Sebunje
When we're still excited for every offer......, it becomes the time we must become careful critical , As it is the time we make mistakes...!! - William Sebunje
Many times we're lost in searching for the world and what belongs to the world and forget to invest some little in self search....!! This is a big risk to our beterness..!! - William Sebunje
To defeat time...you have to stay on focused to your own interests......without it , time wins....!! - William Sebunje
To defeat time ..one has to stay focused to his top interests....without it...time wins...!! - William Sebunje
The component of time moves in the recycle but the life of man doesn't move in recycle....it is why man should focus on true aspirations...!! - William Sebunje
The component of time moves in the recycle but the life of man doesn't move in recycle....it is why man should focus on true aspirations...!! - William Sebunje
The component of time recycle .. but the life of man doesn't move in a recycle....it is why man should focus on true aspirations...!! No matter the time..!! - William Sebunje
Inspirational + Time Quotes ⇑
Inspirational Quotes
People who make big in life are those who actually recognize their talents on right time. - Sohaib Ali Babar
According to Pythagoras, there are 3 kinds of people: the lover of pleasure, the lover of success and the lover of wisdom. But I say this, you must first find pleasure on the road to success and when you become successful, you will be surely wise. Wisdom is accumulated through experience and each perspective of each individual. Success is the crowning glory of wisdom itself. Pleasure is gained through success; nonetheless, one must choose first his choice on the road of life. - La Nostra De La Terra y Cielo
The current of tide is timeless. The current of time is now. - Johnny JR Remick
When things don't happen, people get Sick. They see time Tick and they want it Quick. They forget that Success happens brick by brick. - RVM Author
Don't waste time. Don't let a minute pass doing nothing or doing something that is not as per your wish. Grab hold of each minute and do what you want to do. - RVM Author
No one is to blame for your future situation but yourself. If you want to be successful, then become 'Successful'. - Jaymin Shah
If you spend the day thinking about the regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow, then you have no today in which to enjoy life. Seize today, and take control of your health and life, because how you live all your tomorrows will depend on how you live today - Robert Ramsey
Time is a bird, and it is you who decides if it is flying away or alighting near. - mohdmustafa99
The end of a circle is the nearest point to its beginning, and the farthest from. The matter depends upon the direction of the movement from where you started. - mohdmustafa99
Adjourn tomorrow's anxiety for its day. - mohdmustafa99
World allows to commit crimes today, to judge tomorrow in the name of justice. - Halil Xhafa
To accomplish something in life! Give it time. I mean spend all your time in it, don't rush it, be patient with it and don't questioning it. Sometimes you might feel like you're forcing to make it right and confused. Don't stop. Remember no one is going to see any of it until you succeed. - Marie Yolande Pierre
You only hurt when I'm gone. I was hurting the whole time I was there. The truth is I'm still Feeling the pain. But I know one day I'll be OK. - Marie Yolande Pierre
It is our job to make decisions and take actions. Only time will tell if we chose and acted wisely. - Shan Ali Naqvi
How to utilize is more important than how to spend - Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
Working within the confines of time, is the magic maker. -DrTJ/Thomas John, MD - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Don't regret the past, Coz it's a waste of time. - Joshua Muasa
Consistency over time increases the gap, competition cannot close. - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Rivers carve their paths with the gentle persistence of time. - Aloo Denish Obiero
Man has no use for time other than to fill the needs of his greed. - Anthony T Hincks
Finding time to be quietly in the magic of our own presence unveils our inner peace to soothe the messiness that may surround us! - Adrian McGinn
"We're all puppets on strings, and at the same time we're the puppeteers; the control of fate and the fate of control." - James Ng\'uni
Without having to fight...life will continue to introduce us to those real time opportunities to meet, to connect and to do....!! - William Sebunje
If man is the chosen one, why wasn't he around at the dawn of time? - Anthony T Hincks
Time is only wasted on itself. - Anthony T Hincks
Teaching is the quiet work of building tomorrow, one student at a time. - Aloo Denish Obiero
I die each time that I open up my door. - Anthony T Hincks
If you could go back in time, how far would you go back? - Anthony T Hincks
I'm at a standstill in space and time. - Anthony T Hincks
Time is our friend! Only once ever will we run out of time! - Adrian McGinn
The only time someone should break your heart is when theirs stops beating - ralph harlow
Time is constant. Action is variable. Make action constant, To match constant time.-DrTJ,MD,ABO,DTM - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
When action Matches time consistently, You become unstoppable.-DrTJ,ABO,DTM - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Being with silence slows time down! Being with noise distorts time! - Adrian McGinn
Being with silence slows time down! Being with noise distorts time! - Adrian McGinn
Do not go pretending to be a great king at a time when you must be a good prince ....!! - William Sebunje
Time is the only currency that can be spent but never saved; invest it wisely, for its return is your legacy. - Aloo Denish Obiero
Timelines follow Thought, Resistance locks Timelines. - Mark A Gardner
Short + Time Quotes ⇑
Short Quotes
Having no time to be happy is poverty - Lokesh giri
We spend most of our time with ourselves, we should learn enjoying our own company. - Lokesh giri
Give time some time, it will solve most of your problems - Lokesh giri
Intervention is necessary when war is not an option. - Anonymous
A fool speaks, a hypocrite judges and a wise man observes. - Neil Krishnan
Time is a relative term, one has lots of time but we always say less time or no time - Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Time never stops but it does stop once for every one. - harbinderjit singh bajaj
No matter you are at a wrong place at the wrong time, you always can find good friends - Farhad Dastoor
A lie comes to hide the truth. - Issac boateng
Don't do things because you have time but do it because it is worth your time - Joseph
The time will run the way it runs. You cannot make it stop. You cannot reverse it - Ankit Nandan
Time doesn't change even if you change your watch - maulik
The reason we cannot go back in time is because the only direction for time is the future. - mhlangano freedom nkalanga
Live for this moment before that moment will die - Sanchi
Time is the teller of all the tales - Spencer
If time is money then procrastination is a thief.. - Aye Aye
Success comes when you realize you are the driver of the train for which you are waiting for. - Shubham Bhavsar
Rapid success is accidental. - mohdmustafa99
Time is not your enemy as people say, instead it is your major competitor - Jonathan Papue Smallwood
The past is the total of faults that we are not anymore doing. - mohdmustafa99
Waiting is necessary sometimes. You cannot hasten an egg to hatch. - mohdmustafa99
Problems need time to be solved and if you don't have time it won't get involved. - Joe Cervantes
Wisdom is not the result of time lived; it is the result of lived time. - Mac McGovern
Short time ideas mean focusing on short term gains...... and so long term ideas.....!!! - William Sebunje
Change + Time Quotes ⇑
Change Quotes
Parents have always been saying, 'Kids these days have all gone mad' from days of old, crazy. - Lokesh giri
Only by changing present can one change the future - Lokesh giri
Never give up, just Move On.. - Khem Rai
It's my opinion that the human race's inherent tendency to fear the unknown, can be held accountable for much of what's wrong with the world. Perhaps it's time to embrace the unknown, so that we may begin taking steps towards understanding it. To do so, is the only means we have of ever seeing our future differ from our past. - Jesse Hayes
When yesterday falls and gets a scar on her face, tomorrow learns, stands tall and remains beautiful.. - kgabo Sarah phildine Mothotsi
All of my life, I've always chased demons; now I've ended up becoming one. - annonymous
Sad mistakes will be discovered in whatever future we are left with.. because, it seems, the present ignorance eludes the majority! - Steven A.Bledsoe
The future will not be born unless society stops taking contraceptives. - mohdmustafa99
Use of exclamation marks is increasing ! - mohdmustafa99
Carve my name in hearts because marble is ever changing - Brandon Kellum
We don't have time to lose time. - rawaf
No war will stop unless allies change - mohdmustafa99
Everything ends for something new to begin. - M A Gaffar Prodeep
When you're unhappy with yourself, you think of making the entire world unhappy with you only if you could. Then after 4 seconds you realize that the world has nothing to do with you being unhappy. The world doesn't even know that you exist unless you have something great to offer the people. It's all about people. So start helping people all over the world by beginning with you. Then you'll be the happiest person alive. Stop fake being happy when you don't even know what can give you happiness. Start doing something meaningful for people and the result of happiness will be yours. What are you good at? - Marie Yolande Pierre
I know that I do not know, and uncertainty, certainly, is the cruelest of words. - Wyatt puckett
I sacrificed my freedom for sobriety. - Cassandra Marcano
If your ego starts out, 'i am important, I am big, I am special ' you're in for some disappointments when you look around at what we've discovered about the universe. No, you're not big. you are small in time and space. And you have this frail vessel called the human body that's limited to Earth. - Sentitula__jmr
History doesn't change the past, but likely it changes the future. - mohdmustafa99
You can keep your dresses new , but you didn't buy them for this purpose. - mohdmustafa99
Tomorrow will be a good day if you decide to act on differently. - mohdmustafa99
We have two opposing attitudes in one time: to change the world, and to be adapted to. - mohdmustafa99
Nothing is constant, consistency brings change over time.. - Aye Aye
Change is the revolution of time, urging the world to shed its shadows for light. - Aloo Denish Obiero
Age + Time Quotes ⇑
Age Quotes
From the shimmering light to the darkest shadows, life will flow continuously, from the very moment a baby is born into the light, the light will follow till that person dies and fades into the shadows. And still life moves on, without skipping a beat, for when a person fades from this world, another shall take its place. so is the cycle of rebirth. - Christopher Joesph Agruso
Time is not only the best healer but also the greatest teacher - Simon King
No one knows anything until we accept the fact that we don't know anything and that's when we truly know something. - Latia Hemphill
Life changes and people grow, so don't be surprised. - Drilon Grajqevci
Your childhood is precious and always taken for granted, your adulthood is true but a sad reality. - Dana Jo Graslie
Zero is my infinity because no one crosses me - Michael O\'Rafferty
Time passes quickly as if November is February. - mohdmustafa99
To live long, one has to age - Susanna Raubenheimer
Clicking selfie is matter of seconds.. .. building the image takes years. - TEEB Jayesh V
You know you have lived life to the fullest when you have no regrets about anything you have done in the past. - Bre An Rivers
Beauty, style and luxurious life can now be bought but respect is still priceless. - Hasnat Ch
A court that sentences him life imprisonment thinks that people live all their lives. - mohdmustafa99
Old statistics helps in doing now what you didn't achieve when that statistics was fresh. - mohdmustafa99
Carelessness is the plague of the modern age. - J W Barlament
Age does not question beauty. Only man. - Anthony T Hincks
All Time Quotes ⇑
History is the blueprints of our mistakes, the Future is the corrections of those mistakes- Josh Darosa
Try not to measure your success on how much better you are than someone else, but by how you as a person are better than yesterday- Michael murray
I move ahead to get some gain, some stay at one place to get the pain - Farhad Dastoor
Days are like an empty canvas, you are the artist.- Klavin John Barry JR
Time doesn't heal, it just anesthetizes!- John McNulty
If you are always looking back, you can't see what is in front of you.- taylor morgan rowe
Rich are those who have time, and right people to spend on- Lokesh giri
Regretting is a bad use of time, hatred is self spoiling of mood.- Matt Bill
Freedom of mind is the costliest of all freedoms, it comes at the cost of time and painful lessons.- Lokesh giri
We all can only love beautiful things, but time has the charm to make anything look beautiful.- Lokesh giri
Kids have both angels and demons in them, they become what time carves out of them.- Lokesh giri
Well, There has never been enough time for anyone.- Lokesh giri
World is a race between time and sanity, time always wins.- Lokesh giri
The best opportunities are the moments we positively invest our time in, to inspire successful results.- Wayne Chirisa
When it comes down to it, the clock always wins.- The Quoted Iris
Rationality of the past might be irrationality of today and vice versa- mohdmustafa99
Life is a journey, an adventure of unknown tomorrow and engagement of now..- Aye Aye
Philanthropists do not kill poverty, but they anesthetize it for a short time- mohdmustafa99
The best time to be optimistic is when you are about to be pessimistic- mohdmustafa99
Do you want more? Well! work more, invest more, give it more evaluations and stop wasting your time.- Marie Yolande Pierre
During waiting you may chance another thing or a person more important than that you are waiting for.- mohdmustafa99
Time is not equal to Money, Time is better. Money has perceived importance Time has absolute importance- Lokesh giri
Are you counting seconds or making seconds count?- Monte S Minthorne
I haven't the time to worry about my enemies, I'm too busy appreciating the friends that I have.- Danny Ray Boydston
It is never too late to succeed but it is ever too late to start late for time is a spirited horse when not driven , drives past you- Sunny Godswill akpan
Don't fear of failure, fear missing out on taking the countless opportunities this world has to offer you.- Jaymin Shah
You never know what kind of setup market will present to you, your objective should be to find opportunity where risk reward ratio is best.- Jaymin Shah
Happiness can not be bought by money it can only be felt at the right place, with the right person on right time- Ajay Negi
When you do something accidentally, don't feel guilty. That's why they call it an accident- Joshua Aaron Guillory
When you love, you don't rush things. You give time, you wait, you anticipate the good things to happen. When you know you love someone, you must also now that you are taking some risks. Because love is a risk for nothing is sure about it. Sometimes loving someone requires patience and endurance. You love by heart, not by feelings.- Maya Blanco
Every minute spent complaining or not living to your fullest potential is a minute wasted- G Swiss
Glory be to God in the highest for the new day i'm grateful for the grace to be living in existence of brightness morning dated Sun 23 Apr in your infinity mercy Lord have mercy on me and do new thing in my life this week that would proclaim your name in my life..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Writing is my hobby, 'not to write' is my business.- mohdmustafa99
Focus kills time faster than guns- Oluwaseun Adeboye Victor
Creating a bright future is to purposefully channel your spirit, mind, and body as a driving force for whatever lies ahead.- Howard Hanniford
With letting go comes a moment of loneliness. Courage is understanding that moment.- Vardz77
Some moments are to be just lived and rejoiced, rather than being captured and updated- PRACHI KERKAR
Travelling is all about exploring an unknown land and discovering yourself- PRACHI KERKAR
Sometimes you have to unlearn what you've learned about someone. Sometimes people change. Sometimes people grow up. Unlearn, not discard.- Vardz77
Of days, I like Mondays; of colors, I like the azure; and of music , I like silence.- mohdmustafa99
Time is indeed our handler.. keeping us in the illusion of living by time, because time is the illusion that we live by.- Nina Danielle uuro
When I say 'WHAT IF' to myself.. the possibilities are that.. I can even change the world!..- Lalith Bhonsle
If you want the cake, you do the bake- Zakia
There's a feeling behind every meaning.- diya ahmed azzony
When it comes to friends; Time is invested, not wasted- Farhad Dastoor
If you are having a hard time finding the good in people, it's most likely because you are not looking for it.- Michael Costello
There does not exist a word 'Impossible' for those who believe in the beauty of their Dreams- Farhad Dastoor
Heaven is what all are born for; Hell is what we create.- Farhad Dastoor
Yesterday is in your rear view mirror, Today is in your front & Tomorrow is your blind spot that's why it isn't promised- Kennisha L Crawford
A dream is only a step ahead of reality.- Maria E. Rodriguez
Habits.. Those small actions we choose to do every day, and they become part of who we are.. They build our character and shape our destiny- Haya Dweidary
It takes time and courage to grow up and become who you really are.- Linda Usman
You know you have accomplished something in life, when you leave memories for someone else.- Loretta Avery
Time managing is real living.- Mohammed
To the past we are the future.- Jack Brown
If one was able to look at himself like he can look at others, world would have missed the greatest love of all time - 'self love'.- Lokesh giri
Every time you feel like being a fool and a failure .....meet people who have focused on things you have not focused on.....and indeed you will be a classy afool and a failure.... ! but after that return and focus without looking back..!!!- William Sebunje
Every time you feel like being a fool and a failure .....meet people who have focused on things you have not focused on.....and indeed you will eb afool and a failure.... ! but after that learn to go back and focus on your aims without looking back..!!!- William Sebunje
The worst is to spend fighting to appear at the dining....when it is ones time to be in the kitchen preparing that most desire meal/ career and those desired life commitments..!!- William Sebunje
The running championship always wins time.- Tamerlan Kuzgov
You can have a great time with friends, relatives, or others, but the most precious moments are the days spent with your family.- Rallapalli Suresh Kumar
How much time do you have left to truly see yourself?- Anthony T Hincks
Some days are the longest nights that you will have to endure.- Anthony T Hincks
The Big Ben of London is a tall house where Time rented a space.- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
When we set our goals and accept God is around our everything...., we never live to doubt the time it takes....after all time is defined the Lord..!!- William Sebunje
You cannot escape the hourglass when the sand has run out.- Anthony T Hincks
Every grain of sand is a fragment of time, telling tales of the world's ancient history.- Aloo Denish Obiero
We mourn loved ones for a time, memories will fade with each generation, until no memory remains. A journey has come to an end; a piece of history is lost again.- Mac McGovern
Don't look up and stare at the building, go one level at a time.- Allen Lazar
Whoever plans to live forever should at the same time have it in mind to die now..- success song
TRUST is built slowly over time, with careful, deliberate actions. They must be completely void of any selfishness. Always remember every action can be forgiven. NO action is ever forgotten.- Joe cole
I think repetitive songs are a waste of time. Nobody needs to hear the same lyrics over and over and over and over again. Sing them once, then move on to the next part of the song.- Austin James Lelievre
If I would have to choose between time and present, I would choose time because to be with you is priceless..- Cel
Length of time depends on happiness and pain- mohdmustafa99
Whatever the river cannot uncover.. money and time will.- Joe Cervantes
Nostalgia is but beauty of the pastime and past time.- mohdmustafa99
I learn from patience that Saturday , Friday, and the days in between are one day.- mohdmustafa99
It is impossible for time to go anticlockwise , but remorse doesn't deal with this fact.- mohdmustafa99
An optimist postpones today's work for tomorrow ; a pessimist does tomorrow's on the day before.- mohdmustafa99
Forgiveness can be repeated but not for the third time- mohdmustafa99
The reason it is impossible for us to time travel into the future or the past is because we are supposed to be living NOW.- Amelia Goode
We are renewed daily.- Amelia Goode
Thinking about yourself is more complicated than thinking about the universe which God created in six days and you in nine months.- mohdmustafa99
'I will do it later on' means after the expiry date.- mohdmustafa99
Courtesy is to say what must be said, by the best way of saying it, to the person that it must be said to, in the best time to say, for the best purpose to say.- mohdmustafa99
Time can not be upon us It is only in front or behind- TARA DYER DEMETRIOU
You can easily say 'yes' in one second, then you will find yourself either a liar or very busy all times to fulfill your 'yes'.- mohdmustafa99
A top boss is the person who gives himself freedom of coming late, or being absent.- mohdmustafa99
Waiting is not to tolerate only time but also place.- mohdmustafa99
Expecting nothing is a good expectation.- mohdmustafa99
Time is moving so fast waiting for no man..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Don't blindly follow someone, follow market and try to hear what it is telling you.- Jaymin Shah
The right time to commit a crime is now or never..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Cryptography is more than fun. It is future.- sazzad mahmud
History is made to repeat itself.- Charles Arthur Miller
Hey! 2018 , We've only just met and I know there will be periods of adjustments. Let me warn you that I may fall short of all the promises I make . But if you're anything like twenty -seventeen , I'm sure you'll be a dedicated teacher, giving me plenty of chances to try again. i'm anticipating all that you have to offer and except to grow in leaps and bounds we take this Journey together.- monika singh
If it's not draw is either won or loss..- Aye Aye
Every book starts with a blank page, so do you.- Aidan L.X. Leong
Love them all, but care less about those who take you for granted.- Sipho P Nkosi
Keep the momentum while you are moving to guarantee additional motion and momentum.- Loren Weisman
It's not about the amount of time you put in, it is the way you spend the time on the work you need to get done. Saying that you worked ten hours on something that went nowhere is not really anything to brag about.- Loren Weisman
There is no difference between the words LIVE or DEAD when they are tagged with the term CLINICALLY.- Mustapha Khalid Palash
Starting off as an idea in the conscious of two sets of cumulative energy. Focus is drawn into one moment that will move forward in a direction determined by choices. Setting off on this profound journey called life an eternal path is created.- Chad R Kerst
Let your pain fuel your passion for your purpose- L Parker
Life's questions are puzzles. Life's tests are puzzles. Life's answers are self-lifestyles.- Marie Yolande Pierre
The best time is yet to be. - mohdmustafa99
Good Leaders volunteer their time in the development of others without seeking a reward- Rev. Patrick Ellapen
There will be wars between humans as long as we find someone equally worthy to fight with. There can't be peace, until there is war- Henry Michalec
When a legend dies, leaders are born- rizwan khaliq khan
Take time out from people. Take time out from things. See what brings you peace. See who takes it away..- Vardz77
Sometimes you just need time to gain the courage and bravery to open up and love again..- Vardz77
Any time DEATH snatches our Loved ones, it reminds us that we are MORTAL BEINGS.- Oscar Auliq Ice
Love and time for Relationships is just like Water and Air to Flowers..- Niayab Komal
See the Future with your eyes, Use the hands in present , crush your past with your feet and Imagine a time beyond past, present and future with your mind- Nishant Subedi
Don't waste your time on trying to open a lock when you could spend your time on searching for the key.- Caridad Alvarez
Time. Cherish those who cherish yours..- Vardz77
When angry, her vocabulary power increases remarkably.- mohdmustafa99
When you think you've got yourself an unbeatable problem just Remember there's no problem greater than death, it can't be fixed or stopped and no one is excused from it.- Dakota Ace Hardin
No matter what came before, the book of time is quick to be written, so make what you do now count..- Jamie Sean Callaghan
I don't care what other people might think of me as long as I live in my harmony and I rest in peace.- Phillip John R. Endrinal
We are the direct connotation of the Macrocosm (cosmos) however limited by space time and a limited perception- BM KHNONKHE
We live in a world where the Web is more accessible than the World itself- PRACHI KERKAR
One cannot look at the future without looking at the past.- Dan C M
Thinking about the past and the future will make you forget, remember about your present self and time- Tristan celhellvan
A man's trust for a women starts when he is a boy, with the trust for his mother, so if a mother betrays a boy's trust how is that boy when he becomes a man supposed to trust any women?- Neil Simon Triston Mercieca
All of the things we question come from the answer within, in which we question because we don't understand the answer until we have the information that helps the answer make sense- Nina Danielle uuro
There is no innocence in a world of violence.. there is no truth if all is lies.. there is no opposer if we all oppose the opposer.. there is no peace if the peacemakers are the protesters.. there is no enemy if we're all against each other- Nina Danielle uuro
One night's cough can bring you curses from your neighbors more than cancer did in thousand nights.- mohdmustafa99
I live near the future to look thoroughly from my window to the past.- mohdmustafa99
I was crying when I was born, because my mother was in difficult moment of her life- Kamal S Lohar
When imagination can join North pole and South pole why can't religion?- Karthik gandhi
Learning is the process of life as well as pleasure of present time..- OMi Shah
If people meet their dreams fulfilled they will be afraid of life.- mohdmustafa99
Sell used books because you won't care about reading them in your shop.- mohdmustafa99
Nothing can beat a perfect timing..- Piet Ntema
The moment my knee went down the floor, my problem walked out the door- May George
Can you truly understand something you've never experienced ?- Macmillan
Don't waste your precious time talking about things which are none of your business and believe me 90% of the people do this.- vikrant
To understand some situations, try to imagine life in slow motion- Tina Panossian
People always find an 'excuse' for what they are in.. Why don't they just accept the fact that they 'may be wrong' and just improve themselves instead of rationalizing things that in the reality is wrong? - Xand Bellido Abadesco
People will talk, but it's only when you react, problems occur - Charles Carpenter
No one can change the time --> 'which is spent before' and 'which is gonna be spent further'- abhishek madan
As time goes by, things change, people change. Those you knew become strangers, those you did not know become your trusted ones. But as long as your love and care remains, you will be ready for when they return.- Sazzey
Time waits for no one. So why must you wait for someone ? Stop waiting, time is ticking. Chase your dreams, earn your dreams, and be a winner - Shafiq Buang
We get it.. Life is hard, but you don't know what hard is until you lose your best friend, and sticking them six foot under your heart.. You need to know that they will always stay there.- Kelsie veenema
I have put in so much work but now I think its time to let go- adrian d
Hide your own hatred and time will pass you by, bringing freedom as you realize the truth.- La Nostra De La Terra y Cielo
Fri(end) boyfri(end) girlfri(end) fam(ily). if this doesn't help you to realize something, i honestly don't know what will.- Morgan Ashley
Pace yourself and let the time fly, hurry and you'll have another hour ahead of you.- Scarletta
Truth will wound you, but the acceptance of truth will kill you.- Hunter James
Time is the father of all kinds of music.- diya ahmed azzony
Time runs without ever waiting for anybody, but man always runs behind time waiting for something to happen and in between what he gains remains as history for the future- Prof Siva Prasad peddi
When you create an illusion, the truth tends to reveal itself.. unfortunately it is not always as bright as we hoped..- Clairvoyan
The darkest hour is just before dawn.- Katy Hollister
I want to live this life for others as I would have plenty of time to live for myself in heaven.- shiza shahid
Sometimes, the key to solve the problem is waiting in the future- Josh Darosa
Prepare, for all who have died are faces that you will meet on the other side when your time comes, and your time is coming.- Derek L Purser
There is only one greatest treasure at this moment, this time, this life.. TO LOVE AND BE LOVED.- Kazeronnie Mak
I'm lonely, I have good friends but there's a empty space in my heart- Brittany Jenkins
Truth is hidden within the lies.- John
Space and time are two of the best and worst commodities which you will never be able to touch or control- Matt Allen Jones
You can't grow into your future if you're still stumped by your past- Kennisha L Crawford
In life you are always going to be compared to others.. whether that be your predecessors, celebrities, family or even mates! You've just got to strive so that at some point in time you are the one they are comparing people to! This shows your life has had a purpose- Jordan
Fake friends last a day; true friends last a lifetime.- Maria E. Rodriguez
Perhaps we're asking the wrong questions. Rather than concerning ourselves solely with where our species came from, we also need to pay attention to where our species is going. Otherwise, we're going to end up back at the beginning.- Jesse Hayes
The rise of secularism in and of itself is a clear indication that the next stage of humanity will not be governed by a theistic process at all, but defined by the ability of our species to coexist and advance in its absence.- Jesse Hayes
Living among those who don't know where they want to go with their lives is making it harder and harder for me to reach my destinations- diya ahmed azzony
To quote something eloquent, you must devote time.- ajith CHEMPARATHY
Everyone has a soul mate, just because you can't find yours; doesn't mean they are not out there looking for you.- mj mansfield
Never say there isn't enough time. Time is all we have.- Shaina Ross
Criticism always comes to those who don't follow the normality and guidelines set for them by society. They are always hated and and shunned until society admits its mistake, but by that time the greats are dead and the whole world mourns. Even when shunned, the greats keep going, remember this when you are being hated.- Christopher Reaves
The past has covered up my eyes, but the future unveils them.- Johnny Vuong
It's funny how boys can break your heart into a billion pieces and not care for one.- Vanessa Murillo
Without time we have no purpose.- Devan Lang
Tomorrow's should be done today and today's should be done now. DECIDE WHAT TO DO.- sandesh shewale
Life has given me nothing because I have never made most of it.- sandesh shewale
You can chase your dreams, but you can't run forever.- Mohammed
Time has taught me how to love you, but you always knew that- Nova
When I look up at the stars at night I think 'Whoa I am really small compared to all that' and I realize that even though I am small, I can change the entire direction of time.- Jack Brown
Time spent on beautiful thoughts and sweet memories make the best moments of our life, next to time spent in best company.- Lokesh giri
We don't really own things, except that illusion, time lends us.- Lokesh giri
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