
Gani Imeri (gjaniu) Quotes & Sayings:
Gani Imeri

Gani Imeri

Location:Gjilan, Albania
Experience on Earth:27 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 10 Years 0 Months
Short Bio: Kosovo 17y Dying from "PNEUMONIA" looking for me? read books, i only exist there!! Writer of quotes.

Gani Imeri Quotes

1-4 of total 4 Quotes
Out of all the dead people in the world, she chose me to bring back to life. Out of all the dead people in the world, she chose me to bring back to life...

Heart Love Relationship Romantic

Life People World Bring Dead
The biggest tear drops, falls from the smallest of eyes. The biggest tear drops, falls from the smallest of eyes...

Love Sad

He didn’t pray for perfection; he prayed for someone to love his, IMPERFECTIONS. He didn’t pray for perfection; he prayed for someone to love his, IMPERFECTIONS...

Love Poems Relationship Romantic Sad

He was close from a distance; caring more than people close enough to hug her. He was close from a distance; caring more than people close enough to hug her...

Heart Love Relationship Sad
