
Jillian Bone (jillianbone28) Quotes & Sayings:
Jillian Bone

Jillian Bone

Location:United States Of America
Experience on Earth:23 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 8 Years 2 Months
Short Bio: I love to sing, I love quotes, and I don't care what people think about me, and I am going into the military. :)

Jillian Bone Quotes

1-2 of total 2 Quotes
" Love is more then just a word its an action, feeling, and an emotion, you cant just say it to " Love is more then just a word its an action, feeling, and an emotion, you cant just say it to..


Guys love to play with the most fragile thing in your body and laugh when it brakes Guys love to play with the most fragile thing in your body and laugh when it brakes..

Short Truth Women heart break
