
B Rd Brenden (liberty4all) Quotes & Sayings:

B Rd Brenden

Location:Oslo, Norway
Experience on Earth:28 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 12 Years 1 Months
Short Bio: My name is bård brenden. I live in norway and is 16 year old. I see that the Status Quo is inhumane. and money controll the world. many things are wrong. I'm neither a Sochialist or Conservative. My idols are the founding fathers, John F Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Ron Paul. I see liberty as much more than just voting and be able to choose what you want as a job and so on. Liberty is what makes humans come together. take the big steps forward, not backwards

B Rd Brenden Quotes

1-4 of total 4 Quotes
"I will rather live with the consequences of a free and open society, then live with the privileges "I will rather live with the consequences of a free and open society, then live with the privileges..

Change Courage Faith Freedom Goal

"the people are not allowed question, challenge the ones of higher authority. The people just accept what the ones with more power than them say,
-B rd Brenden

Age Change Education Freedom Goal

"I have a vision of a world. Where wealth is not measured by materialism, but of our deeds in "I have a vision of a world. Where wealth is not measured by materialism, but of our deeds in..

Change Dreams Freedom Hope Imagination

"When war become the only sulution seen by government. a nation has no liberty" - Baard Brenden "When war become the only sulution seen by government. a nation has no liberty" - Baard Brenden..

Freedom History Leadership Love Peace
