Age Quotes Pictures

You know you have lived life to the fullest when you have no regrets about anything you have done..Life Know Past

It's a funny thing that comes with age, realizing you're the cause of your own cage...
Change Life Loneliness Philosophy Short
Cause AgeYou might stumble and feel like you're gonna fall as you struggle in the turbulence of life but you'll stay strong and fasten yourself to the anchor..
-Joel Blake Life Feel Strong Stay
-Joel Blake Life Feel Strong Stay

It is not always a man's actions, but often his reactions that determine whether he will be a..Success Failure

Women hide their age through make up. Men try to hide their age by marrying women who look young..Look Try Men Women Age

Keep fantasizing and you will miss out on what's real..
Desire Imagination Leadership Peace Romantic
Keep Miss
Every year that passes by makes me feel older and older again. It will only cease with death...Feel Death Year

The young are as uncomfortable with the past as the old are with the future; the former has no..Future Past Tomorrow Yesterday

White hair are enough to keep me reminded that journey of this luxurious life has a certain end ..
Death Faith Life Love Religion
Life Keep Journey
Beauty, style and luxurious life can now be bought but respect is still priceless...Life Beauty Respect

Old people always poke me at weddings, saying you are next. so I started doing it at funerals.. ,..Life People Game

My failure is only for today, not for the tomorrow...
Creativity Desire Dreams Inspirational
Today Tomorrow Failure
Hair on head its not verification you are still Young. It's about how much your brain working. If..
Heart Hope Life Loneliness Love
Today Tomorrow FailureTop 10 Age Quotes
If falling is a part of life then the bruises on my body surely mean I have lived.- Imraan Van Kesteren
I hate teenagers who are 40 years old.- mohdmustafa99
Your childhood is precious and always taken for granted, your adulthood is true but a sad reality.- Dana Jo Graslie
Unless you've loved a Man at his worst, don't begin to claim your love is the purest just yet - Nancy Almeida
People who smoke bring death in breath.- ajith CHEMPARATHY
I define myself not by the numeracy of years passed, but rather by the achievements and experiences contained within those that have.- Jesse Hayes
I am old enough to be wise, yet young enough to make mistakes.- Khem Rai
Don't try to grow up faster than you should, cause you won't get back all those years that passed.- Tra Lalalic
You may be young, you may be old, Your hair may be, the color gold. Everyone is special, in their own special way, You may be a boy, you may be a girl, You may like to wear, a shiny pearl. Everyone is special, in their own special way, This is my quote, the one that I say.- Bethany Hope Skinner
I am at the age where music is too loud ._GWD- Gerald W Dumay
Life + Age Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
The Flowers only bloom once, don't let them escape you - Josh Darosa
Life changes and people grow, so don't be surprised. - Drilon Grajqevci
Life is not cells nor of blood, but the spirit that dwells inside it. - Alan Le
I do respect faithfulness except adult's to adolescence. - mohdmustafa99
Your childhood is precious and always taken for granted, your adulthood is true but a sad reality. - Dana Jo Graslie
Clicking selfie is matter of seconds.. .. building the image takes years. - TEEB Jayesh V
The most frustrating thing about getting old isn't that you can't do what you could in your 20's and 30's but not being able to do what you could 3 months ago! - Howard F Martin
The young are as uncomfortable with the past as the old are with the future; the former has no yesterday, the latter sees no tomorrow. - Siavash Rohani
To watch people kills you. To be watched increases your age. - mohdmustafa99
A woman likes to be understood by a child; but doesn't like adults understand her the same way. - mohdmustafa99
It doesn't matter what your age is, you can always learn something new. Life is the greatest school with more than enough teachers and endless lessons. You are a student and the master of your own destiny. The past gives you lessons, the present gives you opportunities, and the future gives you visi - Srinivas Mishra
In psychology it is mentioned that whatever your age is you still do some childish acts when gathering with people you feel extreme comfort with - Irfan Mamoun MD
In the age of information, it became worthless because no one would read it - LYGAS
Funny + Age Quotes ⇑
Funny Quotes
Most of us never grow up, but our age does. - Lokesh giri
Women hide their age through make up. Men try to hide their age by marrying women who look young - bornagain
I hate teenagers who are 40 years old. - mohdmustafa99
Old people always poke me at weddings, saying you are next. so I started doing it at funerals.. , what is life without a draw game.. its better to draw than lose. - Richard ofem inah
Age is just a number. Yes it is, a number of wrinkles and grey hair - sharonkemp
A court that sentences him life imprisonment thinks that people live all their lives. - mohdmustafa99
I'm not young enough to know what I mustn't know. - mohdmustafa99
Video games are laughter when played by people at 20 and above. - mohdmustafa99
I can't hide my age because it is very difficult to behave now as I behaved when I was younger - mohdmustafa99
'Yippee! Next year (2020) will be the 36th Anniversary of my 21st Birthday! - The Quoted Iris
We studied the algorithm and found the only way to have real success online is to be a brand! - Petovick banks
I am at the age where music is too loud ._GWD - Gerald W Dumay
All Age Quotes ⇑
Age depends on our attitude to it! We have our calendar age which is set and we have our mindset age which is up to us!- Adrian McGinn
We are never too old to stop doing what is working for us! We age when we keep doing what is not working for us!- Adrian McGinn
Understanding demand not thy age; it's wisdom requirement....- Magnus kay
Understanding demand not thy age; it's wisdom requirement....- Magnus kay
Age becomes quite a shock when you're least expecting it.- Anthony T Hincks
Never gauge ourselves or others by age! Whatever age we have the chance to engage fully with life rather than let it encage us!- Adrian McGinn
Age, they say, is in the mind. So, whenever they ask you your age, tell them your mind.- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Your actions earn you respect or contempt more than your social status and age put together.- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Beauty is an asset, no doubt. A youthful asset only, for old age and beauty have no diplomatic ties.- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Age may turn my hair grey, but it also gives me wisdom beyond your years.- Anthony T Hincks
Music is finest peculiarity to celebrate in this day and age !!- Vivek Sahney
At best, one can slow down the aging process, for a while, but one can never stop it. Like death, aging will have the final say over the mortal human body.- Paddick Van Zyl
At any age getting back to our child-like creativity, and playfulness, gives us a young lease on life!- Adrian McGinn
What does a toddler know? When I was Adolescents age i was a big man ( I won't tell) in London,England U.K., when I was in my teens I was a big man in France as well Francophone countries ,when I was in my youth I was full of Grace and now at adulthood am a noble man. When am old I will be your bro- Mavis Bikawei
The ability of people to see you beyond your age is called MATURITY.- Sunday Ishaku Togira
When we come to new consciousness, concepts, ideas, beliefs, and realizations, let's assimilate with light because the effects of a drifting heart are subtle. Carefully contemplate the NEW way, knowing that the AGE of deception is also here with us.- Jeremiah Nartey
When you are hungry for knowledge, age doesn't matter.- Ravi Sathasivam
To give advice is not a matter of age. It's a matter of trust.- mohdmustafa99
Waiting doesn't increase age, but it consumes it.- mohdmustafa99
As we decay into old age we slowly lose our bond with our companions in youth. We lose our young family. We abruptly lose the ones who mattered first.- Zac Ochsenbine
The more years of experience you have, the less opportunities to get the post because of age.- mohdmustafa99
Age may bring wisdom and surely, Alzheimer.- mohdmustafa99
Carelessness is the plague of the modern age.- J W Barlament
Backwardness is to think that your ancestors were luckier than you.- mohdmustafa99
Any question is older than its answer.- mohdmustafa99
Old statistics helps in doing now what you didn't achieve when that statistics was fresh.- mohdmustafa99
As I grow older, depression tries to seep into every part of my life. I keep moving. I let it try to find me and when it does.. I give it a swift kick in the you-know-what.. and I move to another place.- Ms P Quotes
Early to bed, early to rise, you're a grandpa no surprise.- Raymond Richard Reep
Age is just a number. Yes it is, a number of wrinkles and grey hair - sharonkemp
External beauty is temporary, what lasts forever is the beauty of the heart and soul.- ashwin sankar
Don't need everyone in order to be happy .. just some are enough in your life to be happy..- selvan prem
Tomorrow is now Yesterday and all of the worries are now gone because yesterday was not changed when it was tomorrow.- Rev Ernie Urban
Youths have knowledge but are not acknowledged- Joshua Makanjuola
Age is just the amount of times you've spun around a ball.- Thomas Syzcai
The purity of youth is unfathomable.- Atticus
A woman loses her virginity at 17, her fertility at 45, her temper at 50, her husband at 75, and loses her life afterward.- mohdmustafa99
Children do not correct elders' mistakes. What a boring playoff for them!- mohdmustafa99
Nothing would ever be discovered, invented or created without the great imagination of those whom came before us and shared those gifts. How we make use of our gifts and share them Is our gift to all the future generations that proceed us.- Jennifer Matheny
To live long, one has to age- Susanna Raubenheimer
It's the Stupid ones that end up becoming Wise.- Ashkan Hassani
A dream has no age- Jadean N. Pitts
Nothing is advancing here except ages.- mohdmustafa99
Time passes quickly as if November is February.- mohdmustafa99
Zero is my infinity because no one crosses me- Michael O\'Rafferty
If evolution is taking place, Then what is the problem with this human race, Earth is filled with intelligent life so very diverse, Yet the only planet with life in which evolution is taking place in reverse- Jerome Lashawn Kidd Jr
Filled with endless regret, I find happiness in the fact that in another dimension, I have made all the right decisions.- Jordan J Koloski
AGE or PRESENT SITUATION never decides the destiny of a person- Nishant Gupta
Those who rebel and don't follow the rules will fail and end up working a small job. Those who follow the rules are the ideal, mainstream person will end up being the employers of those who rebel, which is a great achievement. And those who follow the rules but think outside the box, who are thought to be weird, will change the world.- Ivy B
People mature and grow, but they will forever stay the people you once knew- lisa fisher
The only beauty in life is what you have to search for.- Eric Scott Tolman Jr
Taking lives does not lighten the grief of the death of loved ones, it only creates regret.- Christopher
Languages are just another way to get the message.- Mitch Grillz
The key to the past and the future is the present- David Figueroa
Growing Old Means That You Are Getting Younger Inside Your Heart..- Shane Greyden Graham
Never look back.. remember with a smile. Look forward with a grin.. somethings just aren't supposed to be.- Ruth Dunne
Age doesn't make a difference as long you live with no regrets..- tatiana socarras
We change when we get older in age..- Daleen Irshaid
Old days, why couldn't you just remain?- Daleen Irshaid
I want to grow with my age no matter how long I live- A Mehta
No one knows anything until we accept the fact that we don't know anything and that's when we truly know something.- Latia Hemphill
Time is not only the best healer but also the greatest teacher- Simon King
Everyone gets nervous when they watch the ticking clock, because that is the time gone from the time reaching your dreams- Karen Kuran
Don't grow up. Love, sunshine, rain, sky, clouds, music, dancing, adventures, caves, trees, oceans, airports, paper, pencils, a hard wood table, a tent, turtles, flowers, books, imagination. They are the keys. Though you may grow old, you will never grow up.- Anna Crum
Death can either be a beautiful or horrid sight it is what you make of it in the end.- nervis
Past vs present. Present always win.- Shaylaina
You are born. You live. Then you die..- Bethany Hope Skinner
From the shimmering light to the darkest shadows, life will flow continuously, from the very moment a baby is born into the light, the light will follow till that person dies and fades into the shadows. And still life moves on, without skipping a beat, for when a person fades from this world, another shall take its place. so is the cycle of rebirth.- Christopher Joesph Agruso
Life for me is for my old age, when evaluating it back then gives peace and content.- Warrior White
Adulthood should not be determined by just a number, i.e-18. Once it is realized that your family 'functions' only through dysfunction can you truly call yourself an adult.- Sharon Boni
I'm growing younger every day, I'm not Benjamin Button BTW!- Lokesh giri
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