
Mary Marasigan (mary_me) Quotes & Sayings:

Mary Marasigan

Experience on OwnQuotes: 9 Years 5 Months

Mary Marasigan Quotes

1-4 of total 4 Quotes
Do you believe in Love? Well, for some, they do. But for me, It Do you believe in Love? Well, for some, they do. But for me, It's just like a fairy tale. It isn't..

Hate Heart Loneliness Love Romantic

There There's no such person as "numb". It's just either they are good at pretending, or they are not..

Friendship Happiness Love Optimism Relationship

Don Don't be surprised when the things you expect turn the other way around. That's a fact, that things..

Faith Opportunity Optimism Patience Truth

There is always somebody who is better than someone. If they can really top you out, then let them. There is always somebody who is better than someone. If they can really top you out, then let them...

Computers Desire Education Faith Funny
