Loneliness Quotes Pictures
Solitude, Is the fastest bullet. Isolation, Is the sharpest blade. Loneliness, Is the Deadliest poison. However, Companionship, Is a bullet proof..
-Arakon Yumo
-Arakon Yumo
Friendship Heart Hope Inspirational Peace
FriendshipIt's a funny thing that comes with age, realizing you're the cause of your own cage...
Age Change Life Philosophy Short
Cause AgeWe who are BROKEN find sanctuary in BROKEN others as only yourself can be seen in sorrow's mirror..
Friendship Heart Poems Relationship Sad
Find BrokenI hate when people say 'love is blind'. Love gives you the power to see what others can't...Love People Hate Power
Dream is like the dry leaf pressed between memories and long forgotten but it always retains an..
Dreams Life Love Philosophy Sad
DreamWhen someone who cares about you is hiding things from you- they are saying you are worthless. When someone who cares about you is hiding things from..
-Jenifer Heart Happiness Choice
-Jenifer Heart Happiness Choice
Can I blame you for not falling in love with me? If I could never fall in love with myself, how..
Forgiveness Love Philosophy Romantic Sad
Love Expect BlameJust do what your instincts are telling you.. You are worth so much more to be treated like a..Worth Second
We humans fear the unknown, therefore the fear of being alone is the fear of self...
Freedom Relationship Short Witty Wisdom
Being Fear Self AloneThe hardest prisons I've tried to break out of, are the ones I've put myself in. Me and no one else. Over and over again. An infinitely monotonous..
-The Quoted Iris Time Mind Death Soul Worse
-The Quoted Iris Time Mind Death Soul Worse
A cautious person is that who stops doing the wrongs , but unfortunately, s/he stops doing the..Living
Courage Creativity Death Family Goal
LivingGiving importance to something doesn't mean ignoring the rest.. it only means that few things never..
Heart Hope Life Love Philosophy
Life Hope GivingDon't wish to be somebody else, be somebody who is getting better...
Change Confidence Dreams Forgiveness Inspirational
WishWith letting go comes a moment of loneliness. Courage is understanding that moment...
Courage Faith Freedom Life Patience
Moment Understanding CourageHair on head its not verification you are still Young. It's about how much your brain working. If..Moment Understanding Courage
It's wise not to look back to have no regrets, but to look at the future with hope, we need great..Need Look Future Hope Wise
Top 10 Loneliness Quotes
The only reason I wouldn't try to kill myself, is because I would probably screw it up.- Cory Powell
A father's wise correction is for his son's protection.- Issac boateng
I'm tired of putting a smile on my face so I can please other people.. why can't I frown and show my true emotion and be accepted? - Danielle Rose Yates
Sometimes the road is so rocky, but when I glimpse the paved road ahead I remember its worth it- NJ Villaroel
Everyone comes with the baggage, but sometimes it is best to just leave it at the airport- Beau
Loneliness is a state of mind, not a lack of physical presence. you can be lonely around others.- Donald Lynn frost
Everyone can judge, but only some can understand.- ajith CHEMPARATHY
There's a feeling behind every meaning.- diya ahmed azzony
I have been with a man who has loved me at my best- now, I pray to find that one person who would love me the same at my worst.- paulane garcia tugas
Low self esteem is the only condition I know of where the cause and cure rests unknowingly with the afflicted.- Theophilus
Life + Loneliness Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
Being LONELY is much better than feeling ALONE - AB Baby
The waves of life-cycle might wash away the rock structures of life, but the sands of memories shall remain forever! - Bipin Kumar G J
Everything else has found a way to let me go. I suppose pain is a longer process. - Meagan Lynn Gervais
Sadness and loneliness are just steps in life - Isaiah Roemello Solano
Some people spend thousands of dollars on therapy, trying to figure out what causes their depressive feelings. Life is cruel and unfair. In reality, they are trying to figure out what stops their depressive feelings. In my experience, there's only one thing I know of and that is love. - Josh
Sometimes, you reach for something to hang on to, and find out nothing was ever there. - Rena Eepling
For when our heart is broken our secrets are revealed for people to see our weaknesses - Jason Baker
I want to be in love, but I guess I wasn't made for that. - Rick Daune Gibson
Sometimes the road is so rocky, but when I glimpse the paved road ahead I remember its worth it - NJ Villaroel
If you're stupid enough to open the door and close it, I might be stupid enough to close it. - Dana Jo Graslie
Why do we live to only find that loneliness follow us? - Basil Tong
We hurt others like we hurt insects. - Basil Tong
Life says- loneliness is a friendly enemy - shivangi lavaniya
Love, trust, jealousy they are all strong emotions.. But if you label them all as just 'emotions' your life might be empty, but at least won't feel pain of watching love turning to hate, trust to isolation and jealousy into pain - Djordje Peric
No body wants you to smile but you've to Do it yourself. That's life. - Kapil Gaire
His love was like a rainbow but unfortunately she was colorblind.. - Lakshay negi
It's good to be lonely for others but it gets worse when you be lonely by loosing yourself - Adarsh Hegde
Keep in mind the path to love is ALWAYS a straight line.. ALWAYS, then we choose to step off the road. It is not the road we are on it is the time we spend off, we find our self alone - Randal Lewis
Roses are red violets are blue, my life's a mess and so is yours - Kayla Weir
You are your own friend when the street is empty. - Anthony T Hincks
And he said... ...always try and leave your loneliness alone. - Anthony T Hincks
This Christmas you don't want to celebrate your loneliness, so make a stranger feel welcome into your life. Afterall, that stranger may just turn out to be you. - Anthony T Hincks
This Christmas you don't want to celebrate your loneliness, so make a stranger feel welcome into your life. Afterall, that stranger may just turn out to be you. - Anthony T Hincks
Life is forever absent in person. - Anthony T Hincks
Heart + Loneliness Quotes ⇑
Heart Quotes
Ever since you left out of my heart, my heart has felt lonely and without love. I feel it dripping blood of tears. wish you come back to my arms and my heart again. i'm lonely without :( - Gladys Maria
The heart is supposed to be complicated, but mine is just pumping blood - NothingButAfool
Relationships can end in heartbreak, although someone else can come along and fix the pieces; there's still that piece that's been left behind. - mj mansfield
I know you want me because I need you too, there are times in my life I cannot bare to be apart from you, when it's late and you feel like you want to cry, just take a few minuets to think that I just long to hold and kiss you and no I'll never let go - sarah alicia thompson
I don't care who you are, you were incorrect if you ever thought that there was no-one in the world who loved you. I can personally guarantee that there will always be one person who does. - Josh
I'm in love with illusion, but my pain is real. - hosam dahhan
So what if I can't have you in real life.. I will always have you in my most secret place of all.. my heart.. - shiza shahid
To much of this can make you sink, not knowing which detection to go down even the Good can be a curse, curse - Rebecca Ann Totten
If I ever lost you, my soul would roam this world alone and not even the most trying bodies could reach my hurt soul. - Destiny Star Boyer
You never understand a broken heart until you have one - Loveless_World
Thinking about the past and the future will make you forget, remember about your present self and time - Tristan celhellvan
Circulating thoughts.. From mind to heart.. from heart to mind.. I swing in between.. wonder when to stop thinking and start responding.. - ShaktiSikha Sahoo
You can break an army of a thousand men, but it only takes one word to reduce you to a million pieces. - Connor Redmond
Sometimes you have to be quiet even when you wanna scream, because somethings are best kept unspoken. - shivangi lavaniya
Separation is always hard between the two hearts not between two people. - Dharaneesh sonu
What I said was not exactly what I meant and the thing you got is out of everything what I actually meant, but you know I always strive to see an arc on your face - Saiteja Thottempudi
Giving importance to something doesn't mean ignoring the rest.. it only means that few things never lose their value in one's life and I hope that i'm one among those in your life - Saiteja Thottempudi
Someday you will be faced with the reality of loss. And as life goes on, days rolling into nights, it will become clear that you never really stop missing someone special who's gone, you just learn to live around the gaping hole of their absence. When you lose someone you can't imagine living without, your heart breaks wide open, and the bad news is you never completely get over the loss. You will never forget them. However, in a backward way, this is also the good news. They will live on in the warmth of your broken heart that doesn't fully heal back up, and you will continue to grow and experience life, even with your wound. It's like breaking an ankle that never heals perfectly, and that still hurts when you dance, but you dance anyway with a slight limp, and this limp just adds to the depth of your performance and the authenticity of your character. The people you lose remain a part of you. Remember them and always cherish the good moments spent with them. - Eershad Guness
There she's managing a war of heart and mind. And me admiring her smiling heart piercing my ocean of emotions. - niraj
They said happiness starts within you. How can I be happy without you? Because every heart beat of mine calls out your name - Mejie F Silva
Solitary confinement can be found in each and every heart. - Anthony T Hincks
Inspirational + Loneliness Quotes ⇑
Inspirational Quotes
Loneliness is a state of mind, not a lack of physical presence. you can be lonely around others. - Donald Lynn frost
You cannot express your 'FEELINGS' unless and until you want to express it to others.. - Steve Richards
Don't think you are alone in your journey, even the passage leading you is with you as a guide - Sadashivan
Everybody has their own story That hasn't been told yet.. - Liya johnson
You are not alone , but you can't know this unless you sit alone. - mohdmustafa99
It's no use counting your friends on your fingers when you are all thumbs. - Anthony T Hincks
"It was your choice... Choice to become stronger, and loneliness is the price for it... So bear with it a little longer". - Crest Oath Silver
Loneliness can sometimes return a smile, ten fold. - Anthony T Hincks
Loneliness produces its own friends. - Anthony T Hincks
Loneliness comes from not allowing smiles to come into your life. - Anthony T Hincks
The high point of loneliness is when you begin to notice and give attention to your own shadow. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Whoever cherishes his loneliness is not lonely. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
The high point of loneliness is when you begin to notice and give attention to your own shadow. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Co-creating the ambiance where love and loveliness flourish is expressing the goodness of being human! - Adrian McGinn
I've always said it that there must be something wrong with our earth that has 7 billion people and still many people complain of loneliness. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
If you can complain of loneliness in a world of 7 billion people, there’s definitely nothing wrong with you. Our world is simply cruel, uncaring and sick. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
When you’re all alone, you’re lonely. When you’re in a company you do not cherish, you’re on your own. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Loneliness is best shared with no one. - Anthony T Hincks
Pain drives my loneliness further. - Anthony T Hincks
True loneliness is not when you’re lonely. It’s when you find yourself in a company that repulses you to the extent that you begin to long for the days were lonely. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Love + Loneliness Quotes ⇑
Love Quotes
we don't need a special day to live with love, we need love to live special days - diya ahmed azzony
Love knows no excuses - diya ahmed azzony
Love struck is just puppy love - Rachelle Crandell
Somewhere in the corner of my heart, stays a pain which misses you all the time - Farhad Dastoor
No, I can't put a fake smile on my face. All I can put on is a curve on my lips - Eartha
I have been with a man who has loved me at my best- now, I pray to find that one person who would love me the same at my worst. - paulane garcia tugas
If you don't know why you fell for the person you fell for then you truly know you love them! - Israa Othman
Love will not always stay forever. - Hafsah
Walk alone, walk behind, walk ahead, but after all that has happened, yet it has caused a lot of pain, misery, memories which cannot be erased, we still walk together and always will. - Tahira
I know i'm not supposed to love you, I know i'm not supposed to care, I know i'm not supposed to wish you were her or what you are doing, but i'm sorry I can't because I love you - ann simmons
Douse my eyes, they are burning to see goddess, my orison. World seems to be deserted without her and me in prison. What ever god has made is useless, even the spring season. I will give up every dollar, and nothing left for comparison. - Mirza Sharafat Hussain Beigh
When I am alone please stay with me, when I feel upset please comfort me, when I get sick please keep me healthy, when I cry please cheer me up, when I feel broken please love me - lengthaiangtlumang
Love is a two-way game, you cannot truly love one who does not love you, neither can you force them to love you and look past the hurtful deeds you've done. I learned that the hard way.. - Alireza Gilichkani
Drowning in my own thoughts, trying to solve the world.. Picking up broken pieces of glass, will perhaps only hurt more. Better to leave them be, however also that is just a thought.. But you just cannot ignore and fact remains, this person is your world. - Not Interesting
Isn't it funny How one can think about another for hours and all those sweet moments, and yet, feel pain, because they know it just can't be? - Ashley Ortiz
Love is an anchor, and those with the biggest hearts, sink in the sea of loneliness. - Riley Shane Aker
Loneliness is open to interpretation. - Anthony T Hincks
Short + Loneliness Quotes ⇑
Short Quotes
Worst feeling in a world fully packed with people is loneliness. - Lokesh giri
Ill cry today but not tomorrow. - shelly gonzalez
I always wanted to be a lone wolf. Now that my wish has come true I wish I had never wished it - kaidranzer
They said to me true love existed and you proved it - Harlyn
Should I get fed up and give up or let people get fed up and give in? - Farhad Dastoor
It's So Hard To Forget Someone Who Gave You So Much To Remember - SHOAIB BANWA
A brave and successful person is someone who had been through lonely nights - Nelson Steven
Your busy-ness made me realize what loneliness is.. - shivangi lavaniya
No one wants to remove their crown of ego - Adarsh Hegde
You cannot be an excellent individual if you work individually. - mohdmustafa99
"A roof may protect you from the rain, but it cannot shelter you from loneliness." - Neil John Bacaltos
All Loneliness Quotes ⇑
It's easier to lose than to earn.- Kaylee Greene
They say time heals all wounds, yet, is it true if you never make peace?- Garron C. Haun
Love me for the things I do right instead of hating me for all the things I do wrong- Dylan Shane Vanover
If a person leaves you and breaks your heart, don't just lay on the floor crying, this person left you for a reason & honestly and clearly he/she doesn't care about you, there may be someone who is willing to pick up the pieces and maybe help you put them back together.- Neuri Mercedes
Its better to be alone than to be left alone- Bipin Kumar G J
The appreciation of loneliness comes when you're forced by circumstances to be in the company you do not cherish.- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
I may sit alone in my room, but you sit alone within a society of gnomes.- Anthony T Hincks
Loneliness is when you feel alone beneath a blanket of stars.- Anthony T Hincks
Loneliness is a family affair.- Anthony_T_Hincks
I wish that I had seen the path to loneliness.- Anthony T Hincks
In time, there are no friendships, only loneliness.- Anthony T Hincks
And he said… …the wind shall look upon the loneliness of man as sand fills the streets.- Anthony T Hincks
Loneliness is not a lack of people, but a lack of connection. Connect with the good people who care about you, and disconnect from the wrong people who hurt you.- Srinivas Mishra
Loneliness is the price paid for an intellectual superiority.- Alexander R Povolotsky
Loneliness is what leaves you alone in your room.- Anthony T Hincks
Loneliness will always need a cuddle.- Anthony T Hincks
Do you mean it when you say 'I am sorry?'- Dr Roger Ramsammy
When a person thinks of committing suicide, it means s/he feels loneliness and emptiness.- Lin Lin
Save me from the loneliness, I am tired of my silliness, Only you can bring the liveliness- Dolly Chaurasia
Your expectations are nothing more than a poison bottle.. You die everyday you have one - Yashi mahendra
Suicide is as selfish as those that oppose it- Forrest Munden
Silence is the best painkiller- Vimalsankar
Children are just people's, more particularly parents' puppets. They are just any random people's desires, Nothing more.- Khyati Bhatnagar
Misery loves company because misery is always the loneliest- G Swiss
I never want to see the dream where you are not.- Bikram Mahata
There is no difference between the words LIVE or DEAD when they are tagged with the term CLINICALLY.- Mustapha Khalid Palash
I'm so sick of lying, because when you do I'm slowly dying.- Sarah Grace Shackett
Sanity is immeasurable; insanity is. - mohdmustafa99
I honestly didn't know what I had in you, I just kept on pushing you away and you held on tighter, I tried to look at you like you were the same but you were so much more than anyone else, you tried so hard and I was so blind- Dallas Smith
Grandchildren are the most glorious blessing you could ask for.- Jacqueline douglas
Sometimes, it's only when the noise, the stress, and the commotion of the world are silent, our soul speaks the loudest.. cries the hardest, and hungers the most- William Payton scott
Happiness is a truth but not for all.- Abhimanyu
Every tear is a open door to a smile- Emeline
I hate being me. I hate the mask I put up. But when alone I burst in tears. Can't they see my pain can't they understand. It's hard being you when you are already broken. It's hard being you when you are an outcast, a misfit, the black sheep in the family.- lesley antwi
In a world full of noise, the ones who see it and not hear it probably understand it better.- Christina Jaafar
In this world there is one lucky person who will love you more than anyone else in the world.. someday you'll find them!- Jessica Harvey
We're taken hostage by the ones that we love.- Brandon Kellum
Some do not commit suicide to gain attention. Some do it to be forgotten.- Morgan Red
When everything in your life is falling apart and you still hold on because deep inside you know that better days are yet to come.- Javier Contreras
Life becomes easier when you find the purpose to your existence.- Javier Contreras
The deceiving smile. When everyone thinks that you are doing just fine, but deep inside, you know your are falling apart.- Javier Contreras
Every long walk has its sweet path- Sean O Osazuwa
I don't care what other people might think of me as long as I live in my harmony and I rest in peace.- Phillip John R. Endrinal
The Moment When You Realize: Yes.. A Broken Heart Really Might Can Kill You. Also The Moment You See That There's No one To Blame But Yourself- Jennifer Kay Starkey
I never expected that you will leave me! but if you come back we can make a different world within us- Vinod_shenoy
True fear is not when we're harmed; it's when we can never truly forget the cruel memories that we lived in the past- Basil Tong
You're only 'lost' if you are in a rush to find something or somewhere in particular, otherwise it's just called 'exploring' - Alec Chamberlain
To love a dear friend is heartbreaking when not knowing if they feel the same way about you.- Basil Tong
Prayers are a psychological mediation where one talks to themselves, it's not a talk to God.- Basil Tong
I trusted you without knowing you.. you broke it.. Not your fault but mine.. Because trust is gained not given..- Susan mago
See you at seven your hug is my heaven, I melt when you smile as we walk down the aisle. With a look of love to remember, In the month of September- Miranda Zekanovic
Because of you I learned to love more than ever, With my arms wide open I hug a little better, My tender kisses are sweeter than ever, Because of you My love is forever.- Miranda Zekanovic
Things that I should have said but could not, make me rot over the ghost of it now.- pahi shetty
Only Jesus can love those who don't love themselves. So unless you plan on being a nun, learn to love yourself.- Lorreda C Smith
I'm not open to many people. I'm usually quiet and not so friendly with my all acquaintances. So if I like you enough to show you the real me, you must be very special - Arefin Bashar Arif
The life path is easier with someone by your side- Miguel Filipe Santiago Pereira
When you don't find money in your purse, pursue purrs- mohdmustafa99
Suffering because you've been abandoned is not as much devastating as going through inevitably with your memories all the beautiful moments you two lived together.- Chris Peters
Beat is you who hates others, in god's eyes you are a insect waiting to be squished in hell- Timothy Michael Long
Loving someone with a white heart, no matter what they do to you no matter how they treat you, is that unconditional love? If not, what is unconditional love??- Macmillan
The meaning of life is whatever meaning you give to it, but without you, there is no meaning.- Ralph Harlow
Love is your perception, it is just your point of view. Just because you see it, doesn't mean it's true.- Cory Powell
Your smile is contagious, your laugh is heartwarming, and your presence is cherished if you do both.- McKenna McRoy
In this world of loneliness, Betrayal was my best friend, Whilst love stood at the door as my enemy, A fate only the universe could reverse.. - Dr Nirvadha Singh
Loneliness is just a feeling and you are the creator of your loneliness.- Sourabh kumar
Missing those people you love is not a sign of weakness. Nay! Admitting it shows how strong you are. In accepting that their absence has created a vacuum only they can fill..- Yakubu Natogmah Abukari (NAY)
In every smile, there's a hidden sadness In every laugh, there's a tear to follow, In every word, there's a hint of sorrow- No One
Underneath the mask, a bitter truth lies and a sorrowful story hides- No One
We all feel sadness and fear, but some of us live sadness and fear.- Danielle Rose Yates
There are no pure forms of insanity, only the artists insanity, which is their true reality - Danielle Rose Yates
Missing someone is the worse feeling ever, but if it exists.. then it is merely one-sided..- Caroline Huamani
Loneliness can sometimes feel like being in a cave with no match.- matt duncan
If alcohol is on his mind more than me, we're not meant to be- Adrianna Bolio
Why live in the past? move to the real life, don't be all upset because you got dumped, be happy, always be happy!- amie lou todd
There has been times when we could run miles for fun; but when it comes to walking a mile for that one true love, we hesitate, realize that fun is only temporary and love is forever- Alejandro Aguirre
Fri(end) boyfri(end) girlfri(end) fam(ily). if this doesn't help you to realize something, i honestly don't know what will.- Morgan Ashley
We give everything we can and are ready to give more.. Knowing it will go away, but we still want them to try.. being selfish we want them to CHOOSE US , PICK US and LOVE US.. but chasing won't work, we have to understand.. so I am trying my best to set you free.. its difficult, my heart bleeds every time and my pain comes out as a BIG SMILE ON MY FACE - Nidhi Saini
Depression is like a maze. When you think you see your way out, it's not the way out. The best way to get out of the maze is to see from above. There are many challenges while going through the maze and a lot of dead ends that stop you there, but nothing satisfies more than to reach the end and get out of that mess! (maze). Free yourself from the maze you are in and follow the path that leads to freedom! Until then, you will be happy!- David Figueroa
I believe a person should be who they are because in the long run, this life is going to pass over, and you will never discover who you are, if you don't.- David Figueroa
I can't stop thinking about you, You're in my Brain, You're in my heart, I wish you felt the same But times moved on And you're gone, So now we are just strangers With memories together - Charlottee
I will never forget the day we met because it was the day I found happiness.- Kendall Myers
There's One Thing I Fear More than Death, loneliness.- Fredrik Renman
Never let people bring you down always believe in who you are and what you believe in just be yourself because you find the right person in life to love you- Daneshka Decene
I hold on to the hope that you'll miss me, I pray for the day you call, I desire the sound of you saying you love me, my body craves the warmth of your embrace, without you my heart is nothing.- Thomas R Davis
I need comfort for moments like these that make me stop and consider what we could've been- Skyler Helunia
Distribute joy to all and enjoy the pain by own dear.- CELESTIN KUJUR
I'm lonely, I have good friends but there's a empty space in my heart- Brittany Jenkins
She was like oxygen to me.. so now its difficult to breathe in open air - Mohit Gupta
Love hurts.. sometimes it feels good to hurt- Ulyssa Benavides
The great feeling of love can be felt from a single pick up line, but a broken heart takes forever to pick up the pieces.- John Mari Ong
Once a feeling is attached, it cannot be detached.- diya ahmed azzony
I look across the plain and see nothing; I look at you and see everything.- natalia travers
When people 'really' get to know me, they either fall in love, or run away screaming - jaime Foster
Love is strict, Love is harsh, Love is the one that hurts the most- Chrystal sutton
It used to feel like he was a breath of fresh air; like I was drowning and he saved me- now I feel like he's the one holding my head underneath- Katie
You know you love someone when they treat you like you are the only one in the world and when you look into their eyes all you see is what you want- Ashley Groh
I don't really want to stay in, but I don't want to come out either.- Kaylee Greene
If I knew that it takes 6 months, 3 days and 49 seconds for us to be together and then to part, I would have never wanted to appear at the 49th second.- ong guo nian Jefferson
I wanna forget you while you are still fresh In my head.- Rick Daune Gibson
Make the most of today, as tomorrow may hold your last yesterday.- Brenden Ray Lujan
When your heart is overloaded with regrets, anger and sadness, you cry out all the pain, When your heart is overloaded with joy, freedom and love, you cry all out with tears of joy. But when your heart feel both emotions at the same time, what kind of tears do you cry out then?.. Neither of them. I feel nothing. All thoughts and feelings disappear and my mind goes blank.- Karolina
You are like a rose. Beautiful inside and out but over time deteriorate, you and your fine qualities fall slowly and gently- Karolina
There must be some weakness in my friendship, which let her pass one day without me.- Digbijaya Mohanty
Being surrounded by broken hearts should make yours the strongest- diya ahmed azzony
Love is not a simple emotion nor an easy feeling, therefore not every 'I LOVE YOU means I'D DIE FOR YOU- diya ahmed azzony
I sit alone at the lunch table, I talk to myself, I have nobody to love, now that I think about it, my life is very lonely..- haley elizabeth schmich
Just because you haven't been swept of your feet yet, doesn't mean there isn't someone who wants to.- mj mansfield
What do you know about sleepless nights and broken dreams- Nyrva
I love to feel wanted, but whenever I do feel wanted somewhere down the road I feel lonely again.- michaela fellers
When I look at her my heart stops beating- Isaiah Roemello Solano
There are only so many people that you can like, but there is only that one person who you will love for the rest of your life- Isaiah Roemello Solano
There may be 100 reasons to smile in a day.. But it takes only 1 reason to cry for lifetime.. - sandeep singh kohli
How could this be i'm alone again, without you my life has no meaning.. how could this heart feel so much for one person.. so I'll wait until the day we become one again- disire darkke leslie
Friends are like the wind.. They come once.. They go once..- Natalia
However lonely you feel remember you are never alone even if you are down a dark street with no other human presence.- Bethany Hope Skinner
It's funny how boys can break your heart into a billion pieces and not care for one.- Vanessa Murillo
Why is it that when I am with you, I still feel lonely.- Britney Davis
I love fresh honey, but I don't like bee stings, and so I protect my heart in order to get some 'pain free'.- Marcus W Pringle
Only on the nights when I wake up screaming do I realize that i'm better off not in his arms.- Alex Craige
Being avoided is a very unpleasant feeling, it questions the basic character of the person.- Lokesh giri