
Mel Burdett (melburdett) Quotes & Sayings:
Mel Burdett

Mel Burdett

Experience on OwnQuotes: 0 Years 5 Months
Short Bio: Mel Burdett is a curious, dynamic, and sensitive coach who guides people and teams toward self-awareness and self-empowerment. She has been described as a rudder in the river – even-keeled and calm – steering with a gentle but firm hand towards new adventures ahead. Mel is certified as a Positive Intelligence Coach (CPQC), Mindset and Wellbeing Coach (ACC ICF), International Laughter Yoga Leader (CLYL), Hatha Yoga Teacher (IYTA) and Hormone Yoga Therapist (IYTA) and founder of SimplyB Wellbeing

Mel Burdett Quotes

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