Mind Quotes Pictures

Happiness is not only, walks, disco, restaurants.. is also Tranquility, contempt, talk, is Balance..

Dedicated to the One I Love: Your smell my mind desires. Your touch and I'm inspired. Your look and..

Your mind is your powerhouse Let not others penetrate it ..
Courage Inspirational Life Short Truth
Happiness is purely a state of mind, it can be achieved without the external stimulus, if you know..
Happiness Philosophy Short Wisdom
Know Mind Happiness State
When hate fills your mind don't forget you have a heart...
Hate Heart Imagination Philosophy Short
Heart Mind Hate Forget
Awareness is listening to one's conscious mind by overlooking the sub-conscious mind...Heart Mind Hate Forget

Your mind can be your worst enemy. Control and train it wisely...
Funny Inspirational Life Philosophy Relationship
Mind Control Worst Enemy
Hope is the miracle medicine of the mind. It inspires the will to live. Hope is the physician's..Mind Hope

Happiness depends upon a mind full of rich thoughts and a heart full of rich emotions..
Happiness Heart Philosophy emotion thought
Heart Mind Happiness Rich
The good man reaches out to others with an open hand, an open mind and an open heart. He lifts..People Heart Mind Open Hand
We're limited by our beliefs. Don't believe it? Can you experience our world like a person on the moon? His view of the world is much different than..
-Shan Ali Naqvi World Mind Believe Different Experience
-Shan Ali Naqvi World Mind Believe Different Experience

Negative thinking leads to negative outcomes. Positive outcomes come from positive mind...
Philosophy Success Truth Wisdom Positive
Mind Thinking Positive
There must be no sheaths for minds , simply because they don't function like swords...
Funny Inspirational Philosophy One liners
Mind Thinking Positive
Once you become aware, it is impossible to return to an unaware state of mind...
Inspirational Philosophy Truth Wisdom
Mind Impossible State
Don't change your mind when you intend to say the truth..
Change Heart Short Truth One liners
Mind Truth ChangeTop 10 mind Quotes
Mind is sacred, keep it pure.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
We all program our gadgets—computers, mobiles, but we don't Program our Mind in such a way that we can REJOICE and BE HAPPY.- RVM Author
Some minds need to get reorganized.- joey the poet
The difference between you and I is our mindset.- Marvellous Emmanuel wilson
The mind is a Wrench, with the right adjustments, it opens every bolt.- Dom Precious
In love we can control our minds but we cannot control our hearts- g srinivas chary
Your dreams are your minds reality.- Dustin Rand A
If you are not being honest with yourself you have not reached the inner mind.- Victor Courage
Strength of mind and body is the pillar of your existence.- Victor Courage
During an argument or debate, most people don't listen with the intent to learn something, they listen with the intent to defend their position.- Donald Lynn Frost
Inspirational + Mind Quotes ⇑
Inspirational Quotes
Loneliness is a state of mind, not a lack of physical presence. you can be lonely around others. - Donald Lynn frost
Reconstruct the world by reconstructing your mind - Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S
We all program our gadgets—computers, mobiles, but we don't Program our Mind in such a way that we can REJOICE and BE HAPPY. - RVM Author
Once you become aware, it is impossible to return to an unaware state of mind. - Ana White
There's something about a woman with a loud mind that sits in silence, smiling, knowing she can crush you with the truth. - Aurora Coulange
What does it say of me if I can offer sense and clear thinking to others; but, cannot settle my own tormented mind? - The Quoted Iris
Who stops us from Realizing God? Our Mind is the Enemy. It hides from us, Our Lord ! - AiR
None of us is a better or worse human being than anyone else, if so it is our mind playing tricks on us! - Adrian McGinn
No two minds are the same when we all think differently. - Anthony T Hincks
May your sword stay sharp and your mind sharper. - John Guedes do Nascimento
The way is not in the mind . The way is in the heart. - Mohammad nadeem parray
Music is just like a cold bath for mind, body, and soul !! - Vivek Sahney
Decluttering the negative stories we have stored in the back of our mind frees us up! - Adrian McGinn
Life game is a mind game.-DrTJ/Thomas John, MD,ABO,DTM - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Win your mind game and you win your life game.-DrTJ/Thomas John, MD,ABO,DTM - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
If only you know that ‘I can’ or ‘I can't’ are both the state of mind that directs your steps and decisions you would have made your mind to believe that you can. - Nnabuisi Goodluck
If only you know that ‘I can’ or ‘I can't’ are both the state of mind that directs your steps and decisions you would have made your mind to believe that you can. - Nnabuisi Goodluck
If the world is getting bigger, then maybe your mind is getting smaller. - Anthony T Hincks
The average person is far more likely to avoid the complexities of learning how to use their mind at full capacity. - Marcquiese Burrell
It counts on individual’s state of mind what one observes in a piece of art or music composition !! - Vivek Sahney
Do not think a warren of a mind will harbor only rabbits of thought. - Anthony T Hincks
Rushing is rash! It slows down our clarity of mind! - Adrian McGinn
Frames of mind induced by music have an intuitive object but not any particular psychic object !! - Vivek Sahney
We all get older physically but we can stay being young in our mind! - Adrian McGinn
Our mind is not set, if we so desire we can become free of its current setting in the present moment! - Adrian McGinn
Thoughts will always prey on your mind. - Anthony T Hincks
All ideas are formulated to fulness. - Anthony T Hincks
When the school of thought is divided, the sharks shall swim in, and take their share. - Anthony T Hincks
Music is a metaphysical and philosophical expression of the human mind and fascination ! - Vivek Sahney
Step without fear; helping anyone to step out of fear is the best emotional recipe for the mind. - Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
Steps echo across the halls of our mind. - Anthony T Hincks
Empty spaces leave my mind filled with words. - Anthony T Hincks
A blejum of letters will only have meaning to those who can make ensse of their meaning. - Anthony T Hincks
Things in plain sight remain concealed to closed minds, open minds are ready for whatever wants to reveal itself! - Adrian McGinn
Experiences create images in our mind that become the lens through which we see the world but many of these images have a sell-by-date! - Adrian McGinn
Rhythm gives us a definite enjoyment by virtue of its regularity to which the mind is realistic !! - Vivek Sahney
Life is never without its mysteries, they keep our mind alive and alert! - Adrian McGinn
If you can't make up your mind, you'll never make up someone else's. - Anthony T Hincks
I'm stuck within my own prison. - Anthony T Hincks
Consciousness is the life that we seek. - Anthony T Hincks
Elevate your mind from the mental slavery of others by proving them wrong as you actualize your present, and future goals. - Howard Hanniford
Money is good. The undiciplined mind is what causes evil. - Plantseed Benjamin
When thoughts take shape, they are usually abstract. - Anthony T Hincks
Sometimes we dont fit anywhere because the mind is too busy cutting tress to build a shelter - Plantseed Benjamin
Sleep well! It is a third of our life when we are out of our mind! - Adrian McGinn
Everything rises and falls from mindset. If your mindset is right, you will be right. If your mindset is wrong, you will be wrong. Let your mindset be optimistic. - Adeleke Aishat Tashia
We are rational human beings with common sense until we let our mind think differently! - Adrian McGinn
Train your body and mind everyday, you have to be strong physically and mentally. - Gary Kay
Wisdom lets me know that knowledge is irrelevant in the wrong minds. - Anthony T Hincks
We are lucky no one can read our mind and we cheat ourselves by thinking we can read another persons mind! - Adrian McGinn
Know that words are the sabres of the mind. - Anthony T Hincks
Know that words are the sabres of the mind. - Anthony T Hincks
The body gets sick, does it not? The mind is a part of the body, mental health is equally as important as primary care.. - LYGAS
There’s more to explore with Books than Minds - Sobia Siddique
A journey of a thousand miles begins the very moment you make up your mind about it. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Abstracts are what the mind is all about. - Anthony T Hincks
One fish, red fish, two fish, green fish, respect the fish, I don’t remember the rest, stop looking at me, time for you to get dressed…three fish blue fish, guest star, wish list, doubt all, role call, make it fast, don’t rush to get past, don’t mind being last - LYGAS
Elevate your mindset, and your world will follow suit. - Aloo Denish Obiero
My mind is like a book, full of improbable words. - Anthony T Hincks
Emotions lay my mind bare so that everyone can read my thoughts. - Anthony T Hincks
What you owe your mind is relaxation. What you owe your body is exercise. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
The mind is a pretty barren place when all of the thoughts have left. - Anthony T Hincks
As the mind expands, so does the universe of possibilities. - Aloo Denish Obiero
Don't let your mind sit idle. - Anthony T Hincks
The mind is a silent force shaping worlds within and without — cultivate mindfulness, intentionality, and positivity in your thoughts. - Aloo Denish Obiero
A brilliant mind is full of remarkable ideas. - Anthony T Hincks
I try to keep my mind out of my head. Clouds my judgement - LYGAS
It’s easier to remember when one regained his mind than to remember when he lost it. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Victories in arguments are hollow if they leave no room for growth. True understanding comes from open ears, not a closed mind. - Victoria Debra Chebundo
It's not good to be alone within your mind on some days. - Anthony T Hincks
Hatred will never feed the inspiration of the mind. - Anthony T Hincks
My mind holds my only prison. - Anthony T Hincks
I spoke with an open mind, but a closed mouth. - Anthony T Hincks
The trilogy of a healthy body, an active mind, and self-discipline form the nucleus of all life's possibilities.-DrTJ,MD,ABO,DTM - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Persecution is the insanity of poisonous minds seeking to convince others that their poison is the cure for all those who oppose such madness - ralph harlow
Win mind battle, To win life battle.-DrTJ,MD,ABO,DTM - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
When feeling overwhelmed everything becomes urgent in our mind, declutter by removing what is just mind noise and focus on what matters most! - Adrian McGinn
Funny + Mind Quotes ⇑
Funny Quotes
We don't need to train a fool to play in a theater since he is going to play the role of an idiot anyway. - mohdmustafa99
Those who know a little think that they know everything , although those who know a lot, think that they have known very little. - mohdmustafa99
There must be no sheaths for minds , simply because they don't function like swords. - mohdmustafa99
The intelligent ones are like the mentally retarded deaf, can understand by signs - mohdmustafa99
What a difficult charge; to forget what you want to forget - mohdmustafa99
Your mind can be your worst enemy. Control and train it wisely. - asokha
' Some bonds, whether they be human, animal, or bird, have an intimacy, and if situation comes to leave anyone or go far, that causes untold pain to the mind and heart. - SAYYED SAMIYLLAHA
Try to divert the mind by arranging some free time from the busy schedules to fill the mind with joy as a calm mind can recharge better to perform more in the endeavors made in the life - Srinivas Mishra
"My mind preoccupied like a busy waterfall, I'd like to go there sometimes." - Neo i39
How sad that the memory cannot be killed. It alone destroys our lives. How painful it is to live with the funny phrase "time heals everything" in mind. - Tilantha hansanath
Playing chess has stained in my mind ......., only finding the best player is the crisis at hand...!! - William Sebunje
Every mind is a theater....., you just need to engage minds ....!! - William Sebunje
Every mind is a theater you only need to engage....the most scaring is always the most funny..!! - William Sebunje
Large minds are all about long term goals....., the rest is casual wear and casual aims....!! - William Sebunje
Opportunities live in extension......how far we should study....should be equal to how far we should travel our minds to locate the ight opportunity...!! Truly the more you study , the more you should plan to relocate....!! - William Sebunje
Opportunities live in extension......how far we should study....should be equal to how far we should travel our minds to locate the right opportunity...!! some are plans to relocate....!! - William Sebunje
Witty can not only be the mind, but also the hands and legs combined.....!! - William Sebunje
If minds are ladders of man....., man should climb good landers of his thinking....!!! - William Sebunje
Why bother our mind when the most important thing in the world is not defined by color, That is the light of the day, the water we all need.....and the breath to define of our being alive ....!! - William Sebunje
Every mind you see is destiny ......and every mind has a duty to discover its destiny....!!! Please and Please do not over spoon feed...!!1 - William Sebunje
Everyone group has one tough mind to influence its direction...!! - William Sebunje
You have recreate yourself by finding a true art to keep you connected with the right minds and right platforms......Or else you perish in the idon't know why....!!? You can choose to funny around, serving or supporting it so as you stay around...!! - William Sebunje
You have recreate yourself by finding a true art to keep you connected with the right minds and right platforms......Or else you perish in the idon't know why....!!? You can choose to keep funny around entertaining , serving or supporting the platform so as you stay around in peace...!! - William Sebunje
At the top of every changing position.... the un usual takes over.....water boils to purify.. minds boils to align better..., and hearts melt to solidify together....!!! - William Sebunje
Water must boil to purify........truly our minds should never boil up if the boiling is not for purity thoughts...!! - William Sebunje
I have one friend who has insisted to tell me i need money now the way i get is not the issue......, and for me i have always told him my interest is now to cross the bridge of turbulence once and for all ....then think of other option of life...!! Different minds mean different aims...!! - William Sebunje
Sometimes we have to learn to keep pour tough minds somewhere......, Because you carry tough minds...we get to realise everything is just basic....this alone can become an issue to add in...!! - William Sebunje
Sometimes we have to learn to keep our tough minds somewhere......, as we carry tough minds there ...,we get to realize everything is just basic....this alone can become an issue to add in...!! Give the grader tough road works dear...!! - William Sebunje
If we can feed our minds by what we want ti feed our stomachs.... I think both the foot and vision can be aligned..!! - William Sebunje
Not all minds can communicate it....it is why we need to learn to rest gestures...!! - William Sebunje
Not all minds can communicate it....it is why we need to learn to respect gestures...!! - William Sebunje
Every mind with its point of obsession ...., and everyone of us is crazy somewhere....!! - William Sebunje
We got to write it in our minds that we're so temporary ......, So everything we step out to do, we should do it so well...!! - William Sebunje
We got to write it in our minds that we're so temporary ., So everything we step out to do, we should do it so well...!! - William Sebunje
Good mind Ignores.....!! - William Sebunje
Every mind is complex by its shape..., some are doubtful to convince, some are dismissive by nature , and yet some are absent to trace ...!! - William Sebunje
It’s said that we humans use only about ten percent of our brains. I bet if we used forty or fifty percent, we could figure out a way to use only two or three. - John Alejandro King
Life + Mind Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
Your life is a result of your mind. - Sourabh kumar
During an argument or debate, most people don't listen with the intent to learn something, they listen with the intent to defend their position. - Donald Lynn Frost
Strength of mind and body is the pillar of your existence. - Victor Courage
The mind can be creative only when it's free of all purpose. - Tapan Ghosh
Peace of mind, is long life. - ENGR ABAH SULE
You're not missing out on things that were never for you. Life has a different vision with you in mind. - Marcquiese Burrell
Great minds think alike that’s why great actions are so important. Because there are a lot of great minds, but very few who act greatly. - Billy Scott
It's critical to keep in mind that once evil is exposed for what it is, it must be named. - Marcquiese Burrell
Behind every wary look. there is a long web series, running in her mind. - Summi
Noone likes being discriminated against, but they themselves do not mind, and have no problem discriminating. - Sundaresh
Do not allow your mind to be a bully to your decisions. - Marcquiese Burrell
If you make up your mind to be happy, you will reach that outcome. - Marcquiese Burrell
The moment you've told me to ignore you, my mind shifted to your mother. All my thoughts think she needs you while you're unwell. - Bioshifax
"The brilliant mind of the late Stephen Hawking and his profound messages have reached people all around the world, leaving a lasting impact on those who may have never even known where they're originated from." - Neo i39
Wound heals but pain not; pain heals but mind not; mind heals but soul not; All heals .........did you wish not? - Deborshi Paul
Greed not only plays in your mind, but it also plays with your life. - Anthony T Hincks
A person or an emotion can trouble us only when we give it power. Remove the burden of the past from your mind !! - Vivek Sahney
No fence or wall is without a way in. - Anthony T Hincks
If your head’s in your hiney, your brain will be tiny. - Mark A Gardner
Learn to swim in the depths of your mind,you will never drown in this river called life. - Sanad Jhariya
Mind; A Beautiful Servant. A Dangerous Master. "God is Able" 77 - Charles Odili
When we try to divide our mind and body we get into a spin that disorientates us! - Adrian McGinn
Your mind will always belong to a society of fools. - Anthony T Hincks
"If you can't control your subconscious mind, you can't control your life!" - Michael Lanceford
While physical blindness may find healing, the cecity of the mind often starts leaving, when the soul has reached its ending. - Younes Allachi
A man who eats shrimp, has his mind on small things. - Anthony T Hincks
We live in fear within our own mind. - Anthony T Hincks
“No one in this universe has your DNA. DNA is my acronym for dare to nurture all that is within you. When you believe this with your entire mind, body and spirit the essence of who you really are exudes into your outer world.” - FRANCO CIANFLONE
“An idea causes all types of feelings and emotions that may be immersed into the individual’s deeper mind. This deeper mind is undoubtedly the reservoir of all action for human behavior either by default or design.” - FRANCO CIANFLONE
Our mind is easily hacked! Beware of what is filling it with spam! - Adrian McGinn
Our mind is easily hacked! Beware of what is filling it with spam! - Adrian McGinn
A mind that fears the unknown builds walls; a mind that embraces it builds bridges. - Aloo Denish Obiero
Heart + Mind Quotes ⇑
Heart Quotes
In love we can control our minds but we cannot control our hearts - g srinivas chary
Your mind, heart, inner world and soul are portals - Romeo
A person must be intelligent, otherwise she/ he must be hearty. - mohdmustafa99
Our heart sings out what we long for and mind holds the knowledge for us to achieve it. - Luke Shen Tien Chi
The good man reaches out to others with an open hand, an open mind and an open heart. He lifts people up instead of letting them down - Irfan Mamoun MD
Balanced state of heart, soul and mind makes a perfect human being - Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
If you have a perfect diet you can have a perfect body and if you have a perfect mind and heart you can have a perfect relation in your life - Bishal kalita
Flames are what burn an image into your mind and set your heart racing when you are in love. - Anthony T Hincks
Our hearts know no honesty within the mind. - Anthony T Hincks
You don't open your mind in order to close your heart. - Anthony T Hincks
Interconnectiness is everywhere, it is within us with our mind, heart and body and outside us in everything we do! - Adrian McGinn
Division in the Heart confuses the Mind. - Mark A Gardner
The Heart brings the Light; The Mind dims it’s Expression. - Mark A Gardner
There is nothing sharper than a brain full of ideas, nothing deeper than a mind full of thoughts, and nothing heavier than a heart full of emotions. - Sanad Jhariya
A Mind without the Heart is like a room with no sound. - Mark A Gardner
Teachers are the architects of society. They design the minds and hearts of the next generation. Happy Teachers' Day - Srinivas Mishra
Teachers are the architects of society. They design the minds and hearts of the next generation. Happy Teachers' Day - Srinivas Mishra
Our heart is our sun, it shines continuously even when our mind brings storms and clouds but these always pass! - Adrian McGinn
A mind open to learning cultivates a heart rich in understanding. - Aloo Denish Obiero
Philosophy + Mind Quotes ⇑
Philosophy Quotes
If eating poop makes you the greatest man alive, then it also states your downfall. - Nerd Brooke
Never allow your tongue to dominate your mind - MANI SHARMA
If only the minority understands you, then you are an intellectual.. - mohdmustafa99
Negative thinking leads to negative outcomes. Positive outcomes come from positive mind. - Allen Lazar
Awareness is listening to one's conscious mind by overlooking the sub-conscious mind. - Ramasubramanian Thyagarajan
The African minds have to be liberated not the people. -12-10-2015 - Bediako The Poet
The future belongs to those who are mentally flexible. The ones who stay open to new ideas, who upon new information can unlearn what until then they were sure about. Those who chase curiosities, connect dots and aren’t afraid to be wrong. Those are the ones that will end up being right. - Billy Scott
Too often when someone closes their mind to opposing views they've left the keys to open it inside. - Kevin J Epley SPHR SHRM SCP
When an individual lacks depth, their mind becomes an echo chamber of past impressions due to the abundance of assumptions, conclusions, and beliefs. - Marcquiese Burrell
Use the mind when it flames are still burning, when the roses are still rosy, still in pink with pleasant smells. - words of Thompson David Poet. - Thompson David Ademuse Poet
If a change of mind was to be attained by replacing brains, then there would be no such thing as “a change of mind.” - Nkhumbuleni Tendani Ratshitanga
We suffer because soul wants to live and Mind wants not to die. - Kartik
Strange thoughts cross my mind when I sit alone in the forest. - Anthony T Hincks
Nothing is as empty as a mind full of ideas. - Anthony T Hincks
Life isn't set in stone whereas some people's minds are. - Anthony T Hincks
It doesn't take a scientist to see what man has done. Only a mind which is willing to see the truth. - Anthony T Hincks
Short + Mind Quotes ⇑
Short Quotes
The mind is a mutual place to be pleasant and to be dark. - Natalia
Minds are like umbrella - they only function when open. - palash sarkar
You are only as strong as your mind. - Victor Courage
Some minds need to get reorganized. - joey the poet
Don't start any argument, but be ready if anyone wants to argue about your thoughts. - mohdmustafa99
Know little minds by their big irrelevant interventions. - mohdmustafa99
Not all those having ideas are writers; not all writers have ideas. - mohdmustafa99
An idiot mind works by its full idiocy whenever we assign it a task that needs some intelligence. - mohdmustafa99
"General Dale is a seasoned military veteran with a sharp mind and a no-nonsense attitude." - Neo i39
"Neurosynth - An unforgettable journey into the deepest depths of your mind - and a chance to unlock your true potential..." - Neo i39
"Whoever hurts the mind will be deciphered." - Bioshifax
All mind Quotes ⇑
Your powerful mind commands.. and your body simply obeys- Tina Panossian
When all seems lost, it isn't. That is the beauty of the mind and soul.- Elysia B
Being occupied keeps you away from brooding, cribbing and crying.- Maharshi Upadhyaya
Your mind is the greatest director and your imagination.. the greatest movie- vibhor
Fear is a powerful illusion that one must rid himself of or his mind will be forever bound by the chains of time and slowly wither away and seize to exist- Christopher Joesph Agruso
Strength without mind is a weakness.- Tamerlan Kuzgov
God will never be found in the mind of the intellect, but only in the hearts of the righteous. The mind is the devil's playground, but the heart is the sanctuary of God- ralph harlow
Forgiveness not only opens your heart, but it also opens your mind.- Anthony T Hincks
My mind opened new doors, but my stubbornness slammed them shut.- Anthony T Hincks
If fear is in the mind, and if dogs can smell fear, that makes dogs smelepathic!- John Alejandro King
I know that I exist, within my own mind.- Anthony T Hincks
An open mouth will lead to an abundance of flies, whereas an open mind will lead to an abundance of ideas and understanding.- Anthony T Hincks
Beware of the words in your own mind.- Anthony T Hincks
Where we can not change our mind is the place to destroy our creativity..!!- William Sebunje
Words mean nothing if they don't paint a picture within your mind.- Anthony T Hincks
The fallacies of the mind arise from the divisiveness of the heart.- Randy Alan Lough
Where minds can not think better...A simple prayer can open doors ..!!- William Sebunje
"Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak."- James Ng\'uni
Age, they say, is in the mind. So, whenever they ask you your age, tell them your mind.- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
The mind only gets stuck where trauma has occurred in attempt to allow ourselves to create closure. dont resist, hesitate or remain stuck in fear. Explore the moment in order to clear path for yourself to move forward. That is how you leave the past in its place properly…- LYGAS
Once confusion has rules over.....water boils to purify.....and minds boils to align better....!!! It is called change and its parametors...!!- William Sebunje
My mind rests in Cathedrals, Palaces, Castles, Temples, Chateaus & Graveyards of Undead Ideas -- Isbelle Razors
An inquisitive mind is a quicksand of thoughts.- Anthony T Hincks
Vegetables have their minds rooted in nature.- Anthony T Hincks
It's the apes who control the minds of man in war.- Anthony T Hincks
Each on their own time, given the path they may find, best of luck with what you find, if only nothing better than that which comes to mind tomorrow than what we hoped to leave behind, manage this well & you’ll find this was time well spent- LYGAS
Education is never lost on a curious mind.- Anthony T Hincks
You open doors to let people in or out. Your mind is the same because it lets new ideas in and your dreams out into the world where they can grow.- Anthony T Hincks
Words are open to interpretation, just as our minds should be open to the world.- Anthony T Hincks
When we are under stress , music and other arts reassure us peace of mind !!- Vivek Sahney
May I surround myself with light. May I honour, nurture and appreciate myself. May the fruits of my actions be plentiful. May loving friends and family stand by me. May I gift myself permission, compassion, and courage to live my best life.- Mel Burdett
In your mind, you cannot fail - unless you think so.- Mel Burdett
Always keep in mind that not everyone will fully appreciate or comprehend your unique journey. Stay unwavering in your pursuit of goals and let your authenticity shine brightly. In the end, your success will be the resounding testament to your path.- Marcquiese Burrell
Impossibilities exist in the minds of those who are afraid of failure and even success.- Anthony T Hincks
Songs dear to you are never far from your mind and concern !!- Vivek Sahney
The best peace is peace of mind.- Tamerlan Kuzgov
“Even though there are several Breakdowns, keep your eye on your goal and keep in mind that you are shortly making a huge Breakthrough.”- Prashant B Yeole Author Mind Business Coach
True happiness arises when you find harmony between your heart, mind and soul.- Wisdom Quotes Zone
Music making is a discrete attitude. Every single thing materialises swiftly. It is a blend of conscious and unconscious state of mind !!- Vivek Sahney
It takes a lot of Time, Cause nothing Good comes easy. But only the Patient ones Achieve it. Success is a state of Mind. "God is Able" 77...- Charles Odili
Life is full of disappointments, failures and setbacks. None of these things can permanently stop you. You have the power to overcome anything life throws at you. There is nothing more powerful than a made up mind. No person, situation or circumstance can define who you are. You are powerful- Natalie Flaherty-Verrall
The awfulness of the Christian Genocide by the Ottomans is still unfathomable by the human mind more than a century after its perpetration.- Boghos L. Artinian
The grace of a Raga steers the listener to a tranquil, relaxing and pleasant state of mind and fetches him absolute joy !!- Vivek Sahney
It is for the Heart to desire what to love and the Mind to become insane because of it.- Zac Ochsenbine
Being open-minded is essential for our well-being, otherwise hate is lurking in our mind ready to devour it!- Adrian McGinn
Creativity: an ethereal symphony of ingenuity and imagination, defying conformity, traversing unconventional thought, and awakening dormant minds to boundless possibilities—a compass guiding us towards self-discovery, where the extraordinary finds solace in the heart of the beholder.- Manmohan Mishra
Education can illuminate the mind, but it is the brilliance of one's mentality that truly unlocks its power. - Suyog Potdar- Suyog Potdar
Contemporary turn of mind doubtlessly has elevated vulnerability to music and other performing arts !!!- Vivek Sahney
Music, an egress for the soul and feelings, and regimen for the mind !!- Vivek Sahney
Laziness is waiting to have someone else change your mind for you.- Anthony T Hincks
We have the habit of setting a goal without setting our mind to it.- Tamerlan Kuzgov
Since I met her... Both my mind and soul have been ensnared in an inexplicable labyrinthine of Thoughts... each moment Ticking by with a palpable longing to unravel the Enigma that is Her...- Afriad kamal
Your subconscious mind knows what you really want in life, but you disregard it"- Atul Dhumal
You don't open your heart in order to close your mind.- Anthony T Hincks
Dreams are where family is on your mind.- Anthony T Hincks
Thoughts that are random are merely chaotic ideas with ordered meanings.- Anthony T Hincks
See not what is in your mind, but rather see what is in your heart.- Anthony T Hincks
Words covered in chocolate won't always leave sweet thoughts of happiness in your mind. Some may leave a bitter taste on your tongue.- Anthony T Hincks
Your mind is powerful. Fill it with positive thoughts, and it will positively change your life. Fill it with negative thoughts, and will negatively impact your life.- Trudy Vesotsky
The work of a music composer is demonstrative of the lyricist’s emotional frame of mind !!- Vivek Sahney
The work of music composer’s demonstrative of the lyricist’s emotional frame of mind !!- Vivek Sahney
Environ plus Mental is Environmental. Without environs there is no mind.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
The human mind should be against anything without evidence.- Marcquiese Burrell
If people knew how a negative word can grow like a poisonous tree in a person's mind, they would never say it. If people knew how a positive word can grow like a beautiful tree in a person's mind, they would always say it.- Severe
The mind cannot produce UNLESS creative intelligence [imagination] sets it in motion. Action is the greatest force for the mind. Dr. Toi- Toi Pittman
Your obedience to your mind shall leave your heart in tatters.- Anthony T Hincks
It's when you touch another's mind that you know what is in their heart.- Anthony T Hincks
Weak minds oppose, strong minds propose- Kim J Baaden
If I say what's on my mind and I offend you. I guess I said the truth, which offends you.- Politically inccorect
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience nor are we spirits having a human experience. We are embodied Souls imprisoned by the ego, mind, and body.- AiR Atman in Ravi
Goal is mostly in the subconscious mind and during contemplation it surfaces in the conscious mind.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Two things one must avoid changing them : flexibility of own mind , and rigidity of the other's mind.- mohdmustafa99
Naivety is not to be cheated , but to deny that you've been cheated.- mohdmustafa99
Ideology brings up the dogmatic ideas.- mohdmustafa99
The traditional factors of production are: land, labor and capital. Over time the factors of production have evolved to become: space, innovation (mental capital) and time.- Murungi Nathaniel Muthomi
You may confuse cows with each other , but please, not to the extent of trying to milk the bull.- mohdmustafa99
It is nice and wise to put all contradictory parts together in one time if we speak about people not thoughts.- mohdmustafa99
Avarice is a mental and sight defect that sees things in a very big amount , a very little.- mohdmustafa99
Thinking about yourself is more complicated than thinking about the universe which God created in six days and you in nine months.- mohdmustafa99
The mind of politics doesn't match with its history. All good relations in politics depend on forgetting.- mohdmustafa99
I don't hate idiots outside lecturing halls of a university.- mohdmustafa99
Great minds congratulate you even with your small wins not because they can see the future but because the want to be celebrated someday- Isele Eghosasere Elfreda
Prick me with the point of your pen ; this is less harmful than what your pen writes.- mohdmustafa99
Our passions work according to absence of minds rather than to their attendance.- mohdmustafa99
Every year they are waiting for the end of the world, it seems to them that fate has put a gun on mankind, and wonders if there is a bullet or not, but mankind is crazy, in fact it has guided the gun itself, and fate is a fictional alter ego - Romeo
Perfection exists in the mind! There it is, there it was, and there it will be forever- Joshua Aaron Guillory
Think big and think positive, because you are the architect of your own future, what you see in your mind's eye is what you are capable of doing in the near future- Emmanuel Essien
Your mind will answer most of the questions, if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.- Darab Imteyaz
All your wrong doings are being watched by the messenger of GOD who is sitting deep in your mind in the guise of your SOUL.- harbinderjit singh bajaj
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