Gender: | Male |
Location: | Khargone, India |
Occupation: | Author |
Experience on Earth: | 42 Years |
Experience on OwnQuotes: | 11 Years 1 Months |
Vikrant Quotes
1-50 of total 1490 Quotes
You are not rich enough to buy back your past, but you are not so poor that you can’t change your..
The best way to win a person’s heart is to admire and appreciate him even if he doesn’t deserve..
He who studies MA in English Literature but fears the name Shakespeare is one who studies shadow..
People change only for two reasons: 1) When you start making money. 2) When they start making money...
The biggest waste of time in a man's life is to search for the reason why people hate him...
A man who boasts of his knowledge without having gone to school is like a man who boasts of his..
We will pay a big price for an invention that will help us save time we don’t know what to do..
The man who holds the ladder at the bottom is frequently of more service than the man at the top...
If you play with a fool at home he'll play with you in the market...
He who abuses others must not be particular about the answers he gets...
A doctor is a person who kills you today to prevent you from dying tomorrow...
Love your enemy but don’t put your sword in his hands...
A man who is an enemy of the bride doesn’t speak well of the wedding...
If you don’t open the door to him who begs your alms, one day you will have to open it to the..
To prescribe medicine for the dead and to give advice to the old is the same thing...
The more women look in their glasses, the less they look to their houses...
A man who doesn’t know how to hold his tongue doesn’t know how to talk...
The work is either delayed or ill done if money is paid beforehand...
A man who is proud of his money has rarely anything else to be proud of...
He is miserable once who feels it, but twice who fears it before it comes...
A miser is like an ass that carries gold and eats thistles all its life...
Don’t give your measure to anyone but your tailor...
Pay attention to whatever you say because a knot tied with your tongue can’t be undone with your..
A man is newly married who tells his wife everything he knows...
Man is never less miserable than when he appears to be deprived of everything...
They do not easily rise in the world whose talents are depressed by poverty...
There are occasions in a man’s life when it is undoubtedly better for him to make loss than gain...
That which is gained by the sacrifice of character should be called a loss...
War should be so engaged in that nothing but peace should appear to be aimed at...
An eagle never falls in love with small plants and birds...
A poor person is one who usually remembers what he had eaten the same day last week...
The difference between a rich man and a poor one depends upon the hand whether it gives or receives...
Poverty is nothing but getting up every morning from dirt and going to bed every night with mud...
A teacher giving lectures without knowledge is like a beggar selling books on how to become rich...
Even if you are not asked anything, you just have to speak something to make someone believe that..
A man’s character may be judged by how he gives you response to the same question asked by you..
Trust a man little who praises everybody, him less who criticizes everybody, and him least who both..
Your character may be judged by how much and how well you talk if you don’t talk about yourself...
I have a very poor opinion of a man who talks to men what women should not hear...
If anyone tells you that a man has changed his character, don't believe it...
If you throw all your money into the sea, yet count it before you let it go...
It is very difficult to guard a treasure of which all men have the key...
In the same measure in which you wish to receive, you must give. If you wish for a whole heart,..
One of the main problems for a man is to find out what kind of work he has to do in this universe...
Everyone is the best interpreter of his own words...
A man cannot feel the worth of a woman who doesn’t know how to respect herself...
He who is the friend of everyone has no interest for me...
Love is a passion which comes often we don’t know how and which goes also in the same manner...