
Surya Bhute (sneha_surya) Quotes & Sayings:
surya bhute

Surya Bhute

Location:Karwar, India
Experience on Earth:31 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 11 Years 9 Months

Surya Bhute Quotes

1-7 of total 7 Quotes
The only girl who can complete me,is complete with someone else. The only girl who can complete me,is complete with someone else...


I know she is with me always and forever not in reality but in my dreams...... I know she is with me always and forever not in reality but in my dreams........


In my life you are invincible but In your life I am invisibleā€¦. In my life you are invincible but In your life I am invisibleā€¦...


A Dream came true but it was not perfect one, it was My Broken Dream... A Dream came true but it was not perfect one, it was My Broken Dream.....


I hate it when i am waiting for something and someone makes me still keep on waiting.... I hate it when i am waiting for something and someone makes me still keep on waiting......


Its not yet time to sleep until you say good night, and its not a day for me until i hear you say Its not yet time to sleep until you say good night, and its not a day for me until i hear you say..


There There's a day after every night, There's lots of miss you and love you after my each heart beat.....

