
Tapan Ghosh (tapanghosh) Quotes & Sayings:
Tapan Ghosh

Tapan Ghosh

Location:Mumbai, India
Experience on Earth:77 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 7 Years 0 Months
Short Bio: Film maker, writer, thinker, rolled into one. The creative me is a lot of fun. What you see here are my expressions true. I hope they strike a chord within you.

Tapan Ghosh Quotes

1-50 of total 214 Quotes
You can survive but not live with a single identity. You can survive but not live with a single identity...

Philosophy Wisdom

Every victorious warrior draws his strength from the highest source; his love. Every victorious warrior draws his strength from the highest source; his love...

Love Philosophy Wisdom

Love is when every part of me longs for every part of you. Love is when every part of me longs for every part of you...

Love Philosophy Relationship Romantic Wisdom

The best way to ease your anxiety while waiting for a decision is to move into your alter ego. The best way to ease your anxiety while waiting for a decision is to move into your alter ego...

Life Wisdom

An iota of positivity is enough to offset a lifetime of negativity. An iota of positivity is enough to offset a lifetime of negativity...

Life Philosophy Wisdom

To live life to the fullest, you have to be a versatile actor to play all the roles. To live life to the fullest, you have to be a versatile actor to play all the roles...

Life Wisdom

Don Don't take life seriously; learn to flirt with it...

Life Wisdom

Most of the sins have been committed in the name of God! Most of the sins have been committed in the name of God!..

God Religion Wisdom

Being in love is a purpose in itself. Being in love is a purpose in itself...

Love Philosophy Relationship Romantic

You have the right connections only if you are connected to yourself. You have the right connections only if you are connected to yourself...

Inspirational Philosophy Wisdom

Happiness is to be found neither in seeking people, nor in places. Instead, flirt with life, the Happiness is to be found neither in seeking people, nor in places. Instead, flirt with life, the..

Inspirational Life Philosophy Wisdom

There There's no other way but to face life in order to live it...

Inspirational Life Wisdom

God speaks to you only if you would listen. God speaks to you only if you would listen...

God Philosophy Wisdom

When you help someone, you also help yourself. Instead of worrying about how much you get in return, When you help someone, you also help yourself. Instead of worrying about how much you get in return,..

Philosophy Wisdom

Women are undoubtedly the stronger sex, yet they want to ape men. Women are undoubtedly the stronger sex, yet they want to ape men...


Happiness, like love, is best experienced, not defined. Happiness, like love, is best experienced, not defined...

Happiness Love Wisdom

If we don’t discard our roots, we can also flourish like trees and spread our love. If we don’t discard our roots, we can also flourish like trees and spread our love...

Inspirational Love Philosophy Wisdom

Don’t take life seriously. Flirt, so that you don’t get hurt. Don’t take life seriously. Flirt, so that you don’t get hurt...

Happiness Life Love Wisdom

There are two of you in you, let both coexist. There are two of you in you, let both coexist...

Philosophy Wisdom

When I think of you, I smile. Don When I think of you, I smile. Don't ask why...

Love Philosophy Wisdom

Face life as you would play a game of chess. Face life as you would play a game of chess...

Life Wisdom

Is a camera as precise as the human eye? No way, it is not empowered by the brain. Is a camera as precise as the human eye? No way, it is not empowered by the brain...

Philosophy Science

The immediate fulfillment of desires will make you greedy. The immediate fulfillment of desires will make you greedy...


Has God created us or is it the other way around? Has God created us or is it the other way around?..

God Philosophy Religion Wisdom

Women are called the weaker sex for not knowing that they are mentally stronger. Women are called the weaker sex for not knowing that they are mentally stronger...

Philosophy Wisdom

You may love many but be in love with only one. You may love many but be in love with only one...

Heart Love Philosophy Relationship

Both the eyes are one-sided. For the perfect balance, you need Shiva’s third eye. Both the eyes are one-sided. For the perfect balance, you need Shiva’s third eye...

Philosophy Wisdom

Relationships are created, love happens. Relationships are created, love happens...

Love Relationship Wisdom

Guilt is the fear of hurting your ego or that of your loved ones. Guilt is the fear of hurting your ego or that of your loved ones...

Relationship Wisdom Fear

Our life should be nothing but a balancing act as per the laws of nature. Our life should be nothing but a balancing act as per the laws of nature...

Life Wisdom

Love is not something you plan. You are in it before you know it. Love is not something you plan. You are in it before you know it...

Heart Love Romantic

A novice writer reads a lot to learn to write. He would be better off thinking of what to write. A novice writer reads a lot to learn to write. He would be better off thinking of what to write...

Philosophy Wisdom Youth

Happiness cannot be described, only experienced. Happiness cannot be described, only experienced...

Happiness Inspirational Life

Love is infinite. It has no cosmic boundaries. Love is infinite. It has no cosmic boundaries...

Love Relationship Wisdom

Happiness is often curtailed by guilt. Happiness is often curtailed by guilt...

Happiness Wisdom

There is no adventure greater than love. There is no adventure greater than love...

Love Relationship Wisdom

Everything else in life can be confusing but what is clear is the importance of looking after Everything else in life can be confusing but what is clear is the importance of looking after..

Happiness Inspirational Life

Life is just a game of Snakes and Ladders. Learn to befriend the snakes. Life is just a game of Snakes and Ladders. Learn to befriend the snakes...

Life Philosophy Wisdom

Stop trying. True love is beyond definition. Stop trying. True love is beyond definition...

Love Relationship Wisdom

Bliss is when you have surrendered your worldly self to your inner self. Bliss is when you have surrendered your worldly self to your inner self...

Happiness Wisdom

When we are happy for no reason, why do we question ourselves? When we are happy for no reason, why do we question ourselves?..

Happiness Wisdom

Happy Reason Question
It It's not your makeup but how you are made up...

Philosophy Wisdom

To be on your feet till the very end is the biggest blessing one can receive. To be on your feet till the very end is the biggest blessing one can receive...

Philosophy Wisdom

Love never needs working on, it Love never needs working on, it's relationships that do...

Love Marriage Relationship Wisdom

Everything happens with a purpose. Don’t plan and defeat the purpose. Everything happens with a purpose. Don’t plan and defeat the purpose...

Life Philosophy Wisdom

Know the devil in you. How else will you counter him? Know the devil in you. How else will you counter him?..

God Philosophy Wisdom

Trust is the cornerstone of love. Trust is the cornerstone of love...

Love Relationship Wisdom

Love tastes sweetest after a rift. Love tastes sweetest after a rift...

Love Relationship Wisdom

Fear kills creativity! Fear kills creativity!..

Creativity Wisdom Fear

The moment you fear God, He is not God! The moment you fear God, He is not God!..

God Philosophy Wisdom
