Fear Quotes Pictures

Men's intention and capability differentiate them in action and reaction, in reward and punishment..

You will always learn and grow more from losing versus winning. Winning is the consequence of the..
Inspirational Life Philosophy Wisdom random
Life Way Learn Fear Grow
I know more about life than I do about death, HENCE, I will not be crippled by the fear of death; I..
Death Life Philosophy Positive Attitude
Life Know Death Fear
Being fearless is not about being stronger than your enemy, it is about accepting that you might..Being Die Enemy

Never forget to try, Trying doesn't mean you have to win But the one who tries has a chance to..Try Forget Trying Win Chance

I know that I do not know, and uncertainty, certainly, is the cruelest of words...
Change Death Faith Failure Life
Fear is a double-edged sword. It can be used to your advantage, or it can be used against you...Fear
It's like standing on a ledge wanting to fall.. then realizing the beauty of the view, so you step back. Further away from the edge. Then when night..
-Hilary Mayes Beautiful Beauty Walk Night
-Hilary Mayes Beautiful Beauty Walk Night

It's a funny thing that comes with age, realizing you're the cause of your own cage...
Age Change Life Loneliness Philosophy
Cause Age
Don't live in the shadow of fear, because fear might be the only thing stopping you from realizing..Fear

It is not until you have the courage toward your own fears that you can master your destiny..Courage Destiny

Whenever you are hit by lightning and break your ears with its loud thunder , always find a way to..Way Find

Love is that shoulder where every person wants to lay his head on, where there is no fear or ego..Love Fear Head
Some people confuse fear and respect, and treat them as one and the same. There are grave differences between the two. Fear is poison, it's..
-Steven Evans People Feel Fear Respect Hand
-Steven Evans People Feel Fear Respect Hand

Some fail because of their fear, some improve by turning fear into anger, and some conquer by..Fear Fail Anger Determination

To keep anger and fear outside the mind one should learn to be at peace with oneself..
Anger Peace Philosophy Short Wisdom
Mind Peace Keep Learn Fear
When hate fills your mind don't forget you have a heart...
Hate Heart Imagination Philosophy Short
Heart Mind Hate Forget
We humans fear the unknown, therefore the fear of being alone is the fear of self...
Freedom Loneliness Relationship Short Witty
Being Fear Self AloneTop 10 Fear Quotes
It makes life so easy when you start believing that everything was destined to be what it is- Lokesh giri
Fear of death is deadlier than death.- Lokesh giri
The fear of failure repels opportunities for success- Chido Tapera Mapungwana
Unchain your dreams, so they overcome you your fears.- Brian Sekele
The day when you face your fears head on will be the day when your fears stop scaring you.- Austin James Lelievre
We fear change because we trust the stained steel we know more than glistering gold we don't know.- mohdmustafa99
Neutralize fears or fears will neutralize you.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Cowards aren't those who speak truth without fear; weaklings are those who jump from truth to lie in the face of oppression- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
White hair are enough to keep me reminded that journey of this luxurious life has a certain end - Malik Ahsan Ali
Gentle talk has life, it heals.- Akpan Okpongette Essienimo
Inspirational + Fear Quotes ⇑
Inspirational Quotes
I love mornings when I wake up and face the day with gratitude. I did realize one thing, that there are moments wherein you have to grieve to give way to gratitude. When that happens, fear disappears within. Then, you will realize that you are gifted and you actually have so much to be thankful for in this lifetime - Gladys Gallentes
The lion rules his house The tiger rules the kingdom - Benyamin Farkas
Wake up today with a new mindset full of solutions more than doubts and fears. - Piet Ntema
You will win because the number of those want you to win plus those indifferent is greater than those who fear your success. - mohdmustafa99
Being fearless is not about being stronger than your enemy, it is about accepting that you might die fighting. - William Graham Börtz
If your fear is whether or not anyone wants you, you should conquer that fear, if you don't, you'll start to hurt yourself more than the pain of those who've left you. - Ely Pickett
You will always learn and grow more from losing versus winning. Winning is the consequence of the fear of losing but fear not, every loss in life only means a win is on the way. - Raul Martinez
Taking pride in ourselves takes away the fears we impose on ourselves! - Adrian McGinn
When Fear becomes your Master, Get Up, Stand Up, Stand Up for Your Rights! - Mark A Gardner
Not knowing the future is nothing to fear, the future reveals itself when it is ready! - Adrian McGinn
TURN YOUR FEARS TO PRAYER. - ojingiri hannah
Fears should never be allowed to grow legs and walk the earth in the guise of man. - Anthony T Hincks
There is so much more to life when we need less and fear less! - Adrian McGinn
Learn how to think logically. Don’t let fear make your decisions for you. Learn how to question everything. We live in a world where the truth is a rare commodity. Dig for it. You’ll find it. Don’t give a damn what anyone thinks of you, because the most important opinion of yourself, is yours. - Harvey Staub
Step without fear; helping anyone to step out of fear is the best emotional recipe for the mind. - Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
I have no patience for people who live their lives in fear. It’s allowing emotions to overwhelm you & not using logic and reasoning to think about a given situation. It’s allowing other peoples opinions & conclusions to become your own, because it’s just easier than to think for yourself - Harvey Staub
It is better to submit to a smile than to submit to your fears. - Anthony T Hincks
Often we are scared of silence because we fear that we may find ourselves! Being with silence is being with ourselves - Adrian McGinn
Fear, guilt and shame robs us of the life we were meant to live and deserve. They are life’s greatest enemies. - Ramon Riveraalmena
It’s not the fear it’s what we do with it? - Adrian McGinn
It’s not the fear it’s what we do with it? - Adrian McGinn
FEAR = Forgetting Everything Always Rebalances - Mark A Gardner
Where there is fear there is greater challenge that can be easily accomplished. - Isaac Tladi
Where there is fear there is greater challenge that can be easily accomplished. - Isaac Tladi
I choose to ride the wave and face the fear; for the only way around is through. - Dr. Daniel P. Villiers
Deliverance from the grip of fear is reserved for those who face fear deliberately, and with voracious grit. - Dr. Daniel P. Villiers
Don't fear losing people or friends during your self-improvement journey. Some people dislike being confronted with their own shortcomings, but remember, your growth is a beacon of inspiration. - Marcquiese Burrell
Committing 100% in the moment to the step that we are in takes the fear out of the next steps! - Adrian McGinn
Many of our biggest regrets are because fear stopped us! - Adrian McGinn
"The more we seek love, the more we fear its absence." - James Ng\'uni
Choose our vibes carefully! The energy from our vibes attracts other similar vibes and these range from fear, guilt, shame, to love, joy, peace! - Adrian McGinn
Vanity is the fear of vulnerability! - Adrian McGinn
Get curious, it lessens fear! - Adrian McGinn
Life + Fear Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
It makes life so easy when you start believing that everything was destined to be what it is - Lokesh giri
Everything else has found a way to let me go. I suppose pain is a longer process. - Meagan Lynn Gervais
Alcohol won't heal your wounds, nor will it solve your problems.. it would put you in danger - George Cordova
Behind my every smile is EVERYTHING that you will never understand. - kayla brook davis
Sometimes, you reach for something to hang on to, and find out nothing was ever there. - Rena Eepling
There's fear behind every wonderful love in life. - Ai Ling
With you I had to face my biggest fear: Become a stranger for someone I love. - The Quiet Girl
Sometimes you need to pretend to be scary.. pretend you are stronger! - Sudha Bashyal
Once you own your issues & insecurities.. no one can use them against you. - Vardz77
You fear two days: Yesterday when you gave a promise, and tomorrow when you have to fulfill it. - mohdmustafa99
Fear is a double-edged sword. It can be used to your advantage, or it can be used against you. - David
Both H. Spencer and C. Darwin quoted 'Survival of the fittest'. Today , we need a third humanitarian scholar to say , 'Survival of the weakest'. - mohdmustafa99
I don't fret about what the future may hold, I have enough wonderful memories to last a lifetime. - Danny Ray Boydston
Fear is a zone, the more it extends, the less you can move in. - mohdmustafa99
Eat however and whatever , but bear in mind that we won't have a famine tomorrow. - mohdmustafa99
Neutralize fears or fears will neutralize you. - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
I am a prisoner without chains or shackles. Free to do all and experience all, yet bounded by my fear of Him who is the author and finisher of my life. - LaToya Jones-Matthews
Fear not the world itself, but what the people in it have become. - Emer C
One who is afraid of ghosts should never look too long into a mirror. - Anthony T Hincks
Living in fear is not the same as living in peace, yet dictators never seem to learn. - Anthony T Hincks
Fear will never generate a feeling of peace. - Anthony T Hincks
There is no one to blame for my anxiety and depression; therefore, I will not blame myself. - Dr. Daniel P. Villiers
We live in fear of our own thoughts. - Anthony T Hincks
A mind that fears the unknown builds walls; a mind that embraces it builds bridges. - Aloo Denish Obiero
Courage + Fear Quotes ⇑
Courage Quotes
I'm not sure what a war kills, men or humanity? fear or courage? - Lokesh giri
There are three types of people in this world. The first is the one who clings to fear in hopes to live at all costs, the second is one who tries to balance the fear in is mind with the courage in his heart, and the third is one who rids himself of all the fear in his mind, soul, and body and learns the true meaning of life. - Christopher Joesph Agruso
When the tide hits high, emotional bar gets high, we become satiated with fear that calamity is near, but only the strong will bear, look yonder.. and still stand clear. - Kagiso John Sithole
Have no fear, it is not the darkness you see. it is the abomination of it. - Juha Samuel Saukko
Don't worry about the things you can't control - Regan Howard
Confront Thy Fear Once, And Thou Shalt Be Afraid No More.. - Sahil Karanje
Go on and try to tear me down , I will be rising from the ground like a skyscraper - Daisha
Fear of fear, only increases fear of fear itself - Zakia
The worst day of loving someone is the day that they die, so why not think of the best days you had with them and hold on to the memories you shared. Instead of grieving, you should be thankful for the moments you spent together and to value their life's. - Zakia
It is not until you have the courage toward your own fears that you can master your destiny - Paden S. Fackrell
To a wise man, the only fear of becoming wiser is the fear of being referred to as a mad man - Stanley Kelechi Onwuemene
There is cowardice in exaggerating one's own courage. - mohdmustafa99
It was in my darkest place, in my brokenness, where I found my greatest strength. - L Parker
Fear is the tool of devil - Segun Rasaki
Men's intention and capability differentiate them in action and reaction, in reward and punishment - Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
Courage as against a weak person is worse than cowardice in front of a courageous person. - mohdmustafa99
Turn fear into courage by letting the flame of hope within our heart light up our way to action! - Adrian McGinn
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the strength to face it head-on and rise above its grasp." - Ramon Riveraalmena
The thought of death carries no special terrors for me (just regular terrors). - John Alejandro King
Courage is a choice, not an absence of fear. - Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
Anger + Fear Quotes ⇑
Anger Quotes
I can always tell when people are lying. That's why I don't lie. Because I'm afraid people can tell when I'm lying. - Lorreda C Smith
Most famous people who have life easier than most are destroying their lives, while bums on the street are trying to survive even when their lives aren't so great - Paskemin
Sometimes I just want to scream. - Rena Eepling
To keep anger and fear outside the mind one should learn to be at peace with oneself - Lokesh giri
Some fail because of their fear, some improve by turning fear into anger, and some conquer by turning anger into determination. - Hunter James
We all feel sadness and fear, but some of us live sadness and fear. - Danielle Rose Yates
Only the people who know true pain.. can hear the screams and whimpers.. and take the blame for the lost weepers. - Danielle Rose Yates
Once the beast is released from my soul, I don't know what to do, I hide from the judgment and whither where I stand. - Danielle Rose Yates
Love, joy, peace, and happiness are just illusions. Don't make the mistake of believing in the trick - Danielle Rose Yates
The Dove or the raven.. the dove who taunts.. the raven that haunts.. which one will willingly show.. the dove or the raven.. which one is my foe? - Danielle Rose Yates
I'm tired of putting a smile on my face so I can please other people.. why can't I frown and show my true emotion and be accepted? - Danielle Rose Yates
Deep down a broken heart, all the sadness one can bear is misery. - Oscar Auliq Ice
The anger increases, as my self-worth decreases - harley
The furrowing of one's brow begins the plummet to mindlessness in veiled thoughts - Adam Silverfstrand
I am a bad man, I am a bad person, my whole life my mother asked that I never become like my father, nonetheless I failed her, I failed everyone in the worst way, for no matter how I've tried I've become all that I've strived not to be, I am my father, I've become my father and so much more, I will no longer bother with trying to beat it, for fighting it is like fighting quicksand, the more I struggle the deeper I am swallowed by the shadow of him, I will no longer try to love or live life, because I know I am my father, I have become what I hate most through some sick twist of fate, a card i've been dealt of which I cannot discard, like a sickness tied to my very soul, I am toxic poisoning everything in my path, like King Midas if his touch had been like the fangs of a viper rather than that of the golden touch. I now truly believe that the proverbial Apple does not fall far from the tree, almost all men are destined to grow into their father's shadows and sometimes even grow darker - chad daniel thome
Please go away. You may see my shell of a human; but deep inside, there is a growing corruption; and it can't be remedied. - DonsaHedgecoth
Gentle talk has life, it heals. - Akpan Okpongette Essienimo
Confidence + Fear Quotes ⇑
Confidence Quotes
Don't let your fear overtake your confidence. - victoria manning
Low self esteem is the only condition I know of where the cause and cure rests unknowingly with the afflicted. - Theophilus
When you are scared, throw away all your fear and your heart will shine brighter than a thousand suns - Josh Munoz
I ain't afraid of facing the damn challenge.. I'm just concerned about the consequences - Sarad S Dhungel
Some people confuse fear and respect, and treat them as one and the same. There are grave differences between the two. Fear is poison, it's destructive, it hurts, and it scares. Respect on the other hand nurtures others and builds up their confidence, helps and makes others feel safe, and unlike fear, respect is earned. - Steven Evans
Fear reduces your confidence and and when your confidence is weak you often fail. - Sourabh kumar
What Jerry knows that Tom doesn't ? Escape is more important than chasing - mohdmustafa99
Fear does not exist, it is the creativity of ignorance - Kelvin Johnson
Fear is a loud voice in us that holds us back. Our visions are quiet voices that propel us. - Lawrence Elango
If I don't regret it, then it's not a mistake - Nadira Badri
Live on the hope for a better tomorrow or else you will dwell on your sorrows. - Lloyd Igbokwe
You have to choose when to act, and you have to choose when to not act but be wise because its a choice. - Sterson Stepha
Cowards aren't those who speak truth without fear; weaklings are those who jump from truth to lie in the face of oppression - Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
As calm as lion as wild as cat.. - Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
The more we keep pronouncing the freedom and peace the more oppressor ringing the bell of war - Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
God hasn’t brought me this far to fall me down - bolutife ojeleke
Change + Fear Quotes ⇑
Change Quotes
Don't let fear stop you from growing, Don't let the past hold you in a cage of regret, Yesterday was the lesson, Today is the reward - Nancy Thompson Mahler
Now love finally shows up, only I can't open up my heart because I'm obligated to leave. I joined the army content with that choice 'til you came along set on stealing my heart. - Christina Johns
It's wise not to look back to have no regrets, but to look at the future with hope, we need great courage. - Chris Peters
There's something we all can't change no matter how we try. It's worse to hear the truth because the truth we can't deny. - Amanda thornton
Someone has rightly said that everyone got a weak point. In my case there are many. - bhushan madhukar meshram
Carve my name in hearts because marble is ever changing - Brandon Kellum
Don't wish to be somebody else, be somebody who is getting better. - Charlotte Harris
When you're unhappy with yourself, you think of making the entire world unhappy with you only if you could. Then after 4 seconds you realize that the world has nothing to do with you being unhappy. The world doesn't even know that you exist unless you have something great to offer the people. It's all about people. So start helping people all over the world by beginning with you. Then you'll be the happiest person alive. Stop fake being happy when you don't even know what can give you happiness. Start doing something meaningful for people and the result of happiness will be yours. What are you good at? - Marie Yolande Pierre
I know that I do not know, and uncertainty, certainly, is the cruelest of words. - Wyatt puckett
Fear is also the foundation of subservience. - Segun Rasaki
Do not let situations change your fate, you decide on the fate of those situations. - k.r.chandrasekhar
Fear, Failure and Disappointment changes me. - Ruth Bandoquillo
You're afraid to see your own shadow, But you have to realize that's you in the shadow - Aravind
We fear change because we trust the stained steel we know more than glistering gold we don't know. - mohdmustafa99
Life challenges us with fear and failure, but we can challenge them back with our right choices and our relentless spirit. That is how we change our lives and inspire others. - Srinivas Mishra
Failure + Fear Quotes ⇑
Failure Quotes
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. - Darab Imteyaz
The difference between success and failure is fear - Michael motti Attias
The most annoying thing about regrets is that you never think of them till they come to existence. They are unwanted guests that come unexpected - Bafferh Mohammed
The fear of being free, causes the pride to be a slave. - Abes Apes
Don't fear of failure, fear missing out on taking the countless opportunities this world has to offer you. - Jaymin Shah
A cautious person is that who stops doing the wrongs , but unfortunately, s/he stops doing the right too. - mohdmustafa99
The fear of failure repels opportunities for success - Chido Tapera Mapungwana
Impossibilities exist in the minds of those who are afraid of failure and even success. - Anthony T Hincks
Our Fears become our excuses, our excuses become our failures and our failures become our frailties. - Vivek Gundimi
~Fear of rejection, fear of not being forgiven, robs us the courage to seek second chances. We hesitate to ask for them because we fear being vulnerable and judged. The fear of disappointment and failure often outweighs the desire for redemption. - Carson Anekeya
Top Risk is on failure to manage our own mood......,some level of mood is atypical hazard ...!! - William Sebunje
Fear of failure keeps us going nowhere, whilst encountering failure is part of getting to where we want! - Adrian McGinn
All Fear Quotes ⇑
You never know what kind of setup market will present to you, your objective should be to find opportunity where risk reward ratio is best.- Jaymin Shah
To achieve success your will to succeed must be greater than your fear of failing..- Anthony Dewayne Brown
Many people do not go to church because they fear empty places. - mohdmustafa99
You are most free when you are with family, You can be who you are without the fear of judgement, When you have that fear around people you call family, They are not family. Surround yourself with people that accept the best and the worst of you, when you have this, you found family- Tina Fransman-Sell
I define Fear as '.. ' Because, it doesn't exist..- Dom Precious
Don't let others play with your emotions, they're just afraid of dealing with their own. So they use yours as a distraction.- Jerome L. Walker, Jr
Nightmares are caused by extravagant daydreams.- mohdmustafa99
These THREE FEMALES saw me.. and they NECK BROKE from going into a 360.. the ambulance had to come, I'm DANGEROUS..- Babi Shakes
Ironically, the evils that are unimaginable to a good person, are exactly what evil counts on..- LesleyZ
Dream Bravely. Find fearlessness inside of you. Dare, and fear will falter. Challenge, and fear will flee. This is the beginning of your dream-making- Carew Papritz
It's not a coincidence these two words contain the same letters - A MIRACLE is nothing more than a RECLAIM of your power..- kim trevett
Nothing has been agreed on in this world more than disagreement.- mohdmustafa99
Professionally, Good news is bad news.- mohdmustafa99
There are two types of technologies : One makes our life very easy such as very fast vehicles ; and the other makes it very dangerous such as very fast vehicles.- mohdmustafa99
To be in a secured net of the world of Imitation is to live a life imitating the 'other' or live in fear. Education means to kindle the sense of freedom and fearlessness to be free from the bondage of fear- sandeep Shankaranarayanan
Never be afraid to look fear in the eye because if you never face your fears how will you ever get over them- brittany hope
Fear of failure makes you lose the confidence, but losing as a fighter makes you gain the confidence.- harbinderjit singh bajaj
Those who fear death often waste their lives doing so.- Jesse Hayes
Fear can't stop you from doing what you can.- victoria manning
Fear is the greatest tool of war- Logan Star
Fear is a powerful illusion that one must rid himself of or his mind will be forever bound by the chains of time and slowly wither away and seize to exist- Christopher Joesph Agruso
I'm afraid of what this entire experience will bring, but even more afraid of what it will bring out of me.- Meagan Lynn Gervais
Being grave is not being serious, you can simultaneously be smiling and serious.- Lokesh giri
Truth is a mirror; those who fear their reflection break it.- Aloo Denish Obiero
“Fear robs you of your freedom to make the right choice in life that can bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. On the other side of fear, lies freedom. If you want to grow, you need to be brave and take risks. If you're not uncomfortable, you're not growing.” - Dr Alfredo- Dr MASSIMO ALFREDO ANTONIO MANCINI
To be authentic to one's self, you must be able to exercise your free will without fear of judgement. This is the reason why God will never prove His existence to those who do not believe in Him- ralph harlow
Run from what's comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious. I have tried prudent planning long enough. From now on, I will be mad."- Dr MASSIMO ALFREDO ANTONIO MANCINI
If fear is in the mind, and if dogs can smell fear, that makes dogs smelepathic!- John Alejandro King
Fear can be our friend but when founded on falsehood, it fatally fetters our freedom!- Adrian McGinn
Do not fear what your eyes see. Fear only that which your heart asks you to fear. The eyes deceive more than the heart.- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
The mind only gets stuck where trauma has occurred in attempt to allow ourselves to create closure. dont resist, hesitate or remain stuck in fear. Explore the moment in order to clear path for yourself to move forward. That is how you leave the past in its place properly…- LYGAS
Individuals turn a blind eye to injustice for fear of getting a black eye.- Tamerlan Kuzgov
Fear is the enemy of achievement. Dream big, but act bigger. Your goal is within your reach, if you work hard and stay focused.- Srinivas Mishra
When you colonize greed, you live in fear of losing your identity of who you are.- Anthony T Hincks
Don’t let fear obstruct your enthusiasim, use it as fuel to achieve your dreams- Irfan Mamoun MD
Dream first! Let the how and the fears come later!- Adrian McGinn
Fear not and give hope a rest!- Adrian McGinn
If you see God as fear, he will allow you to experience overwhelming fear. If you see God as strength, he will empower you to be strong. If you see him as your deliverer, he will set you free. How you perceive and understand God will ultimately impact the outcome of your circumstances.- Javan Smith
Love and hope fear nothing!- Adrian McGinn
You must never allow fear and doubt to doubt self. It is your responsibility to always believe in yourself- Tabisa Ncubukezi
Always make our goals free of fear, guilt, addiction, or outside pressure!- Adrian McGinn
There's more to life than just the thrill, For every joy, there's a sorrow still, And every dream, a fear to face, And every victory, a new race.- Oscar Auliq Ice
I have no respect for people who wear masks. “It’s for your safety” was the Nazi’s phrase to control people. Masks never worked; masks damage your health; masks remove your identify; masks reinforce fear;masks allow more criminal activity because there’s no facial recognition;masks make you obedient- Harvey Staub
Once the fear switch is turned on,it’s almost impossible to shut it off.Your friends,your family, live in fear,& that just reinforces your thought process that it’s now normal to live in fear. You have forfeited your right to think for yourself.The primal need to be part of the groupthink, prevails- Harvey Staub
The word of God is the most effective therapy and best therapist in the world. Conversely, guilt, shame, fear, and inaction is the worst.- Kevin D. Curry III
Throughout human history, fear has been used to control people, going back to when humans belonged to tribes. If you disrespected the tribal leader, you were kicked out of the tribe; a certain death sentence, since you’re totally dependent on the tribe. Fear spreads more easily than any disease- Harvey Staub
Do not always let fear control you. A winning heart is always led by faith- Tabisa Ncubukezi
Fear comes from those who create it.- Luke Shen Tien Chi
Bananas will always have a fear of peanuts and ice-cream on a Sunday.- Anthony T Hincks
The peace that money buys is a nervous uneasy balance of terror fraught with fear and with danger that is worse than war.- Sundaresh
"Knowledge did not only take fear away from me,it also made me surpass human creatures."- ENGR ABAH SULE
I fear not, for fear is my prison.- Mark A Gardner
Higher education has rendered graduates dumb on continental issues that matter. They fear to comment so as not to sound irrelevant.- Kenton Mutethia Muthaura
The fears you do not face, will inescapably become your nemeses. They will come seeking retributive justice, in a divine yet nightmarish way when that fear is but conquered. By You.- The Quoted Iris
I fear selfish ones because they don't deserve any other feeling than to fear them- mohdmustafa99
Embedded aspirations only blossom once you understand that your visions are bigger than your fears, but until then, they remain buried under the veil of fear.- Wayne Chirisa
If people meet their dreams realized they will be afraid of going to bed.- mohdmustafa99
Fear is the younger brother of death. Fear tries all the time to surpass his older brother- Romeo
Psychologists fear that who has no fears; and calm that who has fears.- mohdmustafa99
Why should we keep birds in cages? They need us to feed; they are noisy, they contradict with our attitude toward freedom, they make us fear cats, and they are not edible.- mohdmustafa99
Believing means seeing things the way you desire and visualized them to be. Don't allow fear to make you see things the way they are not going to happen. Have faith and start seeing things how they should happen.- Tebogo Sweatz
A Love devil annoys, but barely frightens.- mohdmustafa99
If a screen is your protection, stop hiding behind it, own your ugly side- Dawn Marie muise
As I grow older, depression tries to seep into every part of my life. I keep moving. I let it try to find me and when it does.. I give it a swift kick in the you-know-what.. and I move to another place.- Ms P Quotes
If you want to see how integral and reliable the society is, just release a cobra in a crowded auditorium. The selfish tendencies of human nature will be exposed. Don't suppress your heart's calling and will only to impress the others. SOCIETY is an illusory concept- Krishna Jagan Mohan rao
Fear is protection- Jos samu
No bully can bully a bully- Segun Rasaki
Before combating for my success, I overcame my fear - Muhammad Shahwan Tariq
Being Scared Makes You Do Some Crazy Things.- joey the poet
Brain lingers between many options, but our heart guides us towards best selection. So follow your heart, to reach your destination!- Saiteja Thottempudi
Dwelling on our fears and negativity will not change the outcome. Focus on and trust Him. He already knows the outcome.- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
If there were no valleys in life what would the view look like when you're in the mountain? The beauty of life is the Mountains and the Valleys.- Nazzim Hypolite
Death is the only moment you can experience only once, so enjoy it to the fullest, not by closing your eyes- Shaheer Ahmed Bhatti
If you want to be Successful, you have to give up sleep. Determine your Success- Foday Pessima
I love my foes more than friend because they never backstab- Ketan B Chindarkar
The Road to Insanity begins in mind. Some have crossed the half way, some have just started ..- claudius fernando
When fear jumps at you from the outside, get up, get over it, move forward and don't let it in your heart - Leonila Olivares Salazar
Doers are always better than followers even if nobody has believe in them. My Question is what you choose to be?- bhushan madhukar meshram
True fear is not when we're harmed; it's when we can never truly forget the cruel memories that we lived in the past- Basil Tong
You can either face your fear or accept it not to win every battle.- Roli Obra
Those who view threat, when there is no threat; are dangerous- LesleyZ
If you don't know whether to say 'yes' or 'No', try the 'NO' first.- mohdmustafa99
Dearth enters when you close your door.- mohdmustafa99
Corruption makes uneatable things easily eatable.- mohdmustafa99
Animal-eater: An animal that devours animals for eating, such as a human.- mohdmustafa99
Drowning in my own thoughts, trying to solve the world.. Picking up broken pieces of glass, will perhaps only hurt more. Better to leave them be, however also that is just a thought.. But you just cannot ignore and fact remains, this person is your world.- Not Interesting
War is not an art. It is a rat.- mohdmustafa99
There are many uses for the key opening in a door , e.g. espionage and curiosity.- mohdmustafa99
If people meet their dreams fulfilled they will be afraid of life.- mohdmustafa99
The Light is Weakness, the Darkness is what makes us stronger.- Sarah D
Without preparation, you miss out on opportunities. When you miss out on opportunities, you will always wonder what if. Dare to dream big and dare to be different. Strive beyond your fears and turn your dreams into reality- Bobby Glover
There are such things as monsters in this world. They take the forms of bullies, lies, murderers and by-standers.- lisa
Fear is the only thing that motivates man to venture afar and find what's beyond the horizon.- raheem ross
We give everything we can and are ready to give more.. Knowing it will go away, but we still want them to try.. being selfish we want them to CHOOSE US , PICK US and LOVE US.. but chasing won't work, we have to understand.. so I am trying my best to set you free.. its difficult, my heart bleeds every time and my pain comes out as a BIG SMILE ON MY FACE - Nidhi Saini
You are my best-friend but I'd say you are my hero! You saved me from everything that happened to me!- Shona Kalolo
Love your hater they should not be your biggest fear, love your friends the same way you love you haters- amanda renee hendry
Our enemy is our greatest hindrance in life, but our fear is our greatest enemy.- Bobby Winter
Will I just have to settle with the fact that it will always feel like I'm just settling.- Edna Seymour
All your wrong doings are being watched by the messenger of GOD who is sitting deep in your mind in the guise of your SOUL.- harbinderjit singh bajaj
Carbon emissions are a thing of the past, what we should really worry about is our governments hot air from their mouths..- Jo Laws
Everyone gets nervous when they watch the ticking clock, because that is the time gone from the time reaching your dreams- Karen Kuran
Death can either be a beautiful or horrid sight it is what you make of it in the end.- nervis
Fear is only in our minds, take viable time away, so don't hide from fear, face it and beat it.- Chelsea Taylor Wayt
Hate is an illusion of fear- Alex Gaddini
Fear, it's among us all. Without fear we are nothing. Yet, with fear, we are everything. Fear is everywhere. You fear to die, you fear to live. Fear, it's what keeps us moving- Alex Ewing
Lock me inside a room in my head and throw away the key.. Don't ever let me out. For I fear sanity might take over..- Zarah smith
I don't have a smile and I don't have a frown. But what lies within that shallow darkness frowns at what isn't and what might be..- Zarah smith
I have a nail on my head and can see everyone around me holding a hammer waiting for their turn to hit the nail which is on my head..- unknown
She wouldn't love anyone because everyone that said 'I'll be there', left.- Hannah
And may they forever in tragedy be known, these words 'i love you'- Adam Dolinger
Life has given me nothing because I have never made most of it.- sandesh shewale
Don't trust anybody because anybody that you trust can become your worst enemy- abigail ventura
Life is a simple thing, our fears and worries make it complex, we crowd ourselves with useless imagination- Lokesh giri
We are afraid that things that on an average could never happen to us might happen to us.- william anne
Those who attack first are the most scared.- Lokesh giri
Now and forever there are seeds of ignorance, fear, greed and hatred in the hearts of men. All they take to bloom is a drop of water, a false promise, a logical argument.- Jack Brown
There this guy inside me who scares me every time I think of doing new things, it's you my old love, fear.- Lokesh giri
As I have figured out, the best way to be happy is to live without fear.- Lokesh giri
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