
Nonsense Quotes, Nonsense Picture Quotes & Image Quotations, Sayings

Nonsense Quotes Pictures

The world makes no sense to a non sensical person and a non sensical person can only see nonsense The world makes no sense to a non sensical person and a non sensical person can only see nonsense..

Funny Inspirational Philosophy Truth Wisdom

The world makes sense to a truly sensible person and a sensible person can see sense even in The world makes sense to a truly sensible person and a sensible person can see sense even in..

Funny Inspirational Philosophy Truth Wisdom

I have finally come to realize what life is: NONSENSE. I have finally come to realize what life is: NONSENSE...

Funny Life Truth

No knowledge; no courtesy; that No knowledge; no courtesy; that's nonsense life...

Life Short One liners knowledge

Don Don't think your negativity is going to affect me in anyway! The Universe is too amazing to focus..


I I'd like to be no-nonsense, But why the big pretense? If there wasn't any nonsense, Then where..

Courage Friendship Life Peace

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