
Maduwa Thabo (arshwinthabo) Quotes & Sayings: 2

Maduwa Thabo

Location:LIMPOPO- Mulima(mphuphuledzhi Village), South Africa
Experience on Earth:33 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 8 Years 11 Months
Short Bio: Am a stoic.

Maduwa Thabo Quotes

1-50 of total 394 Quotes
People are like a ladder, you need them to get to the top. People are like a ladder, you need them to get to the top...

Friendship Life

People Need
The view you have of life, can only be followed by your everyday actions. The view you have of life, can only be followed by your everyday actions...

Life Philosophy

Nothing has the quality to broaden your mind, than the view you take over things. Nothing has the quality to broaden your mind, than the view you take over things...

Life Philosophy Wisdom

Food cooked at haste troubles the stomach of its eater. Food cooked at haste troubles the stomach of its eater...

Life Philosophy Wisdom

Outside appearance attracts eyes of people, but a clean heart attracts eyes of God. Outside appearance attracts eyes of people, but a clean heart attracts eyes of God...

Change Faith God

Don't wait until you are very hungry to cook your lunch. Don't wait until you are very hungry to cook your lunch...

Change Creativity Dreams Inspirational

Is not the distance that matters, but the choices you make along the way that determines everything. Is not the distance that matters, but the choices you make along the way that determines everything...

Dreams Inspirational Life Success

Things seems impossible before you try them. But if you begin, you will find this to be untrue. Things seems impossible before you try them. But if you begin, you will find this to be untrue...

Courage Dreams Goal Inspirational

Jesus is the central pillar of my life. Jesus is the central pillar of my life...

Faith God

Do not rest your life on temporary things... Like a kate that flies up high when it is windy, but Do not rest your life on temporary things... Like a kate that flies up high when it is windy, but..

Faith God Life Philosophy

The power of God is permenant. The power of God is permenant...

Faith God

Fame does not bring shame, but pride does. Fame does not bring shame, but pride does...

Philosophy Short

Low - self-esteem is not a sign of humility, but luck of confidence. Low - self-esteem is not a sign of humility, but luck of confidence...

Confidence Inspirational Philosophy

Life has one thing common to all... Challenges. Life has one thing common to all... Challenges...

Faith Inspirational Life

One victory conquers many defeats. One victory conquers many defeats...

Courage Inspirational Short Success

Love is a cure of its own madness. Love is a cure of its own madness...

Love Philosophy

Seek not any, but righteousness. For is only ignorance and persitence in wickedness that makes Seek not any, but righteousness. For is only ignorance and persitence in wickedness that makes..

Change Faith

You can choose to ignore the truth, but never the consequences that comes with believing a lie. You can choose to ignore the truth, but never the consequences that comes with believing a lie...

Change Life Truth

Only light can overpower darkness... And that only light is JESUS. Only light can overpower darkness... And that only light is JESUS...

Faith God

A stone on which a man tripped and fell, can not be held accountable for his falling. A stone on which a man tripped and fell, can not be held accountable for his falling...

Faith Philosophy

Cry out so loud until the world can not ignore you. Cry out so loud until the world can not ignore you...

Faith Inspirational

Excellence is not just an act of ability, but of knowledge gained. Excellence is not just an act of ability, but of knowledge gained...

Desire Education

A simple truth is greater than many lies. A simple truth is greater than many lies...

Change Philosophy

Majority may rule in many things, but a lie does not cease to be lie just because is believed by Majority may rule in many things, but a lie does not cease to be lie just because is believed by..

Change Faith Life Philosophy

Education is the foundation to a greater future. Education is the foundation to a greater future...

Education Wisdom Youth

Life is everything, yet nothing, but what you make it to be. Life is everything, yet nothing, but what you make it to be...

Courage Inspirational Life Philosophy

Is never about how far you can go, but rather how many big mountains you can climb. Is never about how far you can go, but rather how many big mountains you can climb...

Courage Inspirational Philosophy

Every failure calls for another try. Every failure calls for another try...

Courage Failure Inspirational Philosophy

After every dark situation, there can only be a clearing dawn.... And the sun shall shine on you After every dark situation, there can only be a clearing dawn.... And the sun shall shine on you..

Hope Inspirational Philosophy

No situation is definite, until you have given up. No situation is definite, until you have given up...

Faith Inspirational Philosophy

Whoever you are, only you can change that. Whoever you are, only you can change that...

Change Courage Inspirational

Any situation in life has two options, is either you swim out or sink deep in. Any situation in life has two options, is either you swim out or sink deep in...

Courage Creativity Inspirational

Everyone is responsible for their own future. Everyone is responsible for their own future...

Courage Inspirational

Dreamers are not wishers, they are doers. Dreamers are not wishers, they are doers...

Confidence Courage Dreams Inspirational

The outcome of a given chance does not depend upon who need it the most, but rather who put in the The outcome of a given chance does not depend upon who need it the most, but rather who put in the..

Inspirational Opportunity

Society reflect its people. Society reflect its people...

Change Philosophy

You are what you tell yourself... For the greatest strength can only be drawn from within. You are what you tell yourself... For the greatest strength can only be drawn from within...

Confidence Faith Philosophy

Don't just live, do and be great. Don't just live, do and be great...

Courage Creativity Dreams Inspirational Philosophy

Difficult times are like that sort of event of a passing storm. Stronger is its wind, but it does Difficult times are like that sort of event of a passing storm. Stronger is its wind, but it does..

Faith Inspirational Philosophy Wisdom

Success is the distance between who you want to become and what needs to be done. Success is the distance between who you want to become and what needs to be done...

Courage Creativity Inspirational Success

The content of your journey lies on its destination. The content of your journey lies on its destination...

Dreams Education Faith Inspirational Patience

We are all born nothing, but to be great in everything we do. We are all born nothing, but to be great in everything we do...

Courage Creativity Inspirational

Visualising yourself propels you to strive forward to a direction of your visions no matter the Visualising yourself propels you to strive forward to a direction of your visions no matter the..

Dreams Faith Hope

Visualize yourself in a better place as this helps encourage you to keep pushing for more than Visualize yourself in a better place as this helps encourage you to keep pushing for more than..

Dreams Faith Hope Inspirational

Don't wait for life to challenge you, challenge it first. Be one step ahead. Don't wait for life to challenge you, challenge it first. Be one step ahead...

Courage Creativity Inspirational

Every problem is as big as we make it to be. For it is our interpretations, not the way things are Every problem is as big as we make it to be. For it is our interpretations, not the way things are..

Philosophy Wisdom

To be a great champiom, you just have to endure to be one. To be a great champiom, you just have to endure to be one...

Courage Inspirational Patience

Who you become in life is not determined by how many times you have encountered defeat, but rather Who you become in life is not determined by how many times you have encountered defeat, but rather..

Courage Inspirational Wisdom

Every victory is never a victory enough. One victory is a door to another greater challenge. Every victory is never a victory enough. One victory is a door to another greater challenge...

Courage Inspirational

Always be of love. For is the best you can do. Always be of love. For is the best you can do...

Faith Life Love
