
Mark A Gardner (desertfalcon) Quotes & Sayings:
Mark A Gardner

Mark A Gardner

Location:Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Occupation:Professional Pilot
Experience on Earth:69 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 5 Years 2 Months
Short Bio: I am a Professional Pilot who sometimes receives sudden insight. Hopefully, my insight inspires your insight and we all benefit from what we see.

Mark A Gardner Quotes

1-50 of total 415 Quotes
An Acquaintance fades away, that’s  because they weren’t meant to stay An Acquaintance fades away, that’s because they weren’t meant to stay..

Life Love Philosophy Truth Wisdom

BE what YOU WANT to BE, NOT what YOU DON BE what YOU WANT to BE, NOT what YOU DON'T WANT to BE...

Inspirational Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

The Heart of Heaven lies at the Heart of the Matter The Heart of Heaven lies at the Heart of the Matter..

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Truth

Internal Guidance Lights the Path to Enlightenment Internal Guidance Lights the Path to Enlightenment..

Inspirational Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

Internal Guidance Lights the Path of Enlightenment Internal Guidance Lights the Path of Enlightenment..

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Truth

The Shadow of those passed Live in the Light of the Living The Shadow of those passed Live in the Light of the Living..

Death Life Love Truth Wisdom

The Divine Flow of Light is what makes you Bright The Divine Flow of Light is what makes you Bright..

Life Love Philosophy Truth Wisdom

The Cosmic Sea of Creation Expresses the Ocean of Oneness The Cosmic Sea of Creation Expresses the Ocean of Oneness..

Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

Resistance is the Brake; Acceptance is the Gas Pedal. Resistance is the Brake; Acceptance is the Gas Pedal...

Inspirational Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

You are a Creative Character in the Quantum Field, of Our Father You are a Creative Character in the Quantum Field, of Our Father's Mind..

Life Philosophy Wisdom

You are a Dynamic Fluctuation in the Quantum Field, of Our Father You are a Dynamic Fluctuation in the Quantum Field, of Our Father's Mind..

Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

The Tunnels of Time, a Cosmic Ride in the Quantum Potential The Tunnels of Time, a Cosmic Ride in the Quantum Potential..

Life Philosophy Time Truth Wisdom

The Creator is a Holographic Projection of Infinite Characters The Creator is a Holographic Projection of Infinite Characters..

Inspirational Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

Nowhere is the Place of Everywhere Nowhere is the Place of Everywhere..

Inspirational Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

LOVE is Laughter Opening the Heart of Another LOVE is Laughter Opening the Heart of Another..

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Truth

Silence is the Echo of Infinite Potential. Silence is the Echo of Infinite Potential...

Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

Enjoy Your Current Timeline, It’s the One You are CHOOSING to Travel. Enjoy Your Current Timeline, It’s the One You are CHOOSING to Travel...

Life Philosophy Time Truth Wisdom

The Footprints of Your Life are Eternal. The Footprints of Your Life are Eternal...

Inspirational Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

Love is the Flow of Infinite Possibility. Love is the Flow of Infinite Possibility...

Life Love Philosophy Truth Wisdom

Timelines follow Thought, Resistance locks Timelines. Timelines follow Thought, Resistance locks Timelines...

Inspirational Life Philosophy Time Truth

Gratitude brings Prosperity. Gratitude brings Prosperity...

Happiness Inspirational Philosophy Truth Wisdom

You are the Essence of All Things Imagined! You are the Essence of All Things Imagined!..

Imagination Inspirational Life Philosophy Truth

DEATH - Departing Earth And Traveling Home DEATH - Departing Earth And Traveling Home..

Death Inspirational Life Philosophy Truth

DEATH - Dimensional Expression After, The Halogram. DEATH - Dimensional Expression After, The Halogram...

Death Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

Whispers from the Moon move the Oceans of Gaia. Whispers from the Moon move the Oceans of Gaia...

Inspirational Life Truth Wisdom

Fire burns out; Embers fade to Ashes, Ashes become the Wind, the Wind becomes the Fire. Fire burns out; Embers fade to Ashes, Ashes become the Wind, the Wind becomes the Fire...

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Truth

Fire burns out; Embers fade to Ashes, the Ashes become the Wind, the Wind feeds the Fire. Fire burns out; Embers fade to Ashes, the Ashes become the Wind, the Wind feeds the Fire...

Life Love Philosophy Truth Wisdom

When the River moves the Sky smiles! When the River moves the Sky smiles!..

Inspirational Life Love Wisdom

In parallel times, in parallel lives, you are successful, and everything jives! In parallel times, in parallel lives, you are successful, and everything jives!..

Life Love Philosophy Wisdom

Nothing lives in the neighborhood of Something. Nothing lives in the neighborhood of Something...

Inspirational Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

I Honor the Presence that maintains my Essence! I Honor the Presence that maintains my Essence!..

God Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

Allegorically speaking we should become more euphoric. Allegorically speaking we should become more euphoric...

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Truth

Gratitude Lights the Highest Path Gratitude Lights the Highest Path..

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Short

Life is a Song; The notes you express plays a harmony to your soul. Life is a Song; The notes you express plays a harmony to your soul...

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Truth

Life is an Expression of Wizz, Bang, Boom! Life is an Expression of Wizz, Bang, Boom!..

Life Short Truth Wisdom

The Sky speaks to the Ground through whispers in the Wind The Sky speaks to the Ground through whispers in the Wind..

Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

It is the High Way that brings Truth to the Eyes! It is the High Way that brings Truth to the Eyes!..

Inspirational Life Philosophy Truth

Failure is the bringer of Truth Failure is the bringer of Truth..

Life Love Philosophy Truth Wisdom

The Children of Ki swim in The Ocean of Heavenly Light! The Children of Ki swim in The Ocean of Heavenly Light!..


The Blossom of Our Soul is Visible by the Light of Our Great Father. The Blossom of Our Soul is Visible by the Light of Our Great Father...

God Life Love Truth Wisdom

As I Travel Time, I See The Mist of Another Pathway. As I Travel Time, I See The Mist of Another Pathway...

Life Time Truth

To be me or not to be me, that is the Question? To be me or not to be me, that is the Question?..

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Truth

To Quote or not to Quote, that is the Question. To Quote or not to Quote, that is the Question...

Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

We breathe for our Cells, who work to keep us alive! We breathe for our Cells, who work to keep us alive!..

Life Love Truth Wisdom

The essence of Love is endurance! The essence of Love is endurance!..

Life Love Philosophy Truth Wisdom

When you’re crushed by circumstance, live with the Creator. When you’re crushed by circumstance, live with the Creator...

God Inspirational Life Philosophy Truth

It takes style to lift your head. It takes style to lift your head...

Life Philosophy Truth

“Time” measures the movement of your thoughts. “Time” measures the movement of your thoughts...

Life Philosophy Time Truth

If you think you can If you think you can't do it, do it!..

Life Philosophy Wisdom

In the Game of Life, facts matter not, it In the Game of Life, facts matter not, it's only your Perception of the Game that matters...

Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom
