
Frod El 70 (fuzzylove) Quotes & Sayings:
Frod el 70

Frod El 70

Location:Mountains Of The High North., Norway
Experience on Earth:53 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 12 Years 0 Months
Short Bio: Frod'el, the Angel with wings of the finest linnen. Lion of God, 3rd archon of the winds, spirit of air, angel of the waters of the Earth and wielder of fire. Lord of the sky -Ari'el

Frod El 70 Quotes

1-12 of total 12 Quotes
It It's not the rainbow that's gold, but the end of it...

Goal Philosophy Truth Wisdom

Rage is the begining of change, and I need a strong female touch. Rage is the begining of change, and I need a strong female touch...

Failure Goal God Hate History

If you can If you can't chose side in conflict, you'll end up surrounded...

Anger Death Failure Sad Short

A man blinded by faith, will never know God. A man blinded by faith, will never know God...

Faith God Short

Imagine; if people could live their dreams instead of somebody elses nightmare. Imagine; if people could live their dreams instead of somebody elses nightmare...

Confidence Courage Freedom Imagination Leadership

Ignorance is bliss said the man who knew to much. Ignorance is bliss said the man who knew to much...

Happiness Short Truth Wisdom

The son of the Devil is lazy. The son of the Devil is lazy...

Anger Faith Life Philosophy Religion

Insanity begins when people start sharing the same illusion of reality Insanity begins when people start sharing the same illusion of reality..

Philosophy Religion Short Truth Wisdom

Life can be pure fun, -when you remember to pick yourself up again! Life can be pure fun, -when you remember to pick yourself up again!..

Desire Failure Goal Inspirational Life

Sometimes, fighting a smaller mountain really make things move! Sometimes, fighting a smaller mountain really make things move!..

Life Truth Wisdom

It It's hard, trying not to be self-righteous, when you find the subject of word-sense disambiguation..

Truth Wisdom

Only when you can acknowledge the bitch in yourself, you become a righteous dog! Only when you can acknowledge the bitch in yourself, you become a righteous dog!..

