
Mohamed Aljalahma (moman333) Quotes & Sayings:

Mohamed Aljalahma

Experience on OwnQuotes: 1 Years 10 Months

Mohamed Aljalahma Quotes

1-11 of total 11 Quotes
If you happen to reach satisfaction and perfection please share your location If you happen to reach satisfaction and perfection please share your location..


On top of the good karma ladder wise people with positive attitude always see everything beautiful On top of the good karma ladder wise people with positive attitude always see everything beautiful..


A friend is not one unless he is willing to ride the bus with me when a car is no more . A friend is not one unless he is willing to ride the bus with me when a car is no more ...


I love to talk and discuss politics as long it’s about other countries . I love to talk and discuss politics as long it’s about other countries ...


If leaders of our planet agree on world peace , they will certainly disagree on the type of stones If leaders of our planet agree on world peace , they will certainly disagree on the type of stones..


It isn’t important how fast do you go what’s important is choosing the right path . It isn’t important how fast do you go what’s important is choosing the right path ...


On top of the karma ladder wise people with positive attitude always see everything beautiful even On top of the karma ladder wise people with positive attitude always see everything beautiful even..

I always love love but the only hate is for hate itself 
Mohamed A.S.S.aljalahma I always love love but the only hate is for hate itself Mohamed A.S.S.aljalahma..


Happy to talk and discuss politics as long it’s about other countries 
Mohamed .A.S.S. Aljalahma Happy to talk and discuss politics as long it’s about other countries Mohamed .A.S.S. Aljalahma..


A friend is not a true one unless he is willing to ride the bus with me when a car is no more 
M A friend is not a true one unless he is willing to ride the bus with me when a car is no more M..


If leaders of our planet agree to world peace they will certainly argue about the type of stones to If leaders of our planet agree to world peace they will certainly argue about the type of stones to..

