
Friends Quotes, Friends Picture Quotes & Quotations

Friends Quotes Pictures

Sometimes your friend circle decreases in size, but increases in value. Sometimes your friend circle decreases in size, but increases in value...

Friendship Happiness Life Relationship Truth

Not everyone smiling around you, is your friend.. Some of them are your enemies, hiding behind the Not everyone smiling around you, is your friend.. Some of them are your enemies, hiding behind the..

Hate Philosophy Truth Wisdom mistake

I I'm not a fortune teller, but if you show me your friends, I will read your future. Free of charge..

Failure Success Truth

Future Read
All the moments shared, all the tears, all the smiles with friends will be remembered one day! All the moments shared, all the tears, all the smiles with friends will be remembered one day!..

Friendship Happiness Love Truth reality

Future Read
A person who has no friends, lives only half way. A person who has no friends, lives only half way...

Life Short

A Boyfriend Shouldn A Boyfriend Shouldn't just be a boyfriend, He should also be your best friend...

Love Relationship

Girlfriends/boyfriends come and go but, Friends come and stay Girlfriends/boyfriends come and go but, Friends come and stay..

Friendship Short

It is impossible to have a panache and idyllic life without music and friends ! It is impossible to have a panache and idyllic life without music and friends !..

Life Music Philosophy Truth

Friendship is a sacred thing. No matter who you are or where you are, a friend will always be Friendship is a sacred thing. No matter who you are or where you are, a friend will always be..


Matter Friend Expect Friendship
the wise one learns more things from enemies, not friends The wise one learns more things from enemies, not friends..


Friends must be like dental amalgam, but some friends want to be like the decayed molars. Friends must be like dental amalgam, but some friends want to be like the decayed molars...


I haven I haven't the time to worry about my enemies, I'm too busy appreciating the friends that I have...

Friendship Time

A friend is the person who accepts your teasing more than your formality. A friend is the person who accepts your teasing more than your formality...

Friendship Life Relationship

You only have the friends you make. You only have the friends you make...

Philosophy Short

Everyone will praise when you are in the peak.. those who are with you even in the toughest Everyone will praise when you are in the peak.. those who are with you even in the toughest..

Friendship Philosophy Relationship Success Truth

Remember, those all are not your friends who laugh with you. Remember, those all are not your friends who laugh with you...


Remember Laugh
My friends are so innocent, they My friends are so innocent, they'll never do anything illegal unless they are darn sure they won't..


Remember Laugh
I love my enemies as they are authentic in being an enemy, unlike family and friends. I love my enemies as they are authentic in being an enemy, unlike family and friends...

Family Inspirational Life Philosophy Relationship

Remember Laugh
The difference between me and my friend is " always i want to do something when i can do it best.... and yet for him always he just wants do just..
-William Sebunje

Funny Inspirational Philosophy Relationship Truth

Remember Laugh
Fear is a strange guest

A casual observer 
A feeling we can’t shake and a friend we don’t Fear is a strange guest A casual observer A feeling we can’t shake and a friend we don’t..

Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom feeling

Remember Laugh
The best friends are those who seek inspiration in each other! The best friends are those who seek inspiration in each other!..

Inspirational Life Relationship Short Wisdom

Remember Laugh
Money chooses who your friends are. Money chooses who your friends are...

Philosophy Wisdom money

Remember Laugh
A friend in need is a friend in deed,
But the current world is filled with greed.
Planting hatred A friend in need is a friend in deed, But the current world is filled with greed. Planting hatred..

Philosophy Wisdom money

Remember Laugh
TRUTH BOMB... A painful past, like many bags of groceries, can be a burden to carry alone... A true friend and companion can help ease your burden..
-Arthur A Forman

Funny Love Relationship

Remember Laugh

Top 10 Friends Quotes

Can friends still be counted when you have no hands?- Anthony T Hincks"Facebook friends are friends but not friends."- Syed BadiuzzamanChance is a fickle friend, but a true companion of change.- Aloo Denish ObieroFriendships always set sail with a crew full of strangers but returns to port with a family of friends.- Anthony T HincksYou would even recognize your friend better when he wears a mask than when he wears a robe of political power.- Nkwachukwu OgbuaguFriends assembled for you by your success can only be sustained through time by your success.- Nkwachukwu OgbuaguThey say, “Marry your best friend,” but to make your best friend your love interest or your love interest your best friend is the question.- Zion IyogunIf at 40, you have more friends than you had at 20, there’s something pleasant in you only time could detect.- Nkwachukwu OgbuaguDon’t be in a hurry to make friends with strangers, as they may be your enemies.- Tamerlan KuzgovI have found both family and friends, but I have also found the resting places of those who ridiculed me in life.- Anthony T Hincks

Inspirational + Friends Quotes

Inspirational Quotes Fake friends have over a million reasons why they disappointed you when you most needed them but true friends have only one reason why they stayed with you at all times, and the reason is because they truthfully care about you. - Segun RasakiGo up my fried; the lower places are too crowded - mohdmustafa99Life gave me so many friends.. That I used to think that its easy to find friends But when life gave me sleepless nights, I got to know that there's a difference between seasonal friends and the friends who stand by you in every difficult situation. - Sakshi goudTrue friends stay with you in your good and bad times. - Joshua Muasa“Sometimes some people even your friends will hurt you. You just ignore and move on taking it as part of life.” - Syed BadiuzzamanPhone a friend! Dial up those friends who we rarely get a chance to hug! - Adrian McGinnIt's no use counting your friends on your fingers when you are all thumbs. - Anthony T HincksThe things that will determine your future are the friends you keep and the choices you make. Always choose wisely. - ojingiri hannahIf you have friends that do not inspire you, add value to your life, or tell you when you're wrong. Then you haven't gotten a friend but a foe. - ojingiri hannahHow can you get past your bad past, if you keep talking about your past with your friends from the past ? - Harvey StaubYour friend may be your enemy's friend. Your friend may be your enemy / Your enemy may be your friend. You can't choose your enemies but you can choose your friends. - Elvis Kamuhanga"Survival is always a journey, a tricky one at that. Surround yourself with family and friends. When you can no longer walk, then you must crawl and when you can no longer crawl, ask someone to carry you." - Michael Everett GrundonHave friends who are the shining light to guide you back to who you are. True friends love you enough to give you honesty. - D\'Leene DeBoerDon't fear losing people or friends during your self-improvement journey. Some people dislike being confronted with their own shortcomings, but remember, your growth is a beacon of inspiration. - Marcquiese BurrellIf you have enemies, it is because you haven't made friends with yourself. - Anthony T HincksLoneliness produces its own friends. - Anthony T HincksFriendliness is refreshing! Think of all the friends we have yet to meet! - Adrian McGinnIt's when you wear a mask amongst friends that you forget that you were once strangers. - Anthony T HincksIf you can't stand in for a friend in trouble, stand by him. - Nkwachukwu OgbuaguIf you want to scare your enemies, make more friends. If you want to scare your friends, make more enemies. - Nkwachukwu OgbuaguFinding a good friend is a downright task. Keeping him is an uphill task. Losing him is a mournful task. - Nkwachukwu OgbuaguA New Year is knocking on the door! Welcome and hug it so it will become a best friend for the next year! - Adrian McGinnThe selfishness in Man makes him more interested in keeping a friend indeed than in keeping a friend in need. - Nkwachukwu OgbuaguMoney borrowing and money lending are two evil friends that separate two good friends. - Nkwachukwu OgbuaguIt's the selfishness in man that makes him more interested in keeping a friend indeed than in keeping a friend in need. - Nkwachukwu OgbuaguThere is nothing new....everyone has relatives who can not describe his potentials......but with a group of friends and strangers who can tell about the magic of his potentials...!! - William SebunjeShow me your old friends and I’ll tell you a little of what you’ve not told me about your past. - Nkwachukwu OgbuaguIf at 40, you have more friends than you had at 20, there’s something pleasant in you only time could detect. - Nkwachukwu OgbuaguYou would even recognize your friend better when he wears a mask than when he wears a robe of political power. - Nkwachukwu OgbuaguCan friends still be counted when you have no hands? - Anthony T HincksThe best friends are those who seek inspiration in each other! - Adrian McGinn

Friendship + Friends Quotes

Friendship Quotes A friend is a person who cares about you, will forgive you when you make mistakes, will laugh at your jokes, Who has a smile to cheer you up when you are down, a friend is someone to look up to. - SchaelyMy friends are so innocent, they'll never do anything illegal unless they are darn sure they won't be caught. - Lokesh giriGirlfriends/boyfriends come and go but, Friends come and stay - Christian CaluyaRemember, those all are not your friends who laugh with you. - vikrantAll the moments shared, all the tears, all the smiles with friends will be remembered one day! - Bafferh MohammedEveryone will praise when you are in the peak.. those who are with you even in the toughest situation are the real Friends! - Namratha GA friend is the person who accepts your teasing more than your formality. - mohdmustafa99I haven't the time to worry about my enemies, I'm too busy appreciating the friends that I have. - Danny Ray BoydstonOne must be joyful to gain friends, or at least an ordinary person who enjoys joyful people. - mohdmustafa99Friendship is like a ocean, both don't have ends. - Anvesh Kumar ChiliveriDon't lose your real friends while trying to impress the fake ones. - Anthony UbokudomFriendship is a sacred thing. No matter who you are or where you are, a friend will always be there. Sure, they may not always be what you expect, but they will stick with you. - Jessie PoelzerSometimes your friend circle decreases in size, but increases in value. - Mohammad nadeem parrayReal friendship is given unconditionally. Being there in good times and bad. People masquerading as friends, who are gone once the going gets tough, are not real friends. They are acquaintances - Harvey StaubTell me: Who do you write off first, your friend or you? - Anthony T Hincks"With my best friend by my side, the weight of the world feels lighter, the storms become mere ripples, and the darkest nights turn into starlit skies. Their presence is a constant reminder that even in the depths of life's struggles, I am never alone." - Suyog Potdar - Suyog Potdar"Love is the ethereal symphony that dances through the heart, while friendship is the steady hand that holds it, guiding each note with unwavering grace." - Suyog Potdar - Suyog PotdarFriendships should never have a monetary value. - Anthony T HincksAttempting to be a friend to someone who never learned the art of friendship can lead to disappointment and frustration. - Marcquiese BurrellAnd he said... ...who will call you friend when your pockets are empty? - Anthony T HincksI may have put the friend into friendship, but you put up the sail into set-sail. - Anthony T HincksThe word ‘KEEP’ comes in on matters of friendship and enmity. You keep your friends. You keep your enemies at an arm’s length. - Nkwachukwu OgbuaguMates never let each other go thirsty and that's the beauty of life. - Anthony T HincksBe persistently kind, for making ten friends a year is easy. But nurturing one friendship for ten years is truly special. - Norbertus Krisnu PrabowoChances are, that your friends will also become your enemies. - Anthony T HincksWant to see fake friends? Log into Facebook account. - Tamerlan Kuzgov

Life + Friends Quotes

Life Quotes Life is nothing without friends.. - Albert TshifulweThere are times in life when boys say bye, friends simply go and you are left alone, but then comes along those who will stay in your life for a million goodbyes and a million hellos. - chandler plattA person who has no friends, lives only half way. - charan_vishwaDon't tell me what they said against me; tell how you defended me. - mohdmustafa99Good friends and bad friends, these are used commonly day to day but in reality there should not be such use but friends and enemies as opposite of friend is enemy though opposite of good is bad using good and bad to qualify friends is just simply being politically correct. - Segun RasakiLife is short. Make a friend that will last a lifetime. - Luke Shen Tien ChiYou are your own friend when the street is empty. - Anthony T HincksIf you don't have many friends, you value quality over quantity. - Marcquiese BurrellTake your time with life. Don’t rush to find out the ending. Walk intentionally. Make time for friends. Revel in deep conversations. Living is found when we slow down and realise how precious each moment is. - Katy EngarSome friends are like a puff of smoke; now you see them, now you don't. - Mark A GardnerEvery man should be conscious that no man is his friend or his foe, but rather that everyone in life imparts some valuable lessons. - Marcquiese BurrellEvery person has a fiend in each stage of his life but the lucky one is the one who has the same friend in all the stages of his life - Irfan Mamoun MDTwo wounds will never heal A friend wound who betrayed you and a wound of a man you loved but when you fell could not find him - Irfan Mamoun MDIt is impossible to have a panache and idyllic life without music and friends ! - Vivek SahneyThere are moments when the size of your circle of friends may diminish, yet its value increases. - Marcquiese BurrellSave Money for when it matters and save memories with the money you save - Dave shaw“Choose your friends wisely as they too play an important role in your life.” - Syed BadiuzzamanSome friends smile to themselves in secret. - Anthony T Hincks~I hope our friends can understand that as we grow, things inevitably change, and our lives become more challenging. Please forgive us for being absent at times. Don't interpret our silence as a sign of indifference, we're simply navigating the demands of this unforgiving hustling life... - Carson AnekeyaDon't be quick to blame your friends if you get hurt - Maybe the signs were there all along; you just didn't see them because you were looking at something else. - Enos BrownA simple handshake that touched, not only hands, But souls. that how we met - Sumit SindhavFriends assembled for you by your success can only be sustained through time by your success. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu"Facebook friends are friends but not friends." - Syed BadiuzzamanFear is a strange guest A casual observer A feeling we can’t shake and a friend we don’t know we need - LYGAS

Family + Friends Quotes

Family Quotes Love isn't everything, friends and family are what counts most - Sarah DFriends are Like Family.. You are Going to get Mad at them but you are always going to Love them - Brittany BaldwinPoor people can have rich lives. Money can't buy what makes you truly rich - love, friends, family and memories. More money just means more wealth. - Austin James LelievreSometimes, heaven can be found within our hearts, for that is where our memories live. So many happy times and yes, so many sad times, but they all go together to build up our memories of treasured times. - Anthony T HincksYour DESTINY is never in a vacuum. Watch FAMILY, Watch FRIENDS and Watch the FOLKS HE brings your way! - Jeremiah NarteyIf your opinion differs from your friends opinion, and they resent, get angry, bully you because of your thoughts, how can you call them friends, when the main requirement for friendship, is respect - Harvey StaubA loyal dependable friend is more precious than a family member. - Irfan Mamoun MDIf you told your wife about one of her mistakes, she will start telling you about ALL your mistakes including your family, friends and even close countries mistakes - Irfan Mamoun MDSome friends are not only friends they are actually a family - Irfan Mamoun MDLoneliness​ is​ what​ leaves​ you​ alone​ in​ your​ room.​ - Anthony T HincksYou will always find yourself alone, no matter where you go. - Anthony T HincksTrust should never turn into a one-way street. - Anthony T HincksThere comes a time when you need to cut your ties so that you can once again breathe. - Anthony T HincksHard times are the detergents that wash off fake friends and fake family members. - Nkwachukwu OgbuaguI have found both family and friends, but I have also found the resting places of those who ridiculed me in life. - Anthony T HincksFriendships always set sail with a crew full of strangers but returns to port with a family of friends. - Anthony T HincksI love my enemies as they are authentic in being an enemy, unlike family and friends. - Sanji Paul Arvind

All Friends Quotes

Dogs may be a man's best friends, but the proverb says, "Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are."- Tamerlan KuzgovI have one friend who has insisted to tell me i need money now the way i get is not the issue......, and for me i have always told him my interest is now to cross the bridge of turbulence once and for all ....then think of other option of life...!! Different minds mean different aims...!!- William SebunjeI was advising my friend not to attack me...reason being i shall fall by the side he expects me to fall by...., and Not so he may be left shattered....!!- William Sebunje“Fake friends don’t come with a gun or knife; they come with a smile.”- Justin LewisThere is nothing new....!everyone has relatives who can not describe his potentials......but with a group of friends and strangers who can tell about the magic of his potentials...!!- William SebunjeTHE MORE HANDS YOU SHAKE THE MORE FRIENDSHIP ARE STRONG- Sumit SindhavNever be friends with people who only think of their benefits. One fine day they will bury you for their survival.- Sanji Paul ArvindA man surrounded by praise singers only has company. As for genuine friends, they’re yet to come his way.- Nkwachukwu OgbuaguFriends are like websites. There are some you visit more than the others.- Nkwachukwu OgbuaguNot all friends deserve to be thethered in your heart.- Anthony T HincksBeauty welcomes the day as an old friend and so should we.- Anthony T HincksInstead of singing in the bathroom, sing with your friends, you will see the real difference in your personality !!- Vivek SahneyWe are the generation of networks and profiles. We're socially connected with countless friends online in a world of constant connectivity, but we're practically alone in our personal struggles, occasionally weighed down by the burdens of mental disturbance & Mental Hell.- Carson AnekeyaWar is the enemy of peace, and it only creates more enemies and conflicts. It brings destruction and death to both the living and non-living. Peace is the friend of life, and it only needs friendship and cooperation. It brings happiness and harmony in the world and the soul- Srinivas MishraChoose to be around a friend who cares enough to challenge your shortcomings and communicates when you've caused discomfort, enabling you to comprehend, apologize, evolve, and mature together.- Marcquiese BurrellTo my dearest friends... It's through and through to acknowledge the beautiful and uncommonly inspiring and strong soul that don't leave you when it was/is difficult period of your life.. Regardless, these emotions and feelings may not be consistent throughout your life.!- ShreeIt is good to lend to a friend, but it should not cause a friend to become an enemy.- Jervice CJThe situation make good friends and ignore others- Irfan Mamoun MDThe situation make good friends and ignore others- Irfan Mamoun MDMore dangerous than lion's growling is the tongue with the hidden sting of snake; protect me from my friends, oh Lord! Shield only can parry enemy who's hand is armed with sword, But hardly one can hide From treachery of friend, who strikes the dagger from behind.- Alexander R PovolotskyWe have a tendency to feel obligated to those who take up most of our time like our families, friends and life partner. Step back and allow them to figure it out for themselves while you embrace the positive changes you seek in your life. Enabling serves no purpose.- Ramon RiveraalmenaChildren want friends not money, adults think money can buy friends.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar ReddyDo not say everything you hear Do not spend all your money Do not oversleep Take care of your wife more than your friends or even your children- Irfan Mamoun MDJoy comes from knowing that you can smile and make someone else's day bright with happiness.- Anthony T HincksThe false friends are not different from shadows, they are present during bright moments but hidden during rough times- Irfan Mamoun MDMaybe we lose a close and good friend by one word, But a thousand words won’t be enough to gain him back ( BE CAUCIOUS)- Irfan Mamoun MDSometimes, you can't choose your friends, but you can choose to smile.- Anthony T HincksTrue loyal friends will show up when are extremely needed- Irfan Mamoun MDThe true friend is the one who always stretches his hand down to lift you up- Irfan Mamoun MDThe true honost friend is the one who rectifies you when needed and help you to stand when you fall.- Irfan Mamoun MDWhen you smiled at me for the first time, I felt like I was flying higher than any bird. When you kissed me for the first time, I felt like I was drowning in a sea of pure bliss. When you embraced me for the first time, I felt truly blessed to know you. And I can't wait for you to say YES to me!- Jacob Baron OrjiSome will find happiness from their parents, some from their lovers, some from their friends. No matter where you find happiness, don't take it for granted.- ojingiri hannahWhat determines your future is not your family status, your job, your education level, not even your friends, but your vision!- Dr Callixte YadufashijeGood friends are like herpes. You don't always see them, but you know they're always there.- Justin WinskiA jealous friend has the heart of an enemy.- Marcquiese BurrellHappiness is found in little things: a baby's smile, a letter from a friend, land scape scenery- Irfan Mamoun MDAs long as the ties that bind us together are stronger than those that would tear us apart all will be well- Jamie lynn greenIt's good to think about others but never forget to think about yourself simultaneously..- Aye AyeAn ounce of understanding and patience is immeasurable to those carrying the weight of the unknown.- Joseph BarryYou don't need friends to succeed in life ; All you need is your family & to work hard & stick to what you want to be, because you will be shocked when you make it- rhys blakeMaterial things will show you your true friends!- Eddie KeithMake Friends not Enemies, Build Bridges not Walls, do this and you will never fail- chester guerreroA lot of money scares me, you gain so many friends that you haven't heard from in a while ,even ex's - JESSICA SERITA ABRAMSNo matter you are at a wrong place at the wrong time, you always can find good friends- Farhad DastoorAnyone who cares that much to have friends; they will not want to know that someone is in pain.- Basil TongFriends won't make you do the things you fear.. Best friends will push you to conquer your fears and humiliate yourself!- Lauren Newman

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