
Mohammed Nirshad (nishu) Quotes & Sayings:

Mohammed Nirshad

Experience on OwnQuotes: 9 Years 8 Months

Mohammed Nirshad Quotes

1-7 of total 7 Quotes
One or the other day the truth will reveal , the longer it takes the louder it comes One or the other day the truth will reveal , the longer it takes the louder it comes..

Desire Faith Goal Opportunity Success

Never let your dignity pull you from the family, Your family is the best dignity. Never let your dignity pull you from the family, Your family is the best dignity...

Family Freedom Life Love Wisdom

Ego wins with lots of valuable losses. Ego wins with lots of valuable losses...

Change Failure Optimism Short Truth

Nowadays, Standard is how rich man raise their head towards poors and Manners is how a poor man bow Nowadays, Standard is how rich man raise their head towards poors and Manners is how a poor man bow..

Change Creativity Imagination Philosophy Sad

Lies may give you happiness for a moment and fear forever of the name Lies may give you happiness for a moment and fear forever of the name 'cheater'...

Faith Happiness Love Truth Fear

Fools are who belives in black magic when the word magic itself means illusion Fools are who belives in black magic when the word magic itself means illusion..

Desire Faith God Philosophy Wisdom

Sometimes over caring tends to irritation Sometimes over caring tends to irritation..

Desire Education Faith Failure Forgiveness
