
Shaila Touchton (sdtouchton) Quotes & Sayings:
Shaila Touchton

Shaila Touchton

Location:Florida, USA
Experience on OwnQuotes: 5 Years 9 Months
Short Bio: She is a stay Home Christian Mother and a Christian writer contributing articles. She has self-published three books using print-on-demand called Christian Living, Seek God’ s Truth and Living a Godly Life. She has a passion for writing Christian articles and has contributed many articles and blogs online. She has a great love for the study of Gods word in a deep way. She has an incredible heart to serve the Lord and she loves to encourage and uplift others to a deeper relationship with Jesus Ch

Shaila Touchton Quotes

1-50 of total 527 Quotes
The unrighteous, Gossipers, Hypocrites, wicked people, abusers, Cheaters, violent people, betrayers, liars, mistreaters, opportunists, backstabbers,
-Shaila Touchton

God Inspirational Love Relationship Success

Many Evil and Wicked People use Good Innocent people to achieve success in their lives and during their Success, they dump the good people who were
-Shaila Touchton

Inspirational Life Love Relationship Success

The ruthless behavior of evil people often leads to their success which they have obtained through lying, betraying, being fraudulent, their fake
-Shaila Touchton

Inspirational Love Relationship Success Truth

Be careful with some People who Smile in your face, but they are betrayers and backstabbers. They Be careful with some People who Smile in your face, but they are betrayers and backstabbers. They..

Inspirational Life Love Relationship Truth

Monitoring spirits, evil watchers, fowlers, demonic agents, occult men and women, witches, and wizards, Evil men and women can influence people with
-Shaila Touchton

Inspirational Life Love Relationship Wisdom

Stay away from negative and backstabbers & protect your wellbeing and sanity. Stay away from negative and backstabbers & protect your wellbeing and sanity...

Inspirational Life Love Relationship Truth

Be careful with some People who Smile in your face, but they are betrayers and backstabbers. They Be careful with some People who Smile in your face, but they are betrayers and backstabbers. They..

Inspirational Relationship heart break falling in love

False Accusers love to blame on others for their problems, for their personal choices, for their sinful behaviour & attitudes and trying to prove
-Shaila Touchton


We are never to be impressed by Money, Degrees, Titles, Positions, or Followers but be impressed by We are never to be impressed by Money, Degrees, Titles, Positions, or Followers but be impressed by..

Inspirational Love money

The greatest gifts we can give our children is to be godly parents. Motherhood is a blessing The greatest gifts we can give our children is to be godly parents. Motherhood is a blessing..

Inspirational Love Relationship Truth children

God wants Mothers also to have a great influence on the spiritual life of our children. Scripture teaches mothers to point children toward Christ
-Shaila Touchton

Faith God Love Wisdom falling in love

God chose many women for very crucial job of motherhood. Mothers have a special and important role in the lives of their kids. Mothers have a duty to
-Shaila Touchton

God Love Wisdom Women children

Mothers, you have the faith you need to be a good mother to your children. Live out your sincere Mothers, you have the faith you need to be a good mother to your children. Live out your sincere..

Faith Inspirational Love Relationship falling in love

Beware of liars and pretenders who are making you a scapegoat and fooling you for no reason. Beware of liars and pretenders who are making you a scapegoat and fooling you for no reason...

Inspirational Life Love Relationship Truth

Victims of abusers  who do not die physically often experience an emotional death,  from domestic Victims of abusers who do not die physically often experience an emotional death, from domestic..

Death Inspirational Life Love Relationship

The darkness of the soul is the one in the bondage of  evil addictions. The darkness of the soul is the one in the bondage of evil addictions...


Sin separates from God and sinners are slaves to sinful behavior and addictions, and they don’t enjoy the glorious freedom in God’s light but are
-Shaila Touchton

Freedom Love Relationship Truth

Beware of Men on facebook, who claims to be a follower of Christ, pretending to have a ministry of C Beware of Men on facebook, who claims to be a follower of Christ, pretending to have a ministry of C..

Life Love Relationship Truth Women

Obedience leads to blessings, and disobedience to curses. Obedience leads to blessings, and disobedience to curses...

Inspirational Love Truth

Sin is not simply making bad choices or mistakes. Sin is having the desire in our hearts to do the Sin is not simply making bad choices or mistakes. Sin is having the desire in our hearts to do the..


Life is boring, painful, wasteful, regretful and  meaningless filled with tragedies  in some Life is boring, painful, wasteful, regretful and meaningless filled with tragedies in some..

Life Love Relationship Truth heart break

Beware of sneaky insidious evil that comes to us masquerading as something good just like Satan disguises himself as an angel of light and his people
-Shaila Touchton

Inspirational Life Love Relationship heart break

Beware of some people sent by Devil to waste your life and destiny and to live a life of Regrets. T Beware of some people sent by Devil to waste your life and destiny and to live a life of Regrets. T..

Marriage Relationship Truth heart break falling in love

Because of some peoples innocence, lack of discernment and naive nature, evil criminal people disguise themselves as Bridegroom enter into
-Shaila Touchton

Life Marriage

People Practice so much to have proper perfect Selfies instead of practicing the word of God which makes us and keeps us right until His work in us
-Shaila Touchton


Religious Clergies and Nuns are busy on social media attracting followers, likes, and comments displaying themselves like Celebrities and Superstars
-Shaila Touchton

Selfie preachers and priests are busy adoring and impressing the image of themselves instead of Selfie preachers and priests are busy adoring and impressing the image of themselves instead of..


Watch out for selfie Preachers and Priests who are busy taking selfies, editing them, and retouching them with Beauty Filter Apps just confirming
-Shaila Touchton

Selfie Preachers and Priests are busy self-adoring with their selfies taken on their smartphones in pursuit of praise, likes, followers, and comments
-Shaila Touchton


Selfie preachers and priests are like how Paul warned Timothy of last days, where people would be lovers of themselves having a form of godliness but
-Shaila Touchton

Selfie Preachers and Priests are promoting their selfies and selfishness instead of promoting God Selfie Preachers and Priests are promoting their selfies and selfishness instead of promoting God's..

Religious Selfie addicts claim as Spiritual People are busy attracting people for themselves. Through their Selfies, they are elevating themselves
-Shaila Touchton

Keep an eye out for Selfie Evangelists and Clergies who simply confirm themselves, rather than Keep an eye out for Selfie Evangelists and Clergies who simply confirm themselves, rather than..


A good man do not mock others, do not insult others, do not disrespect  others  and will not  speak A good man do not mock others, do not insult others, do not disrespect others and will not speak..

Life Love Relationship Truth Wisdom

Walking with God is keeping the full Armor of God and enduring hardships, sufferings, and trials through Christ. Walking with God is being born of
-Shaila Touchton

Inspirational Love Relationship

Walking with God is not looking up to worldly idols or men or models who look good in public and eternally lost Souls. Walking with God is not P
-Shaila Touchton

God Love Relationship

Walking with God is Separating ourselves from all ungodliness and the things of this world and not Walking with God is Separating ourselves from all ungodliness and the things of this world and not..

God Inspirational

Walking with God is not justifying disobedience to the Word of God by twisting the Scriptures, to Walking with God is not justifying disobedience to the Word of God by twisting the Scriptures, to..

God Inspirational Truth Wisdom

Walking with God means we must stand uncompromisingly against the works of flesh, darkness, and works of Satan. Walking with God is not tolerating
-Shaila Touchton

God Hate falling in love

When walking with the Lord we realize our need for a Savior and we walk by faith.

We can’t When walking with the Lord we realize our need for a Savior and we walk by faith. We can’t..

God Love Relationship Truth Wisdom

When we walk with the Lord, we draw closer to the Lord with all our hearts. He becomes our focus and our hearts long for Him and seek His presence.
-Shaila Touchton

Inspirational Truth Wisdom

When we walk with the Lord, our will is going to align with God's will. When we walk with God, we choose to imitate Him and glorify Him in every
-Shaila Touchton

Forgiveness God Inspirational Love

Walking with God means to live in the presence of God, observing the commands of the LORD our God by walking in his ways and by fearing him. W
-Shaila Touchton

God Inspirational Love Relationship

When we walk with God we are sealed with the promised Holy Spirit of God in Christ as his chosen ones, set apart as his possession and to keep away
-Shaila Touchton

God Inspirational Love Wisdom

When we walk with God, we obey God's commands and follow the instructions of God Walking with God requires walking away from sin and walking in
-Shaila Touchton

God Hope Inspirational Truth

Walking with God is not holding a gigantic check and shaking hands in front of several TV cameras, announcing it with trumpets, and boasting
-Shaila Touchton

God Relationship Truth

Walking with God is not giving money to the church, wanting public recognition when helping the poor. Walking with God gives us assurance of his
-Shaila Touchton

Inspirational Truth money

We can walk with God daily by agreeing with God and His Word

And replacing self-focused thinking We can walk with God daily by agreeing with God and His Word And replacing self-focused thinking..

God Truth

Walking with God is keeping the full Armor of God and enduring hardships, sufferings, and trials through Christ. Walking with God is being born of
-Shaila Touchton

God Inspirational Relationship Truth

Walking with God is having a Servant’s Heart and not serving God for Financial Gain. Walking with God is not Compromising with the World and
-Shaila Touchton

God Life Truth
