Patience Quotes Pictures

Hope and patience may not always bring success, but the way they bring change in a man is the real..

Every choice we make matters in developing our final outcome. With every choice you make, make in W..
whenever you found yourself around problematic people, don't get disturbed.. have patience, back to your roots and say to yourself.. 'NO, I won't..
-swati somal
-swati somal
Inspirational Life Philosophy Relationship Success
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I learn from patience that Saturday , Friday, and the days in between are one day.- mohdmustafa99
We don't have any problems with the enemy except his patience.- mohdmustafa99
An ounce of understanding and patience is immeasurable to those carrying the weight of the unknown.- Joseph Barry
LIFE gives you hard times, but it gives you exactly knowledge and patience.- mikey
Patience maybe a solution to some problems, not for all. Action brings solution for all problems except a few.- Kowsalapathy Saravanan
Maximum the Patience.. Maximum will be the resolution- Navaz Khan
Every day is a new day, a new beginning, a fresh new start to make it the best day that it can be. Yesterday's troubles are over and should be put behind us, yesterday's bills will still be here tomorrow, so why stress? Live today, put yesterday behind you and let the future take its course. Everything happens for a reason, so where we need to be tomorrow, will come with a purpose, with patience and determination- ileana capin fonseca
Love is patience, trust and loyalty. The one thing that it's not is pain- Demetress Hall
Easy come, easy go! Nothing in this life that is worth having is EASY. Especially in relationships and LOVE. Getting to know someone takes time! Jumping into things (from personal experience) is unhealthy and shows lack of self-discipline. Your 'feelings' are not what should dictate a relationship. Rather patience, understanding, and building a friendship above all. It's like building a house! Yo you wouldn't wanna just move in to a house that took a couple of weeks to build.. why? The foundation isn't sturdy enough and sooner or later it will start to break apart. It takes TIME to build something that is long lasting! Seriously ladies, marriage can wait.. it's better to BUILD THAT FOUNDATION so you can have a happy and fulfilling marriage in the long run, putting GOD first above all.- Alejandra Hernandez
Patience is only for people who look for a gratification.- ajith CHEMPARATHY
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Patience is a virtue! so is controlled intentional impatience. - Lokesh giri
Patience is not just a virtue; it's an art of control - Lokesh giri
Patience is only for people who look for a gratification. - ajith CHEMPARATHY
When everything goes wrong, patience is the best weapon - palash sarkar
Maximum the Patience.. Maximum will be the resolution - Navaz Khan
We don't make patience. Patience makes us. - mohdmustafa99
Patience is like a muscle, If you don't exercise it, it won't grow stronger. - David L. Rose
We don't have any problems with the enemy except his patience. - mohdmustafa99
A listener can give you his ears and his patience, but not his appreciation. - mohdmustafa99
I learn from patience that Saturday , Friday, and the days in between are one day. - mohdmustafa99
Patience increases in times of decrease - mohdmustafa99
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Patience is a virtue, impatience is an art- Lokesh giri
Patience is the Art of Hope- Bipin Kumar G J
We Catholics are born again because through Baptism we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.- Shaila Touchton
With patience, Islam thought me, My duty is to love wherever, love is not a moment, love is not just an expression but duty to do good. Islam is not a weapon for cruelty- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
Patience should be taken when listening to a stammerer long story- Tijani Kehinde John
80% of this world has no patience- Karabo Junior Mashabela
Sometimes we feel, we wasted valuable time of our life. In fact it is a time to stay back and learn patience - Sadashivan
If there is no love, there is no revenge. If there is no faith, there is no god. If there is no dumb, there is no wisdom. If there is no events, there is no forgiveness. If there is no heart, there is no romance. If there is no prison, there is no freedom. If there is no impatience, there is no patience. If there is no decisions, we know what will happen. If there is no difference, there is no jealousy. If there is no parents, there is no chance of learning love right after you are born. If there is no wrong, there is no right. If there is no sadness, there is no happiness. If there is no failure, there is no goal. If there is no death, there is no life. If there is no war, there is no peace. If there is no lies, there is no truth. If there are no effect, there is no cause. If there is no darkness, there is no light. If there is no imagination, there is no fear. If there is nothing scary, there is no courage. If there's no life, there is no world. If there is one person, just one, miss- Karen Kuran