You will search for opportunity in vain unless you have planted its roots within you...
Life Opportunity Short Wisdom
If you search for an excuse you will always find one...
Heaven is not hard to find, you just need to search for the life within...
If you ignore your pain, you may not search for the remedy. So accept the pain..
Short pain
Is God in a Temple? Is God in a Church? Is God in a Mosque? Continue your Search When you get to..
God Philosophy Truth
The search for knowledge requires effort...
Inspirational Optimism Truth knowledge
Your brain has the answer somewhere in there, let us help you search!..
Today will always run faster than yesterday in search of tomorrow...
Life Philosophy
The only beauty in life is what you have to search for...
Age Beauty Imagination Life
Beauty God
Life would be easier if true love was music. I could just search the world finding the tune that..
Hope Love Music
Opportunity will come behind me or I should search for opportunity?..
Love is not missing. Love cannot be found where it doesn't exist. Check you search areas carefully..