Truth Quotes Pictures

Clothe yourselves with the truth, for it shall warm your heart and others..
Heart Love Philosophy Religion Short
Your Heart
Success is not happiness, this truth you must know. You may have everything, but what's the use of..

To know who you really are, you should ask a true friend who dares to speak truth to your face...Your Face

From the meaning of error we learn the truth , and if we shut the door to all errors, truth will be..

Listen with your eyes not your ears, Your ears will lie to you, but your eyes will tell you the..Your Eyes
Top 10 truth Quotes
Truth is like the sunrise and a lie like the sunset.- Joe Cervantes
Human wisdom is a reprobated version of the Truth..- Byron Abel
You cannot add to, nor subtract from the Truth, it just is, as it is.- David L. Rose
Always cloak yourself in a garment of Truth. Or risk being left to freeze in a suit of Lies.- The Quoted Iris
The truth may hurt for a little while but a lie hurts forever- Rina 23
Love is what makes you feel good inside. Love is not pretending like you are blind when you should be reading the things that your partner might not see. Love is truth, honesty, communication and helping your partner stay healthy and succeed. Love is what you do to help someone you say you love.- Marie Yolande Pierre
Lying against the truth is like believing an ant to win a battle with an elephant..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
The secret of a beautiful lie lays in an ugly truth..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
If truth is indeed unchangeable definitely lie is changeable..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Philosophy + Truth Quotes ⇑
Philosophy Quotes
Truth is timeless - paul odafe utho
Question everything you read or hear because the truth is clearer than a half truth or lie. - Tanya Asapansa Johnson Walker
What is the Energy that Gives us Breath? What Life Energy leaves us that causes our death? We are that Energy, we are the Soul. To Realize this Truth is our Life Goal! - AiR Atman in Ravi
If we want to Realize the Truth We must Open our REAL EYES! - AiR Atman in Ravi
As long as we believe the myth, we can never realize the truth. - AiR Atman in Ravi
Man is very beautiful only under a certain illumination of truth and position in life - Romeo
Man is very beautiful only under a certain illumination of truth and position in life - Romeo
On the body of pessimism the sound dynamics of truth are heard everywhere - Romeo
The secret of a beautiful lie lays in an ugly truth.. - Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Truth slumbers in the subconscious, self-deception lies constantly lulling it - Romeo
You cannot add to, nor subtract from the Truth, it just is, as it is. - David L. Rose
There's no way to justify garment of lie when truth is naked.. - success song
Man's mind has not grown to the truth, there is no selfishness in truth - Romeo
It is better to be alone with truth, than to be deceived with lies and be reduced to garbage. - Joe Cervantes
Little truth is better than a great lie.. - success song
No matter how clearer truth might be it would kinda blurry in the face of critic.. - success song
Short + Truth Quotes ⇑
Short Quotes
The truth is not just a lie, its a lie you believe in - Sam Armstrong
No one can beat you if you fight for truth. - Sourabh kumar
A lie comes to hide the truth. - Issac boateng
It's hard to believe the truth when lies can make you believe.. - lindokuhle khanyile
Seeing is believing, but the truth depends on your point of view. - Priyanshu Raghuvansh
Truth is the spark that ignites loyalty and respect - Charles Hester
That who feels cautious to say the truth; doesn't of course feel cautious to lie. - mohdmustafa99
Life runs on only three things 1. Truth 2. Love 3. Trust - Bharath vikas
Sweet lie goes pari-passu with bitter truth.. - Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
'Nothing could hide from the truth, people try to hide the truth by their quietness or actions and emotions but truth is absolutely within them, that is the power of truth, people have to try to live a truthful life on this earth. - Anand gill
The truth must always be known no matter the cost. - Zac Ochsenbine
Believe the truth even if said by Devil. Do not believe lies even if said by God. - T C Jose
Truth is recorded and revealed from the studios of hidden cameras. - Jason Baptiste
Truth is a living God. - Joe Cervantes
The harsh truth about a lie is, you can't hold it for long. - Meera
Life + Truth Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
It takes courage to admit your fears, perfection to fix your flaws, and the truth to reveal your lies. - Shaina Ross
We're not perfect, we lie, we do mistakes and that's ok because we all do the same, But just a few admit they're wrong, they tell the truth.. Will you be like the rest or be unique? - Daleen Irshaid
Life is short and hard to defy; who seeks the truth will never deny - Ali Albasri
It's better to live a short life in naive bliss than a long life in saddened truth. - Donald Lynn Frost
The truth can be hard, lies are usually easy - Victor Courage
If I do not speak I can not Lie, If I do speak there is possibility for the truth - Lily Athas
In life we are neither here nor there. life is made up of three things; truth, fact & opinion. it is up to us to decide right from wrong and what to believe - Kavesan Reddy
Jesus is the truth magnet, you are either drawn to Him or repelled by Him.. - Byron Abel
Love is what makes you feel good inside. Love is not pretending like you are blind when you should be reading the things that your partner might not see. Love is truth, honesty, communication and helping your partner stay healthy and succeed. Love is what you do to help someone you say you love. - Marie Yolande Pierre
Truth is, very few people really want to hear from God. If they did, they would obey.. - Byron Abel
It may seem there is more 'evil' than Good. The Ultimate Truth is, only Goodness is Reality. If 'evil' reigned the Cosmos, no Good or Joy would exist; Only pain, emptiness. We wouldn't exist. Ultimate Goodness gives Life, Peace, Delight, Pleasure, Rest. Our spirit is Goodness and Eternally Alive. - Amelia Goode
Sometimes I don't know what to say until I say Truth.. - success song
Lies kill trust while truth expose decisiveness - success song
From the meaning of error we learn the truth , and if we shut the door to all errors, truth will be shut out. - Prof Salam Al Shereida
Inspirational + Truth Quotes ⇑
Inspirational Quotes
My experience in life has taught me that there is usually some type of falsehood in every proclaimed truth and usually some type of truth in every proclaimed falsehood. - Donald Lynn Frost
Love is truth and truth is love, live in love - mansi gupta
One of the most difficult concepts to accept is that truth and reality often come in layers. - Donald Lynn Frost
Life is like math. It doesn't matter the answer isn't what you think it should be. The only thing that matters is the truth. If you change the answer to fit your feelings the rest of answers to the problems you encounter will always be false - Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S
We shuttle between joy and sorrow. We live, we die, and we don't even know why. We are born, and we just zoom from womb to tomb. We don't have time to realize the truth. - AiR Atman in Ravi
Always cloak yourself in a garment of Truth. Or risk being left to freeze in a suit of Lies. - The Quoted Iris
You only hurt when I'm gone. I was hurting the whole time I was there. The truth is I'm still Feeling the pain. But I know one day I'll be OK. - Marie Yolande Pierre
Sometimes the truth hurts. If you don't like it, then change it. - Kaitlyn Anderson
Happy life is a myth only struggle is the truth. - Nikhil Prakash Wanjare
There's something about a woman with a loud mind that sits in silence, smiling, knowing she can crush you with the truth. - Aurora Coulange
Love is not easy nor is it difficult. It is just YOU in a state of TRUTH - Theigasen
Don't ask me because I'll tell you the truth. - Meera
All truth Quotes ⇑
Truth is always painful unless you accept it.- Kowsalapathy Saravanan
Cowards aren't those who speak truth without fear; weaklings are those who jump from truth to lie in the face of oppression- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Don't change your mind when you intend to say the truth- Aye Aye
All men have the solemn duty to uphold justice for without there will be no truth nor freedom- Isaak Bean
I love to go deeper to know the truth rather than to accept lie at a glance..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
If it is important to make lies , then it is more important to know the truth that you want to distort.- mohdmustafa99
If love is my guide, And truth my treasure, And my heart the sea, To sink is pleasure.- Joshua Aaron Guillory
Truth doesn't have to look pretty to set anyone free.- Joe Cervantes
Truth will follow you always to your destination.- Joe Cervantes
When a truth is hidden in your heart, it feels heavy and painful. But when it is out of your heart, you feel light and peaceful.- Kowsalapathy Saravanan
Give yourself permission to evolve. Become a philosopher; come up with your own interpretation of life & stop accepting someone else's as your truth.- Germany Kent
You couldn't speak the truth, if it climbed up your throat and crawled out of your mouth.- Cory Powell
Truth is constant. Whether yesterday, last year or in 20 years time. It doesn't change- paul odafe utho
When there is truth inside you, there will be hell beside you- sandeep Shankaranarayanan
Running away won't solve anything, face the truth and keep going strong- George Cordova
As truth better then every lie, reality is better than every dream.- Tra Lalalic
What we actually see is half truth! open your inner eyes to see the Truth.- DEEPANKAR TRIPATHY
Tell me truth and I promise I will forgive you n-numbers of times.- Meera
How can the truth set us free when the world is covered in lies?- The Quoted Iris
A human action or intention that is safely kept with natural desire is fortunate to travel the imaginary and realistic fields of noble truth! - Joshua Aaron Guillory- Joshua Aaron Guillory
Overflow with ardent love and illuminate with truth! - Joshua Aaron Guillory
If I say what's on my mind and I offend you. I guess I said the truth, which offends you.- Politically inccorect
I will Stand by the truth, stand by what is right, even if everyone else is standing across the room from me. There is always a Sheppard to lead the sheep.- Allen Lazar
If you don't have to say anything you need to say the Truth..- success song
If someone is speaking the words of truth, but is being a hypocrite at the same time, that doesn't make their words less truthful - Luka Anu i Lakovski
Conscience will make it hard for you to tell a lie, at the same time makes it simple for you to say the truth..- success song
Lies are very sweet, while truth is bitter that's why most people prefer telling lies.- ease berry
We are in society of underrated truth and overrated lie..- success song
Those who are addicted to truth, most times are afraid to tell lies..- success song
If it does not bring you Peace, and is not Healing you, then it is not Good. If it is not Good, then it is not of Goodness. If it is not of Goodness, then it is not of Love. If it is not of Love, then it is not Truth. If it is not of Truth, then it is not True, and relinquish it my friend!- Amelia Goode
People are searching for the truth, but where is this Truth? People are searching for happiness, but where is this happiness? People are searching for peace, but where is this peace? People are searching for Love but where is this Love?- Sundaresh
If devil isn't a liar how does God teach us the truth?- success song
A sickly heart sickens nothing but its weighing of truth.- mohdmustafa99
Wise men wouldn't stop telling lie, foolish ones wouldn't stop saying the truth- Aye Aye
Because Truth is a five letter word, same as Trump, doesn't mean Donald doesn't lie..- Aye Aye
When I'm talking to you I'm talking to myself because it is one linear truth..- Aye Aye
Politicians wouldn't stop deceiving people until people stop deceiving themselves and embrace truth..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Politics is politics, propaganda is a gimmick used by rogues to cover the truth and mislead, rather than to lead people on the right path- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
If you ask a liar to tell you the truth, you are lying to yourself.- Ana White
Truth might not be profitable at the beginning but it's gainfully at the end likewise lie might be favorable at the start but it ends as colossal loss- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Nobody likes truth because it's bitter, everybody wants lies because it's sweet- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Never dig for finding truth in a land of fouling politics.- mohdmustafa99
My most precious gift of love I bestow to thee! Decorated with the natural beauty of me! Wrapped in kindness, sympathy and generosity! Unclothed for all you to see the sweet truth of me!- Joshua Aaron Guillory
Truth of something and Inspiration from seniors are major Factors.- NaGa RaJ D
Is God in a Temple? Is God in a Church? Is God in a Mosque? Continue your Search When you get to the Root, You will Realize the Truth!- AiR Atman in Ravi
Would you be ready to accept, if somebody reminds you in your dream that you are dreaming?. Indeed you will not, you feel so real then. So is this life. Only the death can wake them up one day those who cannot recognize this and there's no death for those wise men, who knew this truth - FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
Truth is absolute, no matter what your truth says it is.- Dr Travis J Hedrick
Many things point to falsehood but truth ultimately wins- Joshua Aaron Guillory
Truth is God. It is above everything. There is Truth even in the Nucleus of a Lie.- SHAZIA IRSHAD
Religion is where others tell you what to believe, how to live, what is 'truth'. Being true to yourself is to tell yourself Your Own Truth from the Life that already lives within you.- Amelia Goode
Truth, honesty, loyalty, respect, kindness, determination.. these are the attributes we should live out daily and teach our children.- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
Oh, my heart is plagued with the agonizing truth that very few will fathom and acknowledge this divergent inner being I hold within myself.- Amelia Goode
A cake made of truth may be difficult to accept, however, a cake made of lies is difficult to swallow, as it requires constant icing- Cole Ford
Life is a combination of Truth and myth- Dr D Vizai Bhaskar
Piano is my only friend. My only love. My only escape from the truth.- April Pynn
Something will just wake me up at the time I begin to inline on the philosophy of the truth in me..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Happiness is a truth but not for all.- Abhimanyu
People call Me Mean, Not because I Lie but because I always say the Truth, even if it is Hurtful- Jasmine Rothwood
In a world filled with lies, those who tell the truth will seem like saints but possibly devils in disguise.- Jonathan Devon Ferguson
The truth is i'm already taken by someone who is already taken by someone..- ash
What doesn't kill us makes us weaker , that's the fact and truth- Akinkunmi Seyi Samuel
There's something we all can't change no matter how we try. It's worse to hear the truth because the truth we can't deny.- Amanda thornton
It is strange how some people ignore the logic just because they believe what they like to believe and ignore the truth.- Oscar Auliq Ice
The world isn't old enough in keeping the truth away from you.- Joe Cervantes
History has been rewritten after being erased to cover up the truth about America.. the real history of things lies in ancient civilization in which only the wise have knowledge of.- Nina Danielle uuro
There is no innocence in a world of violence.. there is no truth if all is lies.. there is no opposer if we all oppose the opposer.. there is no peace if the peacemakers are the protesters.. there is no enemy if we're all against each other- Nina Danielle uuro
The higher you go in the organization the less truth you hear- Irfan Mamoun MD
Love - the Ultimate Paradigm 'Love does not exist without trust. Trust does not exist without truth. Truth does not exist without trust, which does not exist without love. The Ultimate Paradigm. '- Christina Hefley
A truth seeker attracts great minds and knows it is wisdom that binds them- Dennis James Deegan CTM
Underneath the mask, a bitter truth lies and a sorrowful story hides- No One
I prefer living in pain because of the truth, rather than living in joy because of a lie.- Marisol Soul
Money can buy the ear of a statesman or a government, only truth and honestly will be heard by the world- Matthew Edmonds
Hide your own hatred and time will pass you by, bringing freedom as you realize the truth.- La Nostra De La Terra y Cielo
Truth will wound you, but the acceptance of truth will kill you.- Hunter James
If you can't handle the truth you can't be the truth- Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S
Finding truth in life can be the most difficult undertaking of all.- Donald Lynn Frost
When you create an illusion, the truth tends to reveal itself.. unfortunately it is not always as bright as we hoped..- Clairvoyan
When you are not accepting the truth.. that state is called anger- palash sarkar
Just keep chasing your wish and truth will follow.- diya ahmed azzony
Truth is hidden within the lies.- John
Stay true to the truth and the truth will keep you true!- Steven W Baran
The world is not based on, fact or fiction, truth or myth, reality and fantasy. The world, is a world of possibilities, achievable goals, and unlimited imagination. In other words, don't believe or disbelieve, of what you don't know, the (only) thing you can do is be open-minded.- Jorrdan Stevens
Truth is sweet when you have diabetes.- Kshitij Kishor Jayakar
Religion and Literature should be admired from a distance. Truth and Rational thinking should be right before you eyes - Twenty Twelve
There can be no truth in what relies on faith or belief as its premise.- Jesse Hayes
The confession must speak the truth of your heart- Frisnel Joseph
If the truth hurts you, there's no nurse to hold your hand. Gotta take it!- Jovonta Battle
Courage is when you have the strength to speak the truth.- Mohammed Al-Diery
Those who give purpose to starting a war are only giving excuses to hide the truth that those who believe in peace will never accept because of their lack of will, the truth being mankind will always wage war on one another because it is in our nature. As long as man exists war is inevitable and therefore peace does not exist. For peace to exist man must perish.- Christopher Joesph Agruso
The world is a big lie and the only truth is God- Rony Bazouny
You don't cheat yourself when you don't speak the truth that hurts others because not speaking truth isn't lying.- william anne
Divine Goodness, which is LOVE, that lives inside of us, gives us Life, Comfort, Completeness, Wholeness, Truth, Peace, Rest, Companionship, Delight, Tenderness, Empathy, Forgiveness, Relief, Gentleness, Friendship, Unification, Intimacy, Warmth, Compassion, Adoration, Tranquility. Seek it within.- Amelia Goode
Music Is Truth , It's Not agitprop !- Vivek Sahney
That should always be the mission or goal, That truth prevails! That secure and protected is every soul, That love never fails- Joshua Aaron Guillory
I've already looked at the man in the mirror, And I've already looked beyond the mirror, And I have seen the reflection within and without! I've never done wrong, So no need to pout! I've held to truth so long, I never took another route! I am the truth forever, for me no reason to doubt- Joshua Aaron Guillory
Because I'm not prophet, so give me the ginger to believe there's prophecy, the truth voice of the most high Almighty God the Creator of whole creativities..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
It wasn't that he was the wisest or smartest! But he knew the truth! And when you know the truth you know everything - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Lies can never hold or stand up to speak on the podium of truth because it's an abomination to tell lies when the host is truthful..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
To truth I am no rebel! To truth I am no rival! The truth I do not libel! But to truth I am a friend! And on truth I do depend! And to truth there is no end - Joshua Aaron Guillory
We must speak truth to power, we must speak the language of human rights.- J B
The truth is peoples' human rights are violated.- J B
All is true, all is peace, all is joy, all is love, all is satisfaction, all is free, all is truth, all is happiness, all is health, all are health, all and everything is self-satisfaction and all-satisfaction and everything satisfaction, all is world peace, everyone and everything is world peace - Joshua Aaron Guillory
'The mane of lion is not for sheep to brag as victory. Has a lion ever died from blows of one who is hornless. It needs thousand tests without conclusion' A thousand tests without victory. Indeed a thousand tests without conclusion of truth- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
Learning the game isn't enlightenment, learning yourself is! And only those who are enlightened know what I truly mean! That real, initial enlightenment will separate you from the bull crap of everyone! You don't need bad and evil in the world to live an enlightened life, though in your enlightened journey that may be around you! In truth everything is perfectly beautiful, happy and loving! Nobody can ever take my enlightenment away from me! I'll never forget it! and I'll never forget me! If you don't embrace the kid inside you, the peaceful innocence inside you, you won't know what it's truly like to be enlightened. The initial enlightenment contains the full enlightenment! People who say the world has to keep being evil are crazy [yes, I called you crazy] [you can call me crazy and I'm still at peace] and they're just repeating what they think enlightenment is! I know the joy and peace I experienced and experience by myself! That's truth! That's enlightenment - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Did something bad? Let the truth of your badness get revealed. Did something good? Don't let your goodness be praised by yourself- Manu Shukla
Yes I advice myself.. because some times I need an expert's advise.. You ain't too dumb to speak dumb truth to your self.. at least there is truth in the dumbest truth.- Richard ofem inah
If there is no love, there is no revenge. If there is no faith, there is no god. If there is no dumb, there is no wisdom. If there is no events, there is no forgiveness. If there is no heart, there is no romance. If there is no prison, there is no freedom. If there is no impatience, there is no patience. If there is no decisions, we know what will happen. If there is no difference, there is no jealousy. If there is no parents, there is no chance of learning love right after you are born. If there is no wrong, there is no right. If there is no sadness, there is no happiness. If there is no failure, there is no goal. If there is no death, there is no life. If there is no war, there is no peace. If there is no lies, there is no truth. If there are no effect, there is no cause. If there is no darkness, there is no light. If there is no imagination, there is no fear. If there is nothing scary, there is no courage. If there's no life, there is no world. If there is one person, just one, miss- Karen Kuran
Faith is like being stuck in a cave. You can get so deep that you will never see the light. Logic however is the key to understanding life. With logic, it can be dark, but being content with the darkness will always give you light. You are not alone, even if the believer in fairy tales tells you you are. Seek security in Truth, otherwise you are just living a lie.- Twenty Twelve
Being in love is a humanly emotion that comes from a deep intimate, social communication. You sit on the phone all night, you have nice long conversations, and it just feels so amazing. Once it gets to a certain point you say 'I'm in love with this person. ' But the truth is, you're not in love with the person, you're in love with the way they make you feel.- James brown