
Maduwa Thabo (arshwinthabo) Quotes & Sayings: 3

Maduwa Thabo

Location:LIMPOPO- Mulima(mphuphuledzhi Village), South Africa
Experience on Earth:33 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 8 Years 11 Months
Short Bio: Am a stoic.

Maduwa Thabo Quotes

1-50 of total 394 Quotes
What hurt one eye, is a warning to other. What hurt one eye, is a warning to other...

Change Nature Opportunity Philosophy Wisdom

Is not the structure of warrior that gives him victories, but rather how his opponents think of his Is not the structure of warrior that gives him victories, but rather how his opponents think of his..

Inspirational Life Philosophy

Know your biggest goal: Develop the desire and passion for it. Plan for it and go all out to Know your biggest goal: Develop the desire and passion for it. Plan for it and go all out to..

Creativity Goal Inspirational

How other people feel, should also concern us. How other people feel, should also concern us...

Friendship Heart Love

Dreamers always look at what is yet to be done, than the journey travelled. Dreamers always look at what is yet to be done, than the journey travelled...

Confidence Dreams Inspirational

We may not control how other people treat us, but how we react surely is our own responsibility. We may not control how other people treat us, but how we react surely is our own responsibility...

Change Life Nature Philosophy

Never mind the distance, for is not the reason why you are trying. Never mind the distance, for is not the reason why you are trying...

Courage Goal Inspirational

Your greatest struggle, is your biggest breakthrough. Your greatest struggle, is your biggest breakthrough...

Courage Hope Inspirational

Better strive to be something, than being nothing. Better strive to be something, than being nothing...

Courage Inspirational

You don't need to be special to achieve something great. You only need Jesus on your side. You don't need to be special to achieve something great. You only need Jesus on your side...

Faith Truth

Wealth befriend not those that seek it, but those that pursue greatness. Wealth befriend not those that seek it, but those that pursue greatness...

Dreams Faith Philosophy

Every struggle is a preparation to many greater wars that lies ahead. Every struggle is a preparation to many greater wars that lies ahead...

Courage Inspirational Philosophy

No one is ever free, until they are free from self. No one is ever free, until they are free from self...

Freedom Philosophy

Great champions are made out of great struggles. Great champions are made out of great struggles...

Inspirational Philosophy

Forgiveness alone is one, but to forgive and love is everything. Forgiveness alone is one, but to forgive and love is everything...

Forgiveness Friendship Love

Only love is our greatest strength. Only love is our greatest strength...

Faith Friendship God Love Relationship

Fear of failure is only a state of mind crowded by self-doubt. Fear of failure is only a state of mind crowded by self-doubt...

Failure Fear

To be counted, you just have to raise your hand up high. To be counted, you just have to raise your hand up high...

Creativity Inspirational

Dreamers are adventurous, they always look for new greater opportunities to try. Dreamers are adventurous, they always look for new greater opportunities to try...

Creativity Inspirational

Dedicate yourself to working hard. For it's only a matter of time when your hard work turns into Dedicate yourself to working hard. For it's only a matter of time when your hard work turns into..

Inspirational Patience Success

Your vision is your purpose. Know it, love it, live it and pursue it. Your vision is your purpose. Know it, love it, live it and pursue it...

Dreams Goal Inspirational

Nothing is easy, but thats not an excuse for you not to try anything. Nothing is easy, but thats not an excuse for you not to try anything...

Courage Inspirational

Don't wait for it, go look for it. Don't wait for it, go look for it...

Confidence Courage Inspirational

There is more to be found in life if only we could live to what God account us. There is more to be found in life if only we could live to what God account us...

Change God

Don't change you dreams, change your attitude. Don't change you dreams, change your attitude...

Change Dreams Inspirational

Don't wish you were there, fight your way there. Don't wish you were there, fight your way there...

Confidence Courage Desire Inspirational

The size of a man is not measured by the size of his structure, but by the size of his faith. The size of a man is not measured by the size of his structure, but by the size of his faith...

Faith Heart Love

Whoever has the courage to begin, already has the courage to finish. For the hardest is to begin. Whoever has the courage to begin, already has the courage to finish. For the hardest is to begin...

Courage Inspirational

The good you do today can never make up for the bad you might do tomorrow. You just have to keep on The good you do today can never make up for the bad you might do tomorrow. You just have to keep on..

Faith God Love

We may fail in many things, but never in all things. We may fail in many things, but never in all things...

Dreams Inspirational

After every fall, there is always a great comeback. After every fall, there is always a great comeback...

Faith Hope Inspirational Life

Your future begins the minute you take a big step towards it. Your future begins the minute you take a big step towards it...

Courage Inspirational

Only those who have seen, can tell. Only those who have seen, can tell...

Short Truth

For any relationship to survive, must increase its pace to stay well ahead of its opposition. For any relationship to survive, must increase its pace to stay well ahead of its opposition...

Family Friendship Love Marriage

Anunderstanding is the beginning of all changes. Anunderstanding is the beginning of all changes...

Change Imagination Philosophy

Any side of a coin is as useful and important as another. Any side of a coin is as useful and important as another...

Life Peace Philosophy

Confidence and passion drives out excellence. Confidence and passion drives out excellence...

Confidence Inspirational

Ambition has more power than the ability to. Ambition has more power than the ability to...

Inspirational Philosophy

Talent can not find its way without faith, passion and ambition. Talent can not find its way without faith, passion and ambition...

Faith Inspirational Philosophy

All great faith comes from disbelief. And obedience from blasphemies. All great faith comes from disbelief. And obedience from blasphemies...

Change Faith Philosophy

Anyone can love you, but it takes that someone to really love you. Anyone can love you, but it takes that someone to really love you...

Friendship Love Relationship

Life is not a planned thing. It is how we live and do things that determines everything about it. Life is not a planned thing. It is how we live and do things that determines everything about it...

Change Inspirational Life Philosophy Success

For every great victory, first there should be a struggle. For every great victory, first there should be a struggle...

Inspirational Success

It is our minds not our hearts that can see twice as far and deep than our two naked eyes. It is our minds not our hearts that can see twice as far and deep than our two naked eyes...

Creativity Nature Philosophy

We are all both wise and stupid at the same time. We are all both wise and stupid at the same time...

Philosophy Short

The only way to maintain victory over everything, is by allowing the lord jesus christ to be the The only way to maintain victory over everything, is by allowing the lord jesus christ to be the..

Faith Inspirational Life

Faith is a foundation on which we can certainly build anything on it. Faith is a foundation on which we can certainly build anything on it...

Faith Inspirational

Nature has more wonders than life. Nature has more wonders than life...

God Nature Philosophy Short

My actions explains who I am more than my identity can ever does. My actions explains who I am more than my identity can ever does...

Faith Philosophy

Faith does not only give us the strength to pursue, but also shows us where to pursue, what to Faith does not only give us the strength to pursue, but also shows us where to pursue, what to..

Faith Inspirational

Give Faith Strength