
Dr Travis J Hedrick (drtravishedrick) Quotes & Sayings:

Dr Travis J Hedrick

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Dr Travis J Hedrick Quotes

1-50 of total 81 Quotes
Challenges are merely new opportunities for greatness! Challenges are merely new opportunities for greatness!..

Inspirational Life Opportunity Philosophy Relationship

If excellence is your motivation, win or lose, you will always win! If excellence is your motivation, win or lose, you will always win!..

Inspirational Philosophy Short Success Truth

It is so important to note that the color of one's skin does not need a month of remembrance, but rather we need people of all color to learn to
-Dr Travis J Hedrick

Change Inspirational Philosophy Wisdom

“One thing I know to be true: Common sense is no longer common!” “One thing I know to be true: Common sense is no longer common!”..

Funny Inspirational Philosophy Witty Wisdom

“Perception may not be everything, but it is powerful!” “Perception may not be everything, but it is powerful!”..

Confidence Optimism Philosophy Truth Wisdom

“Today, as you observe the moral, economic, and fiscal decay of this great country, remember that it has been the choices of the elite few who are
-Dr Travis J Hedrick

History Patriotism Philosophy Politics Wisdom

“The lines that once separated the 3 branches of Government have been blurred and even “The lines that once separated the 3 branches of Government have been blurred and even..

History Leadership Patriotism Philosophy Politics

“The US Congress has spent the past few years throwing temper tantrums, like school children on “The US Congress has spent the past few years throwing temper tantrums, like school children on..

Failure Leadership Patriotism Politics Truth

“We have become politically fat and lazy, and find it is easier to check a box in favor of a political mouthpiece to take care of things for us
-Dr Travis J Hedrick

Failure Freedom Patriotism Politics Poverty

“If we fail to accept change in our life, we will never become who our potential says we can be! “If we fail to accept change in our life, we will never become who our potential says we can be!..

Change Inspirational Philosophy Success Wisdom

“It is easier to move or change directions of something already in motion. Make a decision and “It is easier to move or change directions of something already in motion. Make a decision and..

Change Inspirational Optimism Philosophy Wisdom

“Beware: Religion does not have to give an answer to who Jesus is, but we do.” “Beware: Religion does not have to give an answer to who Jesus is, but we do.”..

Faith Forgiveness God Inspirational Philosophy

“The strongest leader is one who can admit they are wrong and grow from their mistakes in front “The strongest leader is one who can admit they are wrong and grow from their mistakes in front..

Change Inspirational Leadership Success Wisdom

True diversity is the ability to recognize, respect, and honor the individual and collective differences that make us unique. It is also the ability
-Dr Travis J Hedrick

Inspirational Leadership Philosophy Politics Wisdom

Diversity is not a one-way street. It is for everyone, every time! Diversity is not a one-way street. It is for everyone, every time!..

Inspirational Leadership Philosophy Politics Wisdom

"Change is a personal choice; not implied will from another!" "Change is a personal choice; not implied will from another!"..

Change Inspirational Leadership Optimism Philosophy

“Sadly, I believe that there are too many Americans who are now content to be the proverbial rats “Sadly, I believe that there are too many Americans who are now content to be the proverbial rats..

Freedom Happiness History Politics Truth

“If you are tired of getting the wrong answers, start asking the right questions!” “If you are tired of getting the wrong answers, start asking the right questions!”..

Creativity Education Imagination Inspirational

“If you can’t breathe, you likely won’t care what your stock portfolio is doing... You will “If you can’t breathe, you likely won’t care what your stock portfolio is doing... You will..

Business Inspirational Life Philosophy Wisdom

“True learning is defined as the ability to receive new information, retain it for a period of “True learning is defined as the ability to receive new information, retain it for a period of..

Education Opportunity Success Wisdom

“There is a difference between being damaged and being broken. Being damaged means a flaw remains underlying that does not allow for normal
-Dr Travis J Hedrick

Faith Hope Inspirational Life Wisdom

“Kneel in prayer, Stand for Freedom, Fight injustice, Honor our Vets, Live within our means, Help “Kneel in prayer, Stand for Freedom, Fight injustice, Honor our Vets, Live within our means, Help..

Family Freedom History Sports

“The redefinition of truth has but one outcome; eventual chaos!” “The redefinition of truth has but one outcome; eventual chaos!”..

Change Inspirational Philosophy Truth Wisdom

"Change is painful but patience and peace are God’s gifts and our companions for the process!" "Change is painful but patience and peace are God’s gifts and our companions for the process!"..

Change Faith God Inspirational Religion

"Paint, and a little prayer, can cover a multitude of sins!" "Paint, and a little prayer, can cover a multitude of sins!"..

Faith God Inspirational Religion Witty

“If the keys to a successful life in Jesus is discipline and prayer, when was the last time you “If the keys to a successful life in Jesus is discipline and prayer, when was the last time you..

Faith God Inspirational Religion Success

“As much as we are to walk in Love, God also requires faithfulness, obedience, honesty, integrity, and humility. All of these are nothing without
-Dr Travis J Hedrick

Faith God Inspirational Love Religion

“Far too often, we want God to change our circumstances rather than God to change us. This should “Far too often, we want God to change our circumstances rather than God to change us. This should..

Change Faith God Inspirational Religion

“God “God's Spirit moves so that His people will move! Like a tree being blown by the wind, we need..

Change Faith God Inspirational Religion

“Those who walk according to the flesh fail to live by faith!” “Those who walk according to the flesh fail to live by faith!”..

Faith God Inspirational Religion Wisdom

“A life of destiny is not defined by individual victories and failures, it is determined by our “A life of destiny is not defined by individual victories and failures, it is determined by our..

Confidence Goal Inspirational Philosophy Wisdom

“Being normal is another way of saying that you “Being normal is another way of saying that you're not living up to your true potential.”..

Creativity Goal Inspirational Philosophy Wisdom

“When was the last time your knowledge & understanding was stretched by God's Word? Like weight training for your muscles, your faith needs to be
-Dr Travis J Hedrick

Faith God Inspirational Religion Wisdom

“Given the choice between being an optimist and a pessimist, I choose to be a realist! Simply put, “Given the choice between being an optimist and a pessimist, I choose to be a realist! Simply put,..

Funny Inspirational Optimism Philosophy Witty

“Your limits are only defined by your willingness to explore them.” “Your limits are only defined by your willingness to explore them.”..

Confidence Courage Dreams Inspirational

“When you are faced with the impossible, remember that with God all things are possible. Only God “When you are faced with the impossible, remember that with God all things are possible. Only God..

Confidence Faith God Inspirational Religion

“God “God's objective for our life is more important than our perspective of our life.”..

Faith God Inspirational Religion Wisdom

“The keys to success are simple: Plan, Prepare, Pray, and Pursue. Plan for success, Prepare for “The keys to success are simple: Plan, Prepare, Pray, and Pursue. Plan for success, Prepare for..

Business Faith Philosophy Success

“Faith in others is as important as faith in oneself. In the same manner, faith in oneself is as “Faith in others is as important as faith in oneself. In the same manner, faith in oneself is as..

Faith Friendship Inspirational Leadership Philosophy

“The US economy and political parties have driven businesses to the point of ruin. Corporate Triage is needed to save businesses from a needless
-Dr Travis J Hedrick

Business Change Philosophy Politics Success

“A leader with dirty hands is respected by all he leads; a manager with clean nails is the scorn “A leader with dirty hands is respected by all he leads; a manager with clean nails is the scorn..

Inspirational Leadership Philosophy Witty Wisdom

“Start right, Work hard, Finish well. No matter what you accomplish in life or how great you “Start right, Work hard, Finish well. No matter what you accomplish in life or how great you..

Confidence Happiness Inspirational Success

“Trying to cure the economy by creating new debt is like planting thistle weed seed and hoping “Trying to cure the economy by creating new debt is like planting thistle weed seed and hoping..

Freedom Funny Philosophy Politics Poverty

“If people spent more time focusing on their own issues, rather than those of others, we could “If people spent more time focusing on their own issues, rather than those of others, we could..

Creativity Happiness Inspirational Philosophy

“The current economic struggles are merely a result of poor decisions; most importantly the “The current economic struggles are merely a result of poor decisions; most importantly the..

History Inspirational Philosophy Politics Poverty

“Good attitudes are like fine China. They are nice to have, but pointless unless used.” “Good attitudes are like fine China. They are nice to have, but pointless unless used.”..

Funny Happiness Inspirational Optimism Philosophy

“True genius is not found in superior wisdom or intellect, but rather in the ability to unlock “True genius is not found in superior wisdom or intellect, but rather in the ability to unlock..

Confidence Faith Goal Inspirational Success

“It is easy to look at someone and see their wrongs. It is another thing entirely to look in the “It is easy to look at someone and see their wrongs. It is another thing entirely to look in the..

Happiness Inspirational Philosophy Truth Wisdom

“Life offers many choices. Like a piano, however, the only good choice is the one where all the “Life offers many choices. Like a piano, however, the only good choice is the one where all the..

Confidence Inspirational Music Philosophy

Do not blame your parents for who you are. They gave you the genes, but you choose how to wear them. Do not blame your parents for who you are. They gave you the genes, but you choose how to wear them...

Family Happiness Inspirational Philosophy Success

Parents Blame