
Ephraim Jaji (jaji) Quotes & Sayings:

Ephraim Jaji

Location:Harare, 704883
Experience on Earth:22 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 5 Years 10 Months

Ephraim Jaji Quotes

1-4 of total 4 Quotes
Do what Do what's right.. regrets are for the weak..

Inspirational Life heart break

A young mind may not know a lot but sometimes we need a young mind to understand a lot A young mind may not know a lot but sometimes we need a young mind to understand a lot..

Relationship Truth Wisdom Youth

Know Need Mind Understand
Life is like an equation.. The future is unknown.. until you solve it Life is like an equation.. The future is unknown.. until you solve it..

Life Wisdom

Life Future
Always dress nicely, like it Always dress nicely, like it's your wedding day.. because you never know when you might marry death..

Death Life Short

Know Day Death