Death Quotes Pictures

I know more about life than I do about death, HENCE, I will not be crippled by the fear of death; I..

Life and death work with each other. Life creates and Death takes away. Overall, both have a very..Each Other

Start every day with the pretense that you have just narrowly escaped death and allow yourself to..Every Day

How can you know what life is like, if you haven't tasted death?..
Inspirational Philosophy Truth
Life Is LikeLiving in harmony with one another is absolutely possible. It is going to take a lot of effort, grace, and MANY personal boundaries. It may seem..
-Amelia Goode Living In
-Amelia Goode Living In
Top 10 death Quotes
I've always had my eyes open and had only seen DEATH , it wasn't until I opened my heart I saw LIFE- Cory Michael Adkins
Life gives us some memories that distance or death can not erase.- Emmanuel Joojo Hanson
Everyone is scared of death. Everyone says they're going to heaven. Then what are they scared of?- Amles Znovh
If life was only about love, I would've suffocated to death long time ago Hope kept me alive till date.- bishwo_basnet
Life is a game where, no matter how hard you try, Death always wins at the end.- Vincent Yu
Your legacy left behind after your death is like your fingerprints while you are alive- it defines who you are..- Paddick Van Zyl
You cannot win a tiger by sleeping. In order words, you cannot escape death by meditating.- Nerd Brooke
Nobody knows what happens after death because nobody has come back from death to tell anyone.- Ryan Scott Corliss
People who smoke bring death in breath.- ajith CHEMPARATHY
Have you mistaken Life from Death?? Cause you live your whole LIFE escaping from Death, while DEATH is the eternal Life..- Ahmed Al Shareef
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Life Quotes
You can't override life or death, and it can't override you, so ride with it - David Jackson
Have you mistaken Life from Death?? Cause you live your whole LIFE escaping from Death, while DEATH is the eternal Life.. - Ahmed Al Shareef
Nobody knows what happens after death because nobody has come back from death to tell anyone. - Ryan Scott Corliss
Death doesn't mean end of life.. it means beginning of another.. - shiza shahid
Death is not permanent if so there would be no life, and life is not permanent if so there would be no death, so why work and die for that which is not permanent? Because you don't know the real worth of your brother who has been permanent from the beginning and kill those who are Able to know the difference. A fallen countenance is all you'll receive and that is death even in Life - Matthew M Roberts
Life is a game where, no matter how hard you try, Death always wins at the end. - Vincent Yu
People are drawn to drama and death but won't help them when they need it. - Kanonimous Kapoa
Nothing except death lives for eternal time. - Amartya Maheshwari
Life and death work with each other. Life creates and Death takes away. Overall, both have a very important job. - Bre An Rivers
In Death, We Find Love's Purest Form. - Kip Campbell Cooper
Life gives us some memories that distance or death can not erase. - Emmanuel Joojo Hanson
When death lives, we leave. When death leaves, there remains none. - M A Gaffar Prodeep
There are only two things you are guaranteed in life, birth and death. What you do in between is entirely up to you. - Jeffrey Moscoso
Try to remember what life was like before you were actually born, for only then can you understand what is to come after death.. - Anthony Dewayne Brown
Death is my best friend life is my worst enemy So I'm dead when I'm living and living when I'm dead - Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Always dress nicely, like it's your wedding day.. because you never know when you might marry death - Ephraim jaji
Life is risk because death is in our genes - oluwagbenga segun
In death, we have the same urgencies as we had in life. - The Quoted Iris
Ignorance and silence attributes to death on any issue of life! - Nancy Joan Jenkins Espe
To always ask, what can you do for me ?, focus is on taking and not on giving, is living from the outside-in which is a slow painful dying death. To always ask, what can I do for you ?, focus is on giving and not on taking, is living from the inside-out which is a fast pleasurable abundant life. - Sundaresh
Life is like death. When you live, people talk about you a lot. When you die, they even write about you - Mr vybs live
Death is the end of life so as birth the beginning of life.. - Aye Aye
Life and death are momentary while the soul is permanent. - Devam Shah
No need to fear death, dying is living. - Alicia
I know more about life than I do about death, HENCE, I will not be crippled by the fear of death; I will be propelled by the possibilities of life. - Dahlia Godfrey Allen
Death is simply the soul getting naked. The wardrobes of eternity has infinite fashions. - Jason Baptiste
We don't have control over the alphabet 'B' & 'D' i. e. Birth & Death, but the middle alphabet 'C' i. e. Choice, is totally in our hands.. - Rajiv Jain
The only reality is death - Usha rani Moharana
If you come on the edge of death and nothing flashes before you it is proof you need to learn to live - Ben McCartney
The death of those we love marks us for life. - Chrys Anagennao
All death Quotes ⇑
Those who fear death often waste their lives doing so.- Jesse Hayes
The fear of death is worse than death itself because death is not annihilation death is change.- Curtis Ross
I'm not afraid to face death, but I am afraid to face everyone that will be affected by my death- Michael Amaki
Death is a physical loss but a spiritual gain- Kabir Khivan Singh
Death is a physical loss but a spiritual gain- Kabir Khivan Singh
Death is not the end, but rather the beginning of eternal life.- Rev. Patrick Ellapen
Fear is your shadow, the sun reflects in it all your instincts in which vices and internal flaws hide. Fear is a confirmation that you are alive, since the dead have no shadow, some after death turn into a shadow - Romeo
I may die, but first I will live as if there was no death.- Dahlia Godfrey Allen
Fear is the younger brother of death. Fear tries all the time to surpass his older brother- Romeo
The journey after death requires not body rather than travel alone in spirit..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
God said, 'You shall NOT' Satan said, 'Oh, Why NOT' Man said, 'I must NOT' Satan said, 'God doesn't mean NOT' So Man swallowed Satan's PLOT Man chose death and the way HOT God's love for man was a sure SHOT He provided a Way to be blood BOUGHT To deliver us ALL from Satan's PLOT!- Nancy Joan Jenkins Espe
Mankind must choose unselfish nobility in the unity of all mankind or death. Love or death.- Romeo
When energy escapes at death, it merges with the universal cosmic energy.- AiR Atman in Ravi
What is the Energy that Gives us Breath? What Life Energy leaves us that causes our death? We are that Energy, we are the Soul. To Realize this Truth is our Life Goal!- AiR Atman in Ravi
When death is off-duty, they say they have cheated death or escaped by a whisker!- Meshack Sewe
Would you be ready to accept, if somebody reminds you in your dream that you are dreaming?. Indeed you will not, you feel so real then. So is this life. Only the death can wake them up one day those who cannot recognize this and there's no death for those wise men, who knew this truth - FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
Death- a soothing long sleep.- sharonkemp
Always remember birthday as the beginning and never forget death day as the end..- Aye Aye
We as a massive collective have stooped to new lows. Life lived only through social media perhaps freedom to some but death to most. A frequent revelation of thy inner most thoughts freely given to all only to render it insignificant.- gaetano comparcola
Let's be free, confident and stand firm to state our mission even at the point of death, we are captainz of your soul- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Death is the only moment you can experience only once, so enjoy it to the fullest, not by closing your eyes- Shaheer Ahmed Bhatti
Death means nothing, if you see your crown of life more often.- Joe Cervantes
Any time DEATH snatches our Loved ones, it reminds us that we are MORTAL BEINGS.- Oscar Auliq Ice
Evil and death are close buddies.- Joe Cervantes
Dear beginnings. How are they plural you may ask? The answer is quite simple really. There are many paths leading up to the beginning. So in that case, there could be multiple beginnings leading to the next beginning and so on and so forth. I guess the only true end of beginnings is death? For death is the only thing that can truly stop you from beginning once more. Of course there is a spiritual route to be considered. But will the afterlife really be a brand new beginning? Or a beginning which simply leads to your next beginning? So for this, you will need to completely forget the meaning of beginning and the meaning of end. For they are not to be considered a path, a choice, an option, in this; my universe.- William A. Harrison
Some call it life.. I call it death.- Joseph Spell
When you think you've got yourself an unbeatable problem just Remember there's no problem greater than death, it can't be fixed or stopped and no one is excused from it.- Dakota Ace Hardin
Pride is a lie for I would want to talk about. Pride is a power for I am eager to possess. Pride is a death for I would love to die again- Phuc Phan
War is never won by a Soldier or a Country.. At the end of the Day, War is Always Won by Tragedy, Pain and Death- Yash Tomar
Everyone is wondering what is the point of life. I am wondering what is the point of death.- Lucy
Every single human being is selfish. May he/she want it or not. We eat meat, made of animals, just to survive, not thinking about the death of our food. That's selfish thinking, don't you think? And don't start about vegetarians, they eat plants that are just as equal as animals. So don't go around saying you aren't selfish. Everyone is.- KingKing3
There is nothing absolute on Earth, even pain. And the extreme limit of pain is absolutely death - Tina Panossian
Death pretends to be us, only our true selves are immortal- michaelc errano
There's One Thing I Fear More than Death, loneliness.- Fredrik Renman
You choose your Death when you choose how you Live.- matthew boneepeee
Taking lives does not lighten the grief of the death of loved ones, it only creates regret.- Christopher
War is the cause of a million deaths, death just cleans up the mess, fear is what kills you, have no fear and death will have fear of you- juan duarte
Every mistake teaches you new things. Every failure encourages you to work hard. Every death of a loved one isn't the end, he/she is probably telling you to move on in life. Every punishment tells you the right and wrong. Every thing has a bright side, even hell.- Allen
You are not a hero until you are willing to face death yourself in order to save others.- Bobby Winter
I see mankind running, racing each other for success. why we race each other when we all have one destiny and that is death.- shiza shahid
Life and Death are two dimensions of something so big that the human brain and science would never be able to define it.- Dhruva Mathur
I look forward to my birthday every year. after all birthdays are no less surer than a death day.- bornagain
Death can either be a beautiful or horrid sight it is what you make of it in the end.- nervis
I was in your life; and I always tried to spread a smile on your face. But I promise when I die, I will try not to leave a single drop of tear in your eyes. Then also I'll make you smile. I believe, you'll be glad of my death.- Afeefa Nishaat
The hero has fallen, death shall rise, when the reaper falls, the hero shall rise again.- James Dakota Lee
One lie can cause death of thousands- maurice boone
I'm an alien and death is my planet- diya ahmed azzony
Death is a mystery and life is a misery..- unknown
Death is a natural part of life. If you fear death then you will die young but if you embrace death and except the joy and sorrow that come as a toll, then you will experience the true value that life brings and will have no regrets when the time comes to accept and return to the cycle of life.- Christopher Joesph Agruso
Everyday there is a chance you will step on a battlefield, so always fight to the death!- Dominique Jerald Williams
How much is the pain before finding love? How much is the joy after finding love? How much fun is love? How much pain is losing? How much loss is death?- Matt Bill
Day by day we are nearer to death.- aftabkhan
The Bible says, Sin when it is finished, brings forth death.- Shaila Touchton
Tobacco addiction is an addictive poison clearly harmful to our health and that itself makes a sin, hurts our testimony because it controls us which brings death and destruction.- Shaila Touchton
Faith brings victory over death. Faith brings victory over sin. Faith brings victory over sickness. Faith brings victory over worry. Faith brings victory over the world.- Shaila Touchton
Sin, salvation, death, hell, God's wrath, judgment, is not fun and amusing.- Shaila Touchton
The death tolls and suffering caused by human rights violations are numbing.- J B
I guarantee I will never taste death! And I will not ever breathe my last breath! I'm the angel who holds the key to life! And I can't be cut off by any knife!- Joshua Aaron Guillory
Because life is temporary I choose death as a good friend- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
It is my strong belief that human rights are a matter of life and death.- J B
Human rights are indeed a matter of life and death. They must be an absolute priority in everything we do.- J B
They will be confused, they will joke, they will scare, and by the beginning of the joke unscrupulous stubborn people return. Reborn, they will be arrogant, sarcastically smile. This is reincarnation and the wheel of samsara. And your mind is turned into a toy, there are formed instincts, the basis of which is unconsciousness, instincts like a child's lego constructor that forms various desires and goals in life. And your life route is cubes of catfish, each time a new path. Life is a melody, an endless improvisation of mixes and remixes on a vinyl disc. The music that creates the drum machine is a DJ of fate, all the intentional actions and randomness on the DJ reality table. After death another rap music of reality is launched. You feel deja vu, as the whole joke called life repeats itself again and again. This is a great party of dark forces- Almat
Stay and I will give you hatred, don't worry about family, worry about death and you will get sadness in return!- MILLEY MILLER VALNZUELA
Death will always see you as an enemy, so embrace life in Christ.- Joe Cervantes
He was sentenced to death for a trifle crime he didn't commit , the other was sentenced 'not guilty' for a big crime he did. This is Egypt- mohdmustafa99
Death is a relief to those who can't take their own disgusting existence.. when will that relief come?- Danielle Rose Yates
What I'm saying is always one-sided. Please argue with it till death and don't disturb me.- Nerd Brooke
Enjoying the death of life in the form of oil and gas.. - Petroleum and Gas.. - energy- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
I believe in Stephen Hawkin's words of no life after death. But today when hearing my loved ones going away, I feel they should travel to God's own land of heaven.- dipaks
If there is no love, there is no revenge. If there is no faith, there is no god. If there is no dumb, there is no wisdom. If there is no events, there is no forgiveness. If there is no heart, there is no romance. If there is no prison, there is no freedom. If there is no impatience, there is no patience. If there is no decisions, we know what will happen. If there is no difference, there is no jealousy. If there is no parents, there is no chance of learning love right after you are born. If there is no wrong, there is no right. If there is no sadness, there is no happiness. If there is no failure, there is no goal. If there is no death, there is no life. If there is no war, there is no peace. If there is no lies, there is no truth. If there are no effect, there is no cause. If there is no darkness, there is no light. If there is no imagination, there is no fear. If there is nothing scary, there is no courage. If there's no life, there is no world. If there is one person, just one, miss- Karen Kuran
Do you know what hurts more than love and death? memories. Without memories death would seem just like another leaf from a tree falling after the seasons gone, and without memories of love it would seem like just another house on the block. But with memories of death, it would seem like it takes years for that leaf to fall, and memories of death it would take years to let go of the houses you drive by but after a while you move on to another neighborhood or let the leaf go and continue your walk or your adventure outside continues with memories there is no hope or peace just emptiness - Timothy