Understand Quotes Pictures

Love is something you don't need to understand before accepting, It comes on its own will..To Understand

We all have the Wisdom to understand that sooner or later Life will end, but we don't have the W..To Understand

Friendship is not how you listen or how you understand, Friendship is not how you hold or how long..

The key to holding a logical argument or debate is to allow oneself to understand the other person'..No Matter How To Understand

To understand that you are a weakling takes much more courage than you would expect....To Understand

Clear your mind, it will become your greatest asset in being able to understand..
Life Patience Peace Success Wisdom
To Understand
Life is like music, you need to play all its notes so you can understand some of it..
Leadership Life Marriage Music
Life Is LikeTop 10 understand Quotes
Detachment is the key to happiness, It is time for a change and remove toxicity around you, Don't let just anyone take you for guaranteed and have you for their own amusement, Don't waste your time, and efforts on people who don't understand your true value- Pooja Fulara
I am who I am because of what I have been through. If you want to know who I am and why I am the way I am, do not judge me from afar come close and you will understand who I am and why I am the way I am.- Dr. Patricia Ghann
To understand human rights, listen to their stories.- J B
In order to be successful in life, you must understand the difference between the words, privileged and rights.- Allen Lazar
Don't get angry at people who mock you! Feel sorry for them, because they probably don't understand true pain, or understand what the true you is- Monica J. Yoder
A relationship is not only to love each other, but it is to understand, giving attention, trust, obey, and to respect each other opinion, idea, and decision.- Lin Lin
I'm not a toy for you to play nor slave for you to command the order. I'm just an ordinary person that has feeling. So, please understand that I can do the same thing as you did to me.- Lin Lin
Don't expect your child to understand you! Instead understand your child and give them your best- Pradeepha.s
When those who comprehend stop caring, those who don't care will start to understand.- Michael Lanceford
Once you understand the importance of human rights you will defend them at all costs, even the rights of others. That is precisely why human rights education is so critical.- J B
Life + Understand Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
I never had time to understand what life is, I was busy living. - Lokesh giri
For those who can understand, it's superb and for the rest, its stupid - Bipin Kumar G J
Behind my every smile is EVERYTHING that you will never understand. - kayla brook davis
The faster you rush trough life, the slower you will understand - Shae Walker
Dear Life, is it possible that one day I might have the chance to understand you? - Daleen Irshaid
Clear your mind, it will become your greatest asset in being able to understand - Josh Darosa
When you think you understand life, you actually just understand yourself. - Leevashan Pillay
What the brain doesn't understand, the heart can - jenny hiddleston
It takes your inner eye to see beyond the ordinary realm and understand the level at which you're heading to in life. - Abasiofon Fidelis
GOODNESS is the only thing that truly exists. GOODNESS is the Spirit, the Embodiment of Love. When you understand that GOODNESS is the only Force in The Universe, and that all other messages of the world are fabrications of the human mind, you will no longer fear the present moment or the Beyond. - Amelia Goode
There is a unique soul somewhere that you will never meet and never understand why. - Zac Ochsenbine
When those who comprehend stop caring, those who don't care will start to understand. - Michael Lanceford
Don't expect your child to understand you! Instead understand your child and give them your best - Pradeepha.s
I'm not a toy for you to play nor slave for you to command the order. I'm just an ordinary person that has feeling. So, please understand that I can do the same thing as you did to me. - Lin Lin
I am who I am because of what I have been through. If you want to know who I am and why I am the way I am, do not judge me from afar come close and you will understand who I am and why I am the way I am. - Dr. Patricia Ghann
Love + Understand Quotes ⇑
Love Quotes
You'll never understand what love is, unless you find a person who'll make you feel what love is! - Bipin Kumar G J
Love.. Love.. Love, You make my eyes open my heart always beating when I saw you around, I'm falling in love with you, Love.. Love.. Love, I'm crying and I wanted to be dead that time when you said you're gonna move from here Love.. Love.. Love It's hard to explain You don't understand me I can't let you go and I do care about You for all this time Love.. Love.. Love My heart is for you the only guy that I love the most I'm afraid to lose you - Macrina Melody Melanie
Love: Love gives you hope, love gives you a need , love gives you happiness! You feel that his eyes see right through you , he sees you heart, but you don't understand how it feels , so you let down your guard. Not aware of what awaits you. - Schaely
My intelligence had always been above par with most people around me. For their sake, I used to hold myself back.. Stooping down to their level of intellect, so that they could understand me, be comfortable around me. I lived in this fake world and I don't know when, I also started changing from all this pretending.. Losing my brilliance.. Becoming one of them.. But then I met you. I assumed you to be one of them and tried the same approach, but you didn't waste time, trashing my assumption. You were always there to understand my quick jokes, sarcasm and hidden meanings behind my cryptic messages. You understood me like no one else.. Maybe, even better than myself.. You were unpredictable. It's not that I failed to understand you.. It's just that you were too fun to be around. You always made me wish nervously, that you act as I hope you do.. And you never failed my expectations.. You brought colours to my boring life.. There's never been one like you and never will be.. - Zero Tyson
Recognize Just because your friends and family can relate to, and understand your relationship problems, doesn't necessarily mean that they 'get you.' It may just mean that your problems are more typical than you think. They can understand you because they have the same struggles in their own relationships. Recognize the difference between miscommunication and the mental differences of the male and female minds, with REAL problems and issues. Too many people give up on authentic love, only to find that the real battle is coexisting with the opposite sex. - HEATHER SCOTT
Some of us think that love is just Something you pick up, But what they don't understand is That it is something you give and Something you get - RIAANDRE
Love is something you don't need to understand before accepting, It comes on its own will - Adebayo Alfred ayomide
My love for humanity can't be quantified, if only we understand the hidden explosives of its power - Uwagbae Nosa Lucky
Love is a connecting rod that makes two lover understand their heart language - oluwagbenga segun
Love is to understand and to be understood. - Promila
A relationship is not only to love each other, but it is to understand, giving attention, trust, obey, and to respect each other opinion, idea, and decision. - Lin Lin
All understand Quotes ⇑
We understand holy texts according to our agendas.- mohdmustafa99
Embedded aspirations only blossom once you understand that your visions are bigger than your fears, but until then, they remain buried under the veil of fear.- Wayne Chirisa
The intelligent ones are like the mentally retarded deaf, can understand by signs- mohdmustafa99
A politician is a person that you have to wait for the end of his/ her speech to understand his/ her intent.- mohdmustafa99
A woman likes to be understood by a child; but doesn't like adults understand her the same way.- mohdmustafa99
A young mind may not know a lot but sometimes we need a young mind to understand a lot- Ephraim jaji
I Am That I Am. I do not need love, acceptance, understanding, validation or trust. I love myself, I accept myself, I understand myself, I value myself. And therefore, I trust myself. I am now free to love others.. unconditionally.- Ramona Wilson
If you don't Understand what you are Saying, and to Who you are Praying. How will you Realize God?- AiR Atman in Ravi
Pray for the majority of those who share identical personalities. They tend to make fun of, and/or, fear what they don't understand. Thank God for your uniqueness, for you'll soon know it is in fact a blessing..- Anthony Dewayne Brown
Forgiveness does not mean we simply forget, or we are ok with what has happened. Forgiveness means we understand humans unconsciously do horrible things. Forgiveness is a choice not to be held in a pain prison of the past. Forgiveness is to choose presence. Forgiveness is to choose peace.- HOWARD MANN
The only way to be yourself is to know yourself. And to know yourself you have to see yourself. You have to understand who you are, why you are, and lastly be who you are.- Brandon Timothy Gordon
I hate being me. I hate the mask I put up. But when alone I burst in tears. Can't they see my pain can't they understand. It's hard being you when you are already broken. It's hard being you when you are an outcast, a misfit, the black sheep in the family.- lesley antwi
In a world full of noise, the ones who see it and not hear it probably understand it better.- Christina Jaafar
Computers will be able to understand in milliseconds what humanity has formulated for millennia. The scariest part of this fact is that only then will we realize if compassion prevails over efficiency; only then, we'll find out if we did right on programming machines to do all our work.- Felipe Castro Quiles
Don't ignore God's signs. You prayed for it, now you have to follow the path he has given you. You might not understand his plans but you'll have peace in your life. You're going to have some bumpy pathway but God will guide you through the path. Follow his signs.- Tyrone Walton
All of the things we question come from the answer within, in which we question because we don't understand the answer until we have the information that helps the answer make sense- Nina Danielle uuro
Asking money for every single small work from anyone.. doesn't bring out your bad image. It's just a matter that people should understand that you're a good business man. A real one.- Arvinder Singh
You never understand a broken heart until you have one- Loveless_World
Can you truly understand something you've never experienced ?- Macmillan
To understand some situations, try to imagine life in slow motion- Tina Panossian
As we stand on the precipice of a rainbow nation, either falling into a cloud of peace or valley of violence, we must always understand and define our existence within our own context.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
Sometimes you wish that people can see it. Sometimes you wish that someone would see the inner you. Sometimes you wish that someone would understand what you're going through. Sometimes you just wish that they would accept you, despite who you REALLY are..- No One
You should be smart enough to understand how dumb you are!- Priyanka
Literate doesn't only mean giving your own ideas, but to understand others' ideas too.- adnan k
The universe, so vast and beautiful , makes actions and words seem so insignificant. As I grow, I begin to understand that there are much greater things out there than myself, and although I have not witnessed with my own eyes many of the great things in the universe, the things I have seen are enough to make me believe that in comparison, I, along with my actions and words, am also insignificant.- Jonathan Whitmore
We give everything we can and are ready to give more.. Knowing it will go away, but we still want them to try.. being selfish we want them to CHOOSE US , PICK US and LOVE US.. but chasing won't work, we have to understand.. so I am trying my best to set you free.. its difficult, my heart bleeds every time and my pain comes out as a BIG SMILE ON MY FACE - Nidhi Saini
All of my scars and tattoos tell an interesting story, I'm sorry if you cannot understand or read..- brooke nicole Feinstein
In any battle for one to truly understand both sides, one will need a friend and a friend on the other side- Josh Darosa
If people were humble enough to understand that we are star dust, that our bodies constitute the basic elements in the universe, this whole enquiry about 'afterlife' and a 'soul' wouldn't be required.- Sunil Choudhary
Don't understand a lot of things but I know God is in control of it all..- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
Understand when a girl says 'You are not my Type' - What she means is 'I want you to be the type of guy I want'.. - Change the Perception - Farhad Dastoor
In this world we live in, is anyone truly insane? these people you call and believed to be crazy are truly just 1000 step ahead of you and you just don't understand their plans - jada cunningham
There is only one language that each and everyone can understand sensitivity with empathy- A Mehta
I understand everything but I usually suffer for understanding.- Yvonne Yejin Shim
The greatest gift you can give someone is to understand them.- Regan Howard
Animals have rarely seen their own faces, but they understand their beauty through community response.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
I don't understand how one with so many ambitions can not care.- Meagan Lynn Gervais
Only when you understand apathy and see beyond sympathy will you achieve empathy.- Josh
You must have a good heart in order to understand I don't think you will ever fully understand We share the same earth, same air and same water We share the same moon, same sun, same sky and same rain- Shaila Touchton
Words of love may not always be understood by the person they are spoken to but the person they are spoken to should always understand the power of the person speaking those words to them - M Adonis Layne
The importance of human rights is wider than our capacity to understand it.- J B
Not until we defend human rights do we begin to understand them.- J B
Yes I am a fool, I know, Fool enough to not understand Dirty politics against me that those deceitful people planned..- P Serah B
Giving suffering to someone is very simple, just as throwing stone into the water, as humans we have a need to understand how dangerous it is for others- Anand gill
If we want to succeed in confronting human rights violations in all their manifestations, we must better understand their root causes.- J B
Hurting someone is quite easy but when you get back the hurt then you understand the pain you gave at a time to someone!- Subhayan sau
As we strive to end conflicts around the world, we must understand that lasting peace is based on the respect for human rights, with human rights being put at the center of all peace processes.- J B
The human race is highly infected by these contagious belief and mentality: 'A man's worth is measured by his living; rather, it's by his giving. ' For we can only understand the fierceness of the sun by its outputs'. - Uwagbae Nosa Lucky
I understand that none of this is easy. I understand some will need to make some tough political decisions for human rights. But this is the time for consensus. This is the time for political compromises to be reached. This means sacrifices, but it will benefit us all collectively.- J B
Take seriously these threats to our human rights and understand that our collective future and security is at stake.- J B
If people understand that they indeed have a critical role to play, and not see themselves as unable to galvanize change, they will conceivably raise up and strategize about defending human rights.- J B
The international community needs to better understand the role of human rights in development and peace building if our responses are to be effective. Investing in human rights must be central to global efforts towards sustainable peace and development.- J B
Try to remember what life was like before you were actually born, for only then can you understand what is to come after death..- Anthony Dewayne Brown
Fear of the unknown and fear in general comes from the emptiness the heart feels when the mind leaves the heart; with the heart's fearing of abandonment, the mind sets off on a long journey to find a solution to the heart's loneliness, not realizing that the further it leaves the heart through thought, the more emptiness is created in the heart and the more one fears abandonment. This emptiness or this fear in the heart can only be filled with love and comfort. The heart is thus a vessel for caring and needs all the attention one can give it. Because like a baby, the heart cries and will always cry until things are set right with it. The mind as smart as it can be cannot feel like the heart, it can only understand and that my friends are two different things.- David Figueroa
If you do not understand a flower, you will never understand a woman.- Joe Cervantes
Most people walk away with the lack of an understanding, they choose to walk away because what it takes to understand it is too much hard work.- David Gordon
A mother, by the virtue of being a woman, brings you into this life. Thus, she creates you. She gives you the chance to live a life. She looks after you, every breathing moment of her life, thus imbibing the meaning of love and care. Her unconditional love, transient to tough love, helps you understand your flaws and strengths, thus, teaching you to understand your limits and your capabilities. A mother, is someone, with whom you make your first bond. The father is someone, who is always around and knows how to fix every problem. He may not be in most of the photographs taken at family picnics, because, he is the one taking the shot. He provides the financial support and the emotional support too. The role play of a father, teaches diligence, responsibility, dedication and dependability. Through his actions, he teaches the children the meaning of hard work and perseverance. Siblings are the indispensable part of your life. No matter how much you fight with them, get angry with- fatimah plair
The hardest things to understand in life have nothing to do with the life time you are living. It has to do with the life time before and after your own.- Naomi Van Horn
Music is a formality that lets someone use the freedom of expression through sound. Without music my expression would be caged, and without ears nobody would understand what my freedom is, because as a disc jockey I define Hip-hop- DJ Whoota
The most complicated problems are derived from and for the simplest reasons, Deep souls are the ones who suffer the most, and who least understand it. The third floor is built on the fourth story, which I stand above the missing link, the most vital comes crashing down- Arthur Ray Collard II
You can't understand women, they always stab you behind- abbas_khan
I find it hard to understand why for some people, it is so difficult to overlook one's differences and not be envious of one another because we were all made unique for a reason, and there is no reason to be jealous if we all have something equally special and amazing to share with the world. Even if you don't know it yet- Sydney Newkirk