
Dillon Bowling (nollid48) Quotes & Sayings:

Dillon Bowling

Location:Arlington, United States Of America
Experience on Earth:25 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 11 Years 1 Months
Short Bio: im a crazy, psychotic, loving, teen that has been thourgh two lives and has dealt with more stuff in my life time than most adults have.

Dillon Bowling Quotes

1-21 of total 21 Quotes
Life is a on struggle battle there Life is a on struggle battle there's victorys there's losses you can't live with just peace and you..

Life Peace War

Fame aint all its cut out to be you got more responsiblitys to deal with if entertain people. Fame aint all its cut out to be you got more responsiblitys to deal with if entertain people...


Everybody says they know poverty. but you dont truly know poverty till you live it. Everybody says they know poverty. but you dont truly know poverty till you live it...


Till this day even after the revolution of america people are not free. if we were truly free there would be no unjustice jail cells, no fightin over
-dillon bowling


Courage is not given it is recived. not thourgh violence or makin people fear you. no it is obtained by standin up for the weak, the one's with no
-dillon bowling


Fear no one ever needs to deal with it. but we put ourselves in those positions. but dont think Fear no one ever needs to deal with it. but we put ourselves in those positions. but dont think..


If you are given an oppertunity to anything that benifits take it. dont let it fly by there is no If you are given an oppertunity to anything that benifits take it. dont let it fly by there is no..


Not all great men are wise and not all wise men are great. dont always expect wisdom to come from Not all great men are wise and not all wise men are great. dont always expect wisdom to come from..


Do i expect people to change. truthfully no cause most people dont. and us as humans were so use to bein in are comfort zone its hard to change. but
-dillon bowling


Have you ever loved someone/where you know they are the only one. thats the only way you can know Have you ever loved someone/where you know they are the only one. thats the only way you can know..


There's no harm in being sad now and again. i deal with sadness and depression everyday. but let this lighten the way you feel. remember if you cry
-dillon bowling


Love some people find it some dont. but until your true to the emotion you will never find it. Love some people find it some dont. but until your true to the emotion you will never find it...


When it feels like your boxed out,no one answerin,no one understands,and the loved ones around you dont know what to do, there is always a way out i'
-dillon bowling


A song is worth one memory. but it is unveiled in a million emotions. A song is worth one memory. but it is unveiled in a million emotions...


Family they all come in different types. they come dangerous, they come crazy, they come loving, they even come hating. but no matter what type your
-dillon bowling


Life its a ride that starts slow but can end quick. if you ride life the wrong way it will play Life its a ride that starts slow but can end quick. if you ride life the wrong way it will play..


You are your own war. you are an on struggling battle mentaly and phyisically. but what happens You are your own war. you are an on struggling battle mentaly and phyisically. but what happens..


Death is just like living. your born, you live, you make achievements and mistakes. just like life Death is just like living. your born, you live, you make achievements and mistakes. just like life..


Anger is an emotion that is hated and loved. to learn true anger you need to exprience both sides Anger is an emotion that is hated and loved. to learn true anger you need to exprience both sides..


There There's no one out there thats gonna help you in life there's only two people that can actually..


Respect you can earn it, you can give it, but you wont have it until you learn to respect yourself and give respect to people who deserve it. if
-dillon bowling

