
John Alejandro King (thecovertcomic) Quotes & Sayings:

John Alejandro King

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John Alejandro King Quotes

1-50 of total 120 Quotes
You say ‘cosplay convention’ like there’s some other kind. You say ‘cosplay convention’ like there’s some other kind...

Funny Politics

The mightiest of weapons is truth. And everyone knows you The mightiest of weapons is truth. And everyone knows you're not permitted to bring a weapon into a..

Funny Politics Truth

Dance like everybody’s watching, and it’s North Korea and you’re Kim Jong Un. Dance like everybody’s watching, and it’s North Korea and you’re Kim Jong Un...

Funny Life

As a privacy expert, my views on privacy are none of your damn business. As a privacy expert, my views on privacy are none of your damn business...

It’s said that we humans use only about ten percent of our brains. I bet if we used forty or It’s said that we humans use only about ten percent of our brains. I bet if we used forty or..

Funny Philosophy Wisdom mind

Are we anywhere but here yet? Are we anywhere but here yet?..


Holding government accountable: empowering.

Holding government accounts receivable: priceless. Holding government accountable: empowering. Holding government accounts receivable: priceless...


December 12th is International Day of Neutrality. It could have been another date, but nobody had a December 12th is International Day of Neutrality. It could have been another date, but nobody had a..

Funny Politics

If ginormous is going to be a word, so should teenytesimal. If ginormous is going to be a word, so should teenytesimal...

Witty Wisdom

Stress management? Every chance I get. Stress management? Every chance I get...

Funny Work

If I If I'm no bigger than the things that annoy me, then I'm at least as big as whatever I annoy...

Funny Life Wisdom Motivational

Less addenda, more subtracta. Less addenda, more subtracta...

Funny Philosophy Witty

Technically, every pizza comes with everything. Technically, every pizza comes with everything...

Funny Life Philosophy Wisdom

To post my essay on the uselessness of existence, I had to sign in to the philosophy blog as an To post my essay on the uselessness of existence, I had to sign in to the philosophy blog as an..


Trying to stay ane in an inane world. Trying to stay ane in an inane world...

Funny Life Wisdom

Tell me more about this ‘consciousness.’ Tell me more about this ‘consciousness.’..

Funny Philosophy Wisdom

I affirm the privacy of my thoughts. My thoughts are none of my damn business. I affirm the privacy of my thoughts. My thoughts are none of my damn business...

Freedom Funny thought

Give me social democracy over capitalism any day of the week (but not weekends). Give me social democracy over capitalism any day of the week (but not weekends)...

Funny Life Politics

You say ‘cognitive’ and ‘dissonance’ like they’re not the same thing. You say ‘cognitive’ and ‘dissonance’ like they’re not the same thing...

Philosophy Wisdom thought

If fear is in the mind, and if dogs can smell fear, that makes dogs smelepathic! If fear is in the mind, and if dogs can smell fear, that makes dogs smelepathic!..

Fear mind

Schrödinger Schrödinger's katydid and didn’t...

Philosophy Science Wisdom One liners

Artificial intelligence is only as intelligent as the artifice you program into it. Artificial intelligence is only as intelligent as the artifice you program into it...

Funny Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

If the tail wags the dog, is the dog any less happy? If the tail wags the dog, is the dog any less happy?..

Happiness Philosophy Politics Wisdom

Sometimes, getting thrown under the bus is safer than riding in it. Sometimes, getting thrown under the bus is safer than riding in it...

Funny Inspirational Life Wisdom

If we delegate writing to AI, we delegate thought, creativity, and ultimately our self- If we delegate writing to AI, we delegate thought, creativity, and ultimately our self-..

Funny Science Wisdom

A liar needs a good memory. I forget why. A liar needs a good memory. I forget why...

Funny Truth

"You did nothing wrong." – Zen master, explaining why I failed my meditation final "You did nothing wrong." – Zen master, explaining why I failed my meditation final..

Funny Life Philosophy Wisdom

If delay and indecision are the parents of failure, how did they ever get around to having sex??? If delay and indecision are the parents of failure, how did they ever get around to having sex???..

Failure Funny Success Wisdom

You clap when the plane lands. The plane lands when I clap. You clap when the plane lands. The plane lands when I clap...

Funny Wisdom

Where is the cache that contains hidden meanings? Where is the cache that contains hidden meanings?..

Computers Life Philosophy Wisdom

It It's amazing what you can accomplish if you're really terrible at accomplishing things...

Funny Wisdom

This project schedule is written in stone. ... Flowing magma is stone, right? This project schedule is written in stone. ... Flowing magma is stone, right?..


I took a DNA ancestry test. I got a C-. I took a DNA ancestry test. I got a C-...

Each of us possesses an inner spiritual compass. But not everyone’s needle is magnetized. Each of us possesses an inner spiritual compass. But not everyone’s needle is magnetized...

Funny Philosophy Wisdom

“I’m not a robot” I click robotically. “I’m not a robot” I click robotically...

Computers Funny

If the first wealth is health, the first health is stealth. If the first wealth is health, the first health is stealth...

Funny Life

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a picture of them saying this requires a caption. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a picture of them saying this requires a caption...

Funny Wisdom

What color does your mood ring turn after you read about thermochromism? What color does your mood ring turn after you read about thermochromism?..

Funny Philosophy Wisdom

Time travel? As long as time doesn’t travel here. Time travel? As long as time doesn’t travel here...

Funny Time

Come to my senses? Can you point them out to me? Come to my senses? Can you point them out to me?..

Funny Life Philosophy Wisdom

*Every* picture is actual size. *Every* picture is actual size...

Funny Witty Wisdom

Which mask to wear, which wear to mask. Which mask to wear, which wear to mask...


My boss claims he’s grooming me for promotion – but so far he’s hardly picked any lice from My boss claims he’s grooming me for promotion – but so far he’s hardly picked any lice from..

Business Funny Work

If we get a 3D printer at the office, the first thing I’m printing with it is a new 3D printer If we get a 3D printer at the office, the first thing I’m printing with it is a new 3D printer..

Computers Funny Wisdom

‘Umpteenth’ sounds like a lot, but it’s really just the number ump + 10. ‘Umpteenth’ sounds like a lot, but it’s really just the number ump + 10...

Computers Science Witty

If charity begins at home, I bet I know in which room. If charity begins at home, I bet I know in which room...

Funny Love Relationship

Call me a sentimental old fool ... but only if no hot young fools are available. Call me a sentimental old fool ... but only if no hot young fools are available...


It’s the end of the end of the world as we know it. It’s the end of the end of the world as we know it...

Funny Wisdom

A surveillance video is a nature documentary about humans. A surveillance video is a nature documentary about humans...

Funny Nature Philosophy

SENSITIVE CONTENT WARNING: Failure to click may cause content to experience feelings of rejection SENSITIVE CONTENT WARNING: Failure to click may cause content to experience feelings of rejection..

