Forgive Quotes Pictures
Life is too short, Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness, Laugh when you can, Apologize when you should And let go of what you can't change, Love..
-Sarah-Marie Teasdale
-Sarah-Marie Teasdale
Change Freedom Happiness Heart Life
Let Go
To forgive is to forgive yourself and move on. When you fail to forgive someone , you fail to..Move On

Hit me 100 times with your fist, I'll heal and forgive you. hit me with one bad word from your..
Relationship Truth Wisdom heart break
Your HeartTop 10 forgive Quotes
If you let go completely, you will have complete peace, forgive those that have hurt you, forgive yourself please!- Cheryl Joy Khan
We can't relive but we can forgive.- Johnny JR Remick
The moment we forgive the other person, the next moment we are closer to divinity - Rizwan Jamil
I may forgive, but not forget.- Belieber
You have to forgive people, otherwise they will always have something over you, let it go and god will take care of the pain in good time- JESSICA SERITA ABRAMS
I have said sorry so many times But I think God didn't forgive me.- Mandeep Singh
In a broken relationship: letting go and moving on is really hard, but as you go along the way you will realize that you will learn to forgive him, forget how much pain he caused you, forget how much he hurt you, how devastated you was during the break up and your struggles only happen when LOVE fades.. pain will only disappear once your heart is willing to let go, therefore forgiveness can only be achieved when love subsides..- zindy
If god can forgive our sins then why can't we forgive one for a mistake?- jessica
A friend is a person who cares about you, will forgive you when you make mistakes, will laugh at your jokes, Who has a smile to cheer you up when you are down, a friend is someone to look up to.- Schaely
No one can force another to forgive. People have their own timing in forgiving.- Shaila Touchton
Forgiveness + Forgive Quotes ⇑
Forgiveness Quotes
Please don't forgive me next time, I can't see you smiling in pain. - Nova
In a broken relationship: letting go and moving on is really hard, but as you go along the way you will realize that you will learn to forgive him, forget how much pain he caused you, forget how much he hurt you, how devastated you was during the break up and your struggles only happen when LOVE fades.. pain will only disappear once your heart is willing to let go, therefore forgiveness can only be achieved when love subsides.. - zindy
I have said sorry so many times But I think God didn't forgive me. - Mandeep Singh
I am strong, but when it comes to you i'm weak enough to forgive you over and over again! - Daleen Irshaid
You have to forgive people, otherwise they will always have something over you, let it go and god will take care of the pain in good time - JESSICA SERITA ABRAMS
I may forgive, but not forget. - Belieber
The moment we forgive the other person, the next moment we are closer to divinity - Rizwan Jamil
You have to forgive those that have hurt you, so that you can love those who won't hurt you. - Kendall Myers
I would rather forgive to forget, rather than forget to forgive. - David Gordon
We can't relive but we can forgive. - Johnny JR Remick
Forgive without judgement and let it go at last. - Cheryl Joy Khan
If you let go completely, you will have complete peace, forgive those that have hurt you, forgive yourself please! - Cheryl Joy Khan
Zombie says Kill, inner you says forgive. So, Pull the zombie out of your head - Andrew Rozario
Forgive your enemies but Never forget your Fake Friends. - Muhammad Saqib Al Wadoodi
We forgive fools, but isn't this the definition of foolishness ? - mohdmustafa99
More we forgive others, more we will be forgiven by others - Anand gill
Learn to forgive yourself for your mistakes and others for their mistakes. Carrying grudges and feeling of bitterness do not bring happiness but forgiveness bring peace into lives making relationships grow closer better and stronger. - Chitra Withane
To forgive is to forgive yourself and move on. When you fail to forgive someone , you fail to forgive yourself. - Kay Yash K Hove
All forgive Quotes ⇑
If one does forgive that person without his repentance, he is adding to his wickedness that is being committed by him and this will not produce love or any good.- Shaila Touchton
People do not forgive my mistakes because they know that I forgive theirs. - mohdmustafa99
I thought I found the right one until such time I wake up only to realize I fooled my ownself.. making myself believed into something that will make me happy but at the end it only kills me inside.. something I believed that could bring me too much joy and happiness only to realized that he just came to break me up, cut my heart into a million pieces, twist my life upside down and to destroy my faith and ruin my future. I never thought I will be able to forgive him, I never thought I will learn to move on and let go, and I never imagine that time will come the pain will subside. I cried a thousand times, felt devastated, lost my sanity a couple of times and choose to end up my life. However, I heard something with in me, an inner voice telling me that life isn't so bad at all, after all their is still a reason to live again, to breath, and to love. I opted to continue my life because I believed that someday I will be able to prove to him that he made a mistake of turning his back, so wrong of leaving- zindy