I'm not a fortune teller, but if you show me your friends, I will read your future. Free of charge..
Failure Success Truth Friends
It was said that:'While there is life there is hope' I think it should read:'While there is hope..
Hope Life Philosophy
We each have a page in life's book, some pages are read, some praised, and the rest burned...
Smile till you have teeth, read till you have eyes, work till you have hands and travel till you..
Life Wisdom Work smile
The fundamental of improving in a language is simply to talk more, read more, and write more...
Read your feelings carefully before running into the lane that it wants to lead you to..
Love Short random feeling
The Devil saw the church sign which read, 'come as you are' and he was the first in line...
Some people READ the RULES before they break them. 'I BREAK the RULES before I read them...
Education is the key to success but trees are the key to education. Without trees we wouldn't have..
Let your imagination guide you as you read, For it will work indeed! Let your imagination guide..
Freedom Imagination
Can't read, I am deaf..
Read to enjoy, use, store, and write. Sharing and empowering someone is most important purpose of..
Leadership Short Wisdom
We teach our students to read and write but why not to speak for their self...
Education Wisdom
Question everything you read or hear because the truth is clearer than a half truth or lie...
Philosophy Short Truth lie
The only bible most people read is life, therefore, let mistakes be a lesson and success be an..
Life Success Wisdom
If you feel you cannot read everyday.. try not to sleep everyday...
Education Short
I read the scripture(Bible) , I read about CHRIST and his apostles, suddenly I heard multitudes,..
Faith Religion Truth
Top 10 read Quotes
I believe in creating history, than reading it. Everyone can read history, but only few can create it.- Naqibullah Paiman
If you can't change the way you read , you can't change the way you think. so please change your thinking first..- Disha khare
I love you. I can't live without you. I feel so incomplete without you. You are a part of me and I can't live if I don't have that part. I am not asking you to love me forcefully or something. However, I'll never be able to stop loving you, it's like breathing to me and if I stop breathing I'll die. I know that I really love you because loving you hurts a lot. And I read somewhere that the things that really, really hurt are the right things to do. Now I can say that the things that really, really hurt are real. No matter how hard I try to ignore you, I can't. And I couldn't just get away with this feeling, I had to tell you because I had to give it a try. I still don't know whether you love me or not, but here I am telling you how I feel without even knowing anything about your feelings. I think it is worth taking the chance and trying again and again in love, no matter what happens.- nadia khan
When I write or read I have this amazing feeling of enjoyment that keeps me going.- Euginia Herlihy
All of my scars and tattoos tell an interesting story, I'm sorry if you cannot understand or read..- brooke nicole Feinstein
If minds could be read, our life would be like an open book - Karrella Jones
If we could read minds, many people would cease to think - Karrella Jones
Our lives are messages to the world waiting to be read.- Monica
A good book is not a book you just read out and put aside. A good book is a book you read out and want to read again- Benjamin Moeller
Privileges can be lost in a matter of seconds, if you don't read the fine print - Raven Nicole Jones
All read Quotes ⇑
What you read in science may be correct to that very second because one change can prove all theories wrong till so far.- Yash Maurya
Opinions are like fortune cookies. once you open them and read them you can't change them, you can rip it up and throw it away but it will always stay the same, saying what was originally written.- Brittney Jones
Love is like a book you have to read it until you find the chapter you adore- dominique hudson
Slanderers intention is to harass and ruin the good reputation the person has. Even after that person is dead and gone, the slanderous information will forever be stored on the internet, circulating for people to read.- Shaila Touchton
They ask me how I do it!? I think peacefully, freely, Passionately, desirously, Originally, naturally! I read with speed, or any pace I choose! I never consider myself to lose! I never go amuck over a buck! I never place my faith on legal luck! I'm free, that is how it is for me- Joshua Aaron Guillory
My heart is an envelope for you to put letters into It! every morning I receive a fresh letter from you , read it and put it back in my heart! at the end of my day all what I crave for is to read that letter again and have a grin on my face!every moment I read It, I start loving you in a different way!.- Prachidhar
If you get time, try to read me, I am the answer of all your queries- N C Solanki
The average artist has a naïve, unrealistic, and disconnected view of what the music industry is, how it works, what is involved in 'making it', and what actually is happening behind the scenes. Too many artists take at face value what they see on some TV documentary or read in a fan magazine.- Loren Weisman
The pleasant smell of the ancient old books, attracts me and induces me to read more, which provides with a beautiful look of a reader :)- KRUTHIKA CHIDAMBARANATHAN
Read me my hand palm. Am I the rock or the dust ?- mohdmustafa99
Coming here to read quotes is a chance, a chance to learn new things, once a chance is lost, it may never come back again.- Allen