
Smile Quotes, Smile Picture Quotes & Quotations

Smile Quotes Pictures


Life Truth Wisdom lie

Happiness is not the money and the fame you get after a chase. Happiness is the peace and Happiness is not the money and the fame you get after a chase. Happiness is the peace and..

Happiness Peace Philosophy

Peace Happiness Money Smile Face
Let Let's smile, not because we don't have problems but because we are stronger than the problems...

Inspirational Life Relationship Success problems

A smile is like a football. You just have to pass it on. A smile is like a football. You just have to pass it on...


Happiness is the most important, then comes smile, because smile comes from lips, happiness comes Happiness is the most important, then comes smile, because smile comes from lips, happiness comes..

Happiness Heart Life

Heart Happiness Smile
let Let's start the chain of smile...

Short One liners Positive

To be calm at your worst and smile with your best is the greatest virtue with prettiest smile. The To be calm at your worst and smile with your best is the greatest virtue with prettiest smile. The..


World Smile Worst
Tears won Tears won't lie but a smile does....

Short lie

Smile Lie
Smile till you have teeth, read till you have eyes, work till you have hands and travel till you Smile till you have teeth, read till you have eyes, work till you have hands and travel till you..

Life Wisdom Work

Work Smile Read
A smile of awareness, its edges pierce into the fabric of reality and reveal what is hidden from A smile of awareness, its edges pierce into the fabric of reality and reveal what is hidden from..


Smile Reality
If it doesn If it doesn't make your heart smile, It is not worth it...

Heart Inspirational Short

Heart Smile Worth
Smile all the While. Don Smile all the While. Don't let miseries Pile.. for Life is just a Mile. ..

Inspirational Life Short

Life Smile
Trust no one whose mouth smiles but his face does not. Trust no one whose mouth smiles but his face does not...

Politics Trust

Face Trust
Don Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened...


Smile Cry
It It's always nice to be nice.. make the world worth living by sharing your smile, laughter,..

Inspirational Love

Love World Smile Living Worth
The heart that gives thanks never runs out of reasons to smile. The heart that gives thanks never runs out of reasons to smile...

Heart Inspirational Life Love Wisdom

Love World Smile Living Worth
Dr. Massimo Alfredo Antonio Mancini said: “The sweetest smiles hold the darkest secrets...” Dr. Massimo Alfredo Antonio Mancini said: “The sweetest smiles hold the darkest secrets...”..

Funny Inspirational Life Love Philosophy

Love World Smile Living Worth
You should always be aware of a politician You should always be aware of a politician's smile...

Inspirational Philosophy Wisdom

Love World Smile Living Worth
An imagination isn An imagination isn't a stretch, it's a smile...

Imagination Inspirational Philosophy Wisdom

Love World Smile Living Worth
Smiles should never be washed away by tears. Smiles should never be washed away by tears...

Inspirational Philosophy Wisdom

Love World Smile Living Worth
Your smile will hide a lot more than what your eyes ever could. Your smile will hide a lot more than what your eyes ever could...

Philosophy Wisdom

Love World Smile Living Worth
How many monsters would you suspect walk amongst us simply because no one believes one who claims to have encountered as much? keep this in mind the..

Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

Love World Smile Living Worth
Death is waiting for me with open arms and a kind smile. Death is waiting for me with open arms and a kind smile...

Death Philosophy Wisdom

Love World Smile Living Worth
Remember: You don Remember: You don't need to stand in line to get a smile...

Happiness Inspirational Love

Love World Smile Living Worth

Top 10 smile Quotes

A smile is the only loaded gun that you need in life.- Anthony T HincksYou don't need to stand on your head to smile. You just need to be happy.- Anthony T HincksSometimes my laugh runs away with my smile.- Anthony T HincksHappiness can't make you laugh, but it can make you smile.- Anthony T HincksHappiness lets your smile light the way.- Anthony T HincksYou can't but help smile when you're this close to nature.- Anthony T HincksBooks crave to have their pages open to the sunlight so as to see the smiles on their reader's faces.- Anthony T HincksCheese doesn't just make cheesecake. It also makes you smile.- Anthony T HincksLife is all about the happiness you have within you and the smiles that you can share.- Anthony T HincksGood stratrgy doesn't have to destroy our minds....,it should rather create a smile around us....!!- William Sebunje

Happiness + Smile Quotes

Happiness Quotes Happiness is the most important, then comes smile, because smile comes from lips, happiness comes from heart - kubhendraWhen you are content with the way your life is, you wear a smile on your face! I gotta big old grin on! - Lisa BumgarnerA smile is like a football. You just have to pass it on. - Hasnat ChHappiness is not the money and the fame you get after a chase. Happiness is the peace and tranquility that puts a smile on your face! - AiR Atman in RaviHappiness is found in little things: a baby's smile, a letter from a friend, land scape scenery - Irfan Mamoun MDDon't wait for someone else to smile. Take the initiative. - Anthony T HincksI smile at last for the time has passed. The wounds you inflicted have healed and scarred. They've left a memory, of a sad so past, but now I smile, at the last. - Anthony T HincksAs the morning cold lifts, warmth floods my heart, sunlight enters my smile, happiness begins to start. All manner of life, stirs and comes awake, for love is starting to blossom, in sunshine's golden wake. - Anthony T Hincks2023, is the year that smiles turn happiness into a reality. - Anthony T HincksA smile will warm anyone's day. - Anthony T HincksSmiles never grow old. - Anthony T HincksSometimes, you can't choose your friends, but you can choose to smile. - Anthony T HincksSometimes, you just have to smile for the fun of it. - Anthony T HincksMemories are what give your smiles meaning. - Anthony T HincksIt's when smiles run wild that happiness is let loose into the world. - Anthony T HincksA smile will always be as fresh as when it was born. - Anthony T HincksYou will never have happiness unless you create it, smile - Irfan Mamoun MDJoy comes from knowing that you can smile and make someone else's day bright with happiness. - Anthony T HincksA love of life will always put a smile on your face and happiness in your heart. - Anthony T HincksDon't wait to smile, just do it. - Anthony T HincksTurn a stranger's day upside down and smile. - Anthony T HincksLaughter will always give you smiles of enjoyment. - Anthony T HincksIn order to smile, you need to feel the happiness inside of you. - Anthony T HincksA smile will always warm the coldest of hearts. - Anthony T HincksSmiles are what give you wings of happiness. - Anthony T HincksChocolate isn't worth its weight in gold. It's worth its weight in smiles! - Anthony T HincksSmiles spread more than just happiness. - Anthony T HincksTears of joy saturate smiles with a flood of happiness. - Anthony T HincksTears may fill a river, but smiles will fill an ocean. - Anthony T HincksShare what you have in life and you will never lose your smile in life. - Anthony T HincksShare what you have in life and you will never lose your smile in life. - Anthony T HincksYou don't need to shine. You just need to smile so as to make someone else's day sparkle. - Anthony T HincksDon't let my smile dim your sunshine. - Anthony T HincksIf you want to make a difference in today's society, just smile and watch your happiness grow. - Anthony T HincksTrue happiness will never spurn my smile. - Anthony T HincksEveryone has a heart. You just have to see their smile to find it. - Anthony T HincksMorning makes you smile for the rest of the day. - Anthony T HincksWake up with a smile and enjoy the day. - Anthony T HincksLife is all about the happiness you have within you and the smiles that you can share. - Anthony T HincksBooks crave to have their pages open to the sunlight so as to see the smiles on their reader's faces. - Anthony T HincksHappiness lets your smile light the way. - Anthony T HincksHappiness can't make you laugh, but it can make you smile. - Anthony T HincksSometimes my laugh runs away with my smile. - Anthony T HincksRemember: You don't need to stand in line to get a smile. - Anthony T Hincks

Inspirational + Smile Quotes

Inspirational Quotes It's always nice to be nice.. make the world worth living by sharing your smile, laughter, compassion and love to everyone.. - zindyLife is full of sorrow.. Hold onto that smile and shine through! - Thomas R DavisSmile all the While. Don't let miseries Pile.. for Life is just a Mile. - RVM AuthorLet's smile, not because we don't have problems but because we are stronger than the problems. - Mr vybs liveThe warmth and glow bestowed when we smile, laugh, hug, or cheer is priceless! - Adrian McGinnIf you are too busy to smile, you have to ask yourself what you are getting out of life. - Anthony T HincksLife is all about learning how to smile. - Anthony T HincksSmiles can produce tears of happiness. - Anthony T HincksYour luck is dependent on your mindset. If you think that life is against you, it will be. If you smile at life, no matter what, it will make the day all that much brighter with the smiles of life. - Anthony T HincksNever let a false smile ruin it for the real ones. - Anthony T HincksHappiness is there to be shared amongst us all. So smile! Be kind! And be the person that the universe wants you to be. - Anthony T Hincks“A smile you put on one face is worth more than countless praises” - Nirupama SudhakarIt is better to submit to a smile than to submit to your fears. - Anthony T HincksWhen you meet people with a smile, it is difficult for them to return it with a frown. Smile at all time, it can brighten up your day and others. - ojingiri hannahIf you are only a slave you will only see other's feet, but if you are your own master then you will see your smile reflected within others. - Anthony T HincksDon't wait for the sun to shine so that you can smile at the day. - Anthony T HincksDon't wait for the sun to shine so that you can smile at the day. - Anthony T HincksWhen you look in the mirror, do you see the happiness that once was, or do you see the smile of the future that you can make? - Anthony T HincksLoneliness can sometimes return a smile, ten fold. - Anthony T HincksBe careful with some People who Smile in your face, but they are betrayers and backstabbers. They are like Poisonous snakes, they say they love you with their lips, and their hearts are against you. - Shaila TouchtonNo matter how fast you walk, a smile will always be there before you. - Anthony T HincksLoneliness comes from not allowing smiles to come into your life. - Anthony T HincksTo fail is to discover, not to despair. The most charming smile is the one that reflects the resilience of those who try again with more determination and insight. - Srinivas MishraA present at Christmas time could be as simple as a smile. - Anthony T HincksIf you ever get betrayed by someone you love, smile because a better person will be waiting for you. - Syed BadiuzzamanA simple smile like sunlight is a pure delight that brightens up the darkest places! - Adrian McGinnSmile is what you share. Laughter is what you celebrate. - Nkwachukwu OgbuaguYou can't but help smile when you're this close to nature. - Anthony T HincksYou don't need to stand on your head to smile. You just need to be happy. - Anthony T HincksSmiles should never be washed away by tears. - Anthony T HincksYou should always be aware of a politician's smile. - Anthony T Hincks

Life + Smile Quotes

Life Quotes So you try to fake a smile and it'll probably work for the first time, But till when could it cover all the pain that you hide inside? - Daleen IrshaidYour smile determines how you see and think about the world around you. - Rebecca Ann TottenDon't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. - Fahad FaisalA LIE GIVES DEEP SMILE FOR A LITTLE BIT BUT NEVER TAKES YOU ON SAFE STAGE.. ! - Gunjan LavaniaSmile till you have teeth, read till you have eyes, work till you have hands and travel till you have legs. - Ritesh RanjanSometimes, a smile is the hardest thing to show the world. - Anthony T HincksWHICHEVER SITUATION COMES, FACE IT WITH PATIENCE AND SMILE. - Arbaz Zubair KhanWithin my smile I find the darkness that I hold. - Anthony T HincksRevenge brings smiles to the faces of the unworthy. - Anthony T HincksSome friends smile to themselves in secret. - Anthony T HincksA smile is the only loaded gun that you need in life. - Anthony T HincksHow many monsters would you suspect walk amongst us simply because no one believes one who claims to have encountered as much? keep this in mind the next time you recognize danger has approached you with a smile - LYGAS

All smile Quotes

The narcotics department should arrest you for the drug in your smile, every time I see you it takes me to new heights, and it's wild.- Sanji Paul ArvindDon't carry the burden of ownership, but smile in the happiness of freedom.- Anthony T HincksFalse tears will always show the smile behind the eyes.- Anthony T HincksYou can never hide your smile from my eyes.- Anthony T HincksPoeple who makes you smile from the well of your heart and makes you forget all your problems are keepers for life.- NadineRammalAnd he said... ...if a smile does not reach the eyes, who are we to call it friendship?- Anthony T HincksSmile is undeniable power that enlighten the world around you- Irfan Mamoun MDWhat would happen if for one day; wars stopped; animosity took a holiday; people helped each other and most importantly, people smiled? I think the people of the world would start to change mankind for the better, don't you?- Anthony T HincksThe person who rises alone after a heavy fall, continues to move towards his goal with a smile, gains the strength to cross the hills and hurdles to reach the pinnacle of success.- Srinivas MishraSmile and touch someone's heart today.- Anthony T HincksMaths makes me beam only when I solve a problem. Although you draw a smile on my face just by giving me a glance of yours...- Afriad kamalSmile is the common language for the whole of Humanity, making others more human.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar ReddyThe strong people use their smile to change and don’t allow the situation to change their smile. Their power come from their faith that positivity will make the change. So you will see them happy all the time- Irfan Mamoun MDYou can’t control or change the future, but you can change unpleasant attitude of someone by touching his heart wiith a smile- Irfan Mamoun MDA natural smile is the face of inner beauty and exchanging smiles we become one even if just fleetingly!- Adrian McGinnDon’t be sad when people only remember you when they need, smile because you are like a candle when sudden darkness happen they look for it- Irfan Mamoun MDBe contented with what you have, some people smile even they have nothing- Irfan Mamoun MDThis morning if you see somebody without a smile, just greet and smile- Irfan Mamoun MDFriendships are found on the wings of a smile.- Anthony T HincksThe secret to success is a positive mind, With a smile and determination, you'll surely shine. Stay focused, and never give up the fight, Success is yours, just keep climbing to new heights.- Dr Louie AgustinWhen we smile with our heart rather than with our facial muscles we can feel the glow inside us! - Adrian McGinnOn your way to the doctor, do not forget to remember that laughter is the best medicine, and in a world that is a laugh and a joke, there is no reason for you not to smile.- SundareshMy smile smiles at me and asks, "Where is your smile?...- Atul Dhumal+639192616111 Summer Smith- Summer smith 639192616111MOON IS BRIGHT YOUR SMILE IS RIGHT LOOK AT MY EYESIGHT YOUR MY CANDLELIGHT- PremA smile can be the key to the door of your dreams.- Anthony T HincksIt's your smile that warms my heart.- Anthony T Hincks“Your smile should be the last thing that goes”- Kabir Khivan SinghSmiles are what run the turbines of happiness.- Anthony T Hincks. The heart that wholeheartedly believes in Jesus is the heart that God smiles at.- Gaddiel RAPHAEL AckahIt's Sunday! The day to let our hearts radiate, our smiles glow, our hugs be warm, and our energy be renewed!- Adrian McGinnThe sun and the moon are alright, but nothing lights up my life better than a wonderful smile.- SundareshI prefer to see your smiles than a movie. To hear your laughter than the radio. To feel your touch than mosquito bites. Being with you is my greatest delight.- Jason BaptisteA big smile of a dealer is a kind of advertisement.- mohdmustafa99The power of your smile, can heal a frozen heart- Cleopas mliloSmile is a word which our mouth can't utter.- Ruth BandoquilloSmile has the power of courage to fix a broken soul.- Ruth BandoquilloI smile because I don't want to waste brushing my teeth for nothing- Daleen IrshaidSmiles help sometimes, but sometimes it is the one thing you don't want to see from a person.- Jennifer LujanYou will always get a smile on your face, looking at other bunch of people; but behind that smile is a pain of not having such bunch to laugh with- Farhad DastoorOf all the things you wear, smile is the costliest.- Lokesh giri

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