Today Quotes Pictures

The greatest moment to be happy is today, tommorrow we have it by hope...
Hope Inspirational Short Wisdom
Be Happy To Be Happy
Always remember, everyday we make choices that change our future: You will be what you decide today..

Live today like it is your last day on earth and if you wake up tomorrow, do it again...
Inspirational Life Philosophy Short
Wake Up
Don't be happy about what you achieved yesterday; be ready to get a new achievement today..Be Happy
Top 10 today Quotes
Nothing more special than today. Who can tell how tomorrow looks like?- Sipho P Nkosi
My failure is only for today, not for the tomorrow.- SANTHOSH
BAD and GOOD, both contributed to the person you are today, be grateful and give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.- Piet Ntema
Today, you know that a girl doesn't like you, when she sees you coming and puts a cell phone on her ear.- Samuel E. Villegas
In the past people lived better because they didn't have to pay for all the things that we pay today in order to live better.- Samuel E. Villegas
Years ago, by carrying too much money with you, you could be assaulted. But today, by carrying too much money with you, you could get arrested.- Samuel E. Villegas
If you're happy with what you have today, be grateful, because life isn't always so generous.- Chris Peters
Past is dead and let it be history. In order for the sadness of your past to not ruin you, take today for the first day of the rest of your life and start life afresh.- Chandrababu V S
Appreciate What You Have Before It is Gone. What You Have Today Might Not Be Your's Tomorrow.- Diandra Hayden
The mindset your are in today dictates the outcome of your success- Troy W DeVese
Life + Today Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
When I look back, I feel I was stupid yesterday, would I feel the same tomorrow about today? - Lokesh giri
Think today is your last day - do what all possible - Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
If we spend too much time focussing on tommorrow then we might well miss out on today. - christine sharland
Today will never comeback, yesterday will never come back, one day we will never come back - paul singh sandhu
Live life today.. Because you never know what may happen tomorrow. - Kenzie Hawkins
I've meet a young man, not long ago-who lost his ability to walk; I heard his story, not showing tears, how right before.. so he let his 'life' go.. I've meet another one today--who thinks and acts like child but he is not.. I ask myself.. 'God what right I have to ask for more when such and others will NEVER have what I already have.. - Paul Peshkov
In life, the one thing that you need to realize is that your enemies become your best friends and your best friends become your enemies so take every opportunity you get to tell someone you appreciate them and apologize for all your wrong doings , because you were only given today , and never promised tomorrow ! - Makayla Emmert
Tomorrow came today, and today will be gone tomorrow. - Alex Michael Turner
Past is dead and let it be history. In order for the sadness of your past to not ruin you, take today for the first day of the rest of your life and start life afresh. - Chandrababu V S
Past had passed, and nobody gives Guarantee of future. If you live this present in right way that's enough for today. - Pavan Somayaji
Today will always run faster than yesterday in search of tomorrow. - vikrant
Every day is a new day, a new beginning, a fresh new start to make it the best day that it can be. Yesterday's troubles are over and should be put behind us, yesterday's bills will still be here tomorrow, so why stress? Live today, put yesterday behind you and let the future take its course. Everything happens for a reason, so where we need to be tomorrow, will come with a purpose, with patience and determination - ileana capin fonseca
How you use today determines how tomorrow will use you. - vikrant
Everyday is a privilege in my life. To rewrite yesterday, for tomorrow keeping in mind that today is tomorrow. Promise to no one! You are a privilege in my life. Thank you for yesterday is helping me today. And if you can only see yesterday as tomorrow, you'll always have today - Isidro Cruz
Nothing more special than today. Who can tell how tomorrow looks like? - Sipho P Nkosi
Be happy. For the pain you feel today, is the strength you can fight with tomorrow. - Fairy
Little pleasures you seek today, can make you pay tomorrow. - moises santa
Today is yesterday's tomorrow. - Get Essay
Work is great , therefore you must not consume it all today. Spare a part of it for tomorrow. - mohdmustafa99
Today is the present you have got in your life. Don't spoil it. - Ritesh Ranjan
Both H. Spencer and C. Darwin quoted 'Survival of the fittest'. Today , we need a third humanitarian scholar to say , 'Survival of the weakest'. - mohdmustafa99
When I hear Johnny boy sing 'I read the news today, oh boy!'. That's my reaction to life, treat it like it's nothing, and deflect with sarcasm. A lot easier to laugh than thinking how fucked we all are. - Brandon Hynes
Give tomorrow something good to say about today. - Tamara Williams
You are alive today because you will be needed tomorrow. Do not destroy your present life to affect your future. - Andoh-Yeboah Paa Kwesi Damoah Dennis
Each day is (Today). Yesterday's (Today) is Gone and Yesterday's (Tomorrow) is Here.. Today. - Alicia Brown
The success we knew was only by achieving. But girls, today you celebrate success by being achieved.. - Mr vybs live
Just remember one thing, whatever it is today, it will be over tomorrow. - Allen Lazar
The thing I saw yesterday makes me happy and stronger today - ease berry
Yesterday was better than today, today is for sure better than tomorrow. Everyday gone, is a day you will never get back. Enjoy the moment - Allen Lazar
Today is worse than yesterday, But I believe tomorrow will be a better day. - Joshua Muasa
Peace + Today Quotes ⇑
Peace Quotes
The most dangerous crisis we face today is not respecting human rights. - J B
I say to all of us, without hesitation: protect human rights. Today, as always, we must be dedicated in this significant mission. - J B
Investing in human rights is a wise investment for today and the future. - J B
Defending human rights today will define the world tomorrow. - J B
Save tomorrow; defend human rights today. - J B
Today is the day to stand up for human rights. - J B
Human rights violations have never been greater than they are today. - J B
I have remained determined to elevate the plight of those whose human rights are violated to the top of the community agenda today. - J B
To have human rights tomorrow, we must defend them today. - J B
The future of our world is in the human rights we defend today. - J B
We have to face the reality of human rights violations. It is arguably the greatest threat that we are facing today. - J B
We must start today defending the human rights we want tomorrow. - J B
Today - and every day - I reiterate the critical importance of human rights and I remind you that not respecting human rights will have catastrophic implications. - J B
Our humanitarian imperative today is to defend human rights. - J B
It is sad, indeed, that human rights violations persist today. - J B
The evil of human rights violations continue today. - J B
The human rights you defend today will affect tomorrow. - J B
The human rights you defend today will affect tomorrow. - J B
It is a sad but undeniable reality that human rights violations are rampant even today. - J B
All today Quotes ⇑
Yesterday is in your rear view mirror, Today is in your front & Tomorrow is your blind spot that's why it isn't promised- Kennisha L Crawford
Yesterday was the lesson Today is the reward - Nancy Thompson Mahler
Don't let fear stop you from growing, Don't let the past hold you in a cage of regret, Yesterday was the lesson, Today is the reward - Nancy Thompson Mahler
Please return these words back to me if you find them today.. I Love You!- Joe Cervantes
Today Women have been successful in achieving great heights. Being a woman with balancing family, housework & job is not easy, but she does it with all her heart. Thank you to all the men who have supported women and also given her the freedom of her choice. Happy women's day strong ladies.- Joycee Fernandes
Think of Today, not Tomorrow. It's time to be Happy! Don't live a life of Sorrow. Find out those things that make you Glad, And eliminate those that make you Sad.- AiR Atman in Ravi
Today, human beings have forgotten being humans.- Devam Shah
World allows to commit crimes today, to judge tomorrow in the name of justice.- Halil Xhafa
They say now is the only time! I say now is the only rhyme! What you see and write today Will become the now of yesterday! And still today, and forever, If it lives, and it will forever- Joshua Aaron Guillory
Old Latin quotes also fit in our contemporary life. Therefore, the quote you write today may last for two thousand years and even more- mohdmustafa99
You can lock away a criminal today, but tomorrow there will still be tenfold, and they will never be captured.- Zac Ochsenbine
If I died today, would anybody care? Would a single soul pray, in my darkness and my despair?- Zac Ochsenbine
Regarding knowledge , our fathers used to say 'I don't know'. Today, we say to our sons , 'Look in the internet'- mohdmustafa99
Poverty was the main cause of crime; today, crime doesn't depend much on poverty to be.- mohdmustafa99
If you don't have hope that tomorrow will be better than today, why get out of bed? - Bridget Williamson
I have learnt never to care about my today but work hard for a better future because that is where the story will end- Abasiofon Fidelis
The pain you feel today, will be your greatest testimony someday.- Ruth Bandoquillo
Today I am not as I was Yesterday. I will change every day. I will be better everyday.- Doc Ramzan
The challenges in the world today, -in Africa, Asia, America, Europe.. can only be solved by collaboration and openness. Isolating ourselves and protecting our interests, will not lead us into a good future.- Eseka Jerry
Today you make good and bad friends, but tomorrow, good friends makes you.- Traveler From Nowhere
If you spend the day thinking about the regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow, then you have no today in which to enjoy life. Seize today, and take control of your health and life, because how you live all your tomorrows will depend on how you live today- Robert Ramsey
Today, spend a little time cultivating relationships offline. Never forget that everybody is not on social media.- Germany Kent
Whatever is happening today is happening due to our karma, karma is what we did in the past, what we are doing in present and what we are going to do in future- karan dhawan
To those of you whose human rights are violated, let me say, you are not alone. Your struggle for freedom is a shared struggle. Today I stand with you. And I call upon countries and all people to stand with you too.- J B
Human rights violations are committed by humans, therefore it can only be us, human beings, to address these issues. We must take decisive actions today.- J B
Today is ours, the future can wait- TERRENCE ELLIS
After midnight and before dawn lies a very confusing yesterday, today and tomorrow.- Jyotirath Mitra
Treasure is the wisdom you write down today, for tomorrow it will be a great history.- Murungi Nathaniel Muthomi
Wake up today with a new mindset full of solutions more than doubts and fears.- Piet Ntema
The book you read today will set the stage for tomorrow's future.- Howard Hanniford
The thing you are discarding today may be your first choice tomorrow - ravindra bana
A person who lies today will definitely lie tomorrow.- ABD Vasey
'I love you' and 'i hate you' have 8 alphabets each, so don't be surprised if he comes to profess his today and tomorrow you see hatred being demonstrated.- Kabirat Ahmed Salihs
Enjoy your life.. Like today is your last day.- Sugandh Gupta
The MAIN problem with society today is - not being real- by playing it fake to fit in - Jesus Gonzalez
Some are born with silver spoons in their mouth, some are born with bank accounts waiting for them to use, some are born with ready-made life for them, but some had to work from zero to hero to live the life they are living today.. make your own living, let your sweat serve to water the seeds of your success.- Piet Ntema
Today, having a good salary doesn't depend on what you work, but on where you work.- mohdmustafa99
Today, tomorrow and the day after. Rise bit-by-bit but rise!- Piet Ntema
Today was bad , you have left from me, up to heaven to follow your dreams, people are hurt, words are unspoken, we had a bond that could never be broken, but now you are gone, and all can see, there is none to say but rest in peace, so I love you so much and just so you know I could I on and on but I have to go- Felicia alfaro
Live for today with your eyes on the future.- Thomas Flajnik antichimerapodal
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway. For in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.- Curtis R Bostic
Today is the start of a new tomorrow!- Faye Stevenson
I must admit that pain disintegrates in time. But when I recall the experience, the intensity is still the same. Life is like a double helix of a DNA- one helix is for pain, and the other one is for happiness. So, when you experience pain today, get ready for tomorrow, for happiness shall come your way.- Jaydee John Capuras
I wish I had died the last time I was in your arms, so I wouldn't have to wake without you today :(- Rounchy
I'll hate you today for what you'll do tomorrow- Rick Daune Gibson
Make the most of today, as tomorrow may hold your last yesterday.- Brenden Ray Lujan
Today I woke up, often the most simplistic of tasks are the most important.- Jesse Hayes
Today is tomorrow , tomorrow is the future- briana martinez
What it is today will be different tomorrow.- adsfsad safdsafsad
Ill cry today but not tomorrow.- shelly gonzalez
Today I'm Playing the cards I'm dealt. For me that means Praying only for his will for me and the power to carry that out and maybe I'll get a glimpse at which ones to throw back and no matter what the cards are this reassures me that the cards are for me.- Bill Gibbs
Tomorrow's should be done today and today's should be done now. DECIDE WHAT TO DO.- sandesh shewale
Many wicked people today looking for places of gossip, slander and destroying good people's reputations, dead and alive either by defaming the character of others either on-line or somewhere on the internet or any media with their false statements on web site, blog posts or through comment- Shaila Touchton
Today all I have sweetheart for now is a barn for a house, and hay for a bed.. but tomorrow I will have a house and a bed.- Joe Cervantes
Today, we need many freedoms not only one as when we were under the colonial rule.- mohdmustafa99
What you generate begins from your today- Abasiofon Fidelis
God I am Grateful today, for all things that cash can't pay! What would life be without eyes to see! Wonder, without music, how happy could I be? 'Thank you Lord' , are words I say, every moment on this Grateful day.- AiR Atman in Ravi
An integrative, comprehensive analytical framework is not merely instructive but is imperative to meet the needs for human rights today.- J B
Like a kite with a broken string, That's how my life was like.. Today I'm here, whether tomorrow takes place or not, Was my everyday story..- Mamta yadav
The world was created in perfection; with commandments and a balanced life cycle to maintain order; but human nature chose its way thus the chaos we experience today- Wayne Chirisa
Eureka ! Archimedes had the same qualities, we often find today in children addict to video-games.- mohdmustafa99
The biggest disease today is not tuberculosis or cancer or AIDS, but rather NOT to THINK and LEARN- Piet Ntema
Should I be given the chance to live another day like today, I will live like there is no tomorrow because my yesterday came and went with its own troubles, I know not of what awaits me tomorrow but for today, certainty is my assurance and I will live it to the fullest.- Tangwa Livinus Acha
Today I may be asking for your autograph , but one day you may be asking for mine- DanielleAileen
I believe in Stephen Hawkin's words of no life after death. But today when hearing my loved ones going away, I feel they should travel to God's own land of heaven.- dipaks
Love like you wanna be loved, live like you want your kids to live, and turn to god today because tomorrow may not ever come- Jennifer Lynn Taylor
Today is my day and I WILL eat my cake- shelly gonzalez