
Nadia Khan (blackblackbrownies) Quotes & Sayings:
nadia khan

Nadia Khan

Experience on Earth:31 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 12 Years 2 Months

Nadia Khan Quotes

1-50 of total 132 Quotes
I was under the heavy weight of his stare and I couldn I was under the heavy weight of his stare and I couldn't push it away or maybe I was just not..

Freedom Life Love Truth Fear

He loves Physics and I love him. He loves Physics and I love him...

Happiness Life Love Patience Youth

In time, we always learn how to make our flaws sound great. In time, we always learn how to make our flaws sound great...

Courage Life Love Patience Fear

Every time we are looking up in the sky and staring at the stars, we always keep forgetting that we are seeing ghosts. The past is so clear in front
-nadia khan

Death Life Loneliness

The words coming out of your mouth and the words buried inside your eyes can never have the same The words coming out of your mouth and the words buried inside your eyes can never have the same..

Desire Dreams Life Love Sad

Life is a candy shop filled with candies. Some are bitter, some are sweet, some are soft, some are hard, some are colourful, some have weird shapes,
-nadia khan

Change Dreams Happiness Life Love

People don’t define you, not even when they are close to you and not even what they do defines you. It is what you do and who you are that defines
-nadia khan

Confidence Courage Life Love Sad

When you look at someone’s face you can read their mind but when you look in someone’s eyes you When you look at someone’s face you can read their mind but when you look in someone’s eyes you..

Happiness Life Loneliness Love Sad

No, I am not alright. How do you expect me to be alright when I love you so much? No, I am not alright. How do you expect me to be alright when I love you so much?..

Life Love Patience Romantic Sad

Does it hurts you too much to stretch your lips and fake a smile knowing that it might make someoneâ Does it hurts you too much to stretch your lips and fake a smile knowing that it might make someoneâ..

Happiness Hope Life Love Patience

That’s what power does. It gets in you and make you feel like there is nothing better than it. That’s what power does. It gets in you and make you feel like there is nothing better than it...

Confidence Courage Dreams Freedom Patience

You are like a magnet. You always attract me and the more far I try to go the more you try to You are like a magnet. You always attract me and the more far I try to go the more you try to..

Dreams Hope Life Loneliness Love

What is the point in being known by a thousand people when not even one of them really understands What is the point in being known by a thousand people when not even one of them really understands..

Change Confidence Dreams Life Patience

I loved you when you smiled at me, when you made me laugh, when you made stupid faces or did stupid things. I loved you every time you talked to me,
-nadia khan

Hope Life Love Romantic Sad

If you have learnt how to hold on then learn how to let go too. If you have learnt how to hold on then learn how to let go too...

Change Dreams Life Love Sad

I loved you when you looked at me and I loved you when you didn I loved you when you looked at me and I loved you when you didn't...

Life Loneliness Love Romantic Sad

People will hurt you and then they will act like they don’t even know what they did. People will hurt you and then they will act like they don’t even know what they did...

Hate Life Love Sad Fear

Someone once told me that I get everything the wrong way. That I don’t notice what’s there Someone once told me that I get everything the wrong way. That I don’t notice what’s there..

Change Hope Life Love Sad

You are my sky. You are my ground. You are the one whom I see when I look up. You are the one whom I fall on. You are every choice I made. You are
-nadia khan

Life Loneliness Love Poems Romantic

I don’t understand why I let people affect me so much. I don’t understand why I let people affect me so much...

Change Hope Life Love Fear

There is no humanity left in us and we are to search for it in monsters. There is no humanity left in us and we are to search for it in monsters...

Hope Life Loneliness Love Patience

If you really want to be with someone, you’ll catch up with them any time. If you really want to be with someone, you’ll catch up with them any time...

Change Dreams Life Love Romantic

I didn’t hear from you for a while and I thought that you gave up on me. But how can I help it when almost everyone gives up on me. You were the
-nadia khan

Anger Change Courage Creativity Desire

I am just dreaming and I think its time to wake up. I am just dreaming and I think its time to wake up...

Change Confidence Dreams Life Loneliness

Loving you and not telling you is like keeping you in the dark and I don Loving you and not telling you is like keeping you in the dark and I don't want to...

Change Confidence Courage Life Loneliness

You are telling me that you never knew that I ever loved you. Were you too blind to notice that? Did you ever really looked at me? Didn’t you ever
-nadia khan

Change Courage Dreams Heart Hope

That’s it, people will die one day and they will never know that you ever loved them. That’s it, people will die one day and they will never know that you ever loved them...

Change Courage Desire Dreams Forgiveness

It is early morning, I am not even widely awake and I get to see your face. You are smiling at me It is early morning, I am not even widely awake and I get to see your face. You are smiling at me..

Change Courage Desire Dreams Forgiveness

I was trying to read you. After years I completed the first chapter. Then I gave up because I thought that there is 'The End' for me after the first
-nadia khan

Change Desire Dreams Forgiveness Hate

I thought that you were in love with me. I am sorry for being so wrong. But it isn I thought that you were in love with me. I am sorry for being so wrong. But it isn't my fault, it..

Change Desire Dreams Happiness Heart

Now that you have all the things that you wanted, do you still want me? Am I still in your list of Now that you have all the things that you wanted, do you still want me? Am I still in your list of..

Change Desire Dreams Happiness Heart

If you are my Romeo then why am I not your Juliet. If you are my Romeo then why am I not your Juliet...

Desire Dreams Happiness Heart Hope

It is your life, you live it, so don It is your life, you live it, so don't listen to anyone else...

Change Desire Dreams Happiness Heart

You are so busy with the facts that you forget all about the miracles. You are so busy with the facts that you forget all about the miracles...

Desire Dreams Happiness Heart Hope

If a fire is burning too bright, it does not mean that it gives you the equal amount of heat. If a fire is burning too bright, it does not mean that it gives you the equal amount of heat...

Change Confidence Courage Desire Dreams

Being different and nice is a gift, so why do you want to spoil it and be like everyone else. Being different and nice is a gift, so why do you want to spoil it and be like everyone else...

Change Confidence Courage Desire Dreams

I don’t want to change the world, I want to change the way everyone looks at it. I don’t want to change the world, I want to change the way everyone looks at it...

Change Confidence Courage Desire Dreams

Before you answer, make it simple and while you are making it simple don’t try to complicate it Before you answer, make it simple and while you are making it simple don’t try to complicate it..

Change Confidence Courage Dreams Happiness

Sometimes the more you try to apply your brain on something, the more complicated it becomes. Sometimes the more you try to apply your brain on something, the more complicated it becomes...

Change Confidence Courage Failure Life

I think love is dangerous for people who want everything to go their way. Love never works the way you think it will. Love is not something you plan
-nadia khan

Change Desire Dreams Heart Hope

How do you say something to someone when you know that person does not want to hear it? How do you say something to someone when you know that person does not want to hear it?..

Death Desire Dreams Happiness Heart

Sometimes when you don’t expect something to happen, it does happen. Sometimes when you don’t expect something to happen, it does happen...

Desire Dreams Heart Hope Life

People tell me to move on. They tell me that life goes on. But they don’t know what I have been through. They don’t know how hard it is for me to
-nadia khan

Change Desire Dreams Heart Hope

Sometimes things can’t be explained but you need to understand them. Sometimes things can’t be explained but you need to understand them...

Change Confidence Courage Desire Dreams

I never believed in love. Then I met you and now love is the only thing that I believe in. I never believed in love. Then I met you and now love is the only thing that I believe in...

Desire Dreams Happiness Heart Hope

These days I drink a lot of water to choke down some words that come to my throat because I don’t want to say all that. I am too sacred to say
-nadia khan

Death Hate History Leadership Life

Because of you I believe in fairytales more than I used to. Because of you I believe in fairytales more than I used to...

Heart Hope Life Loneliness Love

You are dumb and dreamy and I love you. You are dumb and dreamy and I love you...

Change Desire Dreams Heart Hope

I love your smile. I see sparks fly when you smile. Your eyes glitter when you smile and they hold me by your stare. Everything around me goes all
-nadia khan

Leadership Life Loneliness Optimism Peace

Why are you not talking to me? You know your silence is too loud, it is screaming. So, please talk Why are you not talking to me? You know your silence is too loud, it is screaming. So, please talk..

Happiness Heart Hope Life Loneliness
