
Carson Anekeya (carsonanekeya) Quotes & Sayings:
Carson Anekeya

Carson Anekeya

Location:NAIROBI, Kenya
Experience on Earth:20 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 1 Years 4 Months
Short Bio: Carson Anekeya: Digital Journalist, Media Personality, and Mental Health Advocate, I'm a dynamic Digital Journalist and Media personality with a passion for amplifying critical voices and advocating for Mental Health Awareness. Being a prominent figure in the Health Journalism Network, where I focus my expertise on Health-related topics, with a particular emphasis on Mental Health issues. My Twitter account serves as a platform for fostering open conversations about Mental Health.

Carson Anekeya Quotes

1-21 of total 21 Quotes
~Fear of rejection, fear of not being forgiven, robs us the courage to seek second chances. We hesitate to ask for them because we fear being
-Carson Anekeya

Failure Life Love Fear

~Within the delicate balance of existence, everything carries the potential to break. From friendships to family ties to romantic connections, every
-Carson Anekeya


~In the final analysis, life often unveils itself as an anthology of missed chances—an untold story of roads not traveled and destinies left
-Carson Anekeya

Life Philosophy Time Truth

~Feelings endure, but Efforts have their limits. Liking someone doesn't guarantee endless attempts to make things work without mutual investment. P
-Carson Anekeya

Life Truth

Each of us is a story waiting to be told. And in the end, we become the cherished tales told by Each of us is a story waiting to be told. And in the end, we become the cherished tales told by..

Life Philosophy Truth

Each of us is a story waiting to be told. And in the end, we become the cherished tales told by Each of us is a story waiting to be told. And in the end, we become the cherished tales told by..

Life Philosophy Truth

~Life is an exquisite novel, and every individual is a chapter within its boundless pages. As time unfolds, our experiences, emotions, and
-Carson Anekeya

Life Love Philosophy Relationship Truth

They played a role in your story, and it's okay if their chapter still echoes within you. Embracing the reality that not every relationship is
-Carson Anekeya

Relationship reality

Their significance is part of your narrative, and it's acceptable if their presence, even in memory, still resonates. Accepting the ephemerality of
-Carson Anekeya

Life Love Philosophy Relationship Truth

Not every relationship is designed for a lifetime, and that's okay. Instead of dwelling on the 'whys' of the past, channel your energy into
-Carson Anekeya


A suffering intensifies our longing for a meaningful existence, the quest for a reason to live gains complexity. Suffering raises countless
-Carson Anekeya

Life Philosophy Truth question

Discover the liberating truth that you don't owe your side of the story to anyone. It is not your duty to clarify, justify or rectify misconceptions,
-Carson Anekeya

Peace Truth

~I hope our friends can understand that as we grow, things inevitably change, and our lives become more challenging. Please forgive us for being
-Carson Anekeya

Life Relationship Truth Friends

~Each tick of the clock is a reminder of our limited time on this earth. The past, a repository of memories, expands ceaselessly. Simultaneously the
-Carson Anekeya

Life Philosophy Truth

Forcing things merely because of attachments or external pressures can lead to a delicate balance between persistence and futility. Sometimes, we
-Carson Anekeya

We are the generation of networks and profiles. We're socially connected with countless friends online in a world of constant connectivity, but we're
-Carson Anekeya


They got Married against all evidence. They married believing marriage doesn't work & it's fraught with imperfections, that love was susceptible to
-Carson Anekeya

Love Marriage

~Empathy allows us to share the joys & sorrows of others. Setting #boundaries isn't a betrayal of empathy but rather a safeguarding of one's own well-
-Carson Anekeya


Distinguish between those who share your blood and those who share your vision; one is bound by Biology, the other by shared purpose. The line
-Carson Anekeya

Life emotion

Life is fleeting, and we have limited chances to make our mark; we don't get a chance to do many things. We must seize every opportunity to excel,
-Carson Anekeya

Life Opportunity

Abandon the notion of entertaining toxic individuals, banking on the possibility that they might be your saviors in an unforeseeable future; under
-Carson Anekeya

