
Estifanos Shay (estifanos17) Quotes & Sayings:

Estifanos Shay

Experience on OwnQuotes: 9 Years 9 Months

Estifanos Shay Quotes

1-6 of total 6 Quotes
Reach for the taser before you go for the gun Reach for the taser before you go for the gun..

Beauty Change Confidence Desire Dreams

Money is the biggest illusion ever created. Money is the biggest illusion ever created...

Change Faith Freedom Philosophy Poverty

Some lies are so big that our minds won Some lies are so big that our minds won't accept it...

Change Dreams Inspirational Philosophy Politics

Don Don't love God out of fear of punishment but rather for the true love of God...

Desire Faith God Religion Fear

It It's only in our minds that we are great not in others and when you realize that, then the world..

Change Confidence Dreams Freedom Philosophy

"At one point in your life, everything was achievable but then you listened to society and "At one point in your life, everything was achievable but then you listened to society and..

Courage Faith Failure Inspirational Leadership
