
Halil Xhafa (iamhalili) Quotes & Sayings:

Halil Xhafa

Experience on OwnQuotes: 7 Years 0 Months

Halil Xhafa Quotes

1-11 of total 11 Quotes
Art can reach places where people cannot reach! Art can reach places where people cannot reach!..

Inspirational Philosophy

Art is not easy because it is simple, but because it springs from the soul. Art is not easy because it is simple, but because it springs from the soul...

Inspirational Life Philosophy soul

Sometimes small things keeps you alive! Sometimes small things keeps you alive!..

Inspirational Life Philosophy Truth heart break

Everything starts with a Line! Everything starts with a Line!..

Inspirational Love Philosophy Short Success

Unfortunately, poor people are good only in book stories. Unfortunately, poor people are good only in book stories...

Love Philosophy Short Success

If you hate everything what If you hate everything what's happen to you now,then you are ready to change..

Change Hate Life Philosophy Success

Art is rich, but artists are poor! Art is rich, but artists are poor!..

Funny Inspirational Life Love Philosophy

Poor Rich Art
You do not need the You do not need the 'army' to create ART!..

Creativity Inspirational Love Philosophy Success

Need Art
World allows to commit crimes today, to judge tomorrow in the name of justice. World allows to commit crimes today, to judge tomorrow in the name of justice...

Inspirational Life Philosophy Success Time

World Today Tomorrow Judge
My art probably does not touch everyone, but it My art probably does not touch everyone, but it's important to touch the right people!..

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Success

People Art Touch
Artist retires when he dies Artist retires when he dies ..

Creativity Death Life Philosophy Short
