
Kristopher Adam Orlowski (orlowski) Quotes & Sayings:
Kristopher Adam Orlowski

Kristopher Adam Orlowski

Location:The Earth, Australia
Experience on Earth:32 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 9 Years 8 Months
Short Bio: University Lecturer and Civil Engineer

Kristopher Adam Orlowski Quotes

1-7 of total 7 Quotes
If only age brought wisdom, then there would be nothing If only age brought wisdom, then there would be nothing..

Age Life Philosophy Wisdom

Wisdom Age
Hurt steals control, forgiveness takes it back. Hurt steals control, forgiveness takes it back...

Forgiveness Wisdom emotion

Hurt Control Forgiveness
Nature nurtures all, yet who nurtures nature? Nature nurtures all, yet who nurtures nature?..

Nature Short question

When does nature say one thing and wisdom the other? When does nature say one thing and wisdom the other?..

Nature Philosophy Wisdom question

Nature Wisdom
Knowledge is like a book, often given, but rarely shared. Knowledge is like a book, often given, but rarely shared...

Philosophy Short Wisdom knowledge

Knowledge Book
Easy things are boring and aren’t rewarding either Easy things are boring and aren’t rewarding either..

Courage Education Faith Family Friendship

Although it Although it's not our role to convince people to live a certain way I believe it's our role as..

Change Education Inspirational Life Opportunity

People Way Need Believe