Believe Quotes Pictures

Yes, I believe that our system is corrupted, But remember its our responsibility to change our..
Change Hope Optimism Philosophy Politics
I Believe
Boss! it is difficult but if you really believe and know what you want and work to it, failure is..What You Want

Everything you will ever be is a product of your heart. So be careful of what you think, what you..
Faith God Inspirational Success Youth
Your Heart
It's not only about what we believe in but the amount of risk we are willing to take for that belief..

No one ever has wasted my time, because I believe learning is unending...
Education Optimism Philosophy Wisdom
I Believe
You know how we light up when we talk about our dreams? Keep that light burning & it'll take you to..

The world is unfortunately full of Human beings but less of Humane beings, Believe me, you can make..
Top 10 believe Quotes
True wisdom is gained by understanding that you don't know everything. True ignorance is established when you believe that you do.- michael gallien
When people say 'love is blind, insane' I've never had space and time to listen and take it to my heart. I discovered it by my self, now I believe it's true.- Linda Usman
Believe we can and we relieve ourselves of the greatest obstacle!- Adrian McGinn
Today is worse than yesterday, But I believe tomorrow will be a better day.- Joshua Muasa
I don't believe in revenge; I forgive and heal quietly. But I never let the same person fool me again.- Sibel Terhaar
Believe in the impossible!- David Figueroa
Whether you believe it or not, everybody's shit stinks.- The Quoted Iris
What we say is representative of what we believe in and what we believe manifests because our words bring it to life. Take caution with what you say and take caution with the words you choose to say it.- Rodney Pierre
Papa is always right, Believe that.- Upendra R. MiShRa
Money is not everything in life. Some believe no relationship is possible without money but no amount of money can buy love or happiness.- Chitra Withane
Faith + Believe Quotes ⇑
Faith Quotes
Learn to see past your struggles & tears. Soar for a greater you & believe that your brighter days are on the horizion. It's called Faith! - Kennisha L Crawford
Excellence resides in us all! We just have to believe that it is there, in order to find it. - Sarah Ramcharitar
To believe in god you do not have to go to the church on Sunday or to pray each night, the faith is something in our souls, in our hearts, and our minds, it is something real and great. hallelujah. - joe hayek
Its only when you believe that you achieve.. ! - Akshay Kishor Varma
Nothing worth having is ever easy to keep, fight for what you believe in. - Macmillan
You are naive if you believe his lies; crazy if you believe yours - mohdmustafa99
How can I see the sky if I can't open my eyes and look up? I believe one single step can be one moment ever experienced.. - Tumelo Mahlare
We are human beings because we believe in something or someone. We are inhuman when we don't know right from wrong - Erica Jaimes-Mayfield
Pretend to be happy and eventually you will believe that you are. - Germany Kent
Life is pleasant when you believe whatever happens is for good and has purpose. - Sadashivan
Be ye not oysters that believe naively and follow blindly, for it may be your end. - Yohnnilee OpelKiy Entrikin
Doers are always better than followers even if nobody has believe in them. My Question is what you choose to be? - bhushan madhukar meshram
Everything you will ever be is a product of your heart. So be careful of what you think, what you believe and what you ponder on - BJ Sam
Believe in a man who says that he wants to concentrate more on his work than the one who says that you are more important than his work, because that one who finds his work more important than you is obviously more responsible :) - KRUTHIKA CHIDAMBARANATHAN
The entire mistake of my life is that I don't believe in God but in people. - Bikram Mahata
Lord I believe Your promises. I receive Your provision. I walk in Your blessings. I live by Your grace. I accept Your mercy. I long for Your embrace. - Dr Travis J Hedrick
Atheists believe that nature created them, although nature didn't say that. - mohdmustafa99
What we say is representative of what we believe in and what we believe manifests because our words bring it to life. Take caution with what you say and take caution with the words you choose to say it. - Rodney Pierre
Life + Believe Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
Honestly, second chances doesn't make one believe in you as they used too.. - Natalia
Life is unbelievable to believe in - Drilon Grajqevci
Don't pull down those that believe they can do it simply because you don't believe you can do it - paul odafe utho
Believe, because there is nothing better in this world to know that life is beautiful.. - David Figueroa
In order to be blessed, One first has to believe that he is - Kurt Appaduray
In life we are neither here nor there. life is made up of three things; truth, fact & opinion. it is up to us to decide right from wrong and what to believe - Kavesan Reddy
You have to believe in fate one day, because life does not follow equation every time.. - Avhidipta Mondal
I may not be that handsome but believe me i'll always make you feel beautiful - Rimmon Shoukat
The more you believe in yourself, the higher the chances for people to believe that you are different from them - Mr vybs live
You can always get what you want out of life only if you believe - ease berry
What you believe about yourself comes true, regardless of what people will say. - ease berry
People only believe what is written by ink. - Brian Sekele
Believe in the impossible! - David Figueroa
Today is worse than yesterday, But I believe tomorrow will be a better day. - Joshua Muasa
All believe Quotes ⇑
You can always get what you want only if you believe- ease berry
If you believe in what you create being art, then it is art, no matter what it is. Art has no right or wrong form.- Austin James Lelievre
It is hard to believe that you are Good and Righteous when others have continually told you otherwise. I am telling you now, you are Good and Pure, and the Love that exists inside of your heart is waiting for you to remember your true nature of Goodness. You were born Good, and you remain Righteous.- Amelia Goode
You are the Inventor of your imagination. Your own thoughts will lift you or break you. You choose! Think it, Imagine it, Dream it, Believe it, Live it, Receive it!- Mar Torosian
You gotta believe, That's right! You gotta achieve Day and night! Peace is in the bowl of the soul, Cooked deliciously and whole!- Joshua Aaron Guillory
Just believe everything's gonna be alright, Every problem will seem out of sight. Neither fate would be able to fright, Nor darkness would prevent you from shining bright.- Ritik Roshan Karara
Always believe on the ones who still believe in you- Vaibhav Shrivastava
I do believe we become much wiser as we age, I am now wise enough to listen to those wiser than me.- Danny Ray Boydston
As long as we believe the myth, we can never realize the truth.- AiR Atman in Ravi
To be radical is to believe in alteration by means that have no other alternatives.- mohdmustafa99
No matter how difficult life is, He will surely make a way. Just believe.- Eseka Jerry
Religion is where others tell you what to believe, how to live, what is 'truth'. Being true to yourself is to tell yourself Your Own Truth from the Life that already lives within you.- Amelia Goode
Emotions are masked by behavior, for people believe in magic, but beneath every magic there's always a trick- Kanha y
If I believe I am doing the right thing, then that will bring me one step closer to happiness- Melissa Marcoe
Rather than wondering about the roads not taken, believe that the one you chose is the best- Anik Jha
No blame on men who disregard equality of genders if they believe that women are superior. - mohdmustafa99
Life is supposed to be free flowing, for the hold ups in life are simply caused by negative thinkers who don't believe in progress.- Oscar Auliq Ice
Success is just a word , if you believe it you can do it- TASNEEM SHABBIR
I am a bad man, I am a bad person, my whole life my mother asked that I never become like my father, nonetheless I failed her, I failed everyone in the worst way, for no matter how I've tried I've become all that I've strived not to be, I am my father, I've become my father and so much more, I will no longer bother with trying to beat it, for fighting it is like fighting quicksand, the more I struggle the deeper I am swallowed by the shadow of him, I will no longer try to love or live life, because I know I am my father, I have become what I hate most through some sick twist of fate, a card i've been dealt of which I cannot discard, like a sickness tied to my very soul, I am toxic poisoning everything in my path, like King Midas if his touch had been like the fangs of a viper rather than that of the golden touch. I now truly believe that the proverbial Apple does not fall far from the tree, almost all men are destined to grow into their father's shadows and sometimes even grow darker- chad daniel thome
Believe in a lie if it makes you happy.- Areeba Noor
Pursue the passion that you believe in and above all, the one that makes you believe in yourself.- Zoya Kazi
I believe it's not You who stop to click snaps of the beautiful nature.. It's the Nature who stops you, asking you to take a pause and capture her in your lens..- Ananthakrishnan Subramanian
If you believe that You can do great things, Don't be surprised by The amazing things You Can Do.- Baraniko Eria
It is strange how some people ignore the logic just because they believe what they like to believe and ignore the truth.- Oscar Auliq Ice
It's hard to believe the truth when lies can make you believe..- lindokuhle khanyile
As children we believe that anything is possible, as adults we tend to believe that we can't make it.. If we believe once more as adults our unbelievable will become our achievable goals - Andre Haymon
I'M JUST A GIRL I love being called pretty, but I'll never believe it. I'm not always right, but hate admitting I'm wrong. I'm almost always smiling, but its not always real. I can be read like an open book, but hide so much. I work hard at things, but don't always get what I deserve. I'M JUST A GIRL.- Mymenchelle Laurent
Hiding your love for someone Or someone's love for you Is like hiding a great and valuable treasure, If you should ever lose it No one will ever believe it existed- M Adonis Layne
In the depths of myself I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible hope, A dream so big, that I myself can not see it. Etched into my skin, like a strand of DNA, a soul part of myself. Personal. With nothing but myself to believe in, but that moment. Standing on a windswept ridge. Or hanging by the last of my skin on a sun drenched crag, in a place where nothing works. But everything is found.- Joshua Guyer
Don't waste your precious time talking about things which are none of your business and believe me 90% of the people do this.- vikrant
The less you know , the more you believe. The more you know, you barely believe c**p. And you have the exact brain, you will never believe non existent s**t- Saimon
I believe it's a Beautiful Struggle, not an Ugly Life- Alanah M Freedman
I don't know how far I can go with you but I firmly believe that I can scale the peak which has never been scaled before with you..- Pushpa Raj Giree
I believe in creating history, than reading it. Everyone can read history, but only few can create it.- Naqibullah Paiman
On why I believe in manscaping: It is always important to prune the shrubs, it makes the house look bigger.- jerry biern
There is no destiny, because I don't believe in magic, I believe in lucks and chances.- joe hayek
I Believe I Deserve, So I'm Determined To Achieve My Success.- Undreese Gulley
The universe, so vast and beautiful , makes actions and words seem so insignificant. As I grow, I begin to understand that there are much greater things out there than myself, and although I have not witnessed with my own eyes many of the great things in the universe, the things I have seen are enough to make me believe that in comparison, I, along with my actions and words, am also insignificant.- Jonathan Whitmore
I don't believe fantasy to be entirely fictional, because in all of these adventures is sorrow and loss and joy and hope and love and life, all of which are very real.- Abby Thurston
Believe in your self and believe that one day your dreams will come true.- Hafsah
I believe a person should be who they are because in the long run, this life is going to pass over, and you will never discover who you are, if you don't.- David Figueroa
I believe in no one who doesn't believe in me- Teresa Montiel
I don't believe in God, but I do really hope I'm wrong.- Andreas Dahlberg
You can only establish sustainable development once you achieve integrity in all aspects of your business and this can only come true if you develop ownership & accountability in every level throughout your organization. This is not easy but it is possible if you believe in it - Humaid AlBulushi
Just because you don't believe in something, doesn't mean that it does not exist.. or believes in you- Clairvoyan
Why should we believe on what the bible says if it has been changed so many times as years pass- Jorge Estrada Rojas
Never let people bring you down always believe in who you are and what you believe in just be yourself because you find the right person in life to love you- Daneshka Decene
Believe you can, and you will - Luke Henry Vanlauwe
You are stronger than you think, wiser than you know, prettier than you see. Believe in yourself!- Noelle Meghan
The truth is not just a lie, its a lie you believe in- Sam Armstrong
I believe that racism is better than nepotism. The pain we suffer from nepotism are like secret weapon, you are hurt by those you can associate with by color. But with racism the situation is different, you don't expect too much- Chester Makana
Always believe and only believe in what you truly wish for.- Basil Tong
The only way to believe in religion is to open our hearts. In doing so we close our minds.- Matthew Perez
The world is not based on, fact or fiction, truth or myth, reality and fantasy. The world, is a world of possibilities, achievable goals, and unlimited imagination. In other words, don't believe or disbelieve, of what you don't know, the (only) thing you can do is be open-minded.- Jorrdan Stevens
I was in your life; and I always tried to spread a smile on your face. But I promise when I die, I will try not to leave a single drop of tear in your eyes. Then also I'll make you smile. I believe, you'll be glad of my death.- Afeefa Nishaat
Why believe what others tell you, if you know that it is not true, it may be but believe in one's conscience, for it never lets you down..- haley elizabeth schmich
I used to believe in fairy tales till I got stabbed by prince charming.- Nyrva
If you have a dream that you want to come true you need to believe that you will achieve this dream, never doubt yourself- Isaiah Roemello Solano
Those who WISH will never succeed in their dreams. In order to go forward you must move on, look up and most importantly believe. If you don't believe in yourself you can never turn those dreams into reality - Jay R P
You are the source of my happiness. You give me reason to breath again, make me smile once more and make me believe that life is still worth living.. I cannot afford to lose you for in you I learn to stand up. I manage to live again knowing that you are there to hold me, guide me and support me. I will never loose grip in you because you are the source of strength and a reason of my sanity..- zindy
Be careful who you believe, one person may have many faces..- Gerald Edward Weaver Jr
In the presence of danger three things come to mind, fight for the future, die for what you believe in, and love what your heart says - Michael Amaki
Those who give purpose to starting a war are only giving excuses to hide the truth that those who believe in peace will never accept because of their lack of will, the truth being mankind will always wage war on one another because it is in our nature. As long as man exists war is inevitable and therefore peace does not exist. For peace to exist man must perish.- Christopher Joesph Agruso
Does a mite of dust; a microbe; a germ; a plant, or any other comparative of the former kind, think? Please, don't mistake the inquiry as an irrelevant comparison to us as man, metaphorically pondering of our impact on existence. Erroneous; immaterial. Rather, approach the question literally, with the provision of one who knows nothing of fact, save, that to 'think', leaves option to choose, and upon true comprehension of the question, a second arrives, as to why we were made to believe - Adam Dolinger
Only by adopting the concept of 'being' before 'doing', can you make people believe what you say.- Bipin Kumar G J
1 in 100 people believe that fractions are evil things that happen to other people.- Jack Brown
I trust in God for he knows to bless me in unexpected ways, The Lord is good and his mercy endures forever God said in His Word to us that He would never leave us nor forsake us. I know things may look bad now but I believe God and know that He loves me.- Shaila Touchton
You know who are angels? They are spirit who are believed to live in heaven with God And I believe in them because I have one And that angel is you- Hritik Kalra
I would like to share some information with you. However, I don't believe that you're at the point or level of consciousness required to process this information, therefore, I believe it would be a wasteful endeavor, it's like giving a foolish man a pot of gold, he might just swallow it.- George O Smith
Never allow others to represent your own creator of the universe; never follow and believe others interpretations about your own creator of the universe. others will fail tremendously. the only true understanding of your creator is already present within your heart. seek and ask the good within.- Amelia Goode
I don't hold the DJ name before my name, but believe me they spin worse than me..- Mr vybs live
May the words of our Lord tumble from our lips; and, bless those who believe as well as heal the hearts of those who do not.- The Quoted Iris
I must tell you frankly that I do not believe my efforts to defend human rights hold much promise of success at present. I give my voice because it would be worse to withhold it.- J B
Faith makes us believe in every impossibility, doubt it not. Hope speeds up the desires of all wishes and with effort and determination they kiss each other at the final destination. So hold your tools tight to end- Wachira Wambu
Believe in human rights a little more.- J B
Because I'm not prophet, so give me the ginger to believe there's prophecy, the truth voice of the most high Almighty God the Creator of whole creativities..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
I travel with you wherever you go! I unravel through whatever we know! And whatever you tell me I believe! And whatever you give me I receive, With thanksgiving, love and tranquility, And felicity, and explicitly - Joshua Aaron Guillory
I'll tell you who I believe in! I believe in you and me Together for eternity, Staying at the permanent inn, Living without sin happily - Joshua Aaron Guillory
I can't believe in myself if my brain is turning to mush.- Bailey K
I believe the only way to build peace is collective action for human rights.- J B
I believe we all must be adequately equipped and prepared to defend human rights.- J B
I believe that human rights are the catalysts for real change.- J B
I believe it to be my responsibility - our responsibility - to raise awareness about the importance of human rights.- J B
And this I believe: that without respect for human rights, we will never know world peace. And this I would fight for: protecting human rights. And this I must fight against: any idea or government which violates human rights. This is what I am and what I am about.- J B
Despite the risks and challenges inherent in tackling the global problem of human rights violations, I hope and believe the path to be right, and that together we can implement a coordinated, balanced and comprehensive approach that leads to sustainable solutions.- J B
Saying we believe in god, yet participating in all things worldly, makes us a convert of the world, not of god!- SHIKI E KIRKPATRICK
Believe your character :) - Aadhithyan
Sometimes when you are in the company of people you barely know, you just need to lie to know what to believe or who to trust- bolutife ojeleke
Do not believe your trusted ones..- Archita arora
I don't even see the hate, no debate, I don't believe in fate, just destiny.- James Duncan Moncrieff
Although it's not our role to convince people to live a certain way I believe it's our role as engineers to pioneer solutions that need no convincing- Kristopher Adam Orlowski
I believe I can do many great things, even on limited talent.- Regan Howard
'go home, its Christmas', Edward told Maria. 'don't you have something to ask for to Santa' he asked. 'Now don't tell me you believe in Santa'; said Maria. 'i believe in miracles, and hope.. and if it makes me feel better and instead of blaming myself for all the mess i'm in, if it comforts me for a better tomorrow then why not?' he answered.- Purva
God is not so powerful as you believe nor can he do everything as you think.- vikrant
There are dreams and there are goals. I go for my dreams. Dreams are hard to reach, but if I have the heart, desire, and determination, then dreams will come true. The people that don't believe in my dreams are the people that wish they had dreams.- Conor Fountain
I believe in Stephen Hawkin's words of no life after death. But today when hearing my loved ones going away, I feel they should travel to God's own land of heaven.- dipaks
When I saw you with her I knew you did not really love me I cried all day and all night knowing you did not even care, you said you were sorry but I did not believe you because if you really love me you would not have been with her!- andrea
Why should we smile because it happened when it didn't continue happening? How should we smile after knowing that we were blind all that time, believing all those lies? Should we smile for the pain they made us feel? Or for the memories they made us believe?- Daleen Irshaid
I don't believe in luck. I believe in God.- Gahhhh
If we know who we are, and we know we are beautiful, then why do we have such a hard time ignoring those who tell us otherwise? because in my mind, I believe words, simply are not actions. Therefore, we should not be hurt by them- Sydney Newkirk