
Pacct (pacct) Quotes & Sayings:


Location:United States Of America
Experience on Earth:25 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 10 Years 2 Months
Short Bio: I like food.

Pacct Quotes

1-10 of total 10 Quotes
Do not try to understand women. Women understand women and they hate each other. Do not try to understand women. Women understand women and they hate each other...

Friendship Funny Hate Truth Wisdom

People say a child People say a child's laughter is the best thing a person can hear. Unless it's 4 am, you're home..

Funny Loneliness Youth Fear

1 cigarette takes away 14 minutes of your life. 1 pint of beer takes away 15 minutes of your life. 1 1 cigarette takes away 14 minutes of your life. 1 pint of beer takes away 15 minutes of your life. 1..

Death Education Funny Life Time

Just remember that no matter how hard life gets, that you Just remember that no matter how hard life gets, that you'll die eventually, so pain doesn't matter..

Death Life Optimism Time Wisdom

Life isn Life isn't short. It's the longest thing you'll ever experience...

Life Time Truth Witty

There There's nothing wrong with stupidity. Unless you're doing it on purpose...

Education Failure Success Truth

I love irony. Especially when you can taste it. I love irony. Especially when you can taste it...

Funny Life Truth Witty

Everyone is weird, some just choose to show it. Everyone is weird, some just choose to show it...

Change Confidence Courage Creativity Imagination

The air is a cancer and the ground is your life. Be careful where you step and be sure to not The air is a cancer and the ground is your life. Be careful where you step and be sure to not..

Death Life Truth Wisdom

Do it for the food. Do it for the food...

Courage Desire Dreams Failure Funny
