
Ohemu Godwin Pius (pius) Quotes & Sayings:
Ohemu Godwin Pius

Ohemu Godwin Pius

Location:Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Occupation:Public Speaker
Experience on Earth:32 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 9 Years 7 Months
Short Bio: An undergraduate of Microbiology Technology in the University of Port Harcourt, currently serve as the president/founder of Readers Are Leaders Nigeria--an NGO driven with the passion to help rejuvenate the dying reading culture among youths of the 21st century.

Ohemu Godwin Pius Quotes

1-33 of total 33 Quotes
"Practice doesn "Practice doesn't make perfect. In public speaking, practice makes improvement. And until you..

Inspirational Philosophy Wisdom

"The ability to stand and speak well is not a fortune bestowed by providence on some selected kinds "The ability to stand and speak well is not a fortune bestowed by providence on some selected kinds..

Inspirational Philosophy Success Wisdom

"Do it the first time, do it the second time, do it again and don "Do it the first time, do it the second time, do it again and don't stop doing it. That's how you..

Inspirational Philosophy Success Wisdom

Many people don Many people don't know Jeff Bezos, but they know Amazon. The sense is, promote your business not..


People Know Self Sense Business
Copying other successful businesses without any planing of your own is the best way to plan the Copying other successful businesses without any planing of your own is the best way to plan the..


Way Successful Business Plan
There would be enough time for sleep in the grave when we are dead. Fortunate is the man who finds There would be enough time for sleep in the grave when we are dead. Fortunate is the man who finds..

Inspirational Success

Time Cause Night Dead Alive
"If you "If you're not careful, little did I know may be the much you know."~Ohemu Godwin Pius..

Inspirational Philosophy Wisdom

"I owe you no apology for expressing the whole of my being and I need not your permission to be the "I owe you no apology for expressing the whole of my being and I need not your permission to be the..

Confidence Creativity Dreams Faith Inspirational

"When you make some people believe that they are entitled to a particular thing, you "When you make some people believe that they are entitled to a particular thing, you've robbed the..

Leadership Politics Poverty

"Five became ten. Two became four. But one out of fear remaineth one. And many of us today are like "Five became ten. Two became four. But one out of fear remaineth one. And many of us today are like..

Inspirational Success Wisdom Youth

"No lack of understanding is as high as having all that makes you up as human and you still ask God "No lack of understanding is as high as having all that makes you up as human and you still ask God..

Faith Goal God Inspirational Youth

"The sun, the trees, the ocean, the flowers, the rocks, the hills and all the wonders of the world. "The sun, the trees, the ocean, the flowers, the rocks, the hills and all the wonders of the world...

Inspirational Nature Peace

"Not that they are going to miss me is what grieves my heart. But that we may never meet again "Not that they are going to miss me is what grieves my heart. But that we may never meet again..

Inspirational Religion

"Nothing refreshes the soul like at the point of biding this world adieu, you look back and there "Nothing refreshes the soul like at the point of biding this world adieu, you look back and there's..

Freedom Inspirational Optimism Religion Truth

"I need not be told twice that with a laserlike concentration on whatever I set my heart on, "I need not be told twice that with a laserlike concentration on whatever I set my heart on,..

Confidence Faith Inspirational Leadership Success

"Knowledge is not the accumulation of certificates. It "Knowledge is not the accumulation of certificates. It's the ability to translate learnings through..

Education Inspirational Leadership Opportunity Wisdom

"The genesis of the failure of every educational system starts when there's a gross shift from the original intent and definition of the word
-Ohemu Godwin Pius

Education Inspirational Leadership

"If all that I know goes to the grave with me, then, I "If all that I know goes to the grave with me, then, I'm of all men most miserable."~Ohemu Godwin P..

Happiness Inspirational Leadership

"True maturity comes when as a leader, you don "True maturity comes when as a leader, you don't care who takes the reward. You just want the right..

Inspirational Leadership

"To be happy in the present is not all that matters. Not compromising the ability of future "To be happy in the present is not all that matters. Not compromising the ability of future..

Happiness Inspirational Leadership Relationship

"The only way, the never failing way and the truest way to a happy life in all ramification is to "The only way, the never failing way and the truest way to a happy life in all ramification is to..

Happiness Love Peace

"To know the true wealth of a nation or a king, use not the luring indexes of its commercial cities. Instead, check the lives of its citizens in the
-Ohemu Godwin Pius

Inspirational Leadership Politics Success

"When our revered advocates of justice, truth and fairness rises in full defense of what's crystaly untrue, unjust and unfair, you need not the help
-Ohemu Godwin Pius

Freedom Happiness Leadership

"Wisdom is the ability to see things in God "Wisdom is the ability to see things in God's way. And to do this, you ask God to help you see..


"I "I'm not here because there's no better place elsewhere to be. I'm here because I decided to be..


"If you "If you're going to come onboard let me know now. There's room for you but not for indecision." ~O..


"By the authority that cometh by experience, I make bold to say that knowing is not enough; that knowledge is not enough, and that being a walking
-Ohemu Godwin Pius

Imagination Inspirational Leadership Opportunity

"Conscious of the truth that not everyone would like me, I live my life not to earn the likes of men, but to express the whole of my being, that my
-Ohemu Godwin Pius

Happiness Inspirational Leadership Life

"Since the time of Adam, man has been trading blames. But I refuse to play the game of blame. I chose to take responsibility for my actions, state
-Ohemu Godwin Pius

Inspirational Leadership Life Philosophy

Everything that has to do with the greatness of the United States is wrapped up in the timber and caliber of the occupants of The White House. And
-Ohemu Godwin Pius

Education Inspirational Leadership

A true leader does not promise you your right. He helps you get your right. ~Ohemu Godwin Pius, P A true leader does not promise you your right. He helps you get your right. ~Ohemu Godwin Pius, P..

Education Leadership Life

The top of the ladder of success would be boring if you The top of the ladder of success would be boring if you're the only one there. Lets help each other..

Business Change God Inspirational Leadership

As day breaks and night falls, a leaf must fall off a tree. The fall isn't what count; what count is that the fallen leaf left a spot on the tree---a
-Ohemu Godwin Pius

Business Imagination Inspirational Leadership Life
