There would be enough time for sleep in the grave when we are dead. Fortunate is the man who finds..
Inspirational Success
You're good at making friends, don't exhaust the space, reserve some for enemies, cause only an..
A trial is not meant to cause pain but it does serve as an Umbrella during the rain...
Have you mistaken Life from Death?? Cause you live your whole LIFE escaping from Death, while DEATH..
Death Life Philosophy
Don't try to grow up faster than you should, cause you won't get back all those years that passed...
Even a lie spoken for good cause is good, it's the intention that matters over right or wrong...
Faith Truth Wisdom
Disappointments, hurts and letdowns teach me a lot about myself. I'm embracing it, cause in the end,..
In The End
Poverty was the main cause of crime; today, crime doesn't depend much on poverty to be...
Short Witty Poverty
Boredom is playing with one string although such playing is the cause of boredom itself...
Appreciation is the cause of Initiation..
Top 10 cause Quotes
It is not simply your look in the picture that defines you, the place, the person and the cause really speaks..- Aditi
Self sacrifice or to deny yourself something for a greater good or a cause or a principle or an ideal or simply to make others happy is an experience worth having several times in a life time.- Valentine Wats
Kelly Clarkson said 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. ' Well that ain't true, cause a broken heart can REALLY hurt, like the fragments are as sharp as knives.- Joe Beveridge
Addiction is a necessity without cause- Victor Courage
No matter how much one has, even a petty thing that one doesn't have is enough to cause unhappiness- Lokesh giri
War is the cause of a million deaths, death just cleans up the mess, fear is what kills you, have no fear and death will have fear of you- juan duarte
Spend the time with the people you Love, Spend the time that you have with someone Cause one day they unexpectedly maybe gone, make the last time the greatest time ever never be mad at them just LOVE them Trust me I know..- Randii
'Zero' which itself means absence of any quantity. But the distinctive feature of it is in its measurability on the right side of a natural Number as a symbol of materialism in its outward expression, which is the cause of multitude of problems and many sleepless nights.- sandeep Shankaranarayanan
Its always better to mind each own's business. cause once that's done, you can always move on to others.- bornagain
Listening to your heart is not a good idea.. cause your heart feels and your mind thinks..- jannitzy martinez
All cause Quotes ⇑
Concept of mathematics is like an iron chain in which one weak link can cause the whole chain to break off.- Yash Maurya
One lie can cause death of thousands- maurice boone
Why wait for devastation to be your calling to the cause, inspiration has and will always be there- jonathan castaneda
Always be happy with the small things someone does for you cause the one that gives you little is the same person who gives you big- Michael Ulhmann Jnr
We should seek the entertainment that pleases God and glorifies God and should not be an opportunity to cause others to stumble in their faith- Shaila Touchton
For every human rights violation there is a cause that is simple and wrong.- J B
Unfilled human rights cause untold human suffering.- J B
Usage of another's soul for one's own gain with no intent towards righteousness is weakness, yet that soul has the ability for the awakening of great destruction, even with realization of one's own entrapment many continue to wrap themselves in chains, yet ask yourself how powerful can one be if they use your own soul to to wrap you instead of doing everything themselves? if one's soul can cause destruction of such a degree, then the soul's ability of reparation is unfathomable.- Tetelo Marothi Mangena
We've created Satan with our thoughts, he has become an entity where universal law of cause and effect become a mystery once again- Aniekee Tochukwu
You arise with the mark of nature, to purify your knowledge and awareness, with all this you despise it, by going against your natural growth of birth. You turn into a machine of greed and hate, only to cause suffering to the ones around you.- Kurt Vella petroni
If there is no love, there is no revenge. If there is no faith, there is no god. If there is no dumb, there is no wisdom. If there is no events, there is no forgiveness. If there is no heart, there is no romance. If there is no prison, there is no freedom. If there is no impatience, there is no patience. If there is no decisions, we know what will happen. If there is no difference, there is no jealousy. If there is no parents, there is no chance of learning love right after you are born. If there is no wrong, there is no right. If there is no sadness, there is no happiness. If there is no failure, there is no goal. If there is no death, there is no life. If there is no war, there is no peace. If there is no lies, there is no truth. If there are no effect, there is no cause. If there is no darkness, there is no light. If there is no imagination, there is no fear. If there is nothing scary, there is no courage. If there's no life, there is no world. If there is one person, just one, miss- Karen Kuran
The history of mankind is the most bloody and predictable due to the nature of man. The reason we have honor, pride, and dignity is also born from the nature of man. If mistakes are part of our lives then that must be true to nature as well, since we were born into this world by nature and were given a natural desire to fight one another, nature made the one mistake that would eventually cause an extinction event due to mans lust for blood.- Christopher Joesph Agruso