
Raymond Richard Reep (rayreep7) Quotes & Sayings:

Raymond Richard Reep

Experience on OwnQuotes: 6 Years 3 Months

Raymond Richard Reep Quotes

1-8 of total 8 Quotes
A bird in the hand is probably not alive. A bird in the hand is probably not alive...

Funny Short Truth Witty

Hand Alive
All that glitters is the root of all evil. All that glitters is the root of all evil...

Funny Short Truth Witty

A stitch in time saves a wardrobe malfunction. A stitch in time saves a wardrobe malfunction...

Funny Short Truth Witty

A fool and his money are a girl A fool and his money are a girl's best friend...

Funny Short Truth Witty

Money Friend Fool
Early to bed, early to rise, you Early to bed, early to rise, you're a grandpa no surprise...

Age Short

A museum is a thing of the past A museum is a thing of the past..

Funny Short Truth Witty

With less and less interest in antiques, museums are becoming a thing of the past. With less and less interest in antiques, museums are becoming a thing of the past...

Funny History Short Truth Witty

Museums are a thing of the past Museums are a thing of the past..

Funny Short Truth Witty One liners
